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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 May 1925, p. 5

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·' THURSDAY, MAY 7th, 1925. Spend $1·6.00 I 1 carrying his .•.,A., • ..- . 'Judge. ...yt.. I --.....- llwid;~, 'th, .ug... .10 THE LUCILLE BAIRDR&... survive. _T ·•!"te rru·. Ma~· I pARLORS · - · c!lenced hr_ ouRmess career u· I with the late firm of Lowes · 23~ Simcoe Street North, Osbawa, Dominion warerooms, now ' 1 Shampooing, ~lp Treatments, Barr dard Bank., Even in those r Bobbing, Curlmg, Marcel wan., I h" te ,. ai'ti f Masaaging. and ManicuriDif· For ap- II! s ~ mg qu I es . ~ , CHRONICIU: that when Mr. 111 left their farm ' FOR SALE Fresh cow and c8if and young bull, Durham breed. Apply G. Cox, R. R. 2, y.rhitby. . TO. RENT . .Aiowed their son, o>Ought the house l',{rs. J. LOng and ere for many years. _:>resident of the 2 apartments and one store, cen- ~ · -- . orlrer in St. An- , trally located, all conveniences. Apply !re~bytenan Church. I to L. S. Bandel. -tf. ---+- FOR SALE W A W A~ MORE POWER It A (J_uantity of Inch li!mber and 2 PAGB~ WANTED FOR SALE OR RENT ' Nursing by day. or week • at Gazette 0 ffice. ' Apply Two houses in WhitbY,. Apply W. -45 H. Kennedy, Bltrrister, Whitby. -tf. · EGGS FOR HA T(.'HING Smgle comb Rhode Island Reds, 15 e~ for $1.00; 45 eggs for $2.50. C. Quinton, Whitby, Ont. -46 ' FOR SALE Lot for sale, King Street South. Apply Sydney Walker, Whitby, Ont. FOR SALE ' Baby chicks, White Wyandotte, 20c each. Eggs for setting, 16 for $1.00. Tom Barrons White Leghorn ehicks 20c each. $18 per 100. Invoerlyn Poul- try Farm, box 339 Whitby, phone 362. -47 When yon feel that you must have a new watch and find you have only $16 to invest in one, you most certainly ~hould take a look at this special. pointment phone 816. Busmeu. hourll1 made h1!" a 'V!'Iuable citizm. 9 to 6.30. Open M\lnday, Wedneeday friends m Whitby parted and Friday oevenlnp.-tf. with keen regret when he ' ---+- broader field of business. I P. 0. WICKETS CLOSED member of A. F. & A. M." 1 . . . . II and 3 mch planks; also timber and ctty of Oshli,_.a ~11 agam m~ large ~dar posts. 500 feet of 1"" ln. fi~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -~ to ~ additional electric Iron :rods. Grain scales, 4500 lba.; ;as an m?uc~~nt for ~anufae- · coal carts and 600 feet of track; grain! .'"'"· The CJty, . like ~Itby, is carts. Apply to John 'Watson, Port The case, which is quite thin and fits the pocket neatly, Is our good quality gold filled. The movement is our Hick's Spedal17 jewel, with com- pensating balance and Breq- uet Hairspring. A thorough- ly reliable and most attract- Ive timekeeper and wonder- ' ful value at ~16.M . I First Class Watch Repairing. BROCK STREET WHITBY I WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON · ·· - ·· ' I Wickets at Whitby post office will :'i TAXES \ I close Wednesday afternoons at 1 .. · · •ed by only one power line. The Whitby tf dro-Electric J!'ower Commiaslon · FOR RENT -;- • o'clock from May 1st to October 1st.! r '. '- Mall will be received and despatched ·! 1924 as usual. _._ I .11 be asked to ' ~stall an auxiliary power station. 1 Frame houae, comer' Vary and Eine ------"'- ~.b.===,.,.....,_..,;. ... ., __ _.....,_ j~S:~~~ = h=~~ =I :ru Rent, For Sale. Ett. 1 aD conftnienc:ea. Apply to Xing 1 ... FINAL NOTICE AT THE ROYAL THEATRE I I B1oL., Whitby-tf. I ; A special attraction at the Royal~ ·~· The Collector has been allowed to FOR RENT FOR RENT I Theatre on M?nday and TueJK!a:Y May 18th to make final return of Five roomed house on Byron Street 1 of "The1 Sea Hawk," a Frank Lloyd Tax Roll for the year 1924. In order mediate possession. Apply Jos. Heard I north. Also seven roomed house on 1 Colborne Street. Conveniences. Apply I I : evenings. next wtll be the presentation 1. ' 5-room flat, ail conveniences; im- i production, which has been playing in to . make a proper balance it will be & Sons. , · all the important theatres in this necessary to have all outstanding FOR SALE W. Sturgess, Palace St. ; part of the country. Manager Curl taxeR paid forthwith and if this is Automatic Electric Stove, special ~-;:::::::::::::; l bought the picture because he believes ' . . wiring not requinld. Apply Guette · 1 I that the best is none too good for his not done the Collector lS authonzed office or phone 242. . patrons. For Friday and Saturday of to proceed at once to enforce pay- 1 this week the picture will be "The ment. FOR SALE ! Roughneck," presented by George Some furniture, rugs, kitchen range, ! O'Brien, and based on the p(>em by LOUIS F. RICHARDSON, etc.. Apply Gazette office, or phone ! Robert W. Service, the poet of the Oollector. 242. _ I Woman wanted as General • Hoelp. j' Apply Dr., J. F. Lavery, House of Re- · ! fuge. .,. I Yukon. On Wednesday and Thrusday WANTED j next, May 13 and 14, the J. Hartley Manners famous stage play, "One Night in Rome," will be the attrac- tion. Thi• is a Metro Goldwyn pic- ture and should be •een to be appre- 1 cia ted. - "- HALL-CLARKE A very pretty May wedding wa.• witnessed by many friends and rela- tives in the King Street Methodist 11 parsonage, Oshawa, when Miss Mabel, II youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrl<. Albert W. Jackson Brock St. S., Whitby Real Estate Albert Clarke, of Oshawa, became the bride of Mr. Whotwall Hall, second Here we are again after a most sue- son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hall, of -ful first year's businef!B. Whitby. The ceremony was perform- · If you want to buy or sell a home, jed by the Rev. C. W. DeMi11e. The or any other Real Estate, come in bride, who wore a smart tailored suit I and let U!l talk It over together. and Isabell Fox choker and attractive j Here'R a p&rtial Ust of the proper. grey hat, was attended by Miss Ruth ties I am offering: FOR RENT. Inexpensive apartment for rent, all conveniences. Apply to R. N. Baas- ett, phone 260. -tf. NOTICE Gaz:dens planted and attended by 1 expenenced gardener, 35c per hour; daily or woeekly. Albert Howley,' Dun- das Street East. FOR SALE A I itter of pure-bred Y orkshtn: pigs. Apply J. E. Johnston, Kingston .. Road East. FOR SALE Three burner Red Star Vapor oil stove; and go-cart. Watson, Maitland Street. CAR OWNERS Cars Washed and Polished, Greased and 011 Changed. We handle the best oil MOBILOIL. Hall Bros., MOTHER'S DAY ·may lOth Remember Mother with a box of I Hall, sister of the ~oom, who aiso $9000-Dundas St. E.- solid briclc I!,;;;============--:! wore a navy blue sUI.t. The groom -l4 rooms-2 bath rooms- 3 was supported by h1s brother, Mr. acres--large barn, chicken houses FOJl SALE Detroi\ . l\lrs. s.l 46 Good building lot, block east of town park. Apply H. Peggs, Centre Street South. 46 TO RENT. Hunt•s Chocolates or Local Happenings ============== Ronald Hall. -apples and small fruits- on ,._._!!i!!l!a!5ll!!!~=================9l Following the ceremony a :recep- Provincial IDghway. If tion was held at the home of the S6000-Dwe11ing-frame-roughcast - bride's sioter, Mrs. Murray Greentree, -7 rooms--all conveniences, aloo 333 Athol Street east. Later Mr. and store on property-Dundas St. Mrs. H!lll left on a honeymoon trip tot East--a. good opening fur first- Stratford and other points west. On 1 class grocery busin!'.ss. House to rent, on Centre Street South. All modern conveniences. Ap- ply to S. Vanstone. -tf. · The option list of the Whitby Hor- their return tile happy couple will re- . $3000-Watson St., South Ward - ti ltural mde iu Wh\t\)"J. Cement B16ck Cottage, 5 rooiDII- FOR RENT en Society is still open. Help I acre rand. FmJ roomed house on Byron Street W.utift Whitby by becoming a mem- .....+- $26410--Euclid St. N.--double boa- North. Also seven roomed house on Box of Stationery or A Card. LEACH'S ber. Phone the Secretary, 71w. DEALERS SALES TO frame-good garden and small Colbome Street· conveniences. Apply USERS INCREASE 1 "t. ' Drug and Stationery Store I Mno. D. J. Kean is ~;pendln .. a short $2000-ruiD I St f 1" t to W. Sturgess, Palace Street. ~ Pboae •7 i ti . O . 1 .. un op .,- rame-- ., ~; or- ~nltfleld'o Old Stand • I me m n lia, with her parents. The sales of General Motors. Cor- ies--gnrage nnd chicken house. WANTED Sole all onto ror Battertck Patt-. Arthur W. Lynde, Teacher of m"ng- poration cars by dealers to ulttmate . $6500-Brick -7 rooms-modern - G d d . f I h ~~ consumoer in March totalled 70,-~ Brock St. north. oo omestic or• genera ouse- 11=============::!! ing. Studio at home of Mr. J. J. Lynde, work at once·· good -·- and good " D d S W Ph . 492' cars and trucks, compared $5500-Brick-1 acre land -Barn - ' "_..,. I un as t. est. one 118 or wnte with 57,205 in March, 1924, and fur- Fruit-St. Lawrence and Brock. home. Apply to Mr. Whitmore, Twin --- P.O. box 169· -tf ther with 39,579 in February, 1925. $9300-Brick-9 rooms-includes rug11 Stream Farm. GEORGE Kill i 1 For all spray materials at lo~ Saies of ears and trucks to dealers and fixtures-Byron St. FOR SALE. prices go to Rice's Hardware. by manufacturing divisions of Gener- $5000-Brick-7 rooms- new-mod- I PAINTER and DECORATOR 1i ICE We wish to announce to the people of Whitby that we are delivering ,Sanitary Ice, made in our ice plant in Oshawa, to both wholesale and retail customers in Whitby. Our aim is to give the best service at the most moderate prices. Hlmbly ~ros. Sanitary Ice Manufacturers Whitby Phone 18 Oshawa Phone 714. At the · RO!,~~.!.!fE4 TRE' I F. CURL, Manager I Friday and Saturday, May 8th and 9th. Wm. Fox presents George O'Brien in "THE ROUGHNECK" by Robert W. Service, poet of the Yukon. Monday and Tuesday, May 11th and 12th. A big super-attraction "THE SEA HAWK" .The picture you have been waiting for. The greatest spectacle of amazing romance and adventure the screen has ever seen. Wednesday and Thursday, May 13th and 14th. The ]. Hartley Man~ers Famous Stage Play "ONE NIGHT IN ROME" GOOD COMEDY. 811ow starts every night at 7 .ao. I I I I I I\ i ! I I ll I! I I ' : I i em-John d Green Streets Child's folding crib; tine reed sui- , M- .. emw~ord, Mrs. -=-..- __. ai l)1oto,rs_Corp.l)lllli!l.u..i.n...liSarch..tiiJ;ail- .;. an . · ll '-'-er Eetbnef-es Jj'nmi•J-d t ·~ ·• .,,~~ ... ~ ed 5' ared 'th 75 484 · · ... z~ - • · • 1 t(l~r,._. - ~~~====~=~~==~==~~===~-~~·~~~-~-~-~~~· Miss Nicholls, wl\o have charge of 76•68 comp WI . ' m age-modem-Brock St. N. mode chair; eleetrie f&D, 16-in. B.. Phone 3li W P 0 Boll: 2 . . the May meeting of the Brock St. !darcF hb, 1924, la9n2d5 further with 49,146 $3100-Brick-2 lots-8 rooms-tow1l W. Eaton, Whitby. . . 1 • ' • • 18 Home and School Club, have secured m e ruary, . · water-Euclid St. N ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;:::::::::::::::;1 Rev. Mr. Turkington to gi~ his il- The followmg tabulation shows $4800-Brick-6 rooms-eieetrie grate ,' lustrated lecture on the Yulron. Re- sales of General Motors Corporation I and fixtures-Brock St. S. member the date, Brock Street School cars by dealers to ultimate consum- $3600-Brick-6 rooms - lranplcrtr, M 13th t • 1 k All 1 ' ers as well as sales by manufactur- 1 modem--Athol St. ay • a 0 c oc · we come. · d" · · of General Motors to 1 $6500-Brick - 6 rooms - window Refreshments. Silvoer collection. ~~!ir ~v~=:::: shades and elec. fixtures-moo- Rupture sufl'oerers should consult 1925 em-Pine St. e F. T. Thompson, on Friday, May 15th, I Dealer Divisions $6500-Brick--<Ottage -7 rooms - at the Royal Hotel, Whitby. See Sales to Saies to fruit garden-modem- Byron dvt. I h D ai Street. a e sew ere. Users e ers $3750-Brick - semi-detached - 8 The drug stores of Whitby will be January · · · · · · · · · 25 .693 30•642 rooms-lawn- modem -Centre closed Wednesday afberno.:Jns from 1 February .... . . . .. 39,579 .49,146 St. N. . to 6.30 o'clock until further notice. March . . ... .. ·1·9·2'}0,492 '75,585 $4300-Brlck-7 rooms-2 storlea aDd Mr. and Mrs. T. Balmer and Mr. and Ml'!l. W. Balmer were in Toronto last week attending the funeral of their sister, the late Mrs. Michael. Mr. H. J. Gimblett motored from the city on Sunday and accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Lewis Gimblett, spent the day in Oshawa. P. J. SullfftD. Uc:enaed plumber and tlumlth, Brodt street nol'th, Whitby, phone 117;-tf• For Fleet Foot Outing Shoes with the new crepe soles see Peel's Shoe .. aWe-modern-Brock St. N. Dealers Divisions 1 $6S00....:.1Jrick-7 rooms-- garap - Sales to Saies to large verandnh-Ot!ndas St. J!l. Users Dealers $7000-Frame--9 rooms-2lots-tfled · J 33 574 61,398 bathroom-modem-Brock St. S. anuary · · · · · · · · · · $4500-Brick-6 rooms- modem - February . · · · · · · · 50,007 78,668 five minutes from four comtll'lt- March . . . . . . . . . . 57,205 75,484 Green St. 1923 $1400-Frame--Bungalow -4 ro~m!l Dealers Divisions town water-Bro~k St. N. Sales to Sales to $2250-Frame-6 rooms - 4 lots - Users Dealers newly decorated-King St. S. January ......... 31,437 49,162 $3500-Frame--Stucro on metal latll February . . . . . . . . 33,627 55,427 $4 ~UungalowbByroSox~ March . . . . . . . . . . 74,632 71,669 . 1 5~i k m h roZ~P !:" 'These preliminary figures Include c c en ons~ · ..-,nrage - . 12 acres-fruit trees-Town Line Store. pas.senger cars and trucks sold m the $3500-Frame--Roughcast -7 ro o'I'I'.Jo . Uruted States, Canada, and overseas -summer kitchen -Byron St. The May meetmg of the D~ndas by the Chevrolet, Oldsmobile, Oak- $5000-Frame--Dwelling st.:>re and PAINT UP NOW ! And take ten months to pay. Ask us for· an estimate NOW on all decorating. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. C. A. BRADLEY Brock St. South. Phone 315 WHITBY, ONT. Street Home and School Club will be land, McLaughlin-Buick, Buick, Cadil- warehouse-6 l'O'lm's--Broc'k St. held in the ~chool on Thursd~y even· lac and G.M.C. Truck divisions of $1800-Fra~Roughcast -5 rocnn• ============================= lnp;, May 7th. As thJs meeting wlll General Motors Corporation. Perr:J Srnet. be the occasion of the re-election of -+- $2800-Frame--6 rooms- elec. li~tht •••••••••••••••~••••••••••• .. officers for the ensuing year, all mem- DEATH OF JOHN MADILL 1 fixtures- modem bungalow - bel'S are asked to be present. I I Byron St. . · A former well known resident and $2000-Frame-6 rooms - g'ar:age- The regular. monthl~ m~etmg ?f the business man of Whitby, in the per· Centre Street N. C~unty Onta!"o Old G1r~s ~ssoc1atlon son of John Madill, passed away in St. · $3256-Fra.me-5 roo~ l:unrralow - wtll ~ ~eld m the Aud1tonum of the Catharines on April 29th. The Daily elro:tr1c range nn.~ water- Dfn" Pubhc Library on Tuesdny, May 12th, Standard of that city makes the fol- Kent St. N. at 4 p m . hi d h $3!i00-Frn ml"-6 rooms - · hantwood . . • lowmg reference to s eat : floors--elec fixtures - new - W. H. Kennedy, Barrlater, etc.. Of- "John Madill, one of St. Catharlnes' Keith St. · ftce one door west of Poat Office, most prominent merchants for many $3400-Frsme-6 roomg ~ak floors Dundu Street, Whitby. -tf. years, died suddenly at his home. first fla~ - modem - garage - Mr. L. Webb ami Mr. Pickard, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. F. Webb. It will be a pleasure to furnish you with quotations on the following Johns Manville Roofing, Portland Ce- ment, all builders~ supplies , Farm and Garden Fence. We guarantee prices with any niall order house at Rice's Hardware. Everythinlg at lowest prices. Why not join the Whitby Horticul- tural Society and get 2 dozen choice gladloU bulbs for the membership fee of $1.00. Phone the Secretary, 7lw. 20 pairs of Misses' Patent Leather, Cushion soled, 1 strap pumps; alzes 11-2. Clearing at $1.95. Peel's Shoo Store. P.AINTING ANifDECORATING Jacll: Sheridan, painter and decor- ator. Phone 333. P. 0. Box 41. __.._ 19U ASSESSMENT WAS $1,300. In the report' of the Court of Re- vialon last week It waa stated that Mr. Thos. Harris appealed against his assessment which waa ssld to haw been increued from $1900 to $3150. The report should haD read that the Increase was from Sisoo to $3160, a dl1rerence of $1860." !fr. Harris Ia &· •· Heart trouble, with which he was Ryron St. S. stricken, was the cause. Mr. Ma!fill Blncbmith Shop and two garagw- came to St. Catharines 25 years ago, Byron St. having l!eyn a well-known salesman 4 ¥.. acres-Byron St. S.· -Tenns ar- and a former president of the Com- ranged. LOTS. mercia! Travelers' Association. He A MESSAGE TO Rupture Sufferers F. T. THOMPSON, specializing In treatment of Hernia, will be at the ROYAL HOTEL, WHITBY, Frida,., 1\la7 15th. all day and evening to give free advice to men, women and children who.are affiicteo. U your present truu Ia not holding satisfactorily it will be ad- lusted i'l'f!llt of c:har20. Our treatment Is llURl'llnteed to gtve ab~olute sstls- fa~tion. Severe eases are as suOCCI'Is; fully treated as alight ones. Don't fall to see 1\lr. Thompll'On and tree )'Ourself of thla alflictlon. Re- member the date. Box 39 ... . NAPANEfJ· -· $1500- Large lot - small fruit - ' large barn which can readily be converted into a dwelling. $1200-Dundos Street E.- 1 acre lot -splendid building Iota on Pro- vincial Highway. $1000-7 lots- Brock St. south - Bums and Green Sts.--a snap. $250 each-5 lots, corner Victoda ancl Brock Sts. $1200-12 lots bounded by Chestnut, Byron, Centre and Walnut Sts.1 2 2·6 acres-86 Mcintosh RIICI apple~. also a number of older apple trees. $600-3 lots-1-4 acre each-Charltl St. East Side Brock St. S., $250. W. !!Ide Brock St. N., $600: E. aide Brock St. South, $360. W. aide Green St. S., $200. Byron St. s.1 east side, and Brock St. S., west 11 de, 2 Iota <lor lmmedl• sale, $400. Terms can be arranged on all th- properties. Albert W. Jackson 'Whitby .- Burns' Cash Grocery SPECIAlS FOR ONE WEEK 5t ONLY GUNN'S TIP TOP PICNIC HAMS. 4-7 !be earh, pick- led. Rer. Z3c., for . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . ... . ..... 19c. per lb. Smollied, ret• 27c., . for .. .. • .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. ..2Sc. per lb. Ufe Buo7 or Infants' DeUght Soap, reg. 10c. each, apecial 4 for Z5c:. Santa Clara Pnmee. good lllae and fine qualitr, regular 15c. per lb. Special, Z lba. for.. .. .. .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. .... Z5c:. Bauaie'a Mansel Seed In 1 lb. packages, 55c. per lb. or 2 lbll. for $1 Bater's Cocoa, half lb. tin, reg. 30c. . . . . . . . . . . .. speda), 2k. Jldler's Preadum Baking Chocolate, reg. 15c. cabs for ...... Uc. .,.ular Z5c. cakes for . . . . • . . . . • . • . • . • . . . . . . . • • • Z2c. Pwe Strawberr7 or RaapbeiTJ Jam, 4 lb. tl111, reg. 90e., apedal 75c. per tin PIJ Tos. rer. 50c., apedal . .. • .. .. .. .. .. . .. 40c. per bottle llud-pleftd Whitle Deana • . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . .4 U.. for Z5c. Geld Medal Com or Tomatoes, cbolee qualit,., reg. ZOe., •pedal a tlu for 50e. WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR Oun-REGuW SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL. BRBAD, FRESH BVBR.Y DAY, 9c:. A LOAP. WE CLOSE EVERY WEDNESDAY AFI'ERNOON Burns' Cash Grocery Brock St. South, Whitby FANCY C4TTLE famish our roast beef, steaks, etc. Well housed and grain-fed, they supply the finest beef in the country, and our veal is tile real thing, milk fed. Our pork a the finest quality, being pea fed. Perhaps you think such choice meats are high priced. Come &lid learn your error. Wilson's Meat Market Cooke's Grocery Week End at Cooke's May 7 PURE LARD, 3 lbs. for ........ . PICNIC .HAMS. per lb. . ... . . . . .59c. .20c SEEDLESS RAISINS. 3 lbs. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 29c. COOKE'S PASTRY FLOUR, 24 lbs. for . . $1.05 SWEIIT PICKLES, per quart ; . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . SOc. / GRANULATED SUGAR, 15 lbs. for . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 (with any order over $3.00) NEW VEGETABLES AND FRUIT. . '\VB CARRY FRESH AND SMOICBD FISH .. LUMBER $25.00 per thousand In clearing up our yard we have a large quantity of Hemlock Boards, dressed one side, mostly 6 Inches wide, No.3 quality, which we are offering at the above price for CASH to clear. This Is excellent value. Come and see. · F. '-· BEECROFT Phone12 Whitby lumber and Wood- VaPd .' ,.

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