i>iv"r The day of the professional and the consultant has arrived arrived and in so doing have eliminated some of the initiative that used to stem from the community bringing enthusiasm and community expertise. This was brought to mind when watching portions of a one-hour TV special relating to the fund-raising campaign for the new Bowmanville arena. This is a continuing program on the local Cable station. Not only the TV program but the whole campaign is one of professionalism, well orchestrated and honed. Of course the campaign is directed by a professional fund raising group at a cost of tens of thousands of dollars and it does differ differ from those old days when the community was involved with no outside help, a professional, one that lives more than thirty miles from the Town or Village. In those 'old days' the first volunteer would be one that would build and paint a thermometer. You just couldn't hold a canvas without à thermometer, it was the gauge of the success of the campaign and it stirred up interest on a daily basis for every passerby, and we believe, even stirred some to do better. That's not the case today. Never make mention of the amount of money you have raised to date but rather say, "It's surprising the support we are getting, it's terrific". The success success and support or lack of support is never to be mentioned in dollars and cents as it relates to the target. This is not only the case with the Bowmanville arena but also happened with the hospital fund raising where again the event was orchestrated by professionals with the volunteers doing the leg-work. The Bowmanville event is neither different from that of the Metro Skydome where advertisiftg value in the complex upon completion brings out major donations and in Bowmanville a $30,000 donation gain advertising space for a three year period. We may be old fashioned but we would still appreciate that volunteer making the thermometer. As we said before "No Fun - No More". Patience, Understanding, Tolerance As expected the General Council meeting in Victoria of the United Church of Canada created heated debate in determining a stand on whether there was support for the ordination ordination of homosexual and lesbians for the ministry within the church. , Council did support a softened recommendation devised devised at the conference rather than supporting the recommendation recommendation stated in the controversial report, Toward A Christian Understanding of Sexual Orientations Lifestyles and Ministry. * Through the fact that all persons regardless of their sexual orientation, who profess a faith in Jesus Christ and obedience to Him, are welcome to be or become ful^members of the United Church and since alt members of the church are eligible to be considered for ordered ministry it really allows homosexuals and lesbians to become ordained. It does require recommendation from the congregation, from Presbytery and Conference and thus leaves -the decision to those locally involved. . _ Any decision is tempered by attitude and neither the General Council of the United Church nor the state can legislate attitude of the masses. In this respecL the .United Church was probably right m the action taken at Victoria. The Church in the past has faced debate over the ordination ordination of women and the divorced. But attitude in these have changed since those former debates as possibly will the most recent debate. There is an assumption and emphasis by many that gay lives are about sexuality when in reality it is not the case when a relationship is committed and stable. It likely differs little from a heterosexual relationship. 1 The isssue is nbt likely to die easily but give the United Church its views it debated the issue in the open and possibly came forth with the only recommendation that is-fitting for the time but still progressive. "GOOD" plan (Continued from page 1) for a Metro garbage dump. The GOOD committee are to meet again _nea( the end of <■ -f- 'V Susan liston said she was ; .nl the fact that c, of Municipalities of Ontario at their recent convention is recommending to the province that Ontario Hy'dro build individual Tritium refining plants at the individual individual nuclear generating stations rather than trucking tritium to the one plant at Darlington. She said this was what the 'Tritium Trail' held some four L months ago was all about when KENDAL NEWS We cannot change yesterday - that is clear, Or begin tomorrow until it is here, So all that is left for you and me Is to make today as sweet as can be. Sweet Guy He's demanding, that's true Unpredictable, too. He's a rascal--(he knows he's handsome) He's bold, yet he's shy; He's a sweet little guy, He's four, and I love him... My GRANDSON! It is claimed that the five sweetest phrases in English are, "I love you," "Dinner is served," All is forgiven," "Sleep till noon," "Keep the change." There are those who choose to add: "You've lost weight." Progress always involves risk. You can't steal second and keep your foot on first. Edna McCann says: My friend Emily, from Philadelphia, has just returned from a trip to the Holy Land and was very impressed by a ceremony she was lucky enough to witness there. When young Israeli workers go out to plant new trees which are vital factors in soil conservation, improvement of climate, and the extension of habitable areas, they joyously sing the following song, reminiscent of songs sung in Old Testament times. We shall plant; On hill, in vale, at Ocean strand Spreading forests greening stand, We shall plant. In ancient times, at birth of child They did plant; Cypress bark and cedar wild, Carobs broad and olives mild, They did plant. Our nation now is born anew So we plant, On wastes of sand where deserts blew In deadly swamps of somber hue, There we plant. various environmental group, banned banned together to protest the trucking of tritium as proposed by Hydro. She noted that one of the forerunners forerunners of the Tritium Trail was Randy Dryburgh of Citizen Concerned Concerned About Tritium Transport. It is interesting to note that Dryburgh is a resident of Orangeville the municipality which presented the resolution to the AMO. "What result this will have", Elston was not sure, "but it is a real victory". United Church (Continued from page 1) tian Understanding of Sexual Orientation Lifestyles and Ministry has said that the torie of the Victoria Victoria meeting was set by what it refused to do, not what it has done. He also said that delegates at Victoria Victoria wished that petitions from local congregations, presbyteries and conferences had been heard more and felt that the feeling of these were not being listened to., Over 2000 petitions opposing the ordination of homosexuals were presented. While Victoria ' conference technically opens the door for homosexuals to be ordained in the church, the first step, towards ordination ordination is for a person to be sponsored sponsored by a church, interviewed by the board of directors, > passed by presbytery and conference. The Orono-Kirby congregation has opposed and petitioned against the ordination of homosexuals and lesbians. Church will resume in all three churches on September the- fourth. See you there. We all remember the Irish ditty: * I'm Captain Jinks of the Horse , Marines 1 feed my horse on com and beans; And swing the ladies in their teens. For that's the way in the army. Well, judging by the cobs on the corn around here, there will be lots of corn to feed the stock. However, with ail the heat and dry weather the beans dried up; now with the recent rains they have started tq grow again. Dry beans with green ones and sprouting dry ones won't keep. Fritz Kreisler's Violin The story is told how Fritz Kreisler, the famous violinist secured his treasured violin which he calls "Heart Guarnarius." One day he was in an antique shop and heard someone playing a violin in the room behind the shop. Charmed with the pure, liquid penetrating tone of the 1 violin, he asked if he could buy it. The dealer told him it was not for sale, that it had already been sold to an Englishman who had a passion 'for collecting old violins. After handling the violin Kreisler said, "1 must have this; I will give you all I have for it." Then he asked, "What will this collector do with the violin?" "Oh", said the dealer, "1 suppose he will put it in a glass ease and keep it for people to look at." This is not an antique to look at said Kreisler. It is an instrument to bless the world with." Still determined to get the violin, he went to see the Englishman who had bought it. Wéek -after weêk he called upon him, to plead with him to sell it to him. One day the Englishman permitted permitted the violinist to takç the instru- ORONO GATES OF PRAISE BIBLE MINISTRY 5414 Main Street Orono, Ontario Inter-Faith Full Gospel SERVICE 11:00 A.M. Rev. Lyle L. West Office 983-9341 . Pefsonal Ministry ment out of the case and play it. "I played that violin," said Kreisler , " as one, condemned death would have played to obH-- ransom." When he finished playing, the Englishman was so moved he said, "1 have no right to keep it; it belongs to you. Go out into the world and let it be heard." And Kreisler used it as a medium for his wonderful music. St, Saviour's Anglican Church " MILL STREET ' ORONO, ONTARIO SUNDAY SERVICE and CHURCH SERVICE 9:30 a.m. Minister: Rev. Fred Milnes Organist: Mr. Ross Metcalf Telephones: Church 983-5502 Manse 983-5208 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1988 Orono Service 11:00 a.m. Kirby Service 9:30 a.m. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1988 Kirby Service 9:30 a.m. Orono - Gospel Sing - Orono Fair 12:30 p.m. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1988 Kirby Service ' 9:30 a.m. Orono Horticultural Society Sunday Flower Service 11:00 a.m. Guest Speaker-Mr. Frank Stapleton Guest Soloist-Mrs. Allanah Coles SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1988 . Kirby Anniversary Service 11:00 a.m. Orono service will be cancelled and will join with Kirby on this special occasion). CONGREGATIONAL RENEWAL EVENT Saturday, September 24th 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Orono United Church Rev. Gordon Hunter, planned by the Orono and Kirby Sessions. Rev. Margaret F. West Res. 983-5962 Counselling SPECIAL! For Your Labour Day Holiday All SUNTAN Preparation 1/2 PRICE Stuff's Pharmacy ORONO, ONTARIO >983-5009