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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Sep 1988, p. 9

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Cîssified Ads NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of Norma Elizabeth Taylor : All claims against the Estate of Norma Elizabeth Taylor, late of the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 19th day of April, 1988, must be filed with the under- . signed personal representative on or before the 30th day of September, 1988, after which date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the Administrator Administrator then shall have notice. DATED at Oshawa, this 7th day of September, 1988. EARL JOHN TAYLOR Administrator by his solicitors Pollitt, MacGregor, Walters Barristers & Solicitors 70 Bond Street West, Box 832 Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7N1 14,21,28 ac FARM SOLD AUCTION SALE Saturday, September 24th Farm Sold Auction Sale of farm machinery and tobacco equipment. The property of Frank and Tonnia Manning, Lot 9, Concession 6, Clarke Township, Town of Newcastle. Newcastle. 5 miles east of Kirby on Road ft 9 to Village of Kendal on Kendal -Newtonville Road. JD 3020 tractor with JD 48 loader; JD 2510 row crop tractor; JD semimount semimount 4 furrow plough trip beam; Triple K cultivator 11 ft. 3 pth., 1982 Honda 450 motor bike; Durham Lehr trail disc 10 ft. on rubber, Rock- O-Matic stone picker pbo with hydraulic dump 5 ft. wide, Kewanie hay elevator; JD 2 furrow plough, tandem trialer, Briilion land packer 8 . ft., SKjoid fertilizer spreader 3 pth., JD garden tractor 316, 170 hrs. mower and snowblower attachment, Whistler rotary mower; JD Wagon, 4 sections harrows 16 ft., JD front'A20 ' row crop cultivator, 2 row JD side dresser, JD manure forks like new, McKee snow blower, ■ front ent cultivator for JD 420 tractor, estate cart, Lawnboy self propelled mower, lawn sweeper, Aliens 3 hp. roto tiller Massey F. Wagon on rubber 16 ft. grain auger; 2 wheel trailer, 3 pt. sprayer, Canox ark welder 225, 2 hÿd cylinders with hoses, set acetélene torches, torches, air compressor, air spray gun, farm scales, 2 tool bars 3 pth. 8 ft., tool bar 3 pt., 5 ft., 24 ft. conveyor rollers, comfort tractor cab, CSW pressure system 1 year qld, 2 horse drawn scufflers, 1,000 gal., water tank, 2 - 200 gal. oil tanks, electric motors, 4x4flats,4x8 flats, pioneer chain saw, quantity lumber, quantity steel, tools, parts, rakes, hoes, many other items too numerous to meh- tion. Ford Stake Truck - Vi ton, in- . sulated cap, wheelbarrow, 4 new wagon tires, 2 fridges, propane cookstove, cupboards, chairs, table, beds, kitchen utensils, wringer washer, western saddle, halters, 2 old trucks not running. Tobacco equipment, equipment, BTL high clearance sprayer self propelled 28 ft. boom, BTL riding harvester 5 man self propelled, 2 row Holland transplanter, 2 kiln trailers, 2 balthes tying machine, 80 plastic plant boxes, hydraulic pallet truck 6 ft. tongs, 3" x 4" irrigation pipe, set of pan lifters, greenhouse roller. Sale Time: 10:00 a.m. TERMS: Cash - No Reserve AUCTIONEER: Arnot Wotten R.R. 1, Hampton, 416-263-2512 14,21 ac CARD OF THANKS With the passing of Doris Tomlinson, a special thanks to all our friends and neighbours for their thoughtfulness. Bill Tomlinson and family 21-ac Oft nè Weekly limes, Wednesday, ileptmNr 21,1988- 9 CARD OF THANKS On behalf of the Durham Central Agricultural Society 1 would like to thank all the people that attended our fair. A special thanks to all thé exhibitors, exhibitors, committees and volunteer help that helped make our fair have a very successful year. Ray Staples President DEATH NOTICE WALTON, Dunreath at Memorial Hospital, Bowman ville on Saturday, September 17, 1988 in her 77th year-. Dunreath beloved wife of George Walton of Newcastle, sadly missed by her nieces and nephews. Funeral service service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman ville on Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. Donations to the Ontario Heqrt and Stfoke Foundation in her memory would be greatly appreciated. appreciated. 21,ac STAFFORD MONUMENTS . 143 King St. E. Bowmanville, Ontario PHONE 623-8150 For Quality Monuments. Bronze and Granite Markers and Cemetery Lettering Office or private appointment in your home or free transpor- I tatlon to our showroom for Senior citizens and handicap-. ped people in the Bowmanville Bowmanville and Orono areas, gladly arranged by calling Mr. Philip Dawson at 623-8150 or after hours at 1-579-1116 (Oshawa) We make house calls in Orono, Newcastle and the ! surrounding rural areas. 1987 pHdfes are stiS in FARM NOTICE • ELDER'S GRAIN at Prescott Terminal, now giving fall prices on barley, oats, soybeans, corn and canola. For all your pricing, and delivery' arrangements call . (613)925-5995. (Collect). FOR SALE TRAMPOLINES - 14' Diameter "Fun Spot". $660. Warranty, moncyback guarantee. Mailorder - Join many who ve savb'qi hundreds hundreds of dollars. Delivery $35. Call Trampos Inc. tollfrec 1-800- 387-6214, or (416)769-7178. STEEL BUILDINGS, genuine savings, straight walls, Beat upcoming upcoming price increase,. These, , buildings are all steel and are of the finest quality, Phone 1-800- ■267-9432. FARMERS & Businesses: f Warm tit Insulation Spray Urethane Urethane & Monoglass Spray- On Insulation (613) 267-6711, 133 Gore St. E., Perth, Ont. K7H 1J6 COMING EVENTS Fifth Annual-ANTIQUE SHOW and Sale Nepean ' Sp'ortsplex, 1701 Woodroffe Ave., Nepean, Ontario, September 23, 24, 25, 1988. Friday 2-9, Sat 10-7, Sun. 10-5, Adults $3, Seniors $2, In- , formation (416)436-1634. AUCTIONS Friday September 30, 1 p.m. 200 - 250 open and short bred Holstein Holstein Heifers Sell. From 300 lbs. to Shqrt. Breds al Carsons Sales Arena, Listowcl, (519)291- 2049. TRAVF.L/VA'/'A -N Great FALL FISHING on Rice Lake 90 minutes from Toronto. Modem 2 and 3 bedroom collages collages with hot water and showers $295 and $325 per week. Daily rates available. Relax and enjoy Thanksgiving at Sunnymcad Cottages, RR# 3, Hastings, Ont. K0L 1Y0 (705)696-2601. CAREER TRAINING . TURN THAT Time on your hands into CASH for you. Get to meèt new people and make new friends through auctioneering. Next class is October 15-22nd. Register now, Southwestern Ontario Ontario School of Auctioneering, RR#5, Woodstock, -Ont. N4S 7V9. (519)537-2115. YOUR FUTURE starts with Tri-County Truck Driver Training. Established in 1978, job search assistance available, daytime, evening and weekend courses. Course Fee income tax deductible 1-800-265-0400. EARN Your Tax Reform Certificate. Certificate. Free brochures on income tax courses or basic bookkeeping. bookkeeping. U & R Tax Services, 1345 Pembina Hwv., Winnipeg, Man. R3T 2B6. (204)284-1806. Franchises Franchises available. COMING EVENTS "There's Orie in every crowd". Help recognize Ontario's outstanding outstanding young people; nominate someone today who qualifies for tin Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Award. Contact this newspaper newspaper for details. Sponsored by OCNA and Canadian Airlines. FOR SALE STEEL BUILDINGS: Immediate Immediate Delivery. Examples 30x40 Straightwall $5,110; 40x50 Straightwall $9,227; 70x80x24 Arch Bldg. 2-14x24 Slide Doors $18,000; 32x40x12 Steel Trusses & Columns $5400; 40x60x14 Steel Trusses & Columns Columns $6,880. 50x100x16 Steel Trusses & Columns $14,200. Sheeting avail. 30-28-24 guage, colours & Galvalume 1-800-387- 2115, 1-416-858-2446. NOT MUCH MONEY - In a Hurry! Steel Buildings every day low. factory prices. Straighlwaiis and quonsets - All models - last delivery - beat the fall Rush. Call Pioneer 1-800-668-5422 (24 hours). FISHFINDERS - Hummingbirds. Hummingbirds. Below wholesale 4004- $329.95, 8000 - $399.95 4x6's - $599.95 Cannon DownRiggers. Electric from $249.95 Manual Er-3 $119.95. Mail Orders Call Great Lakes Tackle, Colling- wood (705)444-1488. . SAVE YOUR carpet. 2-Step guarantees removal of urine stains/odours from carpets/ upholsterv. Write lor tree brochure brochure #410. Trade-Ail Corporation, Corporation, 62 LcPagc Court. Down- sview, Ont. M3J 1Z9. BUILDINGS - 1/2 Price Sale - Buy one building at regular price and get double length for 50% more - stock clear out - limited steel. Paragon Structures 1,-800- 263-8499, 24 hours. , PLOWING MATCH SPECIAL. 100 Buildings. Many sizes. Call now for best selection. Miracle Span 1-800-668-511L, PLUS:- Work Shirts $2.75,. Work Pants S3.'50. Work Boots $ 15. Send. 83 lor catalogue (reimbursement (reimbursement 1st order). 'Military Surplus, Box 243, St. Tiinolhcc, Quebec. JOS 1X0. FOR SALE NORITAKE China Sale! Avoid Year-end price increase - Order Now! Terrific discounts on current current patterns. First quality, delivered delivered well-packed, insured. For price list, shipping details, etc., specify your Noritake pattern. Send stamped self-addressed business business envelope to: Alexander's, The Noritake Experts, 155 West Beaver Creek Road, Richmond Hill, Toronto, Ont. L4B 1E1. (416)764-1222. (Clip and Save). HELP WANTED REPORTER, experienced, must have comprehansive newspaper skills. You will need reporting, layout and photography skills. We need a mature, responsible person willing to take charge of special editions. Send resume to The Editor, Alliston Herald, Box 280, Alliston. Ont. L0M 1A0. LINWOOD HOMES LTD. Wants Dealers now to sell prefab prefab and Cedar Home Packages. Builders, realtors or anyone who wishes to get into business will find this an excellent opportunity. opportunity. Live in your own model home or use it for a display hopie. Excellent Excellent commission, nô Eran- 1 chisc fees. For Dealer information information and 102 page Plan book send $6 to Linwood. Homes, Box 22226, Barrie, Ont. L4M 5R3 or call (705)734-0766. ■ Jim Paterson, Lands/Waters Administrator The. Ministry of Natural Resources, Lindsay district, manages a 349 hectare (862 acres) block of Crown land within the Town ,of Newcastle. This property abuts the Village of Kendal and is referred to as the "Kendal Property." Property." The property offers a variety of opportunities for resource management management and outdoor recreation. As a result of this, the Kendal property is considered to be a prime candidate for integrated resource management. management. Lindsay district staff have recently recently prepared a draft of the "Kendal Crown Land Management Plan." This draft plan identifies the current current resource management acitivities, future management initiative initiative and recommends- strategies for co-ordination. The plan also en- I.EASE OPERATOR.S/Brokcrs. Job opportunities across Canada w/reputable trucking companies. Accounting services monthly or annually. Licensing and pcrmiLs. Consulting services. Extended Medical, Dental and Group Life Insurance. For more information please contact: Transpo Services Ltd. Wavnnc or Christina (6041946-8801 or 1 -800-663- 5609. PERSONAL ADOPTION/PREGNANT? Loving couple would desperately like to make a home for your unborn unborn child. Working with Government Government Licenced Agency. 'Call collect: (416)731-4307. DIVORCE BY MAIL $380 everything everything included. Ontario wide. No court visits. Money back guarantee. Experienced since 1979. Free information 7 days. Divorce Aid Kitchener., (519)578-5959. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES OVERSEAS POSITIONS. Hundreds Hundreds of top paying positions. All, occupations. Free details. Over-) seas Employment Services, Dept. CA, Box 460, Mount Royal, Que. H3P 3C7 1-800-361-2461. ' • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Be Independent! If you are ambitious ambitious and looking for a career that is highly profitable and fun call collect (416)827-2660 MA CHERIE HOME Fashion' Shows (Est.) 1975. ment of the property. This plan, once approved, will provide for the management of the property over the next ten (10) year- period. The public; consultation component component of the planning process is designed to solicit comments from a wide variety of interested parties. The plan in draft form is being. circulated to the municipality, local interest groups and the Ganaraskâ Region Conservation Authority. Copies of the plan are. available to the general public at the Lindsay district: office. Please telephone or write for a copy. Comments'on this draft plan should be directed -to the District Manager, Ministry of Natural Resources, 322 Kent Street West, Lindsay, K9V 4T7, by October, 7, 1988. MERVYN 9. KELLY Barrister and Solicitor LAW OFFICE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - REASONABLE RATES Free Initial Consultation ' 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 623-4444 . Evening and Week-end Appointments Available Corner Church and Tempefance Sts.; Bowmanville 7 STAR RESTAURANT ON HIGHWAY 115/35 ' * BESIDE CLARKE HIGH SCHOOL DAILY SPECIALS AND PIZZAS SAM'S COMBO 20FFEE ,35c. TAKE OUT or EAT IN open at aoo a.m. Draft management plan for Kendal Prov. Park courages opportunités for other groups to participate in the manage-

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