Vie for Durham East Seat (Continued from page 10) terçsting games for all to participate in, "Never have I seen such activity / as at this Samboree" said, the Connecticut Connecticut resident. The major portion of the group came from the U.S. with some from as far away as Arazona. It was pointed out that 15 families were part of a caravan that started.out on July 3rd and will coptinue to other points during August. . It was the third G6od Sam rally to be held in Orono at the fairgrounds and according to Smiley Cook there will be more. He* said we have all the facilities here that we need and we have looked looked all over the area for such accommodation. accommodation. He made mention of the fact of the new exhibit building with the cement floor that was ideal for activities and group events. June Hrock spoke of the fun playing lemon golf, driving nails and other unusual games which went along with the regular horseshoe pitching. . They spoke of the pancake breakfast served by the Kinsmen and a delicisous roast beef dinner served by Orono's Catering Con-, nection. Musical Entertainment for the evening was provided by Janette Desousa and Hrock agaiji said it was terrific and in fact she has been hired to play at a similar event in 1988 which event is being held in Montreal. Frank Hrock spoke of a similar complex as the Orono fairgrounds, but somewhat larger in Center Hall, Penn., where events are underway every week-end of the year. He said the town owns the complex and is able to do away with municipal taxes using the surplus from the operation. He did point out that the Town did receive State taxes. "We have looked all over and can't find a better place than this in central Ontario", said Smiley Cook, a past organizer for the Good Sam group. Job Printing Orono Weekly Times Phone'983-5301 v Orono Contestants Wanted . » for the . DURHAM CENTRAL FAIR QUEEN SEPT. 10,1987 Entrants must be 17 by August 1, 1987 and not have reached her 23rd birthday by August 1, 1987 Prizes include money, jewellery box, make up, flowers, etc. Experience rewarding. CONTACT BONNIE REID at 983-9228 for fuçther information OPEN LETTER to DIANE HAMRE In regards to the news item of the name change of a road from Hale to Stapleton road 1 wbuld like to clarify this to the public in which,Diane Hamre quoted that the Hale landfill had only been on the road for 25 years. Well Diane I would like to tell you this road name change had nothing to do with the landfill. The Hales were on this road for five generations and stiH are, so if that is n.ot pioneers of the community I would like to know what you call it. My husband husband was born on the home farm and raised there as were his sisters and brother, also grandchildren have been raised there. Diane on what property do you think the landfill is, it is on the Hale pioneer homestead. Also in the news item it said it was a 4-2 vote, well, Diane it was a 3-2 vote and the deciding vote was made by councillor, Frank Stapleton, a cousin of the Stapleton families. I ask you is this fair play? Also there is a letter in council to confirm that 25 years ago the road was* named Hale Road. 1 see this was also overlooked. So I say to the citizens of the. town of Newcastle if you don't like the new names on your sideroads get in touch with Diane Hamre, she'll change them for ) remember at the taxpayers dost, for making new signs ing men to put them up. - Another news item also appeared in the paper weeks ago where you were opposing the landfill-1 would like to know how you can oppose the landfill -when you have never visited it or even talked to the Hale'family about it. You have on several occasions been sent invitations to attend meetings ■ and parties and have declined on all invites for one reason or another. I would think you should haye attended some meetings and got your information first hand instead of second second hand. Then you could get up in council and say yes or no instead of no all the time. All other councillors have attended meetings and had tours of the landfill which you declined on. So | can understand if they say no because they know what they are talking about when it comes to landfill. I have every reason to believe yog owe the Hale family a public apology for discriminating, their name* , ' Mrs.- Betty Hale 1 . - Newtonville, Ontario you, but and hfr- about 3 glass. All of this excitement will take place in front of the Grands- --- 1 : tand on Friday night of the Fair commencing at 7:00 p.m. Fairgoers on Friday, September 11th will experience a rare and entertaining treat in the form of form such feats as magic, fire- Tunka Abdurama. Tunka will per- eating, dancing, and walking on 12-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday* August 12, 1987 Friday Evening Entertainment at Fair