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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 May 1925, p. 9

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t \ THURSDAY, MAY 7th, 1925. Newsy Letters ~rom Our Corresp"'-)~t. Correspondeuts in each place represented will gladly welcome items of news from their friends. BROOKLIN At a well attended meeting of the Women's Institute in the Township Mr. Robt. Cooper has been confined Hall last Wednesday afternoon, the to his home as the result of an oper- election of new officers took place. atio.n on his tonsils, but is around Mrs. C .. L. Mackey expressed the wish agam now. . to retire from the presidency this Mr. John ~nll_s. ret~rne~ last week year, after three years in the office. ~rom _a months VISit wtth his daughter I The vice-president, Mrs. Hunter, de- In Wmdsor. clined to occupy the president's posi- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hall, of tion. Officers elected were : President B~pto~, visited over the week-end Mrs. F. Luke; 1st Vice-Pres., Mts: With theu ~ents here. , G. H. Hunter; 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrn. R. A good SJzet.l crowd tuMJid out on Besse; Sec.-Treas., Mrs. N. J. White. Sat~ay evening last to witness the Arrangements were completed for a operung of the football season and very lively year in the Institute. the first ~e. Th? Brookli~ team Miss Annie Kennedy, Whitby, visit- showed up m splendid style With sev- ed over the week-end with Miss G. FORab' 1n Fal Nor'".,, 'Ralrue"•: and puntJ • .nn .... .. I RENNIE~ • . &. RINNnt•s JUMBO RENNIE'S DERBY ~SPRIZit RENNIE'S ltANGAAOO ·• . Jon~ . ,; a""" ~ 'ock feedin• Uy selected \ .. • -Purple top• -£rlmeon top -Bronze Green top -Purple top -Bronze Green top 0..... IWnrtl•'• s.-1• Ttttrtip ~ lltrou,, .,_. ,_, Deokr •Jired/r- eral new players, and defeated a very Hunter. ~~; ;;siting team from Green A meeting of the softball team of ~. score of ~· . Brooklin was held in the Temperance / Don't forget · the Mlnst.rels torug~t. House last Thursday evening for the The Brooklyn Novelty Orchestra w11l 1 purposi'l of organizing the team, whieh be on hand. The boys of the com-~ is entered in the South Ontario Soft- munity have spent a good deal of ball League, with two teams from time in preparation for the show, anti Oshawa, two from Whitby, and one will, no doubt, receive good support each from Mt. Zion, Pickering and in attendance. Claremont. The firnt game is sched- Vfa.tAM RENNIE.~ (W, ADa.AJDI\ aa4 JAJ\YIS .U... TORONTO t/ ,.. CIIMIIf ellaflt ,_,_ ,.... ...... ,,,.,__. D.a~r .... ......... e-s~-- 1>'*'- Caudl.,. 8oe4 Cltll-- rl'ft~ftQ- Mr. C. L. Mackey received a carload uled here for Wednesday evening, I of oats this week, disposing of them May 13, with the Whitby Lions. The off the car. officers are: President, E. C. Cross; Rupture suff-erers sh.:>uld consult Secretary, K. G. Bulford; .Treasurer,r-----------"'------.iii!Iill•••••••••••• F. T. Thompson, on Friday, May 15th, G. H. Cooper; Manager, Cha.~ . Elliott. at 'the Royal Hotel, Whitby. See The. death occurred last Friday of advt. elsewhere. Mr. Daniel Robinson in his 'lSrd year. Funeral took place on Monday. Inter- ment at Groveside cemetery. Deceas- ~~~::::~~::::::~~~=~~~~~~;~~~~~~~ij eel had been farming and beekeeping on the 8th concession for many years, and was well known in this vicinity. He is survived by his widow, two putting the barn and sheds in good ore- pair by installing cement floors and ~tails for his cattle; al~o a windmill to supply water in all the stables for the stock. Suv.eriority prooea The superior nourishing qualities of this cereal food have been proved. You should order Marvel Pastry ll'lour. I Campbell & · Son Feed Store Seeds! Seeds! , .. we· hR~e al! kinds,of Qrass ~e.e_d, Seed.,Q..O.!P· G ~(de_t~.-- ... and Field Seeds. Come in earlY :jln,tl gtl'\ yottr ilhoicP. •· • l . For the Chickens All kin~s of Baby Chick Feed. Chopped and Po'll'ltry Feeds. Campbell & San, Phone 8 BrockSt.s. Whitby SPECIAL for 1 WEEK Buy For Cash and Save Dollars. ;====~========~ 1 Seed· Special CORN, Pride Ot Niahna. ...................... $2.76 pelibushl CORN, Whit. Cap ·Yellow Dent .............. $2.60 per busbl CORN, Improved Leaminl'..... . . . . . . . . . ..... $2.60 per bushl CORN, Mammoth Southern Sweet . . . . . . . . . . $2.60 per bulbi These are very special prices and must be taken advanlt,e ;f this week, as they will be sold at regular pricee after. \\e n doing this because we need the room. Mangel Seed, all kinds, at ............. . ..... .. ... SOc. per ). l'urnip Seed at . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • ..... 76c. per l. R. V. MOWBRAY, - KIN SAL: daughters and two sons. Miss A. Oliver spent a few days over the week-end in Oshawa. Mr. James Moore has rented the McGrotty farm for the Beason. Mr. and Ml'l'. W. Wilson and fam- ily, of Streetsville, spent Sunday with i~ parent.~, Mr. and Mrn. J. W. Wil- on, Port Whitby. Mr. Andernoon took over the sta-tionery business of Mr. John Pringle this week. Mr. Pringle had developed a very fine trade. Welcome to Mr. An- CLAREMONT derson. George Cooper, Walter Ward and ·J.:>b White spent last week in Ot- . M. Forsyth, motored U> Mount Al- tawa District on Government Inspec- rt on Sunday to visit Du~an Sto- tion. es, a relative, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. J. Vipond, of Toron- John McGrath had a good crowd, to, were down for Sunday. !so the Band, on saturday night, it Mission Band will meet Friday af- eing the oc~asion of the opening of ternoon. his ice cream parlor. Mrs. Holley, Detroit, is visiting old Mr. Frank Spenee, who is a To- friends. ronto teacher, spl'nt the week-end Tlie Lord's Supper was given in the with his father-in-law, Oatus Ben- ' • thodist Church on Sunday mom- 1nett, who is seriously ill. ing, Mr. Delve preaching on "Remem- Archie Fleming, of Mongolia, was ber Jesus." At night he dlsc.:>ursed here on Sunday. on "A Lying Prophet" to a cood· Reuben Besse, of Brooklin, wa sized audience, and the choir sang a here on Sunday visiting his m&113' fine anthem. Telatives. Mr. Douglas Wilson, Peterboro, Miss Grace Mlllldell, trained nurse, here for the week-end. left on Monday for the West, where Gilbert Brown, of Toronto, is she has previom;l~n engaged in (ap14111<dlng the week with her mother, 1her profession. J. Croxall, who is po.:>rly. Thos. Birkett, of Stouffville, spent Special programme in the Meth- the week-end here. odiat Sunday School, which meets at Rev. Cnrnon Cs 10 Lm. next Sabbath. Morning wor-, Claremont boy, wh< ' ship at 11 a.m. At night Pastor I retsry . of the Bapt· neron, a filrmer is now the Sec- t Home Mission 1 acceptably to !'n Sunday even- Del-.e will preach on "Mothers." ' Board, preached ve . Miu . Clara Schwaln:, Toronto>, 'lf_!lS a large congregatio; down t:\,+..~.a- mot'll.e-,-;'.;~r ;;.,~&- arg:· -- ·-- man, on Sunday. The first game ~he season In Mrs. Hambly, Miss Hockin and Mr. our local football It 1e was won at Hoppa, Bowmanville, were Sunday Ashburn. I'Ue&te of M:n. S. Bond. - The Kethoc£i S!Dld&y SChool Board of M:&Dqement met Tuuday e.enmc e1ec:ted the followiq · ol'ieen for the ensuing year: 'SUperintendent, llr. J. Garbutt; Asst. Supt., Mr. Hy. Jones; Secretary, Mr. John Shuttle- worth; Treasurer, Mr. M. Routley; Pianilt, Miss Mena HalL A atrong sta1f of departlnent teach- en and leaders was app.:>inted, and the outlook for a successful year ia ~ Beginning Sunday, May 10, the session will be at ten o'clock in the morning for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Brown, and llr. and Mrs. Jno. Croxall, were Sun- day visitors with Mrs.· Jas. Croxall Glenn Durin ia driving High School IIQldents to Whitby daily. llr. and Mrs. Jennings, Cherry- wood, visited at W. McLean's on .Sun- day. , W. S. Croxall received a car of coal I Oil Monday. r The Township Board of Health is tadeavoring to strictly enforce the qu.rantine for mwpps, having notices nad from local pulpits last Sunday requesting that is.:>lation be rigidly oblterved. Monday, May 26th, is our annual Spring Fair Day, and n strong pro- gramme is being put ou for the 811- iil'e day. He.rn hopin&' 1926 will be the but ner. . . .. ... -~- -·-·- -- ,, . ·BAU~ ca;.' J. Ward is SJlld .lng a new Star Ml'!l. Erl. Pickett and family have moved into the Ar uckle property. Eme<i Jones, of Brooklin, visited his parents, B. W. and Ml'l'. Jones, over the week-end. Don't forget quarterly meeting at Mount Zion Church Sunday morning. A number from here attended the Edwards' sale at Claremont on Tues- day. Mrs. Brown is much improved from her recent illness. Miss McCauley spent the week-end with her parents at Port Credit. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Jones visited Mr. Frank Jones at Whitby on Sun- day last. We are sorry to learn Mr. F. Jones is under the doctor's c~re. Don't fail to see the gsme of base- ball to be played on Mr. Jackson'• gro\lnds on the evening of May 12, be- tween the General Motors of Oshawa and our boys here. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jones and daughter, Lorna, spent Sunday with J. A. and Mrs. Jones. Sueker fishing is still the order of the'·mgh t. Rlchanl and Mrs. Day and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bush- by at Plelrering on Sunday last. A number in this vicinity are suf- ferinl' from severe colds. Mr. S. Brown, of Toronto, vi~ited his mother on Sunday. • ' tie. Both sides put up a good game. Although Ashburn line-up was not as strong as they expected to have, they kept the score down to 1- in favor of Claremont. On Saturday, May 9th, Ashburn plays at Green River. l\li~se s Minnie nnd Reta Hallett, al~<o llliss Phyllis Pilkey, Mr. C. Law and Howard Law, of Pickering, visit- ed at W. A. Heron's on Sunday. 1\lis~ Mary Kerr, of Agincourt, spent Sunday with her parents, 1\lr. and 1\1 rs. Walter Kerr. 1\lil'S F. 1\f. Luke was in Oshawa on · Saturday. llfl'l'. M. Miller visite<l with Mr. and Mrn. Walter Kerr on Sunday. THORNTON'S CORNERS The orchards are looking well this spring and ownern say there is great promise of a good bloom this year. Mrs. Lloyd Huber and daughter, Audrey, were recent visitorn with friends and relatives in Kitchener. Mr. and l\Irs . Abbott and children, of O!<hawa, visited last Sunday at the home of l\lr. and ll!rn. Jas. Preston. l\!1'!'. H. S. Smith, of o~hawa, was a ,;sitor this week with Mrs. Geo. Robinson. The Athletic Club are laying great plans for the summer season. The nacle of Whitby. The choir consists of 35 voices, and all will appear dress· ed in costume. Miss Louise Stanley, of Prospect, spent Sunday at J. T. Evans'. The Sacrament of tire Lord's Sup- per was administered after chun:h PAGE NINE 1\lothers' Day services will be held in the Sunday School next Sunday af- . ternoon. It is hoped every · mother will be present. ALMONDS service on Sunday. ·lllrs. McDougall, of Bowmanville, is Miss Blanche Hodgson, of Oshawa, visiting her sister, Mrs. T. C. Osburne. ~pent Sunday at her home here. Miss Clara Hopper, of town, spent · "' The Ladles' Aid have purchased a the week-end with Helethia Vanst.Ooe. new piano. ··· · · .. ~ft. and Mrs. Robert Pilkey and A returned missionary from Japan children visited with the fonner's gave a very interesting discourse at parents in Pickering on Sunday. the church on Monday evening. Mrs. W. Brown is spending a week Miss Edna McKee, of Manchester, with realtives in Toronto. visited her sister, Mrs. J. Evans, last Mr. Ben Willings and son, of God- week. erich, visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Mr. Norman Hughson visited his Osburne recently, mother at Myrtle on Sunday. -Mr. and ·Mrs. W. Dingman, of The ladies' softball team have com- Oshawa, visited on Sunday with Mr. menced practising to get ready for and Mrs. W. Hall. another season. Mothers' Day will be observed in A number from here attended the the Sunday school on Sunday, and football match at Brooklin on Satur- Miss Houston of ·Ontario Hospital, day evening between Brooklin and Whitby, will speak along that line. Green River. The score was 2-0 in Other special numbers are being pro- favor of the home team. vided. Come and bring some friend R. S. Hutchison, public school in- with you. Sunday school commences ~pector, paid his usual visit to the at 1.15 p.m. sharp. schools last week. Sorry to report Mr. W. Kemp is MYRTLE STATION under the doctor's care. We hope for his spee'ay recovery. grounds are being levelled and pre- 1\lrs. Bert Beacock and Douglas Mr. John Allman is on the sick list, but we hope he wiil soon be around again as usual. pared for sports. spent last week in Kaladar. We are \'ery sorry to report that A gang of men have been here with i~============== Mary Lindsay fractured her left ann their boarding car, laying ties on the while playinig games on the school C.P.R. tracks. lawn las t Thurnday. We all hope for The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- a speedy recovery. per will be administered at the close Mr. Harold Best, of Hamilton, was of the morning service next Sunday. a guest over tc week-end with 1\lr. and Mrs. Bascom, of NorwOod, spent Mrn. Jas. Preston. the first part of this week here with 1\!r. J. Sully has nearly finished re- her daughter, Mrn. H. Calder. mO<lelling the buildings on his farm Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Beacock visited and they have been much impro\'ed friends in Port Perry last Sunday. for convenience. Remember the day of !<ports and The agent for herbageum from Galt · Old Boys' Reunion to be held here on was around recently calling on his old Saturday, June 6th. customel'l', and many are pleased with The annual meeting of the Ladies' the results they have had for their Aid was held at the home of Mrs. D. stock and poultry. Luery last Wednesday afternoon. All RAGLAN On Wednesday, 1\fay 13th, an old- time concert will be given at Raglan by the choir of the Methodist Taber- the officers were re-elected after the usual business. Refreshments were served and a social time spent. The League is holding a box social in the hall at Myrtle on Thursday evening, May_ 14th. · Notice Ha•e me call at :rour farm with motor for your CATTLE, HOGS,SHEEP, CALVES, or Anything You Haye For Toronto Market, and you get that Middleman's Profit. WELLER' Phone 1804 BROOKLIN Point:s oF Superioritg Siqle Ball Be.riDc auapeada the bowl It --.- -a~o.. -l<9o r.owl....ia~-~· aelf balancing - eanno?' ·• get out of alignment. Tbia · ia an exdusive Mdotte feature. It turna easier than any other aeparator of similar capacity. Sanitary milk and cream chamber liDed with white bath·tuh enamel. Red- --~ tinware one-half-kes cleaning eaay-ia alwaya aanitary- lute • life- time. J. GEORGE JONES Box 75-Phone 50 Brooklin, Ontario Square cat cean (not apiral). AD endoaed -.erti--~~-~ · 1 c:ally and IDDalttucl a Gillllhc iD oil, oa ateel ball Learinga. Saapended aelf-halanc:ing bowl No bottom bearing to 'W'ear or caaae 'f'illntioa and poor akiroming. Self-drainiag bowl --clean diac~ ""'vaab CI"'IUUII wute. Milk cumot aoar iD the bowl if it ia left atudng Wonwulliq. Solid cad iraa ........ ---- frame..-ftgid _. aanitm7. Ada. to~ flt.e MJotte-No•l USED CAl DEALERS We are Used Car Dealers and Just handle cars we can guarantee to be In good shape, and will Give Satisfaction at a Reasonable Price. No high price trade In's. We can supply nearly any make or style of car you desire at a price you want to pay • Read oYer the list below and see what ~e are offering this week. 1 '1 Mrs. J. T~~rller part of the week to spend the summer witt- GREENWOOD ;~========================:==~ her daughter, who resides at Vulcan. Mr. Black has sold his fann to a To- , Mrs. Bateman had the misfortune ronto man, who takes possession 1m- to have her shoulder dislocated again mediare!y. Mr. Black and family are last week, and has been under Dr. moving into H. Tindall's house just 1--Ford Coupe, motor and rear end overhauled, . paint, tires and upholstering real good, · $350.00 \ I / I . , Get the 1\tlost for Your Work and Moner I know you've a hts mvestment tied up ~ )Ur ficlda of com and your beef and dairy cattle. I want to see you get full retuma for thi. money That'a wily I recommend one of my ·'T~" Wooden Silos. It's built to retain aU ~ tty food value of the com-and cattle feel on t1Ua lid oE silage will give more milk and make better bf. "Toronto" Siloa are durably b~ilt of aelected ~ double tongued and grooved to exclude tJ,e r. treated with crecoote to lengthen their life. 1e Silo ia thua protected againat dry or wet 11!eabo, freezinw,thawins or any action of the .iJqet ie apecial Hip Roof, too, givee 15% extra capiacit Cet full value for )'Oiir invaa-t. L'a talk it over or let eomc _at. • lie litera~ . W. R. Emeno11, Boll 425. w.Jtll -- Jno. Moore's care since. south of the village. Claremont and Ashburn football C. and Mrs. Dean visited with Bert teams played an exciting game of ball and Mrs. Harvey on Sunday . at the athletic grounds here on Sat- The many friends of Jllrn. W. W. urday night. Neither team had pre- Gee will be glad to know she is stead- vious practice this season, but hopped .1 · roving after her recent illnesa. right to i_t and _kept the ball going _for 1 y~~rt Brown and daughter, Ida, the requtred time. When the-..., tt_me returned to Toronto after spending ~as up the score was one to nolh~ the week-end at their home here. m favor of Claremont. Earnest Trimble is quite recovered , Mr. Gates, of Oshawa, has started aft his recent operation oll hla a weekly butcher route through here. throat. The Sons o~ Temperance Hall was James Gibson has become a radio entered one mght last · week by some fan, having had a radio set installed sneak, who removed therefrom all the . hi h lamps, which he . took . to a nearby m Mi~to:meOnnerod, of Agincourt, field ~d smashed to b1ts. What was 6 nt the week-end with his parents. ASHBURN the obJect for doing such a cowardly pe trick is a mystery, but It Is quite pos- sible the guilty one will soon be ap- prehended and made to understand that house-breaking is a serious offence. Mr. and Mrs. Southam and family, accompanied by Miss Gladys Parrott, ~ pent Sumlay with Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Parrott. Mr. Jllld Mrs. G. Duke, of Oshawa, spen~ the week-end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnston. Miss Viva Briggs spent the week- end in Port Perry, the guest of Mrs. Percy Kent. BASE LINE WEST Miss Rose Gardener, of Toronto, was a recent visitor at E. Story's. Mr. Roy Stirtevant is in charge of t' h~J.<:iiftal poultry. They have ,.II). · young chicks tr • W. Lowes,,. farm·· The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per was observed on ·sunday morning last. Voting on Church Union commenced on Monday, May 4th, in Bum'a Church, and will continue until lion- day, May 18th, at 9 p.m. Rupture sufferers should conault F. T. Thompson, on Friday, May 16th, at the Royal Hotel, Whitby. See advt. e!Rewhere. The first foot~all league game r the' season took place on Saturdav ning, when Claremont met-. · on the football grounds 1--Superior Touring, like new, 550.00 1-1923 Superior, a wonderful car, 475.00 1-k45 McLaughlin, all gone over, looks good and runs good, 1-1921 Chevrolet Touring, see this one, 1-1922 Ford Touring, 1~Ford Roadster, 600.00 225.00 300.00 125.00 ' If there are none In this list .to suit you, come and see us. Tell us what you want. We can get lt. We have a large stock of tires, tubes and accessories. Also Ford and Chevrolet parts. Repairs on all makes of cars promptly attended to. Luke's Garage, One Block South of Post Office Phone 22 WHITBY ::.:-- --

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