1 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS, MON., NOV . 14th Published Every Wednesday Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 9, 1988 The Green Stetson bolsters grits The big green stetson and Eugene Whelan strolled into Port Perry last Friday to jab and' stab at the Tory Free Trade deal to the delight of 150 partisan liberals. He said he has signed signed a 'peace treaty' with Turner and is working to get him and the liberals elected. "When I saw what the Durham Liberal candidate Doug Mojfatt and Eugene Whelan Tories were trying to do 1 knew I had to help", he said. "We have an agricultural community community that has been the envy of the world", he said, but they need marketing boards and subsidies to compete with the U.S. competition. He said look at the states of Califor nia and Ohio who produce more agricutlural products than is produced produced in all of Canada. He said if pork producers think they will prosper over the long term under free trade with the U.S. they better think again. "It may be (Continued page 14) Limit of three does per residence put on hold by Town council A three-dog household' by-law proposal was put on hold on Monday Monday by Town council when Counv. Hamre said the by-law had implications implications that she had not been aware of at the general purpose committee meeting. The proposal to limit 3 dogs to a household had been passed and recommended to council by the general purpose committee. If had been recommended to committee by the by-law enforcement officer. A fine of $50.00 would have been levied for the, first offence and $100 for subsequent offences. Brian Irwin has said'Without the amendment to the dog by-law peoplè Happenings ... 'euchre RESULTS AT THE TOWN HALL The Orono Town Hall Euchre results for November 2nd are as follows: high score Harvey Partner with 97; Hazel Pigott with 88; Ethel Goble with 83; Edith Gordon and Fred Yeo with 82. Low score Mary Thompson and Inez Bqughen tied. Winners of the draws Ethel Goble (2); George Buckley and Ed Skinner. Euchre every Wednesday Wednesday night at 8:00 p.m. Ladies please bring lunch. A SUCCESSFUL ARTHRITIS SOCIETY CAMPAIGN very successful Arthritis Society Fundraising Campaign in Orono and area has been completed with $1,781.24 in donations which will help support the continued work of the society. Campaign, chairperson Lorna Atkins says this was made possible by the dedication dedication of the 36 canvassers and the generosity of the community. ALL CANDIDATES DEBATE FOR FEDERAL CANDIDATES An All Candidates debate for Federal Candidates in Durham Riding will be held on Wednesday, November 16, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. at Newcastle Village Town Hall (corner of Hwy. 2 and Mill Street) in Newcastle Village. . All candidates for the Durham Riding have been invited to present a ten (10) minute opening statement, which will be followed by the opportunity of area residents to ask questions from the floor. This meeting is co-sponsored by the Port Granby Monitoring Committee, the Committee of Clarke Constituents and the Citizens for a Safe Environment. This is not to say that the meeting is limited to environmental issues. • , . The candidates are as follows: John Kuipers (Christian Heritage Party); Harold Tausch (Green Party); Rolf Posma (Libertarian); (Libertarian); Doug Moffatt (Liberal); Marg Wilbur (New Democratic Party) Party) and Ross Stevenson (Progressive Conservative). could keep as many dags as the town was willing to licence. * The proposed by-law would have limited dogs to three in any one household regardless of whose name the licence carried. In a report to council Irwin said the current situation was unacceptable unacceptable because people who live in the immediate area of these homes would face noise and odors that result from having several dogs. Kennels are permitted but they have to be on at least five acres and on land zoned agriculture. Harare's tabling motion is to allow time for town staff to consult with dog owners concerned over the by-law. At the meeting on Monday one dog owner, who said she lived on a large lot also said she kept eight dogs and only had complaints frdm one neighbour. Clinic upsets area residents east of Orono An Alcohol-Drug . Abuse Clinic operating east of Orono on the Fifth line of Clarke has local residents concerned. According "to 'Brian Irwin, Newcastle By-Law Enforcement Officer, ten residents are housed housed at the Clinic being referred to the Clinic by Detox Centres in Toronto. The Town of Newcastle elec tors are called to the polls this coming Monday, November 14th to set the course of the municipoality through their choice of candidates for various municipal offices, those for the Boards of Education and for Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission. Commission. Municipally electors have a choice of three for Mayor being Ann Cowman, Marie Hubbard and Hal McKnight, all having experience in municipal affairs having been members of council for the past three years. There is no election in Ward Three for either Local or Regional Council as both Frank Stapleton and Diane Hamre have been returned by acclamation. acclamation. Ward Three voters, will however, take part in the selection selection of two School Trustees from three hopeful candidates, Wm. H. Carman, John W. Smithson arid Diane Nowlan. Acclamations exist in Wards One and Two for the public school system. ■ Again Ward Three Separate School supporters have a choice for two members to their board from a list of four hopefuls, Caroline Burke, Alan Bayliss, (Continued page 14) Orono to hold annual Lighting of Christmas The Orono Downtown Business Association is to again hold their annual Lighting of Christmas this year on Friday, November 18th. The Orono Downtown Store Christmas decorations are to be lighted at the beginning of the program program as well as Christmas lighting of the Orono Town Hall and the street standard decorations.. Children- from the school along with oth'er local childrens' groups are to offer Chrsitmas Carols on the steps of the Orono Town Hall and hot chocolate and cookies will be served at thé Ordno Oddfellows Hall for thqse taking part. On this date the Annual Christmas Craft show in the Town Hall will be open for the général public. Local stores are offering a ten per cent discount from the hour of 7 to 9 p.m. on Friday, November 18th. It is expected there will be a contest contest for the best Town Crier and prizes will be awarded. The Orono Downtown will also recognize the Twelve Days of Christmas and a roving Santa will be present on a number of Saturdays Saturdays just prior to Christmas. There will also be a Home Decoration Contest and other events yet to be decided. Speaker has views of Downtown Orono Bill Little of William A. Little Promotions and Motivations of Whitby addressed a gathering of thirty-one business people and employees' of the Orono Downtown on Wednesday evening leaving the group enthused as to the future of the downtown. With wit and facts of his own promotion of Pearson Lanes in Whitby, one block north of Dimdas Street he challenged the Orono downtown that the future was in their hands and there was no better time than the present to surge ahead. Little spoke of the boom in Whit- (Continued page 5) Brownies Take Part (Continued page 15) Nicole Wilnem arid Aliso'n attending the annual Remembrance Finley, flag bearers for the Orono Day Service held at the Orono Brownies are but two of the Pack Ceifotaph.