From around the Region Ommi Weekly l imes, Wednesday, August 31, 1983-9 TO DO BATTLE WITH CONSERVATION AUTHORITY The Town of Cobourg declares it will battle the Ganaraska Region Conservation Conservation Authority to the Ontario, Municipal Board over restrictions restrictions in the floodplain in the Town. Mayor MacLees stated half the Town is in the floodplain according to the Conservation Conservation Authority. "No one can build anything in the Town", he said. FREEZING OR CUTTING SOME GM CAR PRICES GM of Canada Ltd. last week announced it is reducing reducing or freezing prices on about half of its 1984 model cars lines while bumping yip prices of others. GM said the prices of 46 car models, mostly subcompacts subcompacts and compacts, will be cut or remain the same in the model year starting September 22nd. These lines account for one-third of the production in Oshawa. Many other models in the intermediate lines will be increased increased over the 1983 price but less than the 1982 price. Optional prices will increase increase some two percent. Durham East Agri-News WATER STANDARDS STATES REASONABLE In a recent interview Brin Devin, Director of Environmental Environmental Services with the Regional Health Unit, said hç felt the allowance of 100 fecal coliforms in 100 ml of water at beachês was reasonable. He said a count of 200 would not be unreasonable but that anything higher could cause a health problem. The Region of Durham is fortunate in that it has not been affected to a great degree with contaminated beaches and swimming holes this summer. OMB APPROVES GUEST HOUSE PROPOSAL David Hadden of the Welcome area in Hope Township has been supported supported in his application for a guest house to house up to 85 fellow Bahai's members by the Ontario Municipal Board. , The board approved the application to build a religious retreat on the 310 acre farm once owned by governor-general Vincent Massey. The application was opposed opposed by residents who argued that the proposal was incom- Ontario Corn Producers' Association to Hold Meeting - The Ontario Corn Producers Producers are holding an educational educational meeting in the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture & Food Boardroom on Wednesday, September 7th at 8:00 p.m. The meeting will provide information on the advance payments for Corn. Program available to all corn producers who become members of the Ontario Corn Producers'Association. FCC Interest Rates Increase -Agriculture Minister Eugene Whelan has announced that the interest rates charged by Farm Credit Corporation Canada for loans under the Farm Credit-Act has been increased increased to 13'/2 percent from 12 Va percent. "This increase will enable the Corporation to continue patible with existing land use in the mainly agricultural community. Several farmers said they feared their farm operations would be hampered by the complex in the area. The chairman of the board stated that the proposed residence would take up very little extra land. He further added that religious discrimination could be read into a decision against the retreat because other religious facilities •already exist in the area. its lending programs taking into account its cost of borrowing borrowing which was affected by the recent upward pressure on interest rates both internationally internationally and domestically," explained Mr. Whelan. "Considering the difficult economic conditions persisting persisting in agriculture, FCC's long-term loans are needed to provide Canadian farmers with the stability they require to plan their operations. At 13/2 percent, FCC's fixed rate for 10-year term loans is still lower than that of most other sources of credit," added added Mr. Whelan. The Minister also announced announced that FCC has now resumed resumed its loan approvals as a result of the Cabinet decision allowing the Corporation to - borrow $250 million on, the financial markets. The government restricted the use of these new funds to young, beginning or financially distressed farmers. Applicants are asked to continue to be patient as FCC officials review the large backlog of applications on hand. OMAF Office Hours - Beginning Beginning September 1, the Bowman ville Office of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture & Food will have the following hours - 8:15 a.m. to 12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Brief, organized resume opens job interview door A friend of mine who lives in Ottawa feels his mission mission in life is to do something to unstuff the average Canadian. We do take ourselves pretty seriously. My friend has a ploy he uses in elevators to loosen things ufp a little. He looks around, chooses his farget, and slides up to total,strangers. "You know," he says, "we may never meet again." Attractive women sometimes think he's a masher; some men (we all know the type) stare right through him and pretend he doesn't exist. Others grin and chat'a bit. Not long ago he tried his little ploy in the elevator on his way to work. Three minutes later, the map he spoke to was in his office handing him a writ. It turns out, fhe guy. he was never* * going to meet again was a bailiff. My friend still calls him from time to time, to see hôw he's doing. I was ■ reminded of all this after reading Allan Fotheringham in Maclean's. Sometimes I think that Fotheringham is the only good political commentator in the country. I'm also sure? I wouldn't think.that if I were in politics. His stuff is cruel, funny, close to libelous and very, very un- Canadian. He is like a- flamboyant tropical plant which was nurtured in the hot black soil of the equator, and which somehow survived a,transplant to this thin and . sometimes peevish northern climate. He throws away more good lines in one column than.thè rest of us come up with in 18 months. Examples: "Brian Mulroney -- - the jaw that walks like a man"; John Roberts: "Everyone's candidate for the perfect cocktail party diplomat". . .the Minister for Acid Rain." On Donald McDonald: "owner of the slowest developing royal commission in Canadian history." Pierre Trudeau: "a legend in his own mind." The stuff just seems to bubble bubble out of him, undiminished by the hostile environment. If you wonder why Fotheringham isn't inundated with law-suits, I suspect it's because the politicians have come to realize that in winning one, they'd lose their shirts. And it is also because he does his homework. He's a working journalist, and when you analyze the acid-that he spills on the back page of Maclean's, you , : 'ize there is very little of it that is even faintly ac- Y_yiable. Here's to Fotheringham and my fcjumtious pal on the elevators. We may yet; learn to laugh at ourselves. « i By Marshall The resume is the most important tool an unemployed unemployed person has for selling himself or herself to an employer. No matter how much ability you have, 1 you are unlikely to get a job interview -- much less a job -- unless your resume impresses the employer in a positive way. Following are the essential essential ingredients of a good resume: Dollar Sense offers general financial advice by members members o'f The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario. Marshall Fudge is with Robert Half of Toronto Ltd., Financial and EDP Personnel Placement Specialists. Specialists. Chartered Accountants. Accountants. Toronto. • Be brief. For every job opening these days there are at least 100 applicants, and hiring'officers do not 'have "the time to plough through pages of turgid prose. The resumes most likely to be read in their entirety are one-page resumes, resumes, followed by the two-pagers. Longer ones are usually put on the bottom bottom of the pile and read last (if someone else has not been hired by that time). • Organize your resume under three (or four) headings headings in the following order: personal (very brief), education education (but. don't bother with all the one-week and Fudge. CA two-week courses you have taken: employment (this,.is the key section and should' take up at least half the. resume); and, optionally, objectives (in three-,or four - lines). • The employment section section should start with the last job, and then work back. Your employment in 1981 and 1982 is far more important than what you did in 1960. • Be positive. Highlight what you do beêt. Emphasize Emphasize the salient points you want the employer to absorb or you will lose him. De-emphasize your weak points, but be careful in doing this that you neither exaggerate nor mislead. Stress what you have accomplished rather than your responsibilities in various jobs. • The hiring officer has the company's interests in mind, not yours, so make it clear that you can help increase increase revenues or reduce costs. He wants to hear what contribution you can make. Don't,even mention such self-serving topics as salary, fringe' benefits and working conditions. There will be plerfty of time,for these subjects if and when you reach the interview . stage. Remember: If you don't create a positive impression, impression, you won't eyen get an interview. ORONO FAIR Saturday, Sept. 10, '83 at the ORONO ARENA Music by Bill Taylor & Tradesman Western and Modern Music Dancing from 9:00 p.m.' to 1:00 a.m. $10.00 per douple Tickets at the door NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Take notice that the Regional Planning Committee Committee will consider at a meeting to be held on: September 6, 1983 AT 1:00 p.m. council'chambers - REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS IN WHITBY . 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WHITBY AN APPLICATION TO AMEND •THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN The amendment, as proposfed by the applicant, would permit a waste disposal site and recycling operation within the area indicated on the map below. , Subsequently, the RegionalCouncil will consider the^ecommendation of the Planning Committee at a meeting to be held on: September 14, 1983 AT 1.:00 p.m. • COUNCIL CHAMBERS , REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS BUILDING 605 ROSSÏAND ROAD EAST, WHITBY The report related to the amendment application is available for inspection in the offices of the Planning Department,' 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby Whitby or by calling Mr. L. Kotâeff, M.C.I.P. Planning Department, (416) 668-7731. , « / Requests to appear before the Planning Committee Committee as a deputation concerning the amendment application must be forwarded to Qc. M. Michael, M.C.I.P. Commissioner of Planning. 105 Consumers Consumers Drive, Whitby,'Ontario L1N 6A3, and must ,be received by the Friday preceding the rYieeting. , Requests to appear'before Regional.Council as a i deputation concerning the amendment application application must be forwarded to the Regional Clerk, Regional Headquarters Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitjpy, Ontario L1N-6A3, and must be received-48 hours prior to the Regional Council meeting. GaryHerrema Regional Chairman Purchase Order No. AD 0595 ,C.W: Lundy, A.M.C.T. Regional Clerk