Qrono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 2, 2000 - 5 j Clubs & Organizations Newcastle Lions news Durham senior's news The Senior's dinner was held in the hall on Station St., Orono on Thursday evening, Januaiy 13. President Marion Tennant welcomed everyone to the pot-luck dinner. There was a smaller than usual crowd out because of the cold weather. There was a short busi ness period and eveiyone will phone for catered dinners. Bingo games were enjoyed and the next meeting will be February 17 a 6:00 p.m. Minutes of silence for departed members - Robert Robinson. Isabelle Challice Bowman* Toastmasters "Priorities" was TM Russ Le Blanc's theme for the meeting of the Bowmanville Toastmasters Club on January 28th, 2000. As chairman, he ensured that all outstanding club business was discussed and resolved in a reasonable time. And he welcomed a new member, Muriel Bizi. Table Topics Master TM Denise Marek used a novel approach for the impromptu speaking session. She handed handed out fortune cookies to the participants asking them to pull out the paper and speak about the message when called to do so. "May your dreams not fade in the light" inspired TM Karen Martin to a winning presentation. In the prepared speech program, the two speakers chose aspects of Toastmasters as their topics. TM Pat Le Blanc was rewarded rewarded with the Best Speaker Trophy for her persuasive talk on why and how to increase club membership. Designated evaluators strive to give honest, positive and constructive evaluations. TM MaiyAnn Maye was chosen as the Best Evaluator for her feedback. Feeling nervous about speaking to others? Are you filling your talks with ahs and uhms? Toastmasters can help build up your confidence! confidence! Bowmanville Toastmasters meet on Tuesdays at the Ontario Power Generation Darlington Information Centre in Bowmanville at 7:30 p.m. Guests are always welcome. For more information, please call MaryAnne Maye, 983- 9845, or Irene Konzelmann, 983-9423. Community care news The very first "Community Care" dinner of 2000, was held Wednesday, January 26, in Orono United Church, Main Hall. Approximately 50 members in attendance. Mrs. Dini Schoenmaker welcomed everyone and gave "The Blessing". A beautiful, sunny day, but again very cold. A delicious menu of escal- loped potatoes, ham, peas, cabbage salad, rolls and butterscotch butterscotch dessert was enjoyed by all present. A vote of thanks to the ladies in the kitchen. Guest speaker Mr. Myno Van Dyke, Newcastle, was introduced, and he brought an excellent illustrated talk, "History of Community Policing" through the years. Myno came here in 1951 and presently lives in the Newcastle area and is a member and elder of Orono United Church. Many scary incidents told of earlier methods of punishment, punishment, In early years. Very poor financial rewards received by earlier policemen. One exciting piettire of hold-up, at Curve Inn, of 3 criminals all with loaded guns and captured by 2 local policemen. Stories of earlier times in Newcastle and even Orono "Police Village" as small hamlet, hamlet, but very few hired police personnel. Last picture with Myno shown in Bowmanville Police 1973. in 1974 Bowmanville went regional. He reminded us of the book "The Way We Were" of exciting events in past and reminded us of the value of this book! Of special interest to the men in the audience were the pictures of old cars - 1950's & 1961 Studebaker known for their speed. Altogether a very enjoyable presentation Myno and altogether altogether a great day! RECYCLE The regular meeting of the Newcastle LiofiS Club was held on Jan.26,2000, in the Lions Room at the Newcastle Community; Hall. The meeting meeting was called to order at 7: PM by President Dick Lovekin who welcomed, prospective member Roger Nichols and BIA Chairman Ron Hope along with 36 Newcastle Lions. In honour of Robbie Bums Day, Tail Twister, Lion Jack McOustra far exceeded his position arrived dressed in a Kilt. After dinner he went on to recite a poem by the famous Scott, Robbie Burns. Introduced by Lion John Mutton, Mr. Tony Cannella, Manager of Engineering for the Municipality of Clarington outlined plans for the present and future development in the village. Two developments, the Kaitlin development at the lake and the Dunbuiy Homes development are well underway underway with Dunbury already applying for approval of the second stage. Application has been made for a third development development off Given Street at the west end of the village. Mr. Cannella told the Lions that there are plans for a park which would include the Lions pool and tennis courts that will be built to the north of the present public school, possibly in 2001 when there are enough homes in the development to warrant it. Mr. Cannella was thanked by Lion Corey Barr. Thank you letters were read from Mrs. Daphne , St.Amand, Hermine Schmid, Christmas Feast Hosts, Salvation Army and Leader Dogs of Rochester Michigan E-mail was read from District Governor Bob Taylor announcing the winner of the Peace Poster Contest submitted submitted by Courtice Lions Club and won by Nelson Cheng of Lydia Trull Public School. Five Lions Clubs participated, Courtice, Bowmanville, Newcastle, Marmora-Crowe Valley and Land O,"Lakes. Lion Gord Jilks reported on the dinner catered to the BIA a profit was realized and he thanked all those who helped. Lion - Stan Powell, Food Wrap chairman reported prices have increased, Saran to $14.00 a roll, and tinfoil to $24.00 a roll, and has stock on hand. After some discussion it was decided that the Newcastle Lions will support the Millennium Project proposed proposed by the Newcastle BIA. If this proposal is successful it will see a park erected on the west side of the Community Hall. President Dick presented 100% attendance pins to the members who missed the December meeting. REGISTER NOW CENTRE FOR INDIVIDUAL STUDIES Adult & Alternative High School New classes start February 7. • Computers • Grade 12 • Flex Hours • Classes or Self Direct w MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. SERVING DURHAM REGION SINCE 1841 ALL FUNERAL SERVICES PREARRANGED AND/OR PREPAID BURIAL - CREMATION - TRANSFERS "WHERE PROFESSIONAL ETIQUETTE IS IMPORTANT" FUNERAL DIRECTORS PAUL R. MORRIS DOUG R. RUTHERFORD GARY M. CONWAY DEBRA D.KELLEHER 623-5480 4 DIVISION ST.. BOWMANVILLE - AT QUEEN ST. 4É ★ ★★ ★ ★★ AYR EN IbINKS 6M1F CIiUB Comer of Taunton Rd. E. & Bethesda Rd., Bowmanville, Ontario • 263-2293 Pro Shop G Snack Bar Open Saturdays/Sundays Warn - 4pm Blouses *5®° Gloves $6®® Shoes $29®® up Bags $59®® up * Plus many more in-shop specials ■HBESEBE Available after 12 noon from April 1 till Oct. 15 Mon to Fri excluding holidays - $200 plus GST 7 Day - $300 plus 1