Orono Weekly limes, Wednesday, April 20, 1988-11 CLASSIFIEDS INEXPENSIVE PROFITABLE NOTICE If you have questions or concerns about your municipality, please feel free to call me at either 983-5505 or 987-5039, Diane Hamre, CounC. Ward 3, Town of Newcastle. tf NOTICE Women in Abusive Relationships For Help Call Auberge Transition House For Women and Children Toll Free 1 -800-263-3725, or 728-7311 confidentiality assured. Mar. 25/88 l.omax Renovations Replacement Windows Decks Roofings and Whirlpool Baths All Aspects of Home Improvements Call Dave Lomax 983-5554 tf COMING EVENTS Revs. Lyle and Marg West invite you to' join with them on Tuesdays at 7:30 in their home for bible classes. (983-5962 Res. and 983-9341 Bus.) ROLFE INSURANCE WAKEFIELD 983-9438 OFFICE 983-5115 HOME 983-5767 HAMILTONS INSURANCE SERVICE MAIN STREET, BOX 309 ORONO, ONTARIO LOB 1M0 "35 Years of Service" Susan Sawyer Nelda Dawson 416-983-5767 416-623-4835 Are you thinking of buying, selling or are you in need of Real Estate advice? Feél Free ta contact me at 623-6622 or 983-9102 ALINE GAGNON I can sell your house. Please give me a call for an appointment. I'll be happy to show you any property at your convenience. •fclfvM* VlKwr g (jwwdf 623-6000 pat Irwin lycett broker/owner Res. 983-9475 or 983-9605 COMING EVENTS "OUR TOWN" by Thornton Wilder at Clarke High School Auditorium April 28th, 29th, 30th 8:00 pm. Adults $4,00, children under 12 $2.00. For tickets or information pleasç call 987-4771. 13,20,27 ac COMING EVENTS Orono Horticultural Society April House Plant Show Hobby and Craft Show on April 28 at 7:30 p.m. in the Main Hall Orono United Church Guest Speaker Mr. Bryon Samis on "Gladiolus Seedlings" Special Music Lunch Everyone Welcome! 20,27 ac DURHAM TV & ANTENNA Bill Van Der Herberg 623-9955 Antenna & Tower Sales and Service We Also Do TV & Stereo Repairs 151 Liberty Street South Bowmanville, Ontario 0ALEK TRICIAN^ 5 WE ALWAYS TRY TO' BE FIT AND SPRY:WE KNOW IT'S OUR SPEED AND EFFICIENCY. ON : WHICH FOLKS RELY' O. CHATTERTON Electrical Contracting Pole Line Construction PHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario COMING EVENT PAPER DRIVE Orono and area Paper Drive Saturday, April 23, 1988. Pick starts at 9 a.m. Please bundle and tie papers, for information and pick up phone' 983-5840 and 983-5858, before above date: Orono mateur Athletic Association. 23,6,20 ac BUS TRIP TO TORONTO Tour Civic Garden Centre, Edwards Edwards Gardens and Black Creek Pioneer Village - May 10th. For further further information phone Lorna Atkins at 983-5608. 20, ap CARD OF THANKS I wish to express sincere thanks to family and friends for the many cards, flowers, gifts and. visits during during my stay in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, and since-my return home. Special thanks to Doctors Hoy and Coffey and the nursing staff for their excellent care. Violet Dunlop 1 20,ac FOR SALE Childs bike, 16" frame, çall 983-9293 after 6 p.m. v 20,ap Farm Auction Saturday, April 23rd 11:00 a.m. Selling the farm machinery, equipment and household contents of Mr. & Mrs. Leo McDonald, R.R. 2, Baltimore, (Hwy. 45, 3 mi. north of Baltimore), White 270 diesel tractor, Cockshutt 550 gas row tractor, set dual wheels (18.4 x 34), Massey 520 tandem disc w/cylihder, Oliver 565 4 furrow trip beam plow, Oliver 17 row seed drill, McKee 8 ft. dual action snowblower, Walco 8 ft. rear mount balde, Rotella fertilizer spreader (3 pth), Powell F-28 2 row planter, row crop cultivators, 2 row crop scufflers, Gandy spreader, Hudson garden duster, side dresser, . tool bars, 1973 Int. pick-up, Mercury Mercury hoist truck, 2 wheel trailer, 6 cyl. London concrete irrigation pump (rubber), quantity 6x30 Delhi irrigation pipe, Monarch gas water pump, 1 HP volume pump, jet' pumps, 140 ft. greenhouse water system with pump, 125 ft. garden irrigation system, two 1000 gal/ water tanks, fuel tanks, electric hoist and baling boxes, 3 exhaust fans, Sears, chain saw, port, air compressor, shop- and mechanic tools, quantity scrap and 4 old vehicles, 3 fridges, stove, matching washer and dryer, Speed Queen (Continued ) mm mmm b bliLLlbL FIREWOOD LUMBER OSHfWA (416) 434-6665 MILL (70S) 277-3381 1 mile south of Pontypooi on 35 Hwy. CEDAR POSTS SQUARED TIMBERS JO-ELEN (416)623 - 8161 SPORTSWEAR & GIFTS Suppliers to TEAMS, SCHOOLS AND CLUBS CORPORATE GIFT PACKAGES 102 Queen St. Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 1Ni)6 1 J. Wayne Aa$en HWY 115 • TRUCK & AUTO LTD. To All Cars and Trucks TOWING 983-9151 or 983-9152 Springtime Favourites -Enjoy the taste of spring with Pure Maple Syrup -Salads taste'better with Hbt House Tomatoes Asparagus coming In May Your Favourite Atmosphere Controlled APPLES Highway 115 - South of Orono 983-5628