8-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 4,* 1988 The talking dead in the cemetery The tempo of most plays pickup in the third act and this was again the case in "Our Town" at Clarke High School. Those who have been laid to rest converse on the events of Grover's Cove strengthening the theme of eternal life. Atlantic salmon Senior Pines re-introduced n _ _ __ School Report to the Wilmot (Continued from page 1) The Atlantic Salmon, classified as a heritage species, were in the 1800', very important both to the culture'and to the early economy of the province. The salmon were so plentiful that men killed them with clubs, pitchforks, spears and nets, and» women seined them with their petticoats, often catching over 1.000 in one night. Settlers were able to buy and pay for farms and build homes from the sale of salmon. Increases in soil run off, water temperatures, sedimentation, developments in forestry and agriculture were all causes for the decreasing number of salmon in the 1860's. Samuel Wilmot, of Newcastle, resolved not to allow the salmon to disappear from Ontario waters and thus created the Newcastle Fish Hatchery. The original fish' hatchery hatchery actually began in Wilmot's basement in the 1860's. The first stage of the fish hatchery was a wooden trough through which water was piped from a nearby spring. spring. In this trough, Wilmot secured a small supply of eggs from the gravel spawning area of Wilmot Creek. During the winter Wilmot was able to hatch some of the eggs. By 1866 Wilmot had hatched nearly 15.000 salmon fry and was able to elicit government aid and put the Newcastle Hatchery into business. The hatchery was closed in 1914 after having more than 50 years of success and producing over 150 million fish of a variety of species. Besides producing fish the hatchery also became known' for developing one of the first museums of natural history in Canada. The museum, located on the second floor of the hatchery, contained collections of racoons, several deer, a brown bear, a crocodile, shark and many species of fish, both salt and fresh water. The lasf word of a salmon being caught in Wilmot Creek was in 1896 and in 1898 a 7 lb. salmon was caught in Lake Ontario just off Scarborough Beach. Hopefully, the * Ministry of Natural 'Resources' efforts efforts will be fulfilled and the Atlantic Atlantic Salmon will once again swim through the waters of Wilmot Creek and Lake Ontario as they did over 100 years ago. Lawrence welcomes progress toward low-level radioactive waste solution Recent announcements affecting I*, m Hope and - Port Granby again demonstrate positive action Last week was Education Week at The Pines and here are some of the activities that kept the school busy. The line-up for the week started with a guest performance by the Bowman ville High School Junior and Stage Bands on Monday afternoon. afternoon. Some of the songs included "The Original Thirteen" and "In The Mood". The performance was lively and kept everyone's toes tapping! tapping! Tuesday morning, Pines students visited Clarke High School throughout the morning for "Lifestyle Day". In the gymnasium, gymnasium, several booths were set up to give information on anything from smoking to dental hygiene. (Numerous pamphlets and brochures made their way back to The Pines). Tuesday afternoon was devoted to the Music Night Dress rehearsal. Wednesday, The Pines was visited by Toronto's "poet laureate", Robert Priest. The poet read some of his poems from his book called "The Ruby Hat" and from his upcoming book. The poet's most popular poem with the students seemed to be "Darth Orange' ' which is also featured on his album, 'VSummerlong". Everyone enjoyed his humorous and, sometimes, serious poems and ■we hope he'll return. Also, keep and eye out for his video, "Congo Toronto" on Toronto Rocks. The Pines Annual Music Night was a hit! The two-hour performance performance began shortly after seven, Wednesday night. This year's Music Night tiheme, was "It's A Small World - A Salute To The Olympics". The performers were asked to pick a piece of music to represent any country of their choice. We had performers with music from France to the Carribean to Japan. The performers performers also dressed in costumes for further entertainment. The highlight of the evening was the surprise act, with Mrs. Prole and Mr. Farrington singing, "It's Hard To Be Humble". This hilarious act got the second part of the show rolling. Darren Currie and Jarret Prescott were the M.C.'s and did a good job of keeping the audience going. I would like to take this opportunity opportunity to again thank Mrs. Prole for the organization of Music Night. Mrs. Farrow, our accompanist, the stage hands, the people in charge of sound and lights, the performers, the band, and Mr. Smith and the decorating crew. I hope next year's performance is going to be as niuch of a hit! by Leslie Plazek Jump Rope For Heart Well, it's this time of year again, when you'll be seeing The Pines students up and down your streets. Last weëk the students of The pines searched their town for sponsors to donate money to The Heart and Stroke Foundation. On Thursday, April 21, all of the time and effort paid off, because on that day, most of the kids skipped rope for two hours. Anything goes, as long as you skip. The high school students in charge of the jumping event went around the auditorium and searched searched for the most dedicate skippers. towards remedying our area's historic concern about low-level radioactive wastes, Hon. Allan Lawrence, M.P. for Durham- Northumberland stated today. "We had two significant statements this past week-first, the Rollins Ravine and Brewery Pond Dam area of Port Hope is to be purchased purchased by federal authorities so it can be cleaned up. Then came Eldorado Resources very welcome news that it hopes to close the Port Granby waste site by June 30," Mr. Lawrence said. "I'm sure everyone concerned must be pleased with these developments, .which follow directly directly from four years ago when this present government was the first ever to acknowledge a federal responsibility in permanently resolvjng the long-standing problem of radioactive wastes in the southern part of Durham- l^orthumberland. "While events since then may not always have moved as fast as we would wish, we must remember that these wastes have been accumulating accumulating for some 50 years, and obviously cannot be cleaned up overnight." "No one ever suggested this would be a quick, easy, or inexpensive inexpensive operation," Mr. Lawrence con-' tinued. "But we are making steady progress." He noted that the. Minister of State for Mines, the Hon. Gerald Merrithew, and his federal cabinet colleagues currently are considering the recommendations of "a special Siting Process Task Force on Low- Level Radioactive Waste Disposal. "That report provides a safe and acceptable formula for cleaning up and removing our wastes permanently," permanently," said Mr. Lawrence. "Ï fully expect we'll see more positive action resulting from it in the near future." At the end of the two hours, four boys were chosen as the best skippers. skippers. They then competed against each other, to show the group their moves and all four were given chocolate bars for their excellent efforts. efforts. The jump was. great, and everyone's muscles were sore the next day. We really appreciate the generosity of the sponsors and the teachers and high school students who donated their time to help with the event. We would also like to -, thank Quaker Oats for the drinks donated and Newcastle and Ororto I.G.A. for the oranges. , Chris Evans Today, The Pines Sr. Public School was fortunate to have Chris Evans, a song writer and musician, visit our school He came to our school to introduce us to the art of, music writing and singing, also a play and sing his own songs. Two classes at a time worked with Chris and the grade 8's composed their own song, with the help of Chris, of course. Then during the afternoon, the grade 7's learned some pf Chris Evans' own songs dnd practised a song for an assembly later in the day. All of the student body assembled in the gym to sing their song's to the group. Thé Pines really enjoyed the presence of Chris Evans and, hopefully, he'll come back next year.. by Brendenn Bates Control yai can depend on -- Weed Spraying -- Crab Grass -- Fertilizing -- insect Spraying -- Plug Coraeration -- Programs available See The Difference Quality Makes! 983*5598 (Orono, Newcastle) 14-tlSN F Affordable Dream Vacations! • Free Vacation Planning Services • Discount Cruises , • Airline Tickets Charter Vacations Honeymoon Packages Hotel and Car Reservations PERSONAL & CORPORATE TRAVEL SERVICES Travel Agents International Wè're with you all the way 68 KING ST. E., BOWMAN VILLE Over 300 Agencies in North America 023*6600 ' • ; TER-RICK CONTRACTING . REPLACEMENT WINDOWS and DOORS i SOLID VINYL SIDING * ORONO MOBILE 983-5724 . 434-0493 Mother's Day Gifts that say "I Love You" REFLECTIONS ,'J i_± -j-i.