o R *i a n i r, v a a r. tr n s a « From Around Home by Roy Forrester Bluebirds are just keeping themselves in the news this winter with another sighting just last week. Murray Yeo of Middle Road, one concession north of Taunton Road, sighted a single single bird along the road side. His wife sighted a small flock of Bluebirds in the same area some four weeks prior to this most recent sighting. You may also recall that Mr. Haggerty reported a small flock of Bluebirds on Henry Road east of Orono some weeks ago. It has to be an indication that food is available available to these birds and they can survive cold weather. A tour of roads east and north of the Village this week with Don Lycett proved some interesting as far as birds were concerned. First it was a Northern Shrike perched on a hydro wire just east of Hwy 115 on the Fifth Concession Road. Not too far to the east from this sighting -- a Sharp- shined Hawk was standing guard over a hole in a barn roof. Both birds were most cooperative giving us lots of time to observe all the features features of The birds. It doesn't always happen this way. Our tour edged along north to the 8th Concession and south down Best Road to Concession Road 7 west of Kirby. At this intersection bird life was abundant with con- tinual flights from the Baraball property out into a former corn field east of Best Road. The activity was such that we just had to stop. Blue Jays and Doves were abun- i dant as were 'possible' ; Common Crackles or Starlings. (The debate goes on 1 over this.) A sizeable area in the corn field was black with Crows and it was in this area that the Jays and Doves had an interest. interest. A possible corn spill may have been the attraction. We hear a lot of "Where ! have the birds gone this year, i we don't have any at our feed- ! er." ! That is not the case at 6 | Mill Lane for American Gold ! Finch will often take up all j eight perches on the Nyger j feeder with others awaiting their turn. Chickadees, Flouse and Purple Finch along with Red Breasted Nuthatch and Doves still visit the Black Sunflower feeder. Donna keeps a good record as the feeders are in plain view outside outside of the front window. The word from 6 Mill Lane is that the winter birds are still here. A small flock of Robins have been reported in the Orono Crown Land property. Over the past week I have certainly enjoyed a lot of cross country skiing in the Orono Crown Land property. It has been a daily event. It is interesting to note that : there are more skiers this year ; than in the past. Certainly j there was lots of hiking on the i weekend. We are fortunate to j have this so close to home. It is a beautiful winter sea- j son. must absolutely be reigned in, as our residents cannot afford perennial six per cent tax responsibility and accountabili- increases. Clarington must ty to our ratepayers offering big clearly be in control of our own city services at the lowest resi- destiny, we must monitor very dential taxes in the GTA closely our net benefits versus lakeshore while keeping the levy contributions at the same quaint small town atmos- Region." phere." The Mayor thanked the Clarington will have its council and municipal staff for share of challenges with respect an excellent 2002, with a spe- to pressures from a Provincial cial thank you to the men and election and the skyrocketing women in the emergency serv- fmancial requests at Durham ices field, "We are very proud of Region for non-core services, the job that you do," he stated. he warned. "Regional spending HIKING IS HEALTHY Sponsored by the Oak Ridges Trail Association You are welcome to attend the following: Wednesday, January 15,2:00 p.m. - a 5 km. loop in a hardwood hardwood bush. Meet at the 8th Concession of Darlington at the Darlington/Clarke Townline. Also can be reached by tra- celling west from Leskard and then north 2 kms. on the Darlington/Clarke Townline. Further details call Murray Yeo at 905-263-2546. Saturday, January 18th, 9:30 a.m. - Hike/Ski 6 km. loop at Long Sault Conservation Area. Take Regional Road 20, cast from Hwy 57 or west from Hwy 35, and follow signs to Long Sault. Meet at north parking lot. Call Peter Parrot, 905-623- 2662. Citizens... Continued from front C 1 t , ~ ; r ■ : ' ' Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, January 15,2003 - 3 Two bricks for Normandy memorial Clarington has added their I two bricks to the load of bricks j needed to build the Juno Beach Centre on the \ Normandy coast in France. On Monday night, Jan i Devries of Pickering one of the WW II veterans who part ici- ; pated in the D-Day landings on the Normandy coast on : June 6th, 1944 presented coun- ; ci Hors with the project to 1 develop a memorial educational educational facility on the site. The centre centre will be developed to inform I visitors of Canadian participa- l tion in the war. According to ! organizers, there is to date no significant Canadian memorial that marks our achievements during WWII. The Juno Beach Centre at Courseulles- sur-Mer on the Normandy Coast in France will provide that recognition and preserve for future generations the gifts of valour and freedom that j were given by all Canadians | who participated in the WWII | victory. j Upon Devries' request for j municipal funding to the proj- | ect, council approved the pur- i chase of two Group Memorial | Bricks at the cost of $2,500 each. Councillor Charlie Trim's motion to purchase i three bricks was turned down, i v Councillor Jim Schell in j stating that he would support j a two brick limit said, "This i can become a very emotional j item. Simply put, we're doing ! the responsible thing. We ! could go with one [brick]; we're going with two. There ! are lots of things we could be ; doing in this municipality that we couldn't find the money to do." The money will come from the Municipal Contingency ! Fund. Correction: Last week's article on the upcoming municipal election incorrectly stated that candidates have till October 26, 2003 to file their nomination papers. Potential candidates have till September 26, 2003 to file their nomination nomination papers with the Municipal Clerks Department. Department. Bill Tomlinson and Padre Saunders of St. Saviours Anglican Church in Orono, flipped pancakes for over 60 people who attended the free breakfast Saturday morning. The event raised over $300 in donations for the Orono Crown Lands Trust. Alex Shepherd Continued from page 2 human. But those who hold public office have a moral obligation to uphold the accepted rules and standards that society has placed on itself. Four Canadians are killed every day and 125 are seriously seriously injured at the hands of a drunk driver. Why would someone be so callus as to get behind the wheel, possessing the sheer audacity to think their drinking drinking and driving fails to hold the possibility of taking someone's someone's life. The premier of British Columbia did just that. As public figures we have to, first and foremost, respect the morals society has placed upon itself. We have to respect the laws put in place to protect the weak, the innocent and the ignorant. Franklin Roosevelt said there is a mysterious cycle to human events. To some generations generations much is given and of others much is expected. The pendulum has swung to the point now where society society expects a great deal from those who hold public office. People have made it quite clear they are offended by the kind of behavior exhibited by British Columbia's premier At the very least society should have the confidence that their public officials respect the wishes of those they lead. \ ~ Happenings ~ Starting February 3rd Are You Looking for Work? Meta Vocational Services "Job Finding Club - is offering a 3-week job search program program where you will learn how to access the hidden job market, effective interview skills, preparing resumes and cover latters and more. The Job Finding Club is sponsored sponsored by Human Resources Development Canada. For more info contact Cathleen Lycett 905-697-8887. Beginning Tuesday. March 4. "Just Me & The Kids" - Crossroads Christian Assembly presents a 12-week seminar series geared for single parents parents and their children. Works with both parent and child addressing varied and complex issues facing single parent families. One time fee of $25 includes weekly meal for parent and up to 2 children ($5/additional child.) For more infor andto register please call church office 905- 987-9955. X Wednesday» March 12 "Canada Blooms" Bus Trip - Departs Orono 10 a.m. Includes Bus, Show and Magazine - $32. Call Lorna 905- 983-5608. Sponsored by the Orono Horticultural Society.