•• 1 , ' • ■ ' * , * e 6-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, April 8th, 1981 Trophies presented at carnival These four young Orono Carnival on Saturday. Figure Skating members are Andy Haines was presented proud of their awards pre : his award as the Most sented at the annual Skating- Improved skater as was Collette Webb. Heather Hoy Kevin Roy received his award was also presented her award as the Most Improved skater for the Most Improved Inter- in the Junior division. mediate-Senior skater and Congratulations. Not given permission to address council v ' John McMillan, a resident In aggregate, he points out, of the Town of Newcastle was . the budget for the Town of denied the opportunity to Newcastle has increased by address council on Monday by forty percent from $4,513,523 a four to two voté of council. in 1980 to $6,101,803 in the McMillan had asked to . proposed 1981 budget. He also address council early Monday states that the Public Works morning prior to the meeting budget supported by local and when it came before taxation is up by almost council such was denied. eighty percent. Councs. Cowman and He states the taxpayers are Hamre moved that McMillan being mislead when council be heard with Councs. Hub- members say the increase is bard, Prout,, Taylor and from 6 to 7 percent. He said Woodyard voting down the that council is not taking into request. account the fact that close to McMillan, in speaking to three quarters of a million the press, said hè had wanted dollars in 1980 was collected to comment on tlje budget to take care of the deficit and which was finalized on Fri- other charges, day. He said the fact that it McMillan said it was un- was completed on Friday did believeable what is happen- not give him the opportunity ing. to present a formal request to McMillan may get his address the council in this opportunity to address counmatter, counmatter, cil or at least the Mayor and McMillan said that most of treasurer, council did not understand He claims the proposed what was happening. He said budget is by no means a * 'hold the only exception to this was the line budget". Councs. Cowman and Hamre. Science and engineering fair in Peterborough The eleventh Peterborough- Northumberland-Neweastle Science and Engineering Fair is being held at the Science Complex, Trent University, Peterborough, on Saturday, April 11th, 1981. Displays on science and engineering topics are presented presented by students from Kindergarten to Grade 13 from all over the region. The event is open to the public from 2:00 to 5:00, p.m. Everyone welcome. Annual Oshawa classic road race The Corporation Of the Town of Newcastle Notice of Highway Closing TAKE NOTICE that the Council 1 of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, at a Council meeting to be held at the Council Chambers, Police Building, BowmanviHe, Ontario, on Monday, the 4th day of May 1981, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, propose to pass a by-lgw to stop up and close and to authorize the sale of the whole of an unnamed street lying between the most Northerly Village Lot Four (4), Block 14, and Lot'5, Block Z, C. G. Hanning's Plan Fifth (5th) Concession of the Geographic Township of Clarke, more particularly designated as Parts 1 (One), 2 (Two), 3 (Three) and 4 (Four) according to plan 10R1188, more particularly described as follows: 1 . ■». ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying-and being in the Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham, Province of Ontario,' and being composed of the whole of an unnamed Street lying between the most Northerly Village Lot Four (4) Mill Street according to C. G.- Hanning's Plan of the former Village of Orono,, forming part of original Township Lot Twenty-eight (28) in the Fifths Concession of the Geographic Township , of Clarke, more particularly designated as Parts V (One), 2 (Two), 3 (Three) and 4 (Four) according to Plan 10R1188, deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) on September 19, 1980. AND FURTHER* TAKE NOTICE that before passing the said by-law, Council, or a Committee of Council, shall hear in person, or by his counsel,- solicitor or agent any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by the by-law and who applies to be heard. DATED at the Town of Newcastle this 1st day of April 1981. J.M. Mcllroy, A.M.O.T. Town Clerk Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street BowmanviHe, Ontario. The Oshawa Classic Road Race on May 3 will be the site of the Ontario Wheëlchair 10 km Road Race championship, race organizers have announced. announced. This is the third year for the road race, which from its inception has been unique in combining disabled and able- bodied athletes on the same course for the same distance. Sponsored by the Ontario March of Dimes and organized organized by the Oshawa Legion Track and Field Club, the race has been designated as the Ontario Wheelchair 10 km road race championship. This is expected to swell the number of wheelchair entries, entries, the number of which has grown consistently over the past two years. Last year required a separate start for wheelchair entries. "We think it is significant, in this the International Year of Disabled Persons, that a provincial title is at stake," said race organizer, Tim Uuksulainen. Carolyn Lawson, of the local Ontario March of Dimes office, said she feels the unique character of the race is something of which the whole .community should be proud. "This race now has a continuity which precedes the International Year of Disabled Disabled Persons, and will extend extend and possibly expand in future years," she said. Winners irl 20 different categories - half of them for disabled entrants - will com- , pete for prizes and trophies. The race begins at Durham College on Sunday, May 3, and follows a certified 10 km course along Simcoe Street, Taunton- Road, Thornton Road and Conlin Road back to the College. Competition in non-handicapped non-handicapped divisions will be as brisk as athletes wish. Prizes are available. for the first three finishers in 15 and under; ages 16-19; 20-29; 30-39; and masters, which is 40 plus. All of these are in male and female divisions! Disabled divisions include wheelchair athletes; blind athletes; amputee athletes; cerebral palsy athletes; - all in male and female categories categories - plus a five person wheelchair relay. The greatest number of' entries, as in most road races, will be the fitness athletes - those who compete not for prizes but for fitness. Over such a certified, standard course runners can compare finishing times from year to year to keep track of their own progress. . Organizers stress that the main aim of the race is participation., "We aren't going about this as a fundraising fundraising run. We just want _ people, both able bodied and disabled,' to come out and rurt," says Lawson. Pre-registration fee for the race is- $3.00, if post marked on or before April 30th, Post entries will be accepted until one hour before the starting time at a fee of $4.00. Entry forms are available at the» Ontario March of Dimes office, Civic Centre, 141 Thornton Road, Oshawa; the kiosk at the Civic Dome; or at Durham College Fitness Centre, or assorted stores around the city end area. Queries about the race should be directed to Carolyn Lawson at the Ontario March of Dimes office, 571-1489. Long Term Plans Need LongTerm Loans. Farming is a family affair. The future of your family depends on a future for your farm and that's where a Commerce long term loan can help you plan for tomorrow. You may have plans to buy more land, build new livestock 1 facilities or make other major farm improvements. Whatever your farming needs, talk them over with the Commerce. Our branch manager can-help put your plaas into action by providing long term credit of up ' to $50Q,000 or more with repayment plans suited to your operation. In - fact, he can tailor a credit package to meet your entire short, intermediate and long term credit nebds. There's a great future in farming. But it takes careful planning t» make things happen the way you want. The Commerce can help. Commerce Farm Services... To help you with the business of farming. >