■ I > 8-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, June 3, 1981 Brooklin fair has big line-up Spray now for beautiful roses $12,00 offered in Brooklin Spring Fair Beef 'Show. Walter Holliday, secretary of Brooklin Fair says entries are coming from all over Southern Ontario for this year's beef show to be held Sunday, June7thatBrooklin Fair grounds. There are classes for Aberdeen Angus, Hereford, Shorthorn, Charlolais and Simmentgl. Happenings from the Bay of Quinte Conference BAY OF QUINTE-mlssion Kingston, Ont. -The church does not interfere with happenings happenings in other countries, according to Dr. Garth Legge, because it is "poking its nose where it has no business but because these are God's creatures and we can do no other." Dr. Legge, secretary for the Division of World Outreach for the United Church in Toronto, was addressing addressing the delegates at the 57th Bay of Quinte conference conference of the church last weekend. The United Church decided decided in 1977, he said, that doing mission was not enough. "We had also to do justice. And that means being willing to make a commitment to acf, to stand in solidarity with the powerless." "The west," he said, "not only has only 6 percent pf the population while consuming 40 percent of the resources. It is also seen by the rest of . the world as having the concentration concentration of Christian population. population. We are in trouble already." • But despite the present state of the world, he said we can't afford to give up hope, to yield to despair. "We fear we (Christians) are increasingly increasingly becoming a minority. 1 But we always were. The church has always been tried and tested." "But here and there I see sprouts of hope," he said. As for example, ecumenical groups where various denominations join to tackle a common problem such as poverty. BAY OF QUINTE-summary Kingston, Qnt.-Rev. Ed Schammerhorn of Bowman- ville was elected president of , 1 the 57th Bay of Quinte *Con- , ference of the United Church here last weekend. He suc ceeds Rev. Glen Ashford of Cobourg. Elected president designate was Rev. John May of Pembroke. A petition protesting the use of pup trailers on Ontario highways during the winter months and a concern over proposals for even larger combinations came before the conference for the third year. The trailers, involved in several fatal and costly accidents, accidents, are still permitted despite a 1973 Coroner's recommendation. and the conference protested this again this year. However, the proposal for 105-ïoot combination combination has been denied by^ the goverftment. The conference also supported supported the proposal by the Ontario Secondary School Headmaster's Council for revised cannibis-marijuana legislation which now also has the support of 11 other provincial and federal organizations. , » Both Canadian and American officials will receive copies of a petition condemning military support of the government of El Salvador by the government of the United States and commending commending the Canadian government for its disassociation disassociation with this action and for accepting refugees into this country. In a discussion on salary parity among ministers, the conference voted the decision should be made by the church courts rather than by a referendum among the clergy. The need for volunteers to work in the prison system was stressed in the justice and correction correction report. With each inmate inmate costing $35iOOO yearly and the need for space increasing, increasing, the question is arising, arising, do non-violent crimes require require imprisonment. It was noted the length of a sentènce was more often related to current prison population than the nature of the crime and the return rate to prison was partly dependent on the strength of family ties. The conference approved $1,985,000 as the objective for the Mission & Service Fund. It also approved a fund raising campaign for Queen's Theological College with the goal of one million dollars by the end of 1982. The presentation by the United Church Women showed strength despite a prediction 10 years previously that the organization was on the way out. With a membership membership of 17.6 percent in the conference, they raise 17 pèr- cent of the M & S budget and 23 percent of the local church budget. Robin Lane, the outside observer at the conference, suggested one reason the church was having so much difficulty with the report on human sexuality was that it had forgotten the Old Testament. Testament. Mr. Lane is at the national national office of the United Church in Toronto, on exchange exchange from the Presbyterian Çhurch in New Zealand. "There is a richness and experience of the human body and a reality of the power that lies in it in the Old Testament which has been forgotten," he said. A request from the floor asked for more communication communication between the national office office and the "grass roots". The complaint expressed concern- concern- over the gap between constituencies. The conference ordained 7 new ministers at a special service service Sunday evening. They included included Arthur Mack of Kingston, Jan Markvart of Belleville, James McKee of Chalk River, Claus Thompson Thompson of Perth, Betty Lunn and Robert Schwab of Peterborough Peterborough and Robert Thrdop of Oshawa. Rev. John Lock of Peterborough was accepted accepted into the United Church from the Anglican Church of Canada. * Eight ministers and one lay supply were honored on their retirement. They included Rev. Redvers Brown of Arden, Rev. Frank Hobbs of Trenton, Rev. William Kennedy Kennedy of Hope Township, Rev. Rob Roy McGregor of Brockville, Rev. Lennox Paul of Eganville, Rev. John Roundell of Greenbank, Rev. John Smith of Whitby, Rev. Margaret Errey of Bridgenorth and Mr. Maitland Jackson of Plevna. BAY OF QUINTE - sex report Kingston, Ont. - "While I have serious questions about the conclusions- presented in Human Sexuality report, they were placed by people of integrity integrity and sincerity and are worthy of our discussion," said Rev. Harold Bailey Of Madoc. He was speaking to delegates at the 57th Bay of Quinte conference of the United Church held here last weekend, during a session on the report, "In God's Image...Male and Female" which had been presented for study at the national conference conference in Halifax last year. "Whatever our differences on the subject, the report is relevant," he said. "It's facing facing issues people in and out of the church are having to face." Rev. Barry Joynt of Smith Falls who chaired the presentation presentation on the weekend stressed stressed again that the report but not policy, but a study document. document. Hidden prejudices keep us from taking the risk to look at these subjects, he said. And these prejudices often reflect commonly held beliefs we have pever questioned before. 1 "We need to explore these questions which demand discussion'," he said, "to respond respond more responsibly. But at the same time, we must be 1 sensitive to the various hurts individuals bring." , Discussion from the floor mentioned agreement with it was not necesssary in order VAN BELLE ON GARDENING Most rose fanciers have some problems to keep the fungus such as black spot, under control. Now is the time to start a spray program for the roses and follow it up every two to three weeks and you will have excellent results. Also, for insects, now is the time' to get started. Most sprays can be combined where the insecticide and the fungicide are compatable. This means that they can be applied at the same time. All the chemical companies have already mixed them together such as Floritect, which comes in a liquid and is easy to use. Most insecticides are the systemic type, • which means that the chemical will penetrate the sap stream of the plant and travel right through ail the foliage and flowers for complete control. If you Wish to mix your own, use a fungicide such as benymyl ;ând Dutox, which are both systemic's or check •with your garden centre to make sure that you get the • right material. Weeds are popping up all. over the place, .especially with the hot humid weather. This can spoil the looks of the driveway and also in patio's between, the stones. The easiest way to control them is to apply a herbicide which is called Weedrite, which tfill kill off the top growth but will become inactive when it hits tjife Soil} so you don't have leaking into the lawns or flower beds adjacent to the area to be treated. In the vegetable gardens, , weeds can be controlled by a product called No-Hoe which forms a barrier across the top three inches of the soil, and will stop any seeds from germinating germinating but this product will not stop any growth of plants that are already up or any plants that you want to plant in the soil treated with this material. It works particularly particularly well in spots such as raspberry patches and area's that are hard to keep clean, Every year we get an in- festatidh of tent caterpillars which will spoil the shape of a tree rapidly by destroying the branches on which the tent is • situated. Tent caterpillars are the larvae which hatch out in. tents of white webbing. Caterpillars are up to 1 Vi inches inches long, hairy and deep . brown in color, with rows of deep brown and blue and yellow spots. The best time to control thefn is when the worms 1 are small. Usé Seyin or Diazion for a spray and . thoroughly soak the area infested. infested. Another way is to remove the branch where the tent is located and burn the tent. However, this may spoil the shape of the tree, i ' Weekly garden tips:- It is safe to plant out all annuals, annuals, even the tender ones for the report to be studied. Another said, "We have too often forgotten the needs of the person involved in the situation in our effort to follow religious doctrine." such as the tuberous Begonia's and the Impatiens. Get rid of the dandelions now either by spraying them or with the combination fertilizer fertilizer herbicide. Evergreens can now be pruned to keep them in shape. Prune them in enough so that next winter you won't have loose ends hanging out. Spray roses now to keep them clean. Plant shrubs and trees which still can be planted especially the ones which are potted and pruned ready to plant. Until next week, happy gardening. « Up & Down Bookstacks Patton's Gap by Richard Rohmer (an account of the battle of Normandy) How to Fight for What's Right by John Swaigen (the citizen's guide to public interest law) Like it Was by Malcolm Muggeridge (a selection from his diaries) The Kennedy Children by Bill Adler (their . triumphs and tragedies) The Land of Milk and Money by (a report of the People's Food Commission) The World Series a Complete Pictorial history by John Devanéy. Goodbye, Janette by Harold Robbins (another sure best-seller) The Glitter Dome by Joseph Wambaugh (a police novel set in Hollywood) Licence Renewed by John Gardner (James Bond is back with a new author) The Clown§ of God by Morris West (his best work yet) Coming Attractions by Fannie Flagg La Presidenta * by Lois Gould (novel set in an imaginary Latin country) The Tiger's Woman "by Celest De Blasis (novel of love and passion during the Civil War) ( JUNIOR A Puli name Sandor s by Sharon Siamon (a young girl overcomes her fear of dogs) . The Jungle Book by Walt Disney (with Disney cartoon characters) The Deadly Hoax ' by Scott Corbett (science fiction) EASY READING & PICTURE BOOKS My Animal Friend by Gyo Fukikawa , XValter, the Homing Pigeon . by Nathaniel Benchley Encore for Eleanor by Bill Peet (another delightful story and wonderful illustrations)