1. 8-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 18, 1987 Vietnam Vets at Clarke High GOOD STORIES THAT STAND ON THEIR OWN MERIT "Golphers and tumbleweeds" tales of a Saskatchewan boyhood, written by the late Warren LoWes, formerly of Orono, is now on sale in Orono at the Apple Blossom Shop.. The Lowes had many friends in Orono when they resided in the Village. . A book review in the Hamilton Spectator gives a good ac- ' count of the 156-page book with its "12 charming stories, each a reminiscence of three brothèrs growing up in a tiny whsitle-stop hamlet in Saskatchewan from 1915 to 1933." The review points out that the book is more than a collection collection of interesting and often hilarious stories. "It documents a very human part of the faibric of Canadian history." Warren Lowes' younger brother Ray, known throughout Ontario for his part in the foundation of the Bruce Trail Association, Association, assembled .the stories and has had the book published as a tribute to Warren. The book is available at the Blossom Apple Shop. LIBRARY HELPER FOR A DAY CONTEST Here are some of the winners and runner-ups for the Library Helper for a day contest: Grades 1 -3: Winner Sarah McKinlay (Lockhart Public School); Runner-up Scott MacKay (Lockhart Public School). From Clarke Branch - Orono: Grades 1-3: Winner Amy Lywak (Kirby Centennial Public School); Runner-up Christa Robinson (Kirby Centennial Public School). Grades 4 - 6: Winner Darel Wernik (Kirby Centennial Public School); Runner-up Corey Stapleton (Kirby Centennial Public School). Three Canadian Vietnam War veterans took part in the Remembrance Remembrance Day service at Clarke High last week leaving a lasting impres sion on students and all who were present for their addresses. Further details of this visit of Alex Mills, Bruce Rody and Eric Whyte can be found in the "Newtonville Alive" column, page 5. Photo by Jeff Allaway Happenings . . . TO MAKE PRESENTATION TO GANARASKA We received word on Monday that Sam Cureatz is to make a presentation to the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority this coming Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m. relating to the use of the Ganaraska Forest, both in the western and eastern section, by motorized vehicles. The Authority has received complaints of motor bikes using using the eastern section of the forest and petitioners call for the banning of these bikes in the forest. From what we understand Sam is about to join forces with the eastern group in banning such use of the Ganaraska Forest. To date the Authority has held to what is a controlled use of certain roads by motorized vehicles and this includes dirt bikes. DOOR PRIZE WINNERS AT THE ORONO CRAFT SHOW Winners of the door prize at the Orono craft show were Cathy and Pete Obrist of Bowmanville winning 1st prize for the Azeala Plant and second prize winner for the floral arrangement donated by The Apple Blossom Flower Shop in Orono was Bev Newnham of Orono. HEAR YE! HEAR YE! First community Christmas Concert is being planned for Sunday December 13th. Participation is welcomed for any of the following positions: actors, actresses, singers, readers, instrument instrument players, stage hands, lighting and sound, typist, playwrights, poets, wardrobe and make-up artists, ushers. If your drama club, band members or individuals are interested in helping to celebrate this very festive season, please contact - Rosalyn Allin 983-9681. First practice is Wednesday November 18th, 7:00 p.m. at the Orono United Church Main Hall. The Corporation of the TOWN OF NEWCASTLE TENDER SEALED TENDERS, for the supply and delivery of the Petroleum Products listed below, addressed to the Corporatrion of the Town of Newcastle, Office of the Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario Ontario L1C 3A6, will be received on the forms and in the envelopes providçd until the specified closing time and date. Tender Documents can be obtained 1 from the Purchasing Purchasing Office at 68 King Street East, (The Veltri Complex), Bowmanville, Ontario. Tender No. T87-36 ■ PETROLEUM PRODUCTS - Approx. 110,000 litres "Regular Leaded Gasoline" No. 2 Grade. - Approx. 40,000 litres "Regular , Unleaded Gasoline" . - Approx. 300,000 litres "Diesel Fuel Oil No. 1 Grade. Closing Time and Date: 12:00 Noon (Local Time) Friday, November 27, 1987 Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett, Purchasing and Supply Agent Telephone: (416) 623-3379 Ex. 267. m Province goes for 54% of Courtice water cost The Province of Ontario has agreed to foot the bill for 54 percent of the cost of water for those in the Courtice area suffering dewatèring of their own systems. Developers are kicking in $600,000 and residents are expected to foot a $300.00 bill. The Region has yet to give the final go ahead which is expected today, Wednesday. FIFTH ANNUAL CRAFT and BAKE SALE Saturday, Nov. 28th 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Tyrone Community Centre (3 miles nôrth of Taunton Road on Liberty Street) Refreshments Available Quilt Draw • EVERYONE WELCOME Date of Publication November 18,1987 P.O, No. A1992 DOWNTOWN -ORONO Lighting of Christmas Thursday, November 26 All Downtown Store Christmas Decorations •to be lighted Childrens' Carol Singing,,Town Hall steps commencing at 6:30 p.m. . Hot Chocolate and short movie for children || Participating Downtown Stores offer 10% Discount - 6 - 9 p.m. ^