_ ANOTHER ARENA DONATION , ' Charles Gray received $250.00 from the Newtonville Youth Group Dances for the Orono Arena Fund. The group also gave $250.00 to the Bowmanville Hospital. The Canada Employment Centre for students office, located 41 Temperance Street, Bowmanville. Post Office will be opening Mondaÿ, May 4, at 8:15 a.m. TROUT SEASON OPENS AS USUAL The trout season in Ontario opened on Saturday with the usual happenings and the usual successes and disappointments. disappointments. Again,as usual, the Wilmot Creek waS patrolled by Well over a thousand fishermen, at places being shoulder, to shoulder. Some charges were laid for controversitign of NO Parking regulations and as well charges for illegal possession of trout. Unfortunately there were also reports 'such as the destruction of bicycles and camping equipment. Mrs. Roy Taylor and Mrs. Billings poured tea during the social hour following the Sixtieth Anniversary meeting Society of the Orono Horticultural evening. last Thursday Both Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Billings are past- presidents of the Society. Horticulture Recognition was given bn Thursday of former past Presidents in attendance at the Orono Horticultural Society Society anniversary party held in the basement of the Ordno United Church. Pictured above are David Harrison, current president and. past presidents, Orville Challice, John Caldwell, Everett Brown, Mrs. Roy Taylor, Mrs. Billings and Mrs. Orville Challice. The evening featured musical numbers by the Country Four quartet, numerous interesting interesting displays of local crafts ahd hobbies and lunch. There were over 125 in attendance for the occasion. Named deputy speaker To conduct study of Town buildings Last Wednesday evening the members of council along with the Clerk, Treasurer and Director of planning met with members of the Clarke Museum Museum Board over the proposal of moving the Morris House in Kirby to next to the old Kirby School to consolidate the museum operation in Clarke. The meeting was held in Kirby with the group touring the house and school house and. holding an open discussion. discussion. Although nothing has been finalized it now appears that a feasibility study will be undertaken of all municipally owned'buildings in the, Town including the Orono area as to their possible use, maintenance maintenance factor and condition. Counc. Harare said it is expected that a recommendation recommendation will corne to council from the Management Committee to undertake the study before anything further would be undertaken. She said this, she expects, would (Continued page 6) celebrates 60th Anniversary A large crowd was present last Thursday evening for the 60th Anniversary of the Orono Horticulture Society. Guests' were present from Ajax, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Can- nington, Newcastle and our district director Allan Foss, West Hill. • A parade commenced the evenings festivniba with the following taking part - Ann Evans carryihg a beautiful hand-crafted plaque, made by Don and commemorating the O.H.A.'s 75th Anniversary this year (1906-1981). Carol Mostert displaying the very attractive and colourful banners banners with oùr society's Rose in the centre (our floral emblem) and "Where flowers Grow", our own slogan. The past president included Eileen Billings, John Caldwell, Caldwell, Everett Brown, Joan Taylor, Orville and Isabelle Challice and our new president president David Harrison. The, meeting opened with "0 Canada", with Gladys Brown at the piano and the president welcomed the large crowd. The past presidents all received corsages for the ladies and boutoniercs ior the men. Mr. Foss and Mrs. Dorothy Crocknell also received received flowers. Lorna Atkins gave a detailed detailed report of forthcoming activities. The very attractive attractive display of Mrs. Tina Vanderstoop, Minnie Zegers and David Harrison commemorating commemorating the 75th Anniversary Anniversary of the O.H.A. brought " many pleasing comments from all. A goodly number of Hobby and Crafts were on view and ranged from pottery, sewing, woodcrafts to a fine historical display by Helen Schmitj. -The entertainment for the evening was provided by the Country, Four Quartet comprised comprised of Glen & Jack Allin, Merrill Brown and Donald Staples. As usual this group really promoted good barbershop barbershop harmony and received several invitations for more of the same. Lawrence Staples showed a (Continued page 6) Too many variables for a clear picture On Tuesday, a committee of the Northumberland & Newcastle, Newcastle, Board of Education met with'Newcastle council to consider a Board report in answer to' the claim tjiat Newcastle taxpayers in 1979 •< paid .'$559,000 more by being part of the Northumberland and Newcastle system than if they had been part of the Durham system. In late 1980 a joint repôrt from the. Town Treasurer and , from the Board of Education outlined the over expenditure of $559,000 by being with Northumberland arid Newcastle. Newcastle. At this point the Board said they would bring-, in a final report to council prior to the end of April 1981 which was accomplished on Tuesday. Tuesday. As a result of 1980 study councillors have been considering considering the possibility of having Newcastle join with Durham providing the figures could be established as being correct. The report on Tuesday stated that because, the. calculations' calculations' (1980 report) were based upon assumption which would not in all likelihood be realized if the jurisdictional change were to occur, the figure ($559,000) must be regarded as hypothetical, The report stated that in fact a true figure could not be computed unless all existing (Continued page 7) Sam Cureatz, the Honourable Honourable member for Durham East, has been named Deputy Speaker of the Ontario Legislature Legislature and Chairman of the Committee of the Whole House. Mr. Cureatz was named to his new post on a motion from Thomas Wells, the Government House Leader, and seconded 'by Opposition House Leader Robert Nixon. In his role as Deputy Speaker fir. Cureatz will have the responsibility of replacing the Speaker of the House should he be absent or wish to leave the chair. In this capacity he will preside over the deliberations of the House, maintain order, and rule on the corretness of debases and other matters ip the House. ' This position is one of great respect aad authority and one (Continued page 8) Pour tea at 60th Anniversary