6-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, April 29th, 1981. Presents banner to society Mrs. Mostert displays a Horticultural Society on The appreciation of the Soc- i banner which she hand made Thursday at their sixtieth iety for the gift was extended and presented to the Orono anniversary. by president David Harrison. In honour of anniversary Mr. Don Evans displays his cultural.Society on Thursday, to the Society was expressed hand-crafted plaque which he The appreciation for the gift by the president, presented to the Oron Horti- COUNCIL MEETS CLARKE MUSEUM BOARD (Continued from page 1) include not only a decision as to the future course of the museum but also that of moving the Orono Fire Hall. Diane Layng, curator at the Clarke Museum, said that council seemed receptive to their proposal in Kirby and that the matter was discussed thoroughly. She also said that the Treasurer, Klaas De- groot, had suggested that his office base with the Ministry of Transportation and Communication Communication to get an extension extension of time as to the final decision as to the disposal of the Morris House which now has been promised to the Clarke Museum Board for the price of a dollar. Counc. Woodyard said he expects the feasibility study would be an in-housè study. Counc. Hamre said it was a shame that the Orono Town Hall was not used to a greater extent. She said the building did have character and surely could be used for some benefit to the residents of the area. She did say, however, that any community use would require considerable time on the part of individuals to promote and organize acti- vities. In buildings in Orono and Kirby the Town of Newcastle owns the present Fire Hall on Main Street as well as the Orono Town Hall. On Church Street the Town owns the Library building and the Armouries buildings. Ownership Ownership of the Orono ' Arena comes under the hand of the Town but is operated independent independent of the Town. The old Kirby schotil house was purchased a couple of years ago by the Town for museum purposes. HORTICULTURE CELEBRATES (Continued from page 1) good slide presentation of "Through the years" and Isabelle Challice gave the commentary. This was enjoyed ,by all present and brought back many happy memories, The pretty decorated Anniversary Anniversary cake was made and decorated , by Mrs. Joan Hollingsworth, one of our ox members. >- A delicious lunch was . served to all and a very successful evening to remember remember by all present, v Those attending the district convention held in Can- ningtott on Sat. April 25 - Mr. & Mrs. D. Harrison, Mr & Mrs. L. Staples, Mr. & Mrs. 0. Challice, Mrs. Ann Evans, Mrs. Minnie Zegers and Mrs. E. Billings. Orono Society won the award for best display and are now invited to put it on at the O.H.A. convention in Niagara Falls in June. Swimming Pools Inground Pools installed or kits. Also above ground and on-ground pools. Pool'Chemicals. and Accessories. Water Delivery. ' FREE ESTIMATES. Taylor Sand and Gravel Ltd. 1 Orono, Ontario. 1 983-5003 ONTARIO'S FISH TESTING PROGRAM Ontario is famous for its fishing. The Ontario government constantly checks this valuable resource through its continuing research and testing program of fish. Testing has now been done in 1036 lakes and rivers. , "GUIDE TO EATING ONTARIO SPORT FISH" The results are published in the three booklets "Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish" (Northern Ontario, Southern Ontario and Great Lakes editions). NOW AVAILABLE FOR 1981 . •You, can get your free co'pies from your nearest office of THPONTARIO MINISTRY.OF THE ENVIRONMENT THE ONTARIO MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES THE ONTARIO MINISTRY OF NORTHERN AFFAIRS , Copies are also,available in vacation area • * . Brewers' Retail Stores and LCBOStores during June. Ministry of. the Ministry of ' Environment Ly ) Natural-Resources 1 HON. KEITH NORTON XJL/ HON. ALAN POPE , minister Ontario minister - At