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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 May 1925, p. 10

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PAGE TEN WHITBY GAZ;ETTE AND tr============~===============~ I expiration of thirty days fro~ : the ed cider at W · SOFI'BALL FOOO'BALL The· Field of Sport BASEBALL BOWLING final publication of this notice, disin- and that it h• ter and remove from said Cemeteries case was adjour such bodies as may bo found therein, · Another well-lr. and will re-inter the same in Grove- spec:ted citizen 1 I . side Cemetery, in Lot number Twent)'- of Bowmanville WHITBY FOOTBALL In view of the decision of the South: five in the Fifth Concession in said what suddenly i· Ontario Softball Association and the I Township. 1 Ferdinand B. v. Whitby Softball Association, operat- The ~lunic:ipal_ Corporation of th~ I assessor for the TEAM LOST GAME. ing the Town League, to observe the . 'fo.wnshlp of Wh!tby . • teen ~ears. 0~ rules of the Ontario Softball Associa- By Its Sohc1tor, W. E . N. Smclwr, K.C., · acquamtance w1 To PICKERING.. tion, the Gazette and Chronicle !J; Oshawa, Ontario. ; JI?Sition h~ ~eld .pleased to publish herewith a number Dated the 5th day of May, A.D. ; kindly spm~ ~ ,;o. of the more important of these rules : 1925. , every one, heir( .. nd . ·The otficial ball shall he 12" in --4G nearly every P~< • • in the Four Games in South On- tario Schedule Played circumference and the A. J. Reach or was honored aru· .$pected a Spalding Cork Centte, Outseam Ball County in Review citizen. Thoug. . !lliling in p.. wiH be accepted. ~trength for sonoe. arne, yet Mr: \\1 .... on Saturday. The ·!!Ue of the diamond shall he : The police department at Oshawa mg attended to Ius home duties as Baseline 46', pitcher's box 35'. are still accommodating many tfav- ~sual an~ each_ ~ay fou_nd him attend- The umpire shall he given power to ellers by providing 11 night's lodging mg to h1s off1c1al duties to the last The first four games of the South call the game at any time, if in his to transients, and April has been a when the call came. Ontario Football Association were judgment, there is ample cause for so record month in this respect. Sixty- One of the oldest buildings in played on Saturday last, with the doing. The senior umpire's decision four have been given a bed for the Pickering, the Allaway cooper sho11, followiDg results: in case of dispute shall he final, senior nighi and many presented with meal just west of the bridge, was taken Aahburn 0, Claremont 1. umpire being one behind plate at the tickets for breakfast. down last week by Seth Badgerow. Cherrywood 1, Goodwood 1. time the decision is made. A fine of $10.00 and costs was im- This building, a frame one, was Brooklin 2, Green River 0. Two umpires shall be in charge of posed on Jahn Hercia when he faced. erected nearly fifty years ago and Pickering 3, Whitby 1. each game, alternating at the end of a charge of intoxication in police was the scene of great activity for each complete innings. court at Oshawa. Hercia pleaded. many years. Whitby Losea First Game. A · h 11 be · 1 t n umpire s a given comp e e guilty, declaring that he had obtain-- An appeal of Mrs. Frayne, against Whitby Football , Club lost their control of game, with power to banish fi.rst game to Pickering Saturday af- any player who may act in an un- ternoon, being handicapped for lack b"'!ntlemanly manner. of regular players, and the wet con- Any player who is withdrawn from dition of the grounds after a whole a game cannot go back and play in day's rain. same game. A very small crowd saw the galm!. A · batsman interfering in any way Whitby, with no fewer than five last with a batted ball, is out. 1f a batter minute vacancies, were somewhat at bits a ball fair and it then strikes his a disadvantage, and it soon began to person he shall be called out. tell, for Pickering had practically aU When the batter had been called the play, and were, without doubt, out by the above rule, no base-runner deserving of their win. Only once shall be allowed to advance. during the first half was Pickering's A foul bunt on the third strike is net in danger, and the Whitby cen- out. tre forward took advantage of his Whether a ball is fair or foul, shall lone opportunity, and netted a beau- oe determined by where the ball first tiful shot weal out of reach of the Lights. Pickering c:ystodian. Half time, Whit- .A batter is out when a third strike · 0 is called irrespective of whether the 1, Pickenng • .... th ..__., On reauming play, Pickering made catcher ca""'es e UAU or not. several determined rushes, only to be A foul tip caught is out. checked by Whitby's improvised de- .A base-runner can he thrown out on fence, but dame fortull'C came to the on a foul tip caught, if he does not visitors' assistance, and they netted hold the base. three simple ones in rapid succession. A batsman shall be allowed only The local boys are by no meanil dis- one step when striking at the ball. couraged by a 3-1 defoeat, but rather For any infringment ot this rule the do they take pride in the fact that umpire must call the batter out. The they scored the first goal of the sea- umpire mu5t see that the batter is son on home soil. _ properly in the batter's box. The work of referee Jowett, of To- A base-runner must bold the base :ront.>. _. utiwfactnry to &lL He until the ball delivered by &be pi&cber bad the .- ...n iD bud at all b:U crossed the home plate. irn~Spec­ iilm~~~~. O.oe PDt.f.liDII.iJJ,g fMAu'e at tive ~ whether the batter makea a the deaa ..~.7 safe hit or not. In the event of a run· pme was ,_ ' • ner leaving the base before the ball The flnal ICOI'I! wu 8-1 m fa'YOr of c:rosses the plate, he shall return to PickerinR". the last unoccupied base. 1f a run- FIVE TEAMS SO l(er oh first leaves before a hit is _, made, the batter must bat over an<l the base-runner return to first. FAR ENTERED A base-runner hit by a batted ball is out. (When a base-runner is de- clared out by this rule, the other base- runners are entitled to advance one Schedule For Coming Season is Drawn Up. base providing they make same.) The base-runner is entitled to the base line and if interfered with in any way, shaU be called safe. lf a coacher touches a base-runner, r t .... . - . -J .. ..... { ==--~~p.~o-............... ....... -- Wllh:rf~.--rhe ----- At a meeting of the Whitby Soft- coacher most stand s ix feet from lhc ball .Asaociation held in J. D. Fluker's base line. oltlce Monday evening, four entries On an overthrow over first, thir<l were received from teams who pro- and home, the base runner shall he en- pose to enter the Town League. The titled to advance one base providing teams are the Tuxis Boys, East End- he makes same. On an overthrow ers Black Feet and the Buckle fac- over second base the runner shall be to~. A fifth team-the Mudsling- entitled to advance as many bases as era, hllB since been added. he can make. On a pass ball, no run- Owing to other e11tries yet to he ner is entitled to a base unless he can received a schedule could not he make same. A pitched ball, striking drawn .;p at this meeting, but it was the batsman shall be called a dead decided that the managera of the ball. team 'get together and draw up a No games shall commence until schedule not later than May 6th. An- each team has eight (8) players on other meeting will he held on Friday the field, the ninth (9) player being evening. eligible at any time during the game. Any necessary ground rules must he settled between the umpire and the on Savin~i. Accoun$ -- ... _ - ·-- ' · ... ~ ' . -- -- . : .. .- -·-·· (.,do llw ~· of l.uubtf ~ One dollar opens an account, Eill\ deposita or withdrawals may be rna~ b, mail. - - .... ¥ICYOOtiA ...... ~ ISTAIIUSIIED ~ • • ....., lMdlr Cct :UIAtl I .... Jrf'm --. ... --........ -..... Mr. F. D. Maundrell was appointed manager of one of the two teams, the Tigers, entered In the South Ontario Softball Leagw, and Mr. Frank Math- ison wll8 named manager of • the Lions the second team. The Lions play Brooklin at Brooklin on May 13. manager before the game commences. ~1~!~!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! All games must commence at 6.30 p.m., 16 minutes grace being allowed. It was decided to operate the league In accordance with the rules govern- ing the Ontario Softball Association; The league is expectad to ~urrush the fans with some real fun this year. Schedule Drawn Up. The following schedule bas been drawn up: Mon. May 11-Biackfeet vs. East End Mon .May 18--Buckle Vll. Mudslingers Fri. May 22-Tuxis VB. East End Sat. May 23-Biacldeet vs. Buckle Mon. May 26-Mudslingers VB. East End, 10.30 a.m. Fri. May 29--'Mudslingers VB. Bucklt: Sat. May 30-East End vs. Tuxis Mon. Jun 1-Buckle VB .Blackfeet. Wed. Jun. 3--East End vs. Mud- slingers. Fri. Jun. 6-Blackfeet vs. Tuxis. Sat. Jun. 6--Buckle vs. Tuxis. Mon. June 8-- Blackfeet VB. Mud- slingers. Fri. Jun. 12-MudsGngers vs. Tuxis Sat. Jun. 13--Buckle vs. East End. Mon. Jun. 16-Tuxis vs. Buckle Wed.Jun.17-Mudslingers VB. Black· feet. Sat. Jun. 20-East End VB. Buckle. Mon. Jun. 22-Tuxis vs. Mudslingers. Fri. Jun. 26--East End VB. Blackfeet. Mon. Jun. 29-a-Tuxis n . Blackfeet. Everything is in readiness for the opening of the South Ontario Soft- ball League games on Tuesday even· ing next, May 12th. There will be three games, General Motors, Osh- awa, vs. Mt. Zion, and Pickering 'VII. Williams Piano Co., Oahawa. Whitby L)>Jns will emerge from their dens on Wednesday, · May 13th, ed invade th" peaceful hamlet of Brooklin. The namesakes of the for- est monarch have been tossing the ball around the Town Park, and those who have seen then In action, pre- dict success for them in their initial game. On Thumday next, May 14th, Cia~ mont ball to1111ers will come INm the north to meet the Whitby Tigers at the Town Park. The locals have bad aeveral good worlrouta, and are ex- pected to win easily over the visitors. This will be the firat scheduled soft- ball game of the season in Whitby, and there should bo a large attend- ance. All games start at 6.30 sharp. BOWLING SILVER CUP FOR PRilltARY SERIES The beautiful "silver cup donated by D. A. J. Swanson, of Oshawa, to the Whltby Lawn Bowling Club, is for competition in the primaries in the annual tournament to be held this year on June 17th. 1'he cup is now in the hands of the trustees, and in the opinion of those who have seen it is one of the finest ever presented for the encouragement of bownng in this county. BASEBALL BAStBALL AT THE ONTARIO HOSPITAL. Wednesday evening of last week the camp team played Mr. James' team in a seven innings game. The score was 17-16 In favor of the Camp. Saturday evening another game was played between the .same two teams, resulting in a victory for the camp to the tune of 26-9, with one inning to play. 1 Monday evening Mr. l>Nn and his team gave the construction boys a bad deftlllt, the score being 19-8, with one inning to the good. . Great interest is being taken in these games. Tuesday evening at the Ontario Hospital, in a fast and exciting game of seven innings, the camp team de- feated the Hospital Tigers by a score of 31-10. The score tells the story of the play, aa the Tigers never bad a look In during the entire game. A large crowd watched the battle. NOTICE OF CLOSING CERTAIN CEMETERIES IN WHITBY TOWNSHW Notice is hereby given pursuant to R.S.O. 1914- Cap.261-Sec. 33-Sub.- Sec. 3 and in pursuance of an Order- in-Council of the Executive Council of the Provmce ,,f Ontario dated March 24th A.D. 1924, that the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Whit- by, the owner of certain Cemeteries within the bounds of the Township of Whitby, known as (1) Lick's Ceme-' l.ery in Lot 20 in the Firat ConCl'ssion of said Township and (2) the Brooklin Cemetery in Lot 23 in the Sixth Con- cession of sald Townablp, will at the ... . Red or Green Lower in price than any ordinary Sh~lea and com1ea in rolls which makes it easy to apply. It looks weD on the roof, IICI'OlU the st~et you can hardly tell tlhe diffe~nce between aD ordinaJry Shingle roof and a roof coverml with Bird'sShinlle Daian Rooftnlc. It is weatherpro6fandfue-prcxof. Suitable for new b~ildiqs or miA:f be laid over old, wOOden abin&ket· Come in and see thla rooftna a~d let us give you an estimate t\01' your ~qui~menta. M.de Ia ci-da s, Bird & Son Limited, Hamilton. t>nt. and Pont R~, Que. R. J. UNDERWObD Phone 181, • Whitby ... -------- ·, tHURSDAY, MAY 7th, 1925 ,_ _ _ , _ .... s, _, are becoming . brazen I ing it in a soda P"P booth on the estate · of tl. _y I i ·,. cof the diligence of the Jaw I street for sale, the "get rich quick" administereu 11r. anti iJi ~earby cities liquor has been ! men in Oshawa have not attempted 'lshawa, was .,.,, ... ui1le placed for sale in pop bottles and ex- ~ to practice to any extent. ··ding his death Ur. posed to plain view on the streets. After having been in poor health '· owe for board and One offender caught in Toronto was i for about three years, Mr. Samuel -ged, has. been dis- fined heavily far breaking the O.T. ' Boyd, Reach Street, Uxbridge, took s against the pian- A. and the contents of the bottle a stroke last Friday, passing away ~- on acted for llr. analyzed at 65 per cent. proof spirits. during the day. Before moving to ::9 ,;',~)peal Court htid Chief of Police Friend, of Oshawa, Uxbridge the late .Mr. Boyd farmed .~en established tlat states that the trick was an old one on the fifth concession of Uxbridge, .· ..:ook his meala at the here and a short time ago much moving ta Uxbridge 12 years ago • e for a considerable pl!r- bootleg liquor was bottled in pop bot- Besides his wife he leaves to mourn OL paid for them, while ties and disposed of. As regards plac- his loss one daughter living at home. .ced at the trial showed ~e amount to his credit =============================~ . •. K . This case was tried ""rly this year by Judge Ruddy at Whitby. What Salary Do You Earn P Do you want n position paying fr-1m $6 to $12 daily ? Our new 40 · pal re free hook sent to you on request e:a- plains how you can fit yourself in 'a short time for a big pay positio!l arf earn while learning any of the fo - lowing big paying trades: Autom. bile Engineering, Electrical, Batte1 ies, Welding, Bricklaying, PlasteriDJ , Barbering, Mechanical Dentistr •. Don't die a laborer I Act Now! Writ!! Hemphill's Government Cbartere d Schools, 163 King St. W., i'oronto. SCRANTON COAL DEPOT We are in fin~ ..• shape to dellvm promptly all orders. ThorouPll sereened coal. EGG STOVE SIZE and PE.& CHEI!iTNUl Also Domestic Lump, for fu~, grates or fire places. "Cumberl&Dd George's Creek Smithing". NoDI! better. Our own experienced men IIDC teama welcome the opportunit7 tc. aerve you. e. ft. BLOW. Agllllt, WHITBt' Phone9. t;.P.R. Rail and Ocea• Ticket.. I ··- - ' ,_. GOOD ADVICE Get your coal in early. Prices lower now than any time in the season. · Mines' agreement expires Aug. 31, 1925. Don't delay. We bandit~ the well known standard D.L.&W. Scranton Coal, all sizes. Also National Coke. das. Sawdon Phone 182, WhltbJ' THAT IT HA8 BEEt! SOLD FOR HEARL V AFTY YEARS AND IS TO-OAY A GREATER BEltER THAN EVER BEFORE IS A TESTIMONIAL THAT SPEAKS FOR 118 NUMEROUS CURATIVE QUALITIES.. . Shampooing Rugs or ~ ~ ' n - • I 'DyeJ...,·n··-g.,.--;--r.-n orfiires - / I ' r.~,r· ~,,.. .... '"'"'" _....,.._ '"""·-ft:iUg..r:-....., .. SHIPPING CONrAJNIUl ,._ La.clers iD Toronto-Canada's moat no- . cesdul cleaning and dyeing plant- ia u handy as your mailbox if you want your llup ?r Carpets-Shampooed. Cmtams--Cleaned and Framed. Portieres--Dyed or Cleaned. Blankets--Cleaned and made Fluffy Eiderdowns-Cleaned and Mothproofed. Dreaaes and Suits-Cleaned, Dyed, Altered or Repaired. Th~~nds of homes in all parts of Ontario !'l't! ua•.ng Langley craftsmanship for keeP- Ing ~ngs new. We have in Mr. W. J. FoJtatne th~ most expert dyer in Canada. Our . P,lant lS the best equipped in the Donm1on. Our repfttation and our success &l't! your as_surance that work will be done wel. and With every care. You can safely ent1uat ~o us the most precious articles the molt delicate of materials. ' W.Pcay Return Shipping Charge. &lid~ only our Toronto prices. Simply ~~)'OED' parcel to. Mr. Geo. S. Langley and Wl'l~ a letter saymg what _you have sent &lid w~t you want done. He'll give your order hi8 personal supervision. pays use MARTIN -SENOUR 100% PURE PAINT & VARNISHES . For £\le{Y Purpose-/Or Every SucfOce Write ~o Heed OffiCe. MoorreeJ lbr free Booklet HOME PAINTINC MADE EA$V' SOLD BY MAUNDRELL'S HARDWARE WHITBY. ·aNT. Stouffville Creamery Butter, 37c lb. Granulate·d Sugar, 14 lbs. for 97 c FRANCO-AMERICAN 15 SPAGHETTI C OLD CITY SUGARED DATES 15crn. SPECIAL OFFER SHIRRIFPS ·JEI.I,Y POWDERS BULK MACARONilO~b RICHMELLO 37 C COFFEE[: TICER BRAND 23 (12 KINDS) CROWN BRAND oc ~~~SUP a ,: 'Pm 2sc ~~~ 81b ~TINS CORNFLAKES 29c. 1 MEATS 25c CHEESE . 2~Cib I SODA BISCUITS lSc.., SALlV'OO ~ 2 ~:s 35c 7t8 &{"" •

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