Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, July 23.2003 - 3 Places I've Done Time by Clifford Francis There is little or nothing for me to write about this week. Ross Morris says it hurts too much to think, and I agree. It's been like that all my life. Even when I went to school it hurt. That's one of the reasons I went very little, or at all. Thankfully, my son Joshua Shephard has no problem with his schooling. He just graduated graduated from high school and is an Ontario Scholar. He will be attending Brock University where he received a scholarship. scholarship. Way to go Josh, we are ever-so-proud of you! The editor and writers of the Orono Weekly Times are taking a couple weeks holidays holidays and will scatter across Canada and the USA. Everyone will be back in a couple of weeks with renewed vigor and ideas. Being the lowest paid writer, next to the editor, I am staying in Orono. I would have liked to have gone to Nakina but I'm not sure if the snow is gone up there yet. I will however, be spending a lot of time on the benches in town. I think I would have made a good judge--they spend a lot of time there. A while back I wrote about some fellows in the area finding finding girls and getting married. Well, it started last Saturday. My Uncle Charlie Campbell of the Orono Garden Center started the ball rolling. He was married last Saturday and now I have a brand new Aunt Esther. It was a wonderful wedding and Aunt Esther looked so beautiful. beautiful. I had a grand time and I think if I had of consumed four of five bottles of wine, it would have been even better. Who's next to many I wonder? wonder? Roy Forrester has nothing on me when it comes to bird watching. While working in Newcastle last week, we saw a white headed robin. We are not sure if it was paint on its head or if he was aging gracefully. gracefully. He was seen again this week on the waterfront by some local residents who vehemently doubted my sighted sighted last week. PLACES continued page 5 liill 7*i ill! i ip I UWfl iijiiiil! 1 •!"" ilijiliimiliiii ay Iiii i II e*;b ,= Library Bandstand San Murata Jazz Trio Durham Benefit Wind Ensem gust 1 Rock Night with Torsion & Thneed August 8 Mandy Dolley & Mike Haywarc Ganaraska Country Cloggers Orono Talent Night (Open Mke) - Parkette 7 p.m. Supper Break - Bluegrass Tiies,; August 5 The Mountaineers - Country Tues., August 12 Jason McGill - Country BOWMANV.LLE Rotary R§||l , July 24 Nothing Serious - Celtic * m 1 : ' • :' f ■ii!!|»ii!} ■.'!* !iI Hi i | m ijjj Gypsy Grass- from modem; orig folk to standard cfes||| Combo Number Five (+5) both listen and dance tot HOPE Mill N -music « n in July 24,31 7p.ml ! *l! i i| jjj 1 1 II Congratulations on graduating from Bowmanville High School as an Ontario Scholar. Joshua received a scholarship to Brock University.where he will be majoring in mathematics. Parents & grandparents are extremely proud of your achievements. So adorable, ^ and yo» just keep getting better!! j *•> J u ty 25th: San Murata Jazz Trio nJyîOtk Durham Benefit Wind Ensemble Aug. 1st: Rock Night with anaraska rono u Country Closers iiii III III!!:; III! Illllliii:-- ii"i: KMX, hüüIhhh : OO; I n Mike) : Clarington Concert untry Jamboree Zeke Mazurek & Friends Aug. 29th: Supper Break (Blue Grass) All concerts begin at 7:00 PM on & Thneed "W fW 1 1 t *# Hayward iîiiiÉIililiii in Sill at the Orono Library Lawn ~ Please bring a lawn chair or blanket v -- case of rain, concerts will be at Orono Town Hall) Concert Series made possible by the generous donations of the following: Municipality of Claringrton Pharmacy Charlie Reid, Clifford Francis/Pro Painting, Orono Lumber, Councillor Gord Robinson Orono Countrv Cafe Fvemmtr'p 6 ^ s p ]* zeria - Grundy's Country Upholstery, Medessa on Main, Orono Weekly Times Orono Mills Hourolass Evergreen Farm 8, Garden, Orono Antiques Mall, Hamiltons Insurance, Orono Electric, Terrens Wellness Centre, and The Garden Path ~ HAPPENINGS ~ Every Wednesday afternoon to August 27 Tea on the Bowmanville Museum Verandah - noon to 3 p.m. at 37 Silver St., Bowmanville Friday. July 23 Orono Summer Concert Series featuring the San Murata Jazz Trio - at the Bandstand on the lawn at Orono Library starting at 7 p.m.Bring your lawn chairs. Friday, July 2$ Wadebridge and St. Columba Male Voice Choirs - Bowmanville High Sschool at 7:30 p.m. as part of the 12th Gathering of Cornish Cousins. Tickets $8 in advance or $10 at the door are available at Stutt's Pharmacy - Orono; Heart to Heart Florist - Newcastle; Archibald's Winery - Tyrone; Rapid Photo - Bowmanville; or phone 905-623-9147. Saturday. July 25.26.27 Holy Cow 3rd Annual Summer Open House and Art Show - at the Cow Palace 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day. Check out our website: www.cowpalace.ca Saturday & Sunday. July 26 & 27 Ha y f,cld Now Da y |n y Gardens Open Garden Weekend - 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 4704 Pollard Road, Orono.Free admission. Saturday. July 26 Kendal Day at Kendal Community Centre - commencing noon to 1 a.m. featuring all day entertainment, kid's games, kid's talent contest, crafts and displays, dunk tank, a dance Sat. night featuring Stetson and much more! Wednesday. August 13 36th Annual Beef BBQ - Orono Park from 4:30 to 7 p.m. Entertainment - The Jazz Cats; ^Tickets - Adults $12 and Children 6 - 12 years $6. Proceeds to Orono Arena Fundraising.