6-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, April 27, 1988 Newton ville Alive by: Peggy Mullan George Sikma wins distinguished award by John E. Finlay George Sikma «vins distinguished achievement award: A Durham County Holstein Club, a Director of the Durham East Soil & Crop Improvement Association, a 4-H Dairy Club Katie Nichols and Ryan Muizelaar Never too much can be said...Bubbling over with pride, were these two youngsters of Newtonville Public School after receiving "Honourable Mentions", certificates and ribbons at the Northumberland/Newcastle Northumberland/Newcastle Board of Education Regional Science Fair, Saturday, April 16th in Cobourg. Grade one student, Katie Nichols with her project on rocks and Ryan Muizelaar of grade two, his one birds, along with fellow Newtonvile comrades, Gillian Lucy, Julia 'Turner, Ken Pelshok, Erin Muizelaar and Matthew Higgins, made up an impressive 7 percent of Newtonville School s population...the highest percentage of a student body in relevance to the school's size in attendance. Out of about 330 entries, Newtonville was right up there, and superbly represented. Way to Go! "Oh Mother! You were gorgeous outside last Friday!" "Aurora Borealis'%..The Northern Northern Lights came alive, midnight this past Friday. Mother Nature smiled in the sky. The Northern Lights are much more common out west, and naturally, further north. There was no doubt, gazing into the midnight sky to the north - it truly was a sight to behold. Like a curtain drapifig over the hill, it almost seemed to sway' it darted and lit up for miles, into the heavens. From Encyclopedia Brittanica...The aurora is familiar and'often a beautiful display of ' light...is caused by light emitted from the upper atmosphere in a form resembling the'light of an electrical electrical discharge. • In the Northern Hemisphere it is called the Aurora Borealis,, or Northern Northern Lights, and in the Southern Hemisphere, the Aurora Austrailis, or the Southern Lights; together they are called the Aurora Polaris or Polar Aurora, * Although there is no doubt that the ultimate source of the energy yf auroral particles originates in the sun, mofe and more complex information information is being discovered as time goes on... When the form of the aurora is seen particularly in the poleward sky, it appears as an -arch rising from the horizon and is called an arc. When the aurora becomes active, active, the arc develops five "pleats" that appear as vertical darts, called rays; an arc with rays is called a rayed arc..." This was as it was, here in thp northern skies over Newtonville - something pretty terrific eh? As Mother's Day '88 approaches, many warm up to sweet memories and thoughts of moms, wives, grandmas, aunts and daughters...Special things to do, to give, for all the very special girls in bm lives. WMRSt few,-®. There is a wonderful new song out currently on the country music charts..about a son wanting to know how to repay his mother for all she has done for him in his life; . the title of the song goes deep, as she replies, "I won't take less than your love." This - the richest of gifts, always returned...Remember all your special ladies, May 8th. Little Scoops...- -I see the Bowmanville Zoo is now open weekends oh so popular with the younger set. You might be surprised surprised how much you will enjoy it too. -Congratulations to the Northumberland/Newcastle Northumberland/Newcastle Board of Education for the excellent activities activities and programmes that took place last week, during Education Week. At our school enthusiasm was high, activities plentiful...planting plentiful...planting seeds, math games, slide presentations, popcorn, research and more. -Remember, school closed on Friday, Friday, April 29th, P.A. day. -Say goodbye to another month. April proved to- be disappointing. March was nicer, but probably a tease too, with the great weather that came our way. May however, just watch. It'll be great! -Special hellos go out to all new residents who have made Newtonville Newtonville and area their new homes over the past six months. Welcome in particular to Barb Robb and her family, new to Orono,"and to June Petersen and her family settling here in Newtonville. "The Challenge is on" Sylvia Ruegger always a pleasure keeping in touch with Miss Ruegger our Newtonville Marathon runner who represented Canada in the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles. The 1988 Summer Olympics are rapidly coming up in Souel Korea. After recovering from 5 broken ribs and several aggrevating knee injuries injuries Sylvia is up and running again. How does a runner get-a birth of the birth on the Olympic Marathon Team. In Canada athletes may run 2 marathons of their choice in Canada orjn the U.S.A. within the year. Each runner's average time is determined and only the 3 fastest are chosen for the Olympics. Canada did well in the recently run Boston Marathon, Sylvia was unable to do the Boston and was bumped into 4th place. She ran the Pittsburgh Marathon last year and now has about seven weeks to train and to run a marathon in Minnesota. Minnesota. Should her average time be up Soeul Korea will see Newtonville Sylvia Ruegger this summer. We send all our pride encouragement encouragement and hope with Sylvia always. •'•«Hi»** riimr ' vv' 'i-4 1 Kendal News (Continued from page 2) Mrs. MarjorieHcGee was telling me that Orono Town Hall was build by the Lennox Architectural Firm: the same company that built the old Toronto City Hall. She mentioned it when I told her the story my Grandmother often told me. My Grandmother said that long ago an inspector was visiting a rural school in Cartwright. He asked asked the young teacher if she had any. problems. She said yes, there was a cértain little lad and she couldn t teach him anything. Let me explain here that many teachers at that time had no training whatsoever. They were girls that had gone to High School one year and the Inspector gave them a "Permit to teach." After a year or two teaching they then attended Normal School. The Inspector said, "Surely there is something he likes to do." She said, "Oh yes, he likes to draw!" At that time a child caught drawing, drawing, instead of studying his lesson, was apt to get a whack over (he knuckles from the pointer. The Inspector said, "Well teach him to draw. Find all the material you can that will help him to draw." So she did, and that lad when he drew up plans for the Old City Hall in Toronto; a very artistic building. When I told Mrs. McGee this story she said, "I always wondered why the little Village of Orono engaged such a prestigeous firm as the Lennox Architectural Firm to build their Town Hall but that explains explains it. He was a Durham man born in Cartwright Township." The Judge who was brought to Orono from far away to judge the plays put on by Peterborough, Lindsay, Oshawa and Whitby and I believe Pickering at the time of the Orono Fair seyeral years ago said, ."I admire this little hall and the acoustics in it are particularly good." Orono is situated at the hub of those places mentioned above. A school teacher I know said Orono was a good place for a young teacher to locate. Thirty miles from schools in Lindsay, Peterborough or Oshawa. You could travel to schools in any direction. My Kindergarten - age son was enthusiastic over the train ride his class took to a nearby city. Failing to see how his two teachers could shepherd 35 lively four - and five- year-olds through,one busy station, on and off the train and out through another station to the waiting cars, 1 questioned him as to how the safari was handled. He could remember no rules or special instructions for keeping together. Finally, as 1 continued to question him, he burst out: "Mother, she didn't tell us anything. All she said was, 'Just don't let go of the rope!" by Ruth P. Trout.* A young mother who had been too busy to visit her elderly neighbour who was ill ÿpoke to her small son, "Danny run over and see how old Mrs. Jones is." The* boy left immediately but returned within a few minutes to give his „ report. "Mrs. Jones says it's none of your business how old she is!" leader for the past five years, and is presently Chairman of the 4-H Ciub Leaders' Association. He is also a graduate of the Agricultural Diploma Program. George is the second second winner from Durham County since the inception of the program a number of years ago. Milk Recording Awards Presented at Orono: Winners were announced and Awards presented at the Durham County Dairy Herd Improvement Annual Meeting held on March 22nd, in Orono. The top herd in tV- County went to Willdina Holsteins, Willima and John DeVries from Bowmanville with a Breed Class Average (B.C.A.) of 189.3. The second second highest producing herd was Don Vandermeer, Oshawa with a Composite B.C.A. of 183.3. The herd with the Most Improved Production - was Dan Prosek, Orono, with a 21.3 B.C.A. increase. increase. The Best Calving Interval Award, for herds over County Average, was Jim and Tim Nichols, Nicholand Holsteins, Newtonville, at 12.5 months. The Best Plus Production Production Cow Award was won by Péter Hoogeveen, Blackstock, with a B.C.A. of 204 for Milk and 232 for Butterfat. NOTICE ANNUAL MEETING Memorial Hospital Bowmanville Corporation WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15,1988 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers ' 132 Church Street Bowmanville, Ontario FOR PURPOSES OF: 1.'HEARING REPORTS #■ 2- REPORT OF HOSPITAL AUDITORS 3. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS 4. AMENDMENT 1 AND REVISION TO CORPORATE BY-LAWS REQUIREMENTS FOR CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP Article 2 - By-Laws , The following persons shall be members (of the Corporation): 1) a) a person who has donated or who donates Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) in any one year to the Corporation shall be a life member. ti) the President or Chief Officer of an association or corporation which pays the Corporation One Hundred Hundred Dollars ($100.00) in any year shall be ex-officio a member of the Corporation for that year. c) only those persons 18 years of ; age and over residing in the Town of Newcastle who purchase a Membership Membership in' the Hospital Corpofation and have paid the applicable membership fee of One Dollar ($1.00) or such other membership fees as the Board by resolution establishes shall be issued a membership membership card the day such payment is received and such person shall be a member of the Hospital Corporation Corporation until the end of the first annual general meeting of the Hospital Corporation held following the last days of the fiscal year for which the membership was purchased, and every mepnber of the Auxiliary of the Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville Bowmanville who holds a valid and subsisting membership card in the Auxiliary shall be a member of the Hospital Corporation. * a) honorary members who have been elected by the Board and who shall not be subject to fees. 2) A membership year shall be the financial year of the Corporation as established by the law of the Province of Ontario. 3) Members eligible to vote at Corporation meetings shall be those members who were members at any time during the fiscal year of the Corporation for which the meeting is held plus any member who has been a member throughout the period of 30 days immediately immediately preceding the annual meeting. Memberships Memberships paid following the fiscal year end but prior to the 30 day period preceding the meeting shall not be construed to be valid beyond the annual meeting representing the last fiscal period. Requirements for Nominations for Election to Board of Directors: Directors: . , , _ ' Bona fide member of the Memorial Hospital Corporation Corporation ' Eligible for Board Membership Nominations must be submitted to the Secretary of the Boa'rd in writing signed by two duly qualified . members of the Corporation at least 30 days before the date of the annual meeting. Nomination forms . available at the Hospital during business hours, Monday Monday through Friday.' ft * À1; . l i i Hi if.. 1