12-Oron0 Weekly Times, Wednesday, June 22, 1988 More Jam and Jelly recipes for you ! If you're looking for more jam and jelly recipes, look no further. "Sunshine In À Jaf is a brand new recipe booklet you'll Want to add to your -recipe -recipe library, whether-you're a beginner or an expert in the kitchen. Developed by Home Economists in the General Foods kitchens, the booklet uses CERTO fruit pectins in a variety of delicious new recipes. recipes. Easy no-cook jams and jellies as well as traditional recipes which include conserves, conserves, marmalades, preserves and relishes are included in the 28 page booklet. A total of 48 new recipes are inside. To order, order, send your name and address address plus a cheque for $4.00 to Sunshine In a Jar Recipe Offer, Offer, P.0. Box 339, Port Credit, Ontario, L5G 4L9. Make cheques cheques payable to General Foods. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. Questions commonly asked about jam making from the General Foods Home Economists How long does it take for no-cook jams to set? Under ideal conditions no- . cook jams may set within 8 hours, but it is quite common for the setting process to take a full 24 hours. Be patient, the time varies with the type of fruit. As soon as the jam has set, it should be refrigerated or frozen. Refrigerator storage is fine for 3 weeks but the best quality is retained with freezer storage for up to one year. Flavors Flavors will start to diminish after 9 months. Can I freeze fruit to make jam later? Yes, you can freeze extra fruit, unsweetened, to make jam later. Leave berries whole and cut other fruit into pieces; flash freeze in a layer on a cookie sheet, then package. To use for jam allow fruit to thaw in refrigerator (do not drain the juices) then crush and measure as for fresh fruit. Only the best quality its peak should he fro: fruit at frozen. Can sugar be reduced in recipes?i No, not in regular recipes. This may result in jam failing to set. The sugar and fruit balance balance is critical for proper setting. setting. Also, sugar is a preservative, preservative, not just a sweetener, High sugar concentrations inhibit inhibit mold growth and retain brighter colour. The best advice advice is to follow the recipe exactly. exactly. do not reduce the sugar or add more fruit. However, a special pectin product, Certo light, allows you to use 1/3 less sugar than usually called for in jam recipes. recipes. Can a food processor be used to prepare fruit? Some fruits can be prepared •with a food processor, however, however, very tender fruits like strawberries can be over-liquified over-liquified which can produce a jam with a soft set. A food processor processor can be used for fruits such as peaches, pears, apples, rhubarb and plums. What causes floating fruit? Floating fruit may be caused by not crushing the fruit sufficiently or not stirring the jam enough when adding' the pectin. Is wax'required with Mason jar or jars with 2-piece lids? NEW Mason jars or jars with 2-p'iece lids do not require require wax to form a proper seal provided the round metal inserts are new. If you do not want to use wax, only new me- 1 tal inserts will give you a proper proper seal. Do not reuse metal inserts. Can I use old peanut better jars etc. for my jams? Yes, but these types of jars must be sterilized and jams must be sealed with paraffin wax. The wax will protect the jam surface from mold spores, drying and oxidation or darkening. darkening. Can freezer jams I»e refrozen? Freezer jam should not be refrozen. The jani should be eaten within 3 weeks after thawing. However, if there are ice crystals still present in the jam it would be safer to refreeze. refreeze. Can I use older fruit for jam making? No. Always use fully ripe, but not overripe fruit for jain making. Make sure the fruit is free of bruises or blemishes. The fruit quality is very important important to produce a good quality quality jam. How do I sterilize my jars? 1. Wash jars carefully in hot, soapy water; rinse with warm water. 2. Put jars and lids in a big pot and cover with water; bring water to q boil; boil 15 minutes. Leave jars and lids in hot water until nearly ready to use. Use tongs to remove jars from hot water. Allow to air dry a few minutes on the counter. Do not dry jars with a tea towel. Can I double my jam recipe? Double batches may mean double trouble if your jam doesn't set. Any small mistake in measuring is magnified by< the increased quantity of multiple multiple batches. When making cooked jam it's also harder to reach a full boil if the kettle isn't quite large enough. Can-glass jars be frozen when making a no-cook or freezer jam? Yes. You can use qny jar as long as it is not larger than 2 cups in size. You can also put your freezer or no-cook jam in plastic, air-tight containers. , Help Wanted (Continued from page 10) ing that many small businesses could fill a lot of vacancies by paying better wages and, bènefits. Although this highly simplistic analysis may have held true several decades ago, it doesn't anymore. anymore. It is factually incorrect that Canadian small businesses are producing producing under-paid, burger-slinging jobs in . "sweat shop" conditions. Small business'owners, business'owners, after all, are responsible for creating the vast majority of all new 1 jobs --and good jobs--in this country. According to this survey, the biggest need for qualified labor exists in sales, clerical, managerial product assembly and repair and construction jobs. One reason for such high levels of skilled labor shortages can he blamed,on the Midden deficiency of baby boomers. This unavoidable factor left a considerably considerably smaller labor pool--particularly for the retail and service sector--to draw from. The federal government, however, should have seen this coming. Instead, potential growlh within the small business business sector has been stunted in part by a lack of adequate federally-funded training programs to helpmany unemployed unemployed Canadians obtain new and employable skills. Forced by necessity, CFIB research estimates that more than 60 per cent of its members provide on- the-job training for our young people. And with approximately 66 per cent of all young Canadians obtaining firsttime firsttime employment in a small firm, Ottawa has been able to neatly shift a large part of its retraining responsibilities responsibilities onto small business. CF1B has maintained the position that Canadians would be better served if Ottawa were to shift more money away from unemployment insurance and instead concentrate on re-training and improving literacy skills. Taking money out of the seemingly bottomless bottomless UI pit is something no federal government has yet had the guts to attempt. On the other hand, for a country that suffers from pockets of chronically high unemployment, it isn't easy to acknowledge that this problem exists. One aim of the next federal government government should be to begin nurturing a better marriage between out-of-job workers eager to develop skills and small business people eager to develop more highly skilled workforce.' It's something to consider as we draw closer to election day and a new .goverhment agenda. CFIB Feature Service Corporation of the TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario 1988 FINAL TAX INSTALMENT The 1988 FINAL TAX BILLS have now been sent to all ratepayers and are payable as follows; REALTY AND BUSINESS TAX 1st Instalment PAYABLE JUNE 30th, 1988 2nd Instalment PAYABLE SEPTEMBER 30th, 1988 Please Pay Promptly to Avoid Penalty If you have not received your Final Tax Bill, please telephone the Municipal Tax Office at 623-3379, 1988 Taxes are PAYABLE ONLY at the locations detailed on the back of the Tax Bill. Failure to receive a Tax Bill does not eliminate thp responsibilty of the payment of taxes or penalty. J.M. Jones Tax Collector Date of Publication: June 22, 1988 P.O. A1732 Clarke High School says , "THANK YOU" The teachers and students of the Co-operative Education Program, Clarke High school would like to express their appreciation to all the employers of this community who offered participation in the program. The'learning ex- perienced by the students ië invaluable. A most sincere "THANK.YOU". If you are an employer interested in participating in the program for next year, please do not hesitate to call the school. 7-Star Family Restaurant Mary Brown's Fried Chicken Apple Blossom Shop Ministry.of Natural Resources Art's Woodworking Morris Funeral Home ' Bank of Montreal Mr. Roast Beef Beckers - Newcastle Neil Allin Farm Ben's Auto. Body Newcastle Lumber Bowmanville Audio Vision Newcastle Multi-Care Bowmanville High School Newcastle Nursery School Bowmanville Memorial Hospital Newcastle Pizza anci Subs Bowmanville Senior Public School Newcastle Public School Bowmanville Travel Centre ' Newcastle Public Works Dept. Bowmanville Veterinary Clinic Olafsen Sheep Farm Brenda's Artistic Interiors Ontario St. Public School . Brooklin Cycle Orono Public School Clarke High School . Orono Weekly Times Cowan Pontiac-Buick Ltd. Pines Senior Public School Cuyler's Hobby Shop Plainville Public School Dufferin Aggregates Port Darlington Marina Durham Regional Police - #16 Division Roger's Travel Bureau Eastman's Service Centre Rolph Dominon Hardware Farrow's Bait & Tackle Shop Royal Bank of Canada First Choice Hairstyling Royale Auto Body Fitness Warehouse Soper Creek Nursery School Fornik Auto Body ' St rat haven Nursfng Home Fox's Sports Stedman's Goddard Collision Strut Guys & Gals Hairstyling St. Francis of Assisi Separate School Hope's Record & T-Shirt Shop Suzie's Styling Salon I.M.S. • * .Television Service Company Jean Graham - Cqmputerized Bookkeeping . The Donut Shop Kirby Public School' , Transworld Travel Kut Above Wilmot Creejc Outdoor Education Centre Lord Elgin Public School ■ • Wood N' Things