6-Orone Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 18, 1987 N EWTON VILLE ALIVE oil weekends in Orono for the A New Look Inside and Out The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce opened its doors on Monday on the west side of Main Street rather than on the east side. Its a new look both in the interior and as well on the exterior. The move to the new premises was made over the week-end. Congratulations. Spotlight on Skating Orono Skating Club over) Second Figure and Junior Bronze Freeskate; Tanya Clemens 12, qualified for Pre-Novice A (12 and under) on her Third Figure and (Continued on page 7) I hope you all enjoyed the dance last Saturday night. I know I did. The draw for the Harbour/Castle weekend or rocking chair was won by Kelly Vance who chose the rocking rocking chair. That lêft the weekend package for two, to the second place winner, Rob Parr. The Winning Winning tickets were sold by ,Wade Worsley and Shauna Widawski. « All of our parents are asked to respond to the form on the carnival. As you know our club is hosting the Pineridge Intraclub competition in February and it is a major undertaking. undertaking. Each club in this area (there are ten) MUST take a, turn hosting this competition and this year it is our turn. This is a requirement 6f eacfi club and not something the club just (loes on its own. There are many rulês'and regulations that the competition must conform to, and this involves many hours of meetings and preparation on behalf of some of our executive. As there are only a dozen executive members to do all the planning, it makes it difficult to plan a carnival right after Pineridge. Therefore, we need the help of parents to do the work required in order to put on a carnival; including heading up major committees. Our executive is half the size of last year's executive and we havc.bccy involved in organizing banquets, ,a dance, a draw, a cheese drive, juice sales, publicity, as well as executive meetings and the general running of our Canskate program. A few people people can only do so much. We all would like to ^put on a carnival for the children but this year it will be - up to the willingness of more people to take on a major role. Last week many of our skaters took part in a freeskate competition in Cobourg. Our medal and trophy winners were: Leah Stadelman Second Second (no flight final) in Beginners, Melissa Allin first in her flight and second in finals in Preliminary, Ladies, Melissa Colville first in her flight and fifth in finals in Preliminary Ladies, Tracey Eames first (no flight final) in Juvenile- Ladies Competitive and Briar Ransberry third in flight and fifth in final . Pre-Novice Ladies Competitive. Competitive. This week four of our skaters will represent Orono at the Eastern Ontario Ontario Sectional Competition in Cornwall. Cornwall. These girls have all worked hard to meet the various requirements requirements of their age level. At ten years of age Tracey Eames will compete compete in Juvenile A (age 1] and under on her Second Figure and Junior Bronze freeskate. Ashley Burnham 12, will skate Juvenile B (11 and (Continued from page 5) ship is $5.00 per family and is open . to all. A compliment of over 30 ladies from Starkville, Kendal, Crooked Creek and here in Newtonville are now enjoying the group, held in the Sunday School downstairs at the church. A jolly, spot! For any additional information, information, do call Roberta at 786-2699 or - Bev at 786-2280. Come on out, all welcome! "Little Scoops.." -pop into the egg farm soon for those fresh eggs; looks like they're closing for good come Christmas, -pats on the backs..for Kevin, Rod and Troy - they have been working mg young seedlings for transplanting transplanting next spring. -Karate in the works Mondays and Thursday at the Hall 7:00 p.m. All Ages: -well, I really thought my chemical balance was out of wack this past weekend with all that gorgcov weather - hope you got some caulk ing, blanket-airing and transplanting transplanting done.. -And yes, I would really like to find out why, in the name of Mother Nature, all those trees had to be cut down instead of being just trimmed away from the hydro wires down Newtonville Road, Church Street, Hwy. 2 and so on. - to be continued... continued... The Corporation of the TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC NOTICE TO ITS CITIZENS DOG LICENCES 1988 1988 dog licences will go on sale December 1st, 1987, and may be purchased at the following locations; 1) Veltri Complex (Tax Department) 68 King Street East, Bowmanville. 2) Animal Control Facility, Liberty Street South, Bowmanville 3) ; Hampton Municipal Office 4) e Motor Vehicle Licence Office, 157 King Street East, Bowmanville.* 5) Mclnnes Mini Mart, Main Street, Orono. 6) Hope's, 15 King Street West, Newcastle ■ Village. SCHEDULE OF FEES: (i) For the first and second dog •••• $20.00 each (ii) For the third dog #•••••••«• $30.00 (iii) For the fourth and each additional dog $50.00each |iy) For. a spayed or neutered dog **••« $10.00 each DISCOUNTS: . (i) For each licence purchased on or before March , 1st, .1988 ' - $2.00 discount (ii) For proof of rabies innoculation at time of » licence purchase. -$2.00 discount David W. Oakes, B.A., A.M.C.T., C.M.O. Town Clerk, Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. . L1C3A6 P.O. No. A1680 Date of Publication November 18,1987 CO-OP Watch For Our ONE DAY Christmas the Co-op Ad In Next Week's Paper YOU DON'T HAVE TO' BE A MEMBER i < Everyone. Welcome To Shop Co-op.