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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 May 1925, p. 2

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PAGE TWO Get Fmancial Budget Ready (Continued from' page 1) Mayor Bums remarked that if the Council granted this request, it would only be fair to grant the same c<!n- cession to every other organization seeking it. He favored making grants where the Council saw fit rather than have the bylaw · interfered with and rents remitted from time to time as had been the case too frequently in FACTS ABOUT TEA SERIES-No. 6 Appearance of Tea No Guide .. ed ; wr w: siOt side• pliec any yeru eve1 fum dec I tro( l'l• ..It :i.th wa .ms Thirteen 1dates · .... THURSDAY, MAY 7th, _ : . . •. •• ancl; and extension of 1 that many young people were turn d Qll.'ill and kingdom " ad · d · back . e lsJO;hop. Sweeny as the sixth rule~~s I b thfro_m _follo:-vmg in ~he_ right path . Lordship asked that th val I y e msmcenty and mdifference of be . pl_aced on the ~mal~ ~:n:rbutio~~ I~~~~- ~P~~ :~c~~~ toin be the pomting out that 1t was as accept 1 Ch · ti d a able to God as a large one if .,.; . · f ns. an an _another to bear witnes.s I the ro . . . .,..~en .m 1 or H1m. This was an important · h P per spmt and m proportion to poiont which should be stressed in all I t e means of the giver Contributions Ch · ti te h · t Ch · t' · . ns an ac mgs. from page 1) , 0 ns s cause and kinigdom bb' G d f Hi ; through His church should be made ~o ro hl~g 0 d 0 th s the free-will offering of the heart. e, wors 1p, an ose I B' . 'ning to God. 1shop Sween_y, in closing, gave as • the past. A motion was passed that the re- quest of the Football Club be not granted, and the discussion closed. The only way to test tea is to taste it. Many people have the idea that a finely rolled and tippy tea is superior in flavour to a large rough leaf. In reality thi~ is not of necessity the case. The altitude at which the tea plant arows determines the amount of essential oil and alkaloid theine in the leaf. The essential oil ~ves tea its flavour; the theine contributes the stimulating value. The· only way to insure always re,- ceiving a uniform quality is to insist upon a skilfully blended and scientifically . s~led tea like "SALADA" whose reliability, gOod- ness and delicious ftavour have become a household word. tem ~erso. th th · t Co . 1 e seven pomt m the seven-fold I II that t .ance a mmumon chain the importance of bearing wit- for . ..-.ed by •- . .• attendance at the Holy neas for Christ and "walking worthy FRANK WELLS PAINTER AND DECORATOW;, well as 1- J 1 • .aSOID, but there ,.., _, ~- . Jon of the body and ~lood of , of the vocation wherewith you have All work promptly attended to. Ask for Rent Remiasion A deputation from Whitby Wo- men's Institute, comprising Mrs. Rob- erts, President, Miss Annes and Miss M~Ciellan, waited on Council previous to this decision, asking for a rebate of $35.00, the amount paid for three nights' rental of the town ·hall for the recent minstrel show and play. Mrs. Roberts stated that it was the intention of the institute to spend the proceeds of the ~o nights last· week on some improvement to the town park, the nature of which had not yet been decided. Gates at the entrance no. signifi~ . ~ attaeh•ed to the fact C "~'""' 85 the fourth rule ~ven by been called." His Lordshi stated Phone 255. I that he w 'l.s mayor tnat year as the the B1shop, who wamed agrunst ap- 1 P cheque in vestion, dated Sept. 22, proaching the Communion table as a ' ~-~~~"'-============ 1922, wa:. .aid to JM:r. Jackson two matter of custom only. lfe strongly : CHIROPRACT ================= months lx ,.Jre the p<Ortion of the side- urged preparation, self-examination f IC P. 0. Box 408. had been suggested. Miss Annes pointed ·OUt that, inas- much as the various school grounds were not large enough for athletic purposes, the institute in seeking to improve the town park where athletic games were played, was doinig educa- ===============:=============== tional work and might, with Council's assistance in remitting the $35.00 paid Pe111USS1· • 00 Granted shown on the tax rolls as outstanding for hall rental, secure a remission of taxes. There was no doubt, he stated, $30.00 paid for war tax on tickets. but that the tax collector during The Mayor referred the request to these years was to blame for the (Continued fn>m page 1) h be' · th It. the Town Property Committee. There c eques mg. m e vau was no discussion. The motion was carried unanimous- . Reeve JackSon 'eiplained that such The Parish Guild of All Saints' ly. a thing might easily happen today if f $3 00 Reports on Cheques in Vault cheques were placed in an envelope Church was given a rebate 0 • on Town Clerk Dykes presented a and forgotten in the vault, as appar- town hall rent for a bazaar, because lengthy report dealing in detail with ently had happened in this case. He the Guild was put to extra expense in 13 cheques issued by various ratepay- offered a similar explanation as that bringing tables from the church. ers for taxes due in the years 1922 given by the clerk as to how two ?f walk for >hich Mr. 13aasett was to and prayer before coming to Corn- 1 The followlnc are a few ot tile m&n7 all- pay was l:on~lll. His Worship ~union, declaring it to be the most in- 1 ::.:fU~ractla. adjoat~np are ollldoat 1n contende . ;,ftt this j t clearly show- tirnate ~ontact between the soul and All fonDII of nerve trou,ble. heedecboo. J)ar- ed tllat.. _ : cheque ust have been the Sav10ur. ; aiYBio. aplnal ~uhl.., thrilot IUid IDDJr "-k- . [ J -•--- · Th d ') k' f h , neso. rbeumaUam IUid aclatlca. ditrootlvo .u... paid to M . ae&liUn on some pnvate e ru y ta mg up o t e cross to onlera, hlt:b blood preuu.-, and all clreola- deal as he ad said, nd had later been follow Jesus Christ was emphasized tory troubles, heart allmen"' aDd lfOitre. turned over to him, probably to be as the fifth rule of the seven. The i DR. DURWIN E. STECKLEY Dr. A. M. Heist Osteopathic Ph:rslclaD Grad~te Des Moines Still College of Osteopathy cashed or in payme t of goods pur- Bishop stated that all had their indi- i Honor Gradu"' ot chased at the store. In justice to him- vidual crosses to bear, and that there Toronto Chiropractic CoiJop, wW make -'- Acute and Chronic Diseases treated. self and the reeve he. thought that the coul~11 be nTo hservice of Cthrbeist wtii_thou1 t ~~~,ut.,~rca1~~ ~roo~~ ':',!;jj Diseases of women and children Council should press to have the mat- sacn ce. e cross mus pa ent Y Saturday /orf ,00DL For an apJ>Ointm t eall . . call ter cleared up by imsisting that col- borne if Christians were to follow in 'phone Ul, I -.manville; or lea .. wo::t with aaenti1i Y treated. lection of the accoun1t be made. the footsteps of the Lamb of God. ! ~;:::ne takl• ·reat:ment here. Couultatlon Royal Hotel, Saturdays, 2·5 o'clock Councillor Pringle stated that Mr. Regular Giving I~ Licentiate Iowa and Michigan State Boards of Medical Examiners Bassett had shown hiim the cheque for "Give proportionately as God ha.~ · ,...,=============='-======== $25.22, made out to Mr. Jackson and blessed and prospered you every week i -- - · . .. ---- - - - -- __ _ _ endorsed by him an<d Mr. Burns, but I !::::i;~n;~ng ·on it to indicate -- : -y~· or ·Insurance Policy The reeve stated 1that Mr. Bassett NOTICE'• ·~, I handled a lot of m01ney in a year, and that being a shrewd. business man, he N · h · 1 would not issue a clueque to the town ow IS t e lime to P ant ',· \ without marking om · the face of it all kinds of what it . was for, or· demanding a re- ROSES, I • ceipt when payment was made. "Does FLOWERING SHRUBS it look reasonable to you, gentlemen, EVERGREENS, 1· that if Mr. Bassett had paid this ac- count to me I wouDd be pressing for PERENI'ti.\LS, ETC. I the payment of itt at the present We haTe a large variet-y of i l ts 'fust paper until the signature of the insuring company makes it valid-and dependable. The dependability of the policies we is .sue is vouched for by the signature of the INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, the oldest American Fire and Marine Insur- ance Company, whose record of met obligations extends back over 132 years. Our insurance service includes all forms of property protection. time?•• · tr.e reeve B!sked. · these well grown and guar- anteed. Town Hall Wiring Bad and 1923, which were found by him in the 13 cheques came to be entered m C. V. Edmunds, district inspector of the town ·vault on January 28th of the town's books, stating that they =============== electrical installations for the Hydro this year, never having been deposited were duplicates, the circumstances in Electric Power Commission, wrote in the bank. The report was prepan;d connection with which he recalled. Council advising that the electric wir- on the request of the · CounCil, Councillor Wilkins closed the· dis- ing in the town hall was in a defec- Councillor Wilkins having_ at seve~ cussion by advocating that steps tive and hazardous condition, and ask- meetings this year sought mf~nnation should be tak_en _to prevent such an oc- ing that the matter be attended to at regarding the cheques, asking the currence agam m the town offices. W. J. H. RICHARDSON once. The inspector offered to fur- amount lost on them by the town, and Threatens Suit for Aecount niBh any other infonnation required. who was responsible for them not hav- A letter was read from Mr. R. N. 1fi,lf_RIN~.· NI~HT&> MORNING&- KEEP YOUR EYES CLEAN CI.EA.a AND · HEALTHY ............... fta CM& ..... _...~QIICMO.Q&A 40,000Gladioli Bulbs, true to name and all prize win- ners. Write for price lists, they are free. Th~ Cedar St. Gardens P.O.Box 75. Phone 308 w Rupresenting the INSVRANCE COMPAN\" OF NORTH AMERICA "The Oldest American Fire and Marine Insuranca Company" I ' Founded I792 I Consult your insuranc:_:_g:nt as you woul~ you~lawyer or doctor ___ I -~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· . '71 The letter wal! referred to the Town ing been_ deposited in the bank at the I Bassett stating briefly -that the ac- PrQpert;y Comunttee. proper time. _ _ _ . .• count of $83.57, alleged by Reeve ============================ $1,000 For Later-ala The clerk's report set forth that the j~n to be owing by hliii. to itle I. E. J. SHIRLEY I i'F======~~===============i!i Veferlnary surgeon / Professional Cards Chairman Pringle, of t he Finance total amount of the 18 cheques. was Town as his share of the cost of a Committee, presented a report, which $251.62, and that the ~ount paid to sidewalk built east of the Queen's was adopted, reco~men~i~g that ~e date was_ $178.33, leaVIng an ~ount Hotel property, had been paid. request of .the Pubhc U~ility Cornm1s- out_standmg of $73.29, a portion of Reeve Jackson emt~hatically de- sion for $1,~00 for making sewer lat- wluch could not be collected. clared that the account had not been eral connections be gmnted; also that Of t_he 13 cheques o~ly two were en- id and moved thnt the clerk be in- n letter from A. Brandon, of Aylmer, tered m the treasurers books, and on ~ 't d to notify Mr Bassett that if re starting a shoe factory in Whit?Y· investigat~on he had foun~ that the~e s ;'c :nt is not made by 1\fay 18th the be referred to the Town Clerk, w1th were duplicates, confirmation of this t ym -1 ·u take action through the instructions to furnish him with any fact being secured from the mana~r ou~cl to "":ouect it. information he required of the Standard Bank. Cheques still cou s W ta Se Co· t' outstanding were still in the hands of The reeve asserted tha~ Mr. Bassett an . wer nnec_ lon. th bank for collection was in error when he clmmed that he Mrs. L. F1sher made application for e . . . · . had paid this amount, that he knew You need Jnany_things TOOK forward I Some day you .1.J will need a new binder~ plpw-a harrow--a tractor-or sewer connection for her house on Councillor :Willtms .remarked that if that he had not paid it, and that Centre Street, there being no sewer ~e cheques m ~uestio~ were marked there was no possible doubt that it on that portion of the street south to m tht\ trea~urer s book~ and were not_ ilad rt bocn paid. , llv "<taio<" h"t •r Dun.lop ::;t.·c·,t. note<i.!', ..tit<> and ito....- her9. m\Hit h'"'0 ~--~ . -••ew,rated f.iili!Hi!"'""~t ..1 A ti. d th t th Pub been, .'l>l! funny .l>o<ll<~~~n . ..-·· WouidMI!that he owed the amount -~,~~ ... u~K. IUUl u . ..., .... .,.,;c:,,&uut;u, ... _ w'iJI need re-pain~ing, your roofs must sooner or later be repaired. How will you pay for it all? mo on· was passe a e - ·,. - k ....... . t · ..::::- · 60 f lie Utilit Commission be requested to Town Clerk Dy es rep .... a. omy in question to th_e town .as %. o make th: necessary connection. the two ch~es were marked m t_he the cost of the Sidewalk m questiOn. books and 1t was, as already explam- The reeve stated that Mr. Bassett was Erect New Phone Poles ed, because they were duplica~s. The parading a cheque for $25.22 around A report of the Streets Committee, clerk explained further that m prac- ·town claiming that it had been paid presented by Chairman Wilkins, re- tically all cases the cheques were to hi~ as a part of sidewalk in ques- cornmended that permission be grant- made payable to C. F. McGrotty, for- tion while he understood also that Mr. ed to the Bell Telephone Company to mer tax collector. Bassett was claiming that he paid the erect poles on Byron and John Streets, Councillor Wilkins stated that the balance of the account to him i!' cash. under the committee's supervision; finding of the :cheques in the vault "Let him produce the receipt if such that Mrs. Laidlaw of Cedar St. Gar- showed what could , happen in the was the case," S:Ud the reeve, as he dens be granted permission to erect municipal offices when work was not went _on to expl~n tha~ the cheque in an index sign at the comer of Pine properly done. question was prud to him by Mr. Bas- and Dundas Streets, and that a new Mayor Bums stated that the sett on a priv~te deal, the circum- broom be purchased for street sweep- t f h cheque would be. stances of wh1ch, however, he could ing. amoun o eac The committee's report was adopt- --,,.....---.,========~=============~~ ed. .... Claims That He Did Not Know of Liquor in Yard (Continued from page 1) no evidence that he owned the liquor or knew of it being on his premises. Crown Attorney Grierson pointed out that it was a strange hour of the night for Houle to be searching for eggs, also that he wandered about the yard apparently looking for some, thing as he was going to the barn. Answering Mr. Swanson's conten- tion tltat it must be proven that Mr. Rousseau had the liquor in question in his possession, charge or control, the Crown Attorney held that the Crown had made out an absolute case and in accordance with the Act, had proven that the liquor was in _Mr. Rosseau's possession on his premises. It would be different, it was held fur- ther, if accused ~as charged with keeping liquor for ·sale. Magistrate Willis ruled that the onus was on Mr. Rosseau to prove that the liquor was not his and thut he had no knowledge of it being on the premises. l'tlr. Rosseau's Evidence SelF Em~ Bowl T HE parta c:aaDOt be put together wroag. The diaa go together in any order. The enamel bowl c:aaing bingea opea and may be wiped out with a doth. The bowl emptiea itaelf by gn:rity. All diaca washed at ooce. Every WOIQ&D appreciates tbe Melotte for it ia a time and labor aaviag feature. Aak ua to demonstrate the WI. MAW, Whitby,_ Ont., Age of .Accordingly, Mr. Rosseau took the stand and swore that the first time he saw the liquor in question was when Constable Taylor showed it to him. He did not know. how the liquor came to be in his yard, who put it there or who ow~d it. To his knowledge, ~o member of his sta1f ordered or prud ~;::::~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~ for the liquor, nor did he personally enter into an agreement with any per- sdn to purchase liqdor or deliver any to his premises. He stated that he was at the Royal Theatre on the night ln question and came out about 9.15. A few minutes later he learned that a seizure of liquor had been made in hiaM!g1~st te Willis, lis already noted, reserved ent until Monday next at 2.80. L. W. DUDLEY General Insurance = ·FIRE Whitby, Ont. LIFE DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE The Mutual Life Assurance Co'y of Canada PURELY MUTUAL. NO STOCKHOLDER. Profits Alloted to Policyholders Annually. All Latest Features. Total Disability Benefit. Double Face of Policy if Accidentally Killed. IF INSURANCE SEE DUDLEY. Last month customs returns for the port of Osliawa reached a new record when $767,292.74 was collected. This figure of three-quarters of a million dollars showed ln a marked way the steady upward trend of business con- ditions here. The preceding month, March, also showed large returns, $658,494.37 being' collected while com- j pared with April of last year the re- turns for last month show an increase of $265,664.70. .., ·---iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii55iii55iiiii!ii5Ei!ii&iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitl•" .. 70u contemplate 11 arging :your Iive- k holdings, con- s t oar local man- A savings account in our local branch is your best preparation for meeting expenses of this kind. Deposit a small part of your returns as they come in. The amount will quickly grow, and it will always be at your command when needed. r. Tlais bank is •Ts willing to 'st productive eJerpriu. BANKING FI1Y YEARS Doubling the Arguments for Savi.ng LL that can be said in favor of A opening a savings account in the Standard Bank may be repeated· with greater emphasis .as regards n joint savings accaunt. Jomt accounts &re primarily for convenience of depositors, but where two people are bound togeth- er by common interests . the moral . as well as the practical _value o~ working together planning then flnancJal bettl'r- ment with th.J aid of a joint bank account ia clearly evi~e!'t. Th_e Standard Bunk solicits your JOIDt s11vmgs acc.:>uut . THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA 1 WHITBY BRANCH-C. A. McClellan, Manauer ~ aJao at Bowtnanwlll•, Brooklin, Myrtle Scatlon. OaM-. PickNin• --- ---- 'ihe Tterui of Businea . 'T'nb . .., ....... : • & ~::' .,;-,.k.a 1 5 1 new tD man of busb:n n. ... Monthly Commadal 1....-.. ~wbkh will be ICDC Oil n:...f ~ anal of ocr'= -tain ::;....: of Pat ( I ttn• .... cnd.o .... I I nac:hlnl . • - THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE c.pihll Paid Up~ $20.000,000 s. A. SenmJih, Maoaau 31& Honorary Graduate of the Ontario JIJI;:~~~~~~~~========_. Veterinary College. All diMa~~eS otl• Domestic Animals lcientitlcall:y treat- ed. ARTHUR E. CHRISTIAN 74 King St. W~ Oshawa, Onl. B~o.rister, So>icitor, Notary l'ubU-:, Telephone 629 etc. Office in south wing of Collrt ============== ; House. Money to loan. D. L. 41. \y. Scranton Coal Nut and Stove sizes Also large Nut size Coke on hand. R~ GOLDRING Phone70 PORT WHITBY NICHOLSON & SELDON UNDERTAKERS Phone 3$ WHITBY W.KKENNEDY Barrister, Solicitor in the Supreme Court, Notary, C-onveyancer, etc. WHITBY. Oat. Offi-Dundas Street, 011111 door w- of Post Office · A. K C. BRUCH Bamater, . Solicitor, Notar;p- Office, Mathison Block, Brock WHITBY, ONT. Public St. N. DR. R. T. Macl.AREN Physician and Surgeon Residence and Office Cor. Brock and Mary Streets, Whitb:r l DR. -G. L MacDOUGALL ~ : Physician aud Surgcoo ~eudence and Office, Dundaa St., 'M .t Stuulard Bank. WhltbT, OIIL Telephone 75. ·\ DENTAL I. B. t.. ~TON, LD.S., D.D.S. Gra~t.. · Dental !.u ( the Royal College ot Toronto. ~ and Unive~ty of fectionery S~ over Murdoch a Con- 12; 1 to 5.11. \ ·Office hours, e to PHONE 220. WWTBY H. J. HUDSo~ DD.S., LD.S. OFI~ICE-ADA~· TERRACE BYRON ST. N~ ·RONE 124_ 1-;i;---PAYS TO A TrEND THE BEST! I~~~~=:==~~=-===== J. F. REYNOLDS, D)s., LD E~LLIOTT (Suces.sor to Dr. E.- \ . .S. " ... . 1 ,I, · Sisson) '£L:t!HP' Hour&-9 a.m. to 12; 1 L 6.30 Phone ~!I~ .._ . , WHrfffi; Yonge and Alexander Sts., Toronto. I , . Otbee over ·~lm s Drug~t.ore Every graduate of the last fifteen Off1ce clo>oed \\ .dnesday dlJ< th 1 1 months has secured employm.cnt. ;>ummr months 1lg e Open all year. Enter now. Cata- logue free. MORTONM.. G18SO~ W. J. ELLIO'IT, PrincipaL EYES EXAM I NED . BY THE MOST MOD.ERN Ontario und Domilon Land Su~ d C . . 1 l'Jor an lVI Engineer Successor to late \\E. Yarnold Ontario Land Survtor of Port Pen) Phone day O-nicht 12:11 Hopkina SL WhithJ METHODS. ~~ GLASS EYES FITTED. Und~e~ an~ ~Dealer Bell and Independen honea. Da:r or nich F E L k 0ptOJI8trilt BROOKLIN - \, . ONT . • • U 81 aad Optl1l11 , 111 Yoa8e Bl, (lpRift) TOIIOITO WM. MJy (Op.,..tte Sla&JM~~'a) LICENSED AUCfiO~ AND VALU.A.TOB [ij.i:t.i·IO:Imii.J:ntml•:trfi The Double Track Roat.e Be tweeD MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT All kinda of Well P"!JmJII.tt4111clecl . to. Arrangements for aa caa ~ made at the Guette Oftk TenU reaaonable. Phone 288. . WHITBY.ON1 --WM. D. DYKE. aad CBICAGO Teacher of Sin!Pnc Uneuelled dlnlnc car aemc.. Studio-Dundaa Street E Sleeping cara on nltbt tralna and =====P=h=o=n~=r==68J==· ==-= parlor cara on prbaciJIBl diQ tralna. , Full information from &nJ' Grand F HOWARD ANNl l'nlnk Tidtet Alent or W. J. llolratt, • District Paaaenaer Aaeat, ·Toronto. Real Eataw - InsiU'aDCe • l J. D. PLUKD , Appoiatmenta at Mr. Xeaned:J'a C. l"boM Ill Nut Door Poat omca • flaaa ob ' . I

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