From Around Home by Roy Forrester If I had to name the bird of the past week, it would certainly certainly have to be the Rose- Breasted Grosbeak. The male is a flashy dresser with contrasting contrasting colours of red, white and black. You just can't miss him. And on top of this--he is not a shy bird. I heard about him on the street and Donna was receiving receiving phone calls about this splashy gent. A call from Hilda Cochrane, Concession 10 just west off Highway 35, midweek, midweek, was a somewhat typical call. She reported not only the return of four Rose-Breasted Grosbeaks but also the appearance of a Scarlet Tanager, a Baltimore Oriole and a Ruby Throated Humming Bird. This group of birds generally generally make it back to Ontario at about the same time each year. It is a common pattern year after year. They are on the mark again this year on their return. The Oriole could have spent the winter in the tropics, the Grosbeak in Mexico to the West Indies and the Tanager in South America. Another specie appearing of late in this area has been the White Crowned Sparrow making it's way to the far north. The White Throated Sparrow, also on the move, is satisfied with a more southern climate to spend the summer. It is however somewhat north of our part of Ontario. Mentioning the Rose- Breasted Grosbeak we can report the sighting of a group of eight of these birds at the Staintons east of Pontypool on Sunday. It is a natural environment environment in a somewhat wooded area. It is interesting to note that the Staintons are not allowed to make any new addition to their home being in an area designated in the Oak Ridges Moraine and further noted for the wildlife density in the area. It may by why we were able to count eight Rose- Breasted Grosbeaks at the feeder along with a small flock of Doves. Eclipse of the Moon Come this Thursday evening, take a look skyward at 10 p.m. for the eclipse of the moon. You are invited The Clarington Chapter of the Oak Ridges Trail Association invites you to take part in a walk on Thursday, May 22 commencing commencing 1:30, for some Bluebird watching and as well a short walk into the bush for spring flowers. Meet at the trail on Concession Rd. 10, 0.5 km. west of Highway 35. For information phone 905-983- 5147. Sunday, May 25 9:30 a.m. Hike - with Rick Patterson in the former Orono Tree Nursery lands. K W «14# 'If* Orono Country Ccife yprtnria nay weekend Hours Friday: 6:00 am - 9:00 pm Saturday: 6:00 am - 9:00 pm Sunday: 7:00 am - 8:00 pm Monday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Main Street., Orono, Ontario • 983-9009 4 & Join Us THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY for the opening of our upstairs -Free Coffee as you Browse~ Specials Rusk .99 Speculaas 1.99 2 piece Frisian Spice Cake 1.50 Dutch Bakery Syrup Waffles 1.75 Closed Sunday and Monday • Wedding Cakes • Cakes for all Occasions • Pastries • Donuts • Pies • Bread & Buns Main Street, Orono Proprietors: Gaiy & Carol Vrcckcr 905-983-9779 < Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 14,2003 - t 3 "1 v J Mac and Norma Ransberry's family and friends held a party Saturday for Mac's 80th birthday. birthday. The event was held at the Orono Rebekah Lodge. Big Brother and Sisters of Clarington Yard Sale The Big Brothers and Sisters of Clarington are excited excited about the upcoming Yard Sale this month. Fundraising is a huge necessity for Big Brothers and Sisters to be able to offer the great programs and opportunities for children that it has been able to in the past. The proceeds made by the yard sale will be put towards summer programs for kids. You can make it happen. By donating some of those items that are not of much use to you anymore, Big Brothers and Sisters of Clarington can turn it into something useful. You live a busy life and probably don't have any time to run a yard sale, but we do! We need those donations! So drop off any item of value at BBS House anytime between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. from now until May 23. Make a contribution today. Thé yard sale is to be held on May 24,2003 and is located at The Big Brothers and Sisters House on 23 Scugog Street. Tables for the yard sale may be purchased for a cost of $10. So come on out with your donations and show some support support for your community. We really look forward to seeing you out there. Big Brothers and Sisters of Clarington would like to thank you in advance for your support support of this event. Please contact contact us at 905-623-6646 if you have any questions or concerns. concerns. ~ HAPPENINGS ~ Wednesday. Mav 14 St. Saviour's Church Buffet Style SALAD LUNCH (12 noon till 2 p.m.) and SALAD SUPPER (6 p.m.) in the church hall on Mill Street. Tickets $10 ($5 children 5-12 years). Call Charles Gray 987-5591 or Beryl Clark 983-5591. Thursday. Mav 15 Orono Horticultural Society Spring Show and Plant Sale - 7:30 p.m. Orono United Church.; Guest Speaker Peter Keeping Topic: "Growing Clematis in Canada; Plant Sale (perennials, annuals herbs) church parking lot 6-7:30 p.m. Wednesday. Mav 21 . , „ ' Big Brothers & Sisters of Clarington 'Annual General Meeting' - 7-9 p.m. at Big Brothers and Sisters of Clarington House, 23 Scugog St., Bowmanville. Everyone welcome. Wednesday. Mav 21-7 p.m. Monica Rose Fashions - presented by Newcastle UCW. Tickets $10. Call Jane 905-983- 6312 or Thelma 905-987-2223. Dessert, coffee and door prizes. Wednesday. Mav 21st - 7;3Q MJSL Clarington East Food Bank Annual Meeting - St. George's Hall, Edward St., Newcastle. More volunteers needed. For more info call 905-987-4551. Satwrday» May 24 - 7 p,m t ^ . Making a Joyful Noise Unto the Lord - The Wilmot Creek Chapel Chorus present "Spiritual Music to inspire your heart" at Tyrone United Church. Coffee and sweets served after concert. Tickets $5 (children admitted free) available from Betty Pascoe 905-263-8424. Satardayi May 14 e t . . . Kirby United Church Spring Supper - Salads, Chicken A La King, and our famous homemade homemade pics. Adults $12; Children 5-13 $6; Two sittings - 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.; Tickets call Brian 905-983-9473 or Bonnie 905-983-9228. Sunday. Mav 25 100 Year Anniversary Celebration - Pauline Johnson Recital - at Orono Town Hall, 2:00 p.m. Tickets $6. each available at Bowmanville Museum, Clarke Museum, Orono Times office or call 905-623-2734.