4j Orono Weekly Times Wednesday, November .! 5, 200? Apple Blossoms do some landscaping First period action saw one more time.The Apples Apple Blossoms taking a lead pulled their socks up and put on Bowmanville's Kamstra's one more home. Scoring unas- with a score of 4-2 at the end sisted was J. McGill, Tanner of the first. Goals scored by Johnston played outstanding in Orono were Matt Fuller with front of the pipes, taking his two assists going to Noel team to victory with a final Snow & Mitch Harding, score of 8-3. Followed by Snow assisted by This was an excellent heads- Harding & Fuller. Then Josh U p, hard-skating game by the McGill scored on a pass from whole team: Zach Flood, Matt Kevin Griffen. . Fuller, Chris Grant-Lupel, Second period action saw Kevin Griffen, Mitch Harding, Orono pouring on the pressure. Tanner Johnston, Brock Beautiful end to end hockey, McGill, Josh McGill, Matt with Orono dominating at the Mercer, Noel Snow, and Cory end by three more. Scoring a Veloce. beauty goal was Brock McGill Absent were Daniel assisted by Snow and Harding, Hodgson, Ben McKelvie and Next, J. McGill unassisted.. " Derek Rocha. Then, Harding unassisted. Good luck in the rest of the In the third, Oronp let their year! guard down. Kam stras scored Orono Atoms Extend Great Team Play with a 3-1 Record On November 11, the Orono retain their lead and headed Atom Leafs #1 .hosted into the third and final period Bowmanville #4 in what was a of the game. Bowmanville great physical game of hockey, were out still playing hard but In the first period, Orono Orono was defmitley on their scored a lot of great offensive game and playing a physical and defensive plays but were game helping Brock, unable to put the puck in the Bowmanville, however, got net-likewise for Bowmanville. a power play on a hard flying In the second period, Orono Rock Am Sock'em hit by opened the scoring by Blain Kevin Bourke at 4:33 of the Cox being at the right place at period and looked puzzled the right timé assisted by . while the referee escorted him Kevin Bourke. Brock Durham to the penalty box. continued to stand on his head Scoring short-handed was and play outstanding in net. Denis Beenan on a cross-fire Orono then, with 1:20 left in pass by Blain Cox to ice the the second, scored again, with game. beautiful passing. Thé. goal The ■ Lc'afs extend their was scored by Josh Dobson, record to three wins and one assisted by Denis Beenan and loss. Way to go, boys. Cody Dabello. Orono played -by Trevor Lycett great defensive hockey to Peewee Reps have e cbfileiiging week The week begins with an Woodville squad is fast, big exhibition game against All, and aggressive and we clearly have our work cut out for us Saint's of Peterborough. The Orono Peewee Rep's and All Saint's are evenly matched, the competition is tough. All Saint's is first on the score- board at the top of the second period. At the 6 minute mark Mark Spiers manhandles the puck into the net with the assist from Mike Fuller and Doug Garlick and 5 minutes after that Doug Garlick picks the right spot and scores, assisted by Brandon Gauthier and Ryan Knox. All Saint's retaliates and scores at the top of the third, tying the game 2- 2. Brandon Gauthier bulges the twine to score for Orono the Peterborough team responds again to tie the game 3-3. The Orono defense worked well and shut down the Peterborough offense, our offense worked just as hard but were stymied by a hot goalie. The final score was a 3-3 tie. Goalie Shane Winters certainly certainly helped to keep us in the game. On November 10th, the Peewee Rep's, travelled to Woodvillle and suffered a tragic tragic 8-1 loss. Our only goal was scored by Doug Garlick and assisted by Brandon Gauthier. with this team . On November IT the Pecwee's • travelled to Frankford for an exhibition game and got shut down with a score of 7-0. This is one tough team! Penalties were rampant. Orono did well considering Frankford has been annhilat- ing everyone with scores surpassing surpassing the 16-0 mark and more. Good Work Team! Wrapping up the week; the Peewee's faced Minden on November the 12'for the second second time this year. Tire game was fast and clean with very back, at the top of tile third. Brandon Gauthier pots one for - Orono assisted by Mark Spiers and Evan Moore and the competition competition is fierce. With 2 minutes minutes left m the game, Minden manages to score and Orono suffers a 2-F loss but this is a much more respectable ' score compared to our previous 6<-3 loss against Minden. Alex Hart made 1 many heart-stopping saves hi goal . Our next home game is Sunday, November 19 against Brighton. Hope to see you there ! ; >-§S A, y V,i ■' vv'T/r 11 m /taVvih [HnHrPi• I BSÉI rm high scores for October 31 <A, À , BOWLER GAME ONE GAME TWO Merril Henry 171 178 Alec Martin 215 186 Marilyn Martin 153 184 Bruce Mortimer 216 162 Eleanor Perrin 182 216 Maureen Powell 169 161 Stan Powell 193 177 Bertha Powell 168 170 Russell Powell 173 Joyce Stacey 177 Helen Thorne 168 John Tigwell 187 206 Bill Wade 199 Marg Wade 163 high scores for November 9 2 BOWLER GAME ONE GAME TWO Debi Hannigan 178 Wes Forget 217 193 Joe Mendonca 208 211 Kathryn Brown 202 191 Cindy Reichert 186 Joe Forget 228 253 Roy Hopkins 185 Bob Lewis 235 184 Fae Forget 240 278 Connie Berry 182 181 Donna Adams 212 Ruth Forget 197 Cheryl Mendonca 199 181 few penalties. Minden scored- assisted by Steve Hicks and _ first at the bottom of the second second period and Orono gave it and Steve Hicks. The 1 -KK is coming to Stutt's Pharmacy Saturday, November 18 from 9:30 am - 4:00 pm. Have your free picture- taken with Santa. . Reprints can be ordered for friends add family. Phone for your reservation. yAyy - , , ^ iJLy| 111 ■ \/Sm 1 Anne Arsenault 213 194 | Betty Major 182 Del Lancaster-Forget 199 184 Leah Wood 203 Marie Wood 205 Lenore Beckman 204 Marilyn Major 203 202 Valerie Witheridge 185