i t Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, April 15, 1987-7 Junior Gardeners take arranging tips Yvonne Maitland from the Apple Blossom Shop was the guest speaker at the recent meeting of the Orono Junior Gardeners. We were very pleased to welcome fiVe new members to this exceptional demonstration of flower arranging. Christa Clapdorp, Greg and Jeff Éinlay, Jill and Melanie Rypstra have joined our club. Yvohne in her delightfully effective effective manner gave step-by-step instructions instructions on how to make a centrepiece. centrepiece. She explained that she prefers tq use a iharp knife to cut flower stems because scissors i crush the passage way for water to go up. Some points to remember: 1. Use a knife only with adult supervision supervision 2. Condition flowers (pick a day before.using and keep cool in water) 3. Dining table centrepiece - not too high 4. Use appropriate size flower for size of container. Two very lucky draw prize win ners Of the flower designs Yvonne had made were Danny Powsey and Jennette Haan. Each member was presented with a dish and oasis from the club and a complimentary package of flower preservative and a cut flower from the Apple Blossom Shop. The next meeting will be a spring flower show on May 14. For more information contact Jack Borremans Borremans 983-9737 or Corrie De Jong 983-5494. Junior Gardeners place well at Nestleton Orono Jiinior Gardeners were Well represented at a District 17 United Church Women (Continued? from page 6) t Coming Events . Events which have been planned for the near future are: Conference UCW Annual Meeting April 7 and 8, 1987 at St. Mark's Church, Whitby; Whitby; the Young Women's Seminar on April 29, 1987 at. 15:30 p.m. dessert, speakers at 7:00 p.m. at Ebenezer United Church, Courtice Road South. "Women Reaching Out" speakers will be Alice-Jean Finlay, Pres, of International Committee, Committee, World Day of Prayer; Anne Johànnisse, Chairperson Pickering, Amnesty Group No. 90; Marilyn Milburn, participant Carribean project, Canadian Foundation for World Development; - Ann Martin, speaking on 10 Days for World Development "Why are People Hungry". Register with Susan at 728-3956. Convention Nestleton. We sent in six "Dutch Gardens" that had been made at a previous meeting. In a class of 12 entries we took home two prizes. Danielle Borremans won first and Diana Borremans second. All others received honourable mention. For the class entitled "Veg-E.T.-ables" (a creature from another planet) we sent in five entires entires and took home two prizes. In a class of 8 Reuben De Jong's threeheaded threeheaded creature placed first and was selected by the judge for Best in Junior Show. Katrina De Jong's creature won second. Congratulations to all who participated participated in this event. No OHAP money for Newcastle PRIDE plan The Region of Durham have replied to a request from the Town of Newcastle in that $350,000 be withdrawn from the OHAP Reserves for a Nash-Townline Road watermain and sanitary, sewer construction construction . The Region informs the Town that there is no money remaining in the OHAP Reserve and that further residents in the area have objected to such an undertaking as to being too costly. The letter also informed the Bowmanville Cenotaph not needed to be moved Council on Monday gave their approval to the relocation of the Handicap Access for the new administrative administrative building in bowmanville bowmanville from the south of the building to the north. Due to the relocation of the access to the north it will not be necessary to move the Bowmanville Bowmanville Cenotaph which move has been strongly objected to by the Bowmanville Legion. Plans for the new administrative, building had incorporated a move of the Cenotaph some three to four feet. Thé Legion had demonstrated at the official sod turning objecting to the move and then meet with members pf council over the move. On Monday, Larry Kotseff presented new plans with the architects architects recommending that the Handicap Access be moved to the north of the building and that the Cenotaph not be disturbed. Council gave their approval of the move to the north of the access with the understanding that the Chief Administrative Officer review any possible safety factors. Mayor Winters had questioned the safety factor of such access on the north side of the building. Courtice garbage plan being reconsidered The issue of garbage collection in the Courtice area'has again been before council following numerous complaints of area residents who are asking that the service be undertaken undertaken by the Town. At the present time garbage collection collection in Courtice undertaken by a private contractor with residents volunteering to take the service. On Monday night council gave approval for the Town to call tenders for the collection of garbage in Courtice and to further survey residents in the Courtice Urban .area to determine whether or not the majority majority of residents wish to have garbage garbage collection services supplied by the Town. Town that there appeared no difficulties difficulties With wells in the area nor with septic systems. The letter further stated (hat the reconstruction of the road by the Town would mean thgt the services and water and,sewers would not take place in the foreseeable future. The Town of Newcastle had considered considered the water and sewer project in - the Nash Road area as a P.R.I.D.E. program arid was hopeful of being able to use OHAP funds to cover'part of the cost of the project. Corporation of the TOWN OF NEWCASTLE The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Requires A Building Inspector/Plans Examiner (Union Position) The Town of Newcastle is accepting applications for the position of Building Inspector/Plans Examiner with'the Planning Planning and Development Department. The successful candidate will be required to assume a variety variety of responsibilities within the- Building Division of the Planning and Development Department, and more ■ specifically, will<be required to; * a) receive, review and examine building plans for new con- ■struction and additions and alterations to existing ] buildings and structures. b) provide information to home owners, builders, architects architects and engineers on the requirements and inter-1 pretatfon of the Ontario Building Code. c) inspect buildings under construction to ensure com-1 pliance with Building Code requirements. Applicants should ha^e a minimum of five (5) yea^s ex-' perience as a municipal Buildina Insnector or a minimum of; two (2) years experience combined with a post secondary | school education with specific skills in architectural or structural technology. Applicants should have a working knowledge of,the Ontario Building Code with specific experience in plans examination examination and field inspection. The successful applicant must have the ability to corrf municate courteously and effectively, both verbally and in written form. ' The successful applicant must also possess a-Valid Ontario motor vehicle operator's licehsç. This is a union position, Code 13 of the Inside Collective Àgreemept. Salary Range: $22,689 - $28,389 (1986 raté). Applications will be received in confidence until 4:30 p.m., Friday, April 24, 1987. We thank all applicants but advise that applications will not be acknowledged. Those ap- plicants-selected for an*interview will be notified by May 1st 1987. , ifC Lawrence E, Kotseff Chief Administrative Officer 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 E-Mi* ; File No. 113 Date of Publication: April 15, 1987 P.O. No. A 1796