2, Orono' Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 25, 1981. (Brano ffleeUlp Stmesi *- Second Class Mail RcgLsb'ation Number 000368 , Püblislièd Every Wednesday at the office oi Publication • Main Street, Orono Roy C. Forrester, -Editor A*---- ■ r -- _/ OH, TQ BE IN OPPOSITION The current debate in the House of Commons on the Constitution Constitution and Charter of Rights following the reaching of an accord by Prime Minister Trudeau and the nine provinces is somewhat of an education in itself. Trudeau was disappointed in the accord reached on November 5th. with the premiers through the watering down of the Charter of rights and other features relating to the patriation of the constitution. At the time his only support, other than his own party, came from Premier Davis in Ontario Ontario and Hstfield from the Maritimes and then Davis faltered along the tine In his search for an accord, even be it less than desireable. Prior to November 5th. Joe Clark and* the Conservative opposition opposition called for an accord with the provinces and in no way ' did they offer an ounce of support for anything in the charter of rights. Ed Broadbent, leader of the NDP, was hamstrung by his party members in giving support, although we do believe Broadbent was supportive of most of the package himself. Now the picture changes with. Clark arid the Conservatives and Broadbent and the NDP calling for many of the provisions provisions which had been dropped in reaching are accord with the province. Certainly the Trudeau package prior to the accord was much better than after the accord and the opposition is right to ask for the re-instatement of many of those parts in the charter of rights which were ruled out. The Conservatives have even suggested that the agreement through the accord with the provinces be set aside and with the original charter of rights being sent to the British parliament. What a turn around. It is unfortunate that Trudeau could not have had the support support from the House of Commons he is now receiving at this time both from the Conservatives and the NDP. Such, of course, is an idle dream but in the case of the constitution constitution and the Charter of Rights especially, much has been at stake for all Canadians. The game of politics has not served the nation well. It must be difficult to be in opposition and continually have to be negative. This point was made by Stuart Smith, leader of the opposition in the Ontario legislative assembly and leader of the Liberals. He found it difficult to continually be in opposition opposition to government policy when he must have known full well some policy was for the good of the province. The electorate is not altogether stupid, surely Clark and Broadbent and their followers would have been just as v creditable had they supported What they knew was right in the first place, even though it was. a proposition from Trudeau. This corner was disappointed in Trudeau that he backtracked backtracked somewhat on his Charter of Rights to reach an accord and we do believe and it is now showing he did have support in this from most Canadians. * DUDLEY DÈELEY HEADS GLADIOLUS SOCIETY Dudley Deeley who has been a prominent exhibitor in area flower shows and at the recent Orono Fair has been elected president of the Durham Gladiolus Society.'His election came at the annual meeting of the Society held in Maple Grove United Church and tie takesover from Frank Samis. Bertha Barnes was elected vice-president, and Byron Samis, second vice-president. Sam Van Camp was elected secretary with Sherrell Leetoze, Treasurer. * Bill Clarke appointed to Tenancy committee William Clarke, 61, Newtonville, a former member of- the Town of Newcastle Council and Durham Region councillors, has %een appointed to the. Ontario Residential Tenancy Commission " at an annual salary of $35,000.00. Clarke served a two. year stint with Town council and that of the Region and has been associated with various other groups and organizations organizations in the Region for a number of years. He also has a distinguished military career. The appointment of Clarke, and' Pauline Browes to the Ontario , Residential Tenancy Commission was noted recently in the législature when Liberal Leader Stuart Smith questioned questioned the procedure in which Kendal News "The younger generation isn't so bad; they just have more critics than models." We have enjoyed a dry mild November. This weekend has been cold but after Thursday it will be above normal and wet so the forecasters tell us. There was a good turn out at church on Sunday. Mrs. M. Stevens welcomed the folks at the door. Mrs. F. Foster was the organist. David Frank assisted by reading the scripture: St. Mark 8: 1-13. The Kendal Brownie Pack will hold their annual Father and Daughter Banquet on Saturday at 6:00 p.m. in the Kendal Sunday School Room. The Christmas concert will be December the twentieth. The sermon was jhe fourth beautitude. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst. Matt. 5v6. So mqny are hungry today today through no fault of their owh. Many of us eat too much and drink too much. The telephone rang I'm in jail for three months. For drinking drinking again and beating up your wife? Yes. He was given time to think the situation over. Jesus «asks Peter, "Do you love me?" Then Jesus asked him to do something. Feed my lambs. Go out and feed those who are hungering for the spiritual things of life. We have the spiritual food because we have the Bible. Perhaps we can share it. Paul says, "Put on the breast plate Oshawa Symphony at Bowmanville High School ' Thq Oshawa Symphony Orchestra will give a special Benefit performance of popular classics at the Bowmanville High School auditorium, on Sunday December 13th. at 8:00 p.m. All proceeds will be donated .. to the 1981 Christmas Seal 1 Campaign. This program will feature a guest appearance by Boris Brott, conductor of the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra Orchestra and National Christmas Seal Chairman, Tickets are $5.00, and arc i now available from Rickabys and the General Store in Bowmanville, and from Saywells and the Lung Association office in Oshawa. For program details, contact Durham Region Lung Association at 723-315L the appointments were made directly by the minister and he àsked what had happened to the normal procedùre. Fie said the jobs should have been filled, from applicants . replying to an advertisement, submitting resumes and then through personal interviews. Walker stated that Smith had confused the appointments appointments with civil service jobs. He said commission appointments appointments go through a different procedure. He said applicants are proposed to the Minister and then approved by cabinet.! of righteousness." We are told in Revelations, They shall hunger no more neither thirst any more. For the Lamb in the midst of the throne shall feed them., A teacher has written a book entitled, "The one roomed rural school." Sometime I hope to read that book. I am sure she will tell something about the three trustees. Perhaps there is one father of a family on the Board. Then likely one bachelor who owns a lot of land and whose sole aim is to keep the taxes down: The third might be a man whose family are grown up and gone. He believes things should remain as they were. One day I was reading the records in an old school register in Ops township. It said, We had an excellent teacher named Mr. Silver- wood teaching here for $200.00 per annum but the second year he wanted a raise of $50.00. The Board felt they could not pay it so he went into the milk business in Lindsay and became quite successful. About this same time my Aunt, Miss M. McBride received $250.00 which was the top salary. Then it became necessary to come home and teach the home, school. The trustee said since she could live at home and not have to pay board they, would only pay her $200.00 per arinum. She was obliged to take it as her father was ill. The Kendal Women's Institute Institute met at the home of Mrs. Grace Manders of Tues-, day evening November 17 with nine members present. The president Mrs. B. Holland opened" the meeting with the ode and'the Mary Steward collect. The minutes were read and the financial report given. We have a balance of $933.00. A thank you note was read from Mrs. M. Stevens. Mrs. D. Turansky donated $36.00 to our W.I. That was the proceeds proceeds from the tuppe'rware. party she held at her home for thé W.I. The Convenor for Family and Consumer Studies Mrs. D. Turansky gave as the Motto: "You are what you eat." Roll Call. Name a develop- ' ment in processing or packaging packaging which you are concerned about. One lady said red colouring colouring dye in meat was one thing she didn't approve of. Another lady bought a mix when She read the label it said, "simulated blue berries irrthe mix."-She returned it. Another found that Monosodium glutamate • when added to the meat for flavour made the family feel uncomfortable or bloated after dinner. Dyed oranges should be avoided. Then Mrs. Turansky gave her topic on food additives. She advised us to always read the label and find out what Is added. Unfortunately, often the most harmful additives are omitted from the label. She advised against buying whole wheat flour with a preservative added. , One lad had to Ç>e rushed to the hospital because of this preservative. Buy Dread 'that has no 'preservative or softener added. 1 Thet>Mrs. D. Gossort gavq an account of her "Adventures "Adventures at the Royal York." She was Kendal's W.I.'s delegate to the Ontario Convention. She said st>e shared a room with. Mrs. Skelding and Mrs. Hobbs. This being "The Year of the Handicapped" many suggestions dealt with overcoming overcoming obstacles for these people. There was humour in some of the addresses. A home economist said, If you wish to be thinner, Don't finish your dinner. A new roof has been put on the Erinlee Hpme. At the Royal York Dinner, the Honourable Lome Henerson, Minister of Agriculture for Ontario, was the guest speaker. They also heard Rev, Robert Rumball, Head of the Church for the deaf. In conducting our W.I. meetings if the President or vice president is late the secretary should open the meeting and carry on. They were told that 4H. members become fine citizens. Encourage Encourage boys and girls to belong to 4H clubs. Next year the Women's. Institutes will study Manitoba. The Canadian W.I. V convention convention will be held next year in - Fredericton, NeV^ Brunswick. The meeting closed with "Oh Canada". Mrs. G. (a: heart and Mrs. G. Manders provided lunch. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Dr.Jghn W.Hawrylak DC Chiropractor 270 King St, Ê., Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Phone 623-4004. tf St. Saviours ANGLICAN CHURCH Orono, Ontario Regular Sunday Worship Service - 9:45 a.m. "Rev. Allan Haldenby B.A. L.Th. UNITED CHURG10 Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. Wayne Wright, B.A.; M.Div. Organist an* Choir Director .David Gray SUNDAY NOV. 29, 1981 ORONO UNITED . CHURCH Sunday School 11:15 a.m. Morning Worship 11:15 a.m. BIBLE STUDY Thursday 7:00 p.m. Friendship Room HAM SUPPER Wed. Nov. 25th. 6:00 p.m. Adults $6.00 Children $3.00 Entertainment KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Sunday School 9:45 a.m. 1 Morning Worship ,9:45 a.m. Pre-Christmas Sale Carlton Boxed Cards Gift Wrap, Bows, Accessories at substantial savings are all reduced 10-15% Shop Now'and. Save Stutt's Pharmacy OROMO, OUT. ,• VM-SOOf '• J M 11'-" '.' t 1 ; uv'* ' 1