Oppose expansion of landfill site Orono Weèkly Times. Wednesday, March 23. 1988-7 Pictured above are Dave Scott and Brian McKenzie of the Newton- ville area. Dave Scott is chairman of the Committee of Clarke Constituents Constituents who are organizing to present present a stand against any expnsion of the Laidlaw landfill site in the south-east corner of the Town of Newcastle. Scott chaired a meeting in Newtonville on Monday night at which over 200 were in attendance. Both Scott and McKenzie presented their views as to the expansion expansion plan. Committee votes to keep library open (Continued from page 1) the closing proposal. "1 agree this would impact the Orono community," community," stated Counc. Cowman. Counc. Cowman then presented an amendment to the resolution which was supported by Counc. McKnight that keeping the Clarke library open would not jeopardize increasing the enrichment of the library service as proposed in the study. The amendment passed when it was assured that it did not affect the retention of the Clarke library. Counc. Stapleton said the recommendation recommendation to' close the Clarke library had bothered him since being being presented by the Library board. He said His phone has never stopped ringing., and he suggested that members support the resolution. Counc. Stapleton then presented a second amendment that the Library board be informed that the . Newcastle branch library not be removed from the Newcastle Town Hall. Counc. Wotten seconded the amendment and it carried. Counc. Cowman said she understood that the Needs study was recommending larger quarters for the Newcastle Village area along \$ith an enhancement of service. She also suggested that the board needed the ,Needs Study to "help set financial goals in order to enrich the library service. She said the Orono building would be valued at $200,000 and books in the library at a further $200,000. $200,000. When the vote on the resolution recommending the Clarke library be kept open it was supported by Counts. Ham re, Hubbard, Stapleton, Cowman and Wotten. Counc. McKnight registered a negative vote while Mayor Winters was out of the council chambers. Counc. McKnight pointed out during the discussion that the Needs study had been received for information information and that council should not he considering only specifics in the report. He stated that council members needed to discuss the roll the Library board was to play and he mentioned the proposal for a central resource centre. The councillor councillor also said there was a need to consider the roll between the school board and the library board. Counc. McKnight presented a motion calling for a meeting between between the Library board and the general purpose committee. On three calls by the chairperson, Counc. Hamre, no seconder came forth to support the proposed meeting. Following the regular meeting the members of council reviewed capital budget proposals including that of the library board. On motion motion of Councs. Hamre and Hubbard Hubbard the capital budget for the library was tabled gaining support from Councs. Stapleton and Wotten. Wotten. Mayor Winters and Councs. Cowman and McKnight voted against the tabling motion.', Eldorado would Letter to the Editor keep Port Granby active A plan py tuaorado Resources Ltd. Port Hope to endeavour to keep the Port Granby dump open for low level nuclear waste has angered members of the Port Granby Granby Monitoring committee. Joh Veldhuis, chairman of the Monitoring committee has, been quoted to say "It's the biggest crock of garbage he's ever heard. If the dump is to remain open the Atomic Energy Control Board must give their appeval to Eldorado. A decision is to be handed down on April 28th. Earlier this year members of the Port Granby Monitoring committee, committee, members Of council and Mayor Winters had asked the Control ' Board to close the Port Granbÿ site (o any further use. Instead the Control Control Board ordered Eldorado to come forth with storage alternatives. alternatives. The crown-owned company has named four options but have Dear Mrs. Sproatt, 1 am the mother of two small children, a storeowner in the downtown, and have been a resident resident of Orono all my life. With respect to the possible closing of the Clarke Brandi, it is unfortunate that there are no Orono residents on the Newcastle Library Board, for if any members could experience our town first hand you might use some genuine caring before deciding to accept recommendations made by consultants you hired. . Orono, as our sign states, is "A nice place to live.." It hasn't come naturally, we are a close knit community community who have always worked together to make it a "nice place." Some of our community efforts include include our public swimming pool. Everyone pooled resources and a pool was built in the 60's - a time when many small communities lacked such a facility. In the 70's, a brand new arena and community centre was built because of our small ' town determination. Likewise, our Orono Public Library stemmed from the same over- ' whelming interest our towns people took, 99 years ago, to ensure that its residents had access to literary works. Volunteers, monies, office and visual equipment, furniture of course, books have all been donated to our library by local residents. As our community needs grew our library moved many times until it settled nicely into the Waddell home which was so generously donated by people who were a part of the unified spirit in our small town. A visit to our library is a welcomed welcomed outing for our children and ourselves. Furthermore, it is a way of life, not only for young families but for everyone, especially school children and the elderly, many of whom have no available transportation transportation to visit a library out of town. Surely this is an important factor not even considered by your city- based consultants. As a student, I worked at the Clarke Branch for four years and I know how many people rely on our library. I welcome any of your members to come to our town and visit, among the people in the downtown core. It is unfortunate that you couldn't have experienced our people people at the March 3rd meeting, then you might have seen the people you were threatening. Our way of life has to be preserved and a 1 mere $20,000 per year is so little to ask in order to keep such a vast number of people in tune with a library, a community community project that has taken almost 100 years to build. Please do not make any rash decisions until you can experience our townspeople and the importance of our library first hand. We need our library to- ensure that our town remains "A nice place to live." A concerned citizen and Orono resident, Yvonne Maitland dismissed three involving storage in Port Hope as undesireable. The Eldorado report states that they strongly prefer' long-term storage at Port Granby. It has been stated that when the board meets on April 28th there may be no other choice than to keep the Port Granby dump open. The Port Granby group expects to lobby the board before it meets on April 28th. • , The meeting did 'hear proposal for storage in lined-barrels, plastic containers and other means. It was also pointed out that there,were many problems with moving the waste out of the Port Granby site where now run-off does reach Lake Ontario. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM HOLIDAY CLOSU OF SANITARY LANDFI SITE The NEWCASTLE TRANSFER STATION (Formerly the DARLINGTON LANDFILL SITE) will be closed on Good Friday, April 1 1988). Normal operations will continue on Saturday, Saturday, April 2, 1988 and the site will als ! o remain remain open on Easter Monday, April 4, 1988 W.A. TWELVETREES, P.ENG. 1 Hop On Down to . for all your Easter Needs Easter Pins Easter Bunniei Grass PAAS Easter Egg Colouring Kits at WENDY B'a Department Store Downtown Orono Phone 983-9816 Put all your Easter wishes in one basket, fo r d ^ r r ran9e Easter Klaas to deliver one of our special Send the FTD® Easter Basket Bouquet. Easter Sunday is April 3. Just call or visit us today. , Chocolate Garden Baskets a lovely full bloom AZALEA or a glorious EASTER LILY' ■The . Apple Bloi/om /hop , -DOWNTOWN ORONO 983-9155 A registered trademark ol FTDA. .c 1988 FTDA.f HOUfS 983*9656