& Classified Advertisements NOTICE TO creditors IN THF. KSTATF OF ROY BFSI PAT TON, late of The Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, Retired, Deceased. NOTICE to creditors and others - All claims against the estate of the • said Roy Best Patton who died on or about the 6th day of July^ 1987, must be filed with the undersigned personal representative on or before the 15th day of April, 1988, thereafter the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the claims then filed. DATED at Orono, this 4th day of February, 1988. MANSON CARL PATTON ROSS MARCUS PATTON CARMAN PERCY PATTON EXECUTORS BY W. KAY LYCETT 5367 Main Street Orono, Ontario LOB 1M0 Solicitor for the Executors 9,16,23 ac THANK YOU The Orono Firefighter's Association Association would like to thank the following following businfesses for their donations to the Annual Firefighter's Association Association Dance. Co-op, Village Bake Shop, Rolph Hardware, Stutt's Pharmacy, Kinsmen, I.G.A., Beckers, New Dutch Oven, Orono Fuel & Lumber, Mercer's Garage, Harvey Partner, Wallace Auto Supply, Supply, Deb's Fashion, Apple Blossom Shop, Wendy B's, Village Bin, Cyr Grocery, Reflection's, Orono Flair With Flair, Major Plumbing & Heating, W.G.M. Marketing, Orono Electric, Mclnnis Variety, C & D Pizza & Subs. STAFFORD MONUMENTS 143 King St. E. Bowmanville, Ontario PHONE 623-8150 For Quality Monuments. Bronze and Granite Markers and Cemetery Lettering Office or private appointment in your home or free transportation transportation to our showroom for Senior citizens and handicapped handicapped people in Jhe Bowman- viile and Orono areas, gladly arranged by calling Mr. Philip Dawson at 623-8150 or after hours,at 1-579-1116 (Oshawa) Complimentary winter I wreaths are available with monument or marker pur- chases at our store. GARDENING/ HORTICULTURE NORTHERN FOOD TREES. Old fashioned Apples, fear, A | in At, Nut trees, Shrubs, Evergreens, Evergreens, • seedlings. Guaranteed delivery. Reasonable prices. Catalogue Catalogue SI. Golden Bp ugh Tree Farm. Marlbank, Ont. KOK 2L0. GREENHOUSE & Hydroponic .equipment, supplies. Everything you need. Best quality, super low prices. ' Greenhouse S175,. Halides Halides SI 15. Over 3,000 products in stock! Send $2 for info pack & Free magazine to Western Water Farms, 1244 Seymour St., Vancouver, Vancouver, B.Ç. V6B 3N9, 1-604- 682 6636. TRAVEL/VACATION |Scc Britain in the Springtime! Join our specialized Tour to Britain Britain and the National Pig Fair, April 24th to May 1st. Call Clare Burt Tours (416)4514944 or 1- 800-268-3090. CLARE BURT TOURS' '88 PREVIEW. - United Church Hall, Addison; April 8th - Red Carpet Inn, Lindsay; April 11th; - Legion, Dresden; April 12th - Hardey House, Walkerton; April 13th - Rockmosa Community Centre, Rockwood. Presentations Presentations at 8 p.m. Learn about world-wide agricultural tours. Door Prizes. Travel Discounts. For further details, Call (416)4514944 or 1-800-268- 3090. CAREER TRAINING FREE: 1988 guide to study-at- home correspondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/ Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide Adelaide W, Toronto. 1-800-268- 1121. WANTED TO BUY OLD WRISTWATCHES Wanted: Wanted: Mens only - Old Rolex & Patek Phillip wristwatches wanted wanted - Also wanted Eatons "Quarter "Quarter Century" Rectangular wristwatches wristwatches (25 years service) will pay $1000 and up for this watch. Phone (416)365-7240 or write B. Walsh, 173 Queen St. East, Toronto, Toronto, Ont. M5A 1S2. FARM SERVICES FARM POULTRY: Offering °vcr I7<- varieties.. of domestic & ornamental poultry: Game & migratory game .birds. Mainly Mainly pcs of chickens. " turkeys, ducks, geese, swans, pheasants: pea fowl, guinea fowl, partridge, quail. Chickens , include 20 week-old layer pullets, meat chicks, exotic standards and Bantams. Roblyn Eyrie Farm, Robinson's (613)267-6623. FOR SALE FARMERS & Businesses: Warmth Insulation Spray Urethane & Monoglass Spray- On Insulation (613) 267-6711, i 133 Gore St. E„ Perth, Ont. K7H 1J6 WINTER CLEARANCE on all steel buildings. Example 32x44 $4,589; 46x80 59,795; 50x100 512,742; 60x150 $25,751. Call tollfree 1-800-668-5111 Miracle Span. PETS FOR SALE AIRDALE TERRIER Pups, Purebred, Registered. "King of the Terriers". Good Guard Dog and family pet. Bom Feb. 28, vaccinated. S300 (613)268-2149 Perth, evenings. FOR SALE STEEL BUILDINGS - 1/2 Price Sale - Buy one building at regular price and get double length for 50% more - stock clear-out - limited limited steel. Pioneer/Econospan 1-800-387-6896 24 hours. Orono Weekly limes, Wednesday, March 23, 1988-9 l^\ JO-ELEN ! (416)623 " 8161 QFy SPORTSWEAR & GIFTS Suppliers to TEAMS, SCHOOLS AND CLUBS CORPORATE GIFT PACKAGES 102 Queen St. Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 1M6 J. Wayne Aasen - Cf-I C. HOOPER [ NT. INCOME TAX SERVICE BUSINESS - FARM - INVESTMENT CAROL HOOPER - 983-5322 R.R. 1'ORONO, 0 Call Evenings or Weekends RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LTD. ANNUAL WINTER DISCOUNT We wish to announce a SPECIAL REDUCTION on all Cemetery Memorials and Markers ordered and paid for between between now and April 1st for Spring erection. This offer is made annually,- We have an excellent selection of domestic and foreign Granites in many colours and designs,from which to choose your Monument or Marker, If:we can be of service to you in any way, please do not hesitate to visit our indoor display at 73 Ontario Street, Port Hope, or telephone us at 885-5216. After hours call 372-0263. FARMER^ WANTED who are paying too much tax or are not using all the tax breaks available. Phone us today. Appointment times available to process '87 tax returns in your home. Farm Business Business Consultants 2109 Oxford St. E„ London N5V 2Z9. Call toll free 1-800-265-1002. In business year-round for 36 years. HELP WANTED - Experienced REPORTER Required Required by progressive Muskoka Weekly newspaper. Position will involve editorial responsibility with opportunity for advancement. advancement. Send resumes to Publisher, Bracebridge Examiner, Box 1049, Bracebridge, Ont. P0B ICO. JOB OPPORTUNITIES - Whitewater Whitewater Rafting. Wilderness Tours, Canada's largest and leading leading whilewater rafting company, is seeking employees for the 1988 season. If you're energetic, motivated, motivated, experienced in anything from whitewater to food service to maintenance, we want to hear from you. Write Wilderness Tours, Box 89, Bqachburg, Ont. KÜJ ICO, (613)646-2241. ' GARDENING/ HORTICULTURE LOVE PLANTS? Fast growing home demonstration network needs part-time consultants and managers. No inventory or deliveries. • Ground-floor opportunity. Plantoasis, 2215 Walkley, Montreal, Quebec H4B 2J9. FRUIT TREES, shrubs, plants. Over 100 varieties available. Extra hardy & disease resistant types. Also nut trees, ornamental trees,& flowering shrubs. Roblyn Eyrie Farm & Nursery (613)267-6623. • MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE $$$. Your old mining shares could be worth a fortune. Find out!' Act Now! Call Treasure Treasure Finders, 83 Gore Si. Perth, Ont.-K7H 1J1 (613)267-7387. 6800DB Drywall Screwdriver, 2500 RPM 5600DW 614"Cordless Circular Saw Kit C/W Carbide Super Thin Blade, Removeable 10.5 voit No-Lead . Battery and Charger 5007NB 714" Circular Saw, C/W Carbide Tipped Blade 1100 314"Planner, hpavy duty cutting ,- to a depth of 1/8" rabitts to a depth of Va". AU ball bearing construction JR3000V 1 3/16" Variablé Speed Recipro Saw L1300BV 1": Jig Saw, for heavy duty application, application, variable speed trigger, speed control screw for speed., 6801 DB Drywall Screwdriver, 4000 RPM 6012HDL 3/8", 2 speed cordless Drill Kit * with flashlight, 9.6 V battery and charger included. 6010DL 3/8" Cordless Drill Kit with flashlight, single speed with 7.2V . battery and charger DP5700 5/8" Variable Speed Drill, revers-' ing switch in the heel of handle, easy handling pistol grip design Reg. Price Blue Tag Sale 155.00 129.50 515.00 205.00 315.00 225.50 200.00 145.00 360.50 169.00 245.00 205.00 185.00 130.00 268! 10 230.00 195.00 175.00 195.00 175.00 .CASH AND CARRY PRICES ONLY ORONO FUEL & LUMBER Station Street, Orono • Phone 983-9167