7 4-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, August 12, 1987 Around the Board with Bob WiHsher The summer lull in board activities activities will soon end as administration administration and school staff prepare for the new school year. Many are on vacation vacation right now but not so in the maintenance are$ of the board. Glen Holmes and his competent staff have been working at a fast pace to get all of those things done that can only be done in the summer. summer. The general public perception is that very little happens during the summer. Appearances may support that view but reality suggests otherwise. otherwise. Many teachers are taking summer courses. These courses will permit some to expand their teaching skills to new subject areas. For some it's a matter of updating existing abilities. For all those studying this summer summer our congratulations. It must be difficult to "hit the books' with the weather being so fine. Teachers are not the only ones at school this summer. The board operates a very good summer school program of both credit and general interest courses. The program program has been popular for the past number of years and hopefully will continue into the future. For the first time our board was accepted for participation in the SEVEC Summer Exchange Program Program during July. The Society for Educational Visits and Exchanges in Canada (SEVEC) is located in Ottawa and financed by the Ontario Ministry of Education, the Secretary, of State, Employment and Immigration Canada, participating participating school boards and donations donations from the private and corporate corporate sector. The aim of Sevec is to give Canadian anglophone and francophone elementary and secon dary students a chance to learn the Other language and culture in an immersion immersion situation. The local SEVEC team consists of a teacher/co-ordinator and bilingual bilingual monitors (University students). The team is responsible for student recruitment, interviewing, interviewing, twinning, preparation and operation of the July program and submission of a report to the board when the exchange is complete. Heather Goody a teacher from Clarke High School was assisted by Ken O'Boyle of Newcastle, Audra Goorbarry, Orono and Jackie Van ,Den Wildenberg of Port Hope in the local program. During July,40 students from our board participated in the exchange. During the first part of the month our students visited students from C.S.R. Louis - Hemon in Quebec and the students from C.S.R. Louis - Hemon returned the visit during the Jast half of July. Students had a chance to par-. ticipate in a wide variety of activities. activities. They had the opportunity of visiting important local and provincial provincial attractions. Students were required to communicate in the other's language. As one can imagine imagine the results, at times, were humourous. I had the chance to attend a farewell dinner on July 29 in Port Hope. It was evident that the exchange exchange had been an outstanding success. New friendships had been established. Many students found out more about themselves than their francophone twin. It was apparent apparent that the exchange was a learning learning experience for all involved. Co-ordinating an exchange is a major task requiring months of Awards presented at Durham College Judy Lambert of Oshawa, a recent recent graduate of the Nursing Assistant Assistant Program at Durham College was this year's recipient of the Beth Skinner Scholarship for Clinical Nursing. Mrs. Judy Robinson, a faculty member of the Nursing Assistant program made the presentation presentation at the finishing party for the 1987 graduates at Durham College on Friday, June. 12th. The scholarship w,as established in 1976 as a memorial to Beth Skinner, Skinner, a teacher in the prograrii. It may be awarded annually to a graduating student who shbws exceptional exceptional ability in bedside nursing. Only students who show a high level of skill as well as a sincere interest in their patients, and enthusiasm for their work are considered. Mrs. Donna Oates of the Ontario Association of Registered Nursing Assistants presented two special awards at the finishing party. Mrs. Patricia Potts of,,Ajax was presented with an award for achieving achieving the highest academic standing in the Nursing Assistant program. Mrs. Mary Dostert of Oshawa received recognition for excellence in clinical performance. Expert Watch Services (Div. of Hooper's Jewellers Ltd.) 9 Antique Pocket Watches & Modem Watch Repairing All work done by Swiss-Trained Watchmaker (W.O.S.T.E.P.) (Neuchâtel, Switzerland) Member of Canadian & American Watchmakers & Jewellers Asspc. AH work.guaranteed. Free Estimates. DANNY HOOPER (Certified Watchmaker) 39 King Street West Bowmahvillê, Ontario L1C1R2 1 (416)623-5747 AGENTS hUK: S Rolex quartz Cardinal Seiko 9 Tudor Caravelle CjI Omega ^ Heuer © Citizen X Howard MWhr Grandfather Clocks Eagle Star Pocket Watches Largest Selection of Watclfes Anywhere Jjil Pulsar ijl Bulova 1 JJJJ-SWatch work. Without proper planning the program can turn into a major disaster. The fact that this first experience experience for out board turned out as well is due to )leather Goody and her monitors, congratulations to each of you on a job well done! The Premier has called a provincial provincial election for September. There will be many issues important to the electors of Ontario. I urge every voter to make education one of those issues. It is important for you to realize that much of what happens happens is controlled directly or indirectly indirectly by Queen's Park. It should be everyone's responsibility to find .out where local candidates stand on issues in education. Quality education education can only happen if Queen's Park supports it. Where do candidates stand on class sizes? What is'their policy with respect to capital funding? Do they support a return to 60% funding of education by the province? What would they do to support boards in their effort to provide quality adult education programs? The concerns are real and lengthy. It is important to havq your candidate clearly state her/his policy before the election. The* next board meeting will be held on August 27, 1987 at the board's offices in Cobourg beginning beginning at 7:30 p.m. If you have the time you are welcome to attend. M0 M'S KITCHEN Downtown Orono - 983-5310 EAT IN or TAKE OUT Special This Week... Hamburger .... 1.50 Cheeseburger 1.60 Banquetburger 1.75 and if you add $1.00 you get a double Offer good until Tuesday, August 18th, 1987 Mon. - Wed. - 6:30 to 6:00 p.m. Thurs. 6:30 a.m.-7:00 Fri. 6:30 a.rri.*8:00 p.m. ■Saturday 6:3Q- Sunday 5:00 p.m. Closed SHERUJin umijams Preservative WOOD STAINS FEATURING .< • A full rangé of Solid and Semitransparent- colors to choose from. ' • Ideal for use on pressure treated lumber. SHERUJin uj imams 'Trademark of The Sherwin-Williams Company used under License by BAPCÔ 'Contains a Wood Preservative (Diqhclolluanid 0.85%) for greater protection. ROLPH (DOMINION)) Phone 983-5207