/, : I 1 l^jp , ; Interest in modified tractors The Orono Tractor and Truck pull held Monday at the Orono Fairgrounds drew a crowd well over 1000 and ran a program from 11:45 to 6:00 p.m. In. all tractors, stock and modified, as well as 4x4s, stock and modified and highway tractors took part in the event. ' The event was held in con junction With the Orono Fair which unfurls its banners this Thursday evening. The weatherman held off its raysof sunlight until, late morning Monday at which time it enhanced a full day at the Orono Fairgrounds for the fourth annual tractor and truck pull. Somewhere between between 1000 and possibly 1500 were in attendance'for the event with gate receipts totaling totaling some $3,200.00 fo r troth adults, children and car parking parking on the premises. The gate has delighted the president and all involved in the promotion,. promotion,. The. tractor and truck pull started shortly before noon on Monday, Labour Day, and continued through with a .bright sky until six in the evening. All fashions of vehicles were entered to participate participate in the various categories for the pull. * Although the event is held in conjunction with the annual annual fair it was held this year prior to the fall fair dates to eliminate conflicts and to give, ample time for a full schedule of events. The move by the fair board proved a successful successful move. In all there were nine events in the promotion with .some 92 competitors spread throughout the program. Stock tractors from 6000 pounds to over 13,000 pounds were in competition in six different, classes. Modified tractors, and modified 4x4s as well as stock 4x4s, were also in competition. competition. The day closed ouf with highway tractor trucks in competition. The crowd held on throughout the full six hours. (continued page 7) Would take over Orono Estates valley lands Five enter Queen of the fair contest Five contestants from the ' area have entered the Queen of the Fair contest being held at the Orono Fair and will be staged in the arena on a special stage this coming Thursday evening. '* The Queen of the Fair contest contest is co-sponsored by the Durham Central Agricultural Society and Mayor Rickard and has been an annual event for the fair for a number of years. Currently Miss Lynn Rupa "ofBowrqan ville holds the title title which she will turn over on .Thursday evening to one of the five trying for the title for 1981. Those entered in the competition competition are: Lori Summer, Hampton Carolyn Cochrane, Orono ; Tracy Doxtater, Bowmanville Cheryl Fisk, Newcastle Terry Watt, Hampton. Mr. C. Hutton will be master of ceremonies for (he Competition. Fair program is diversified It all happens in Orono this weekend, Thursday evening through to late Sunday after- , on, with the annual pro- V^mtion of the Orono Fair. Thousands will pass through the turnstiles during this period to view and take part the many features which x_.ll be offered at the annual exhibition. « THURSDAY EVENING It ail starts on Thursday evening with the Quefen of the Fair contest, the Old Tyine Fiddler's contest, the Durham County Hols'tein show and a Pony Pull, also at this time the doors will be open to the many inside exhibits exhibits ranging from competitions competitions in horticulture, to farrft produce, apples, baking,, needlecraft, art, school competitions. competitions. and much more. The midway will also be open and ready to roll for the next three days of the fair. FRIDAY PROGRAM The fair.opens with the school parade at 12.30 to be followed -by a student talent show in the arena and other competitions for the kids. The afternoon features the (continued page 8) S c hooI parade set for 12.30 The Orono Fair School parade has been moved from 1:00 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. which is bang held this Friday. The school parade is part of the fajr promotion on Friday in which decorated hicytes, floats and marching marching dasses make up the parade. More heavys for Tug-O-War There are still openings for t teaiyis ip the Orono Fair Tug- O-War event being held at the fair on Friday evening. Aleck Moffat states there are now four teams entered in the annual event at the fair, but more could be accommodated accommodated for the Friday evening evening event. Town's s, u r p I u s drops' An anticipated surplus of $75,000 from 1980 to 1981 in the Town treasury has now dropped to a reduced amount. The most recent report has the surplus from 1980 reduced reduced to $15,000. This compares favourably to the deficit, which existed after 1979 which saw Town expenditures expenditures going over Town receipts by an amount well over $300,000.00." : A request from the Town of Newcastle Planning Department to the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority as to the possibility of the Authority taking over valley and stream lands in the Orono Estate area has now been considered by the Authority. • " According to the secretary- manager, Doug Palmer, the Authority has passed that they would be receptive to the take-over under the conditions conditions that had been exercised with a similar proposal in Port Hope. The request from the local (continued page 7) School opens with good attendance Mrs, Brown and John Reid, principal at the Orono Public School welcome two new students to the school, David Paytdn-Stewart and Brandon Ovenden who were entering the Orono school for ' the first time. Mr.' Reid said enrolment is htolcling strong again this year and kindergarten has close to fifty.