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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Feb 1928, p. 6

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Page 6 . ·, ~tH'I'aY ~ AJm CHRONICLE ~==================~==~========~ February 9, 1928 ..-"""" ·that for the .south-eastern section ~f - the I Masonic Order. He belonged to the on the situation, in Oshawa which is c• _..te eon tend- city ..:aiid as · soon .JtS _it Jiil ,practieal, I Presbyterian· chnrcb. . - Bimilar to tha£ · in Lin«<ln County. spec 14 .111'e transaction er&'tion -·of a chu:rcli'will commence. With the situation in ·· regard · to The judgment means that county has .;bee •. 4at .tllere' was go~ A new departure in. building prac- ~on-~dent pu.pils bein~ cl~ up councils have the right to enter into yearS. . <~~.,_ it. . tice ·in Oshawa is bemg undertaken I m Lincoln county followmg the JU~- special agreements with boards of ""' ._ that the per- in the erection of the store and office ment handed down by Mr. Justice education regarding contn'butions to place on tnt 41 1a1r. nd the- corner -building. which is being ~uilt by Miss Orde O! the Supreme Court_ in Toron-. -the cost of high school education. It told Council thaf peo,... uld be annulled M. Wh1tney at 24 Simcoe · street to, _a dift'erent aspect has been thrown parts of the town who had . w. He there- north. This is in the lise of steel I============================== petition had declared that ' ~:'\ne _.matter . be refer~ channels and steel lath entii'ely in the lr.~============================ii crime to allow this station to be · Solicitor for his ad- construction of the walls. As far .as Personally he felt that this distr•~ - ( was fotind that it was can be learned, this methOd :of ~:ns~ - should be restricted to :residences forjrldot l~<_issued the Council could struction has not heretofore : ~N- - -FANCY·-----CATTLE some u me to come. The.,. new station eal with ·the new situation. used here. The new building W1 ~-· .... ·would depreciate the value of adjoin- Couli. Mowat said tha_t -be support-j about 14 by 61.~ feet, · and ~~- ..... . ing property while as a business it ed the motion because there were a 1 two stories in height. . : The lower would be no good to the town. large number of children using King floor will be used as a store, and the . The Engineer's Defence- street to go to school whose lives upper one for either offices or apart~. T , E · r Prlngle at this might be endangered. The town was ments, probably the former. The • - ~:~ tol~~~e Council and deputa- !lot .pushed for gasoline stations, and roof will . be o~ the tar and ' g~velf if:n that he had issued the permit in if any more were erected the town's ~ype. . It 1.5 estimated that the budd- furnish our roast beef, steaks, etc. Well housed and ~in fed, they sup- ply the finest beef in the country. And o~ Jamb is the real thing. Not yearling stuff sold as lamb but real lamb. Perhaps you think such choice cuts are high priced. Come and learn of. your . -a 'th th · · f th name would have to be changed to mg wtll cost about $8,000. , . 11cc;or. ance WI e ])roVIslons 0 .e psoline alley. "Forty cents a bottle is fatal," budding bylaw _passed by the CounCil C un Thread ld 'd that deal ted Mr J stice Middleton as f 1925 Th re was nothlng· in the by- 0 • go 581 a commen · u ; · d fi · e 'd t' 1 and for a similar building on a property the appellate division at Osgoode 1 87th e nmg hres1 e~t ~:st thi' in just as much a residential area as Hall, Toronto, on Wednesday last, b~ock ei~o=~o~ ::~\~sines~ bloc: the ot_her was now pending. If the ·without calling on the crown, dis- because ~ere were other businesses of CoUDCll turn.e~ down the Dundas St. missed the appeal o~ Frank Lowe, rk t · 't. West proposition what would be done manager of the Alb1on Hotel, Co- n 1 e na ure m 1 with the other? He favored allowing bourg, who was sentenced to tw9 Mayor Not Surprised matters to stand as they were as the months without option of a fine for Mayor Bateman stated that he was permit in question had been rightfully sale of liquor contrary to the provis- not surpriseil that there should be ob- issued by the engineer and the prop- ions of the Liquor Control A~t.. The jections to the proposed station on nc- erty sold. . appeal was from the d~Slon of count of the many nice residences in Should Have Bylaw Judge Huycke, 'Vho .sustamed the that ~istrict, but he was unable to say Coun. Ormiston stated that while conviction by the 'Police magistrate at error. Herb Wilson MEAT MARKET, Phone 1890 Nlgllt 210, WHITBY, eNT. how far the Council could go to grant he fully appreciated tlh!j; fact that the Cobourg. The accused is husband of the prayer of the petitioners, nor what new oil station would yield to the the proprietress of the hotel, and power the Council actually had in the town considerable revenue from taxa- managed .the hotel for years under matter, as there was no bylaw defin- tion., water and light, and that while it the ·o.T.A. J. B. McColl, for the ~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; ing what 2.re residential and bu5ine3s seemed now that with the sale of the accused, stated that there . had bee1o l!: districts in Whitby. property and the issue of the building complaints to the attorney-general as r.=============================~ ( Tha. t North End Permit permit the Council could do very little a result of which three investigators if anything in the matter, he could were sent down. They mingled with . Mr.-Dudley recalled that some time not "help but think that the petition- the crowd of two large excursions ago a '. similar condition obtained in ers bad a real grievance as undoubt- which crossed the Jake from Rochest- . · the north ward, when the Council re- edly the station was being establish- er on Labor Day and went with them ·~sed a permit to a man to put up a ed in an area where there were some to the bar of the hotel which was · . ' , ·certain building because it was not ·fine homes. Coun. Ormiston doing a land office business. They . : wanted in that residential area. He hn1ine!d that a Town of Whi~by's si~e bought a bottle of liquor, sealed it, . · .:.' held -that there was no comparison be- should::have a bylaw defirung res1- and on analysis it turned out to be ~ · tween the two districts from the ~' and b.usiness areas, stating 6.4 per cent. , · ( ·standpoint of fine residences. -~---such a bylaw existed here, as Charles Davidson, the new warden · ' _, Deputy-Reeve Underwood stated it·\di(l on other places, Council would of the united counties of Northum- :.<\ that' the case in question was one avoid future trouble of this kind. berland and Durham, was given a -~~where· Mr. Potter wanted to build a . Coun. Pringle stated that he was in royal reception on returnin~ his . · . ·~>~~'blacksmith shop in front of his resid- sympathy wfth Mr. Dudley and others home town, Campbellford, o 'day ,·,· :'\- eilee on Brock street north. He when he first learned of the proposed evening. The Regimental B : , ·the .. - : ~ ·; tlie engineer that it was a . garage he station, but now that the property was fire brigade, members of the '-·town · · .-L~ '-Waii .going to build but later, during sold and the permit issued he could council in a body, joined in the pro- ... ···the. enemeer's absence from tOwn, it not see that the Council could do any- cession. from the station, and what was. found that the building was to thing. with fireworks and bonfires, old · ). ·-be i wooden shack. Mr. Underwood Reeve Jackson stated that by can- timers say it was the biggest night · · ·stated that he would be very glad to ceiling this permit Council was de- the old town has had since the relief have an oil station such as was pro- claring that no further businesses of Ladysmith. · ··. ·posed for the west erected south of could be established on Dun?as St. :After a lingering illness, R. J. . · hjs ·property. Further, he would like and people would never forg1ve the Th mpson a well-known figure in 'to . see 15 more oil stations erected Council if any such step was taken as theo hard~are business is dead. Mr. here ~ to have some of them detrime!lt to the tov.'ll's growth and Thompson was 63 years of age, and bt'oughtnorth. prospenty. . is survived QV· -~· - ..., - ~~~'1"1 ~ Walter Bunn stated that he wanted Coun. Broughton stated that he was h'l~llh'fr · -·" · which :rr- A . · · .30 · d · I' d rt c c 1 _., vtl11lam, nme , ..;........;;_to see Whitbr·<grow and prosper, an me me to suppo oun. ...,.n. " eree -w·m George al · .bum a ~ .taadpoint he had no contention that _s.....~or-.ra.od 1 am • · ~etion to the .dati~ . bat u a brother, J". W. ThOID)IIIOII. ISII'ta.l'" ... "-- of .... __ ... __ _. of ""-L--.. CJD be th land. Jlr. Tbompeoa ..,. bom ...,.. - ...,.... ..,.._ He had sympa Y .a- H the of""' " .) , _: i'&oiiiiii thit \lae n3 ;:::;~~~~~:ftic,!l_!·rs · u .he felt that he =~... H: ~ :! .h.;;;: -~·~ ~. f: :e.wotute a menace not like to have an on station business with W. B. Stewart of Us- • ~<#';<"1eb0dren ·il!riJig King ered.ed clo~~e to his property. bridge, now owned by Moore Bree., . ·.the King Street and On the motion by Coun. Bowman to leaving town many years ago, and · ' . .' · . Reeve w- • .....:=•- Views ask~e !'olicitor if the building per- then found employment with Toronto ~""ee~~.., that the miti-.Ji.~ legally issu~ by .t~': so~citor firms including the Russel, the · ~ there '-'as the followmg diVISIOn·"" Aikenh' ead, and Rice Lewis com-wasting time in discus- 0 · to loiJ'!."-Pif1ie:n the property had already Yeas- Mowat, Bowman, ~ n panies. Mr. Thompson was em- and paid for, the agents' and Broughton. ·' · · ployed by the Rice Lewis Company ~~;'!liini1;sl<m handed over . and the Nay&-J'ackson, Underwood, Pringle for sixteen years. He was a valued buil~:•- ·petmit legally issued. What and Threadgold. member of the Oddfellows Order for ~'\6 As the vote was a tie · Mayor Bate- be f h power bad this Council to make any man intervened and voted to send the 36 y_ears, and also , a mem r o . t ~ · JJU)Ve at this late date. The town had matter on to the solicitor. ' no specified residential district and the engineer 'had the right to issue the · Permit. for tlie building in accordance Capl Tom B~t : \. .. ·-~the piovisions of the bylaw .. The heW. station would be in a busmess ) "block and one of the terms of the sale (Continued from page 1 · was . that a permit w. ould be issued. courage of his convictions as we~ I as with a 'message-he was not afrrud to As -to the argument fhat tbe li-ving of speak out. And 110 today no Christ- others would be interfered with, the ian Jl)lould be afraid to testify for Reeve 1loted that the names of Wilder Christ. The speaker emphasized that PARKER'S DYE WORKS WIDTBY BRANCH . ROSS' COAL OFFICE Brock St. North • Telephone 34 SWEATERS KNICKERS SKIRTS COATS CAPS GLOVES All these things are essential for skating, and now is the time to get them in shape. Give us · n call and in 24 hours you will have them rek, . cleaned and as good as new. " '. t Odorless Dry Cleaners. l ' . , . I .. .. · - - ·; Eyesl.tlit Specialist Many eyes are ~:>lowly but surely being crippled by uncor- rected defects. Have yours cor- rected NOW. · -95 Disney Blocl{, Opposite P. 0. Phone 1516, Oshawa HEARDS Flat to rent, all convenien· ces. Newly decorated . For sale-1 steel bar 15x36 in good shape. Can be moved. 1 Ford Truck, %. ton. 300 Cedar Posts Two Cheap Horses Sand and gravel delivered anywhere. ·Loam sand for filling or lawns. · TAXI SERVICE to and front all trains. Jos. Heard I Sons Pho••• aa, 14 or 1'4. Bro~k St. :N •• Whitby Tho HOME of GOOD GROCERIES ·: . MAKE YOUR . DOLLARS OOUNT . WIN A JOYCYCLE FOR YOUR BOY ABSOLUTELY FREE With every amount of 10c. ·of' will give you a coupon of equal value. Contest Closes · .April __ Coupons will then be counted aiidt~ the perC · largest number we will give a DE UJXE JOYOYCLE S.ve Your Coapaaa . {1 - A. -T. LliWier ' ' , - ( . ; .. . HOME OF 600~ GROCERIES; Prompt Dell•ery. Phone 47. ' • · JO ~erell and Joseph Heard & Sons 1 t th - - ,. ... • ere on it and he did not wonder as there C:ould be no light un ess a e •- -. expense of something whether it be An· ·, .·- _ -;r1 '-·-r>and R,ecognized LOader in its Field ~ , they were in the oil business. There from the ancient candle or the mod- . • . were also other names of persons who em electric light. Some~ng mu.st be , 4 -were not property owners. Personally burning to create light. So the ljghts _,_. -" . he did not Jhink that the new station of Christians would not ·shine very . ~ ; :would drive any person out of busi- bright unless they are living the spirit . -!< · . • ' ' ness. The purchasers of the properly of sacrifice and willing to ~·spend and • (' •· ~ : -would erect a building which would be be spent" for Christ. Churches -"'·~ .. u.-- ~ }.,_ a -thing of beauty and a decided im- individuals who were doing something . . :·-, provemen~ on the building at ,present worth while for the Master were the · ~ the property. The reeve argued Ch · "tluit instead of decreasing the values ones who were strong for nst of adjoining properties it would willing to make a: sacrifice fo~ . crease them,. r:d he predicted The light of the ChnstlRn both Mr. Dudle and Mr. Evans would be made brighter by the -sP.irit • and the brighter we burn ~act accordingly before aong. He point;. sh"orter wiD be our term of office, -ed out that in the same block tbere as in the ease of John the Baptist " · were the business places of W. J. , . 1 J Luke and Wilder and Deverell, and whoSe ·Jilinistry was brief, a so esus, ~ : ... ;&here was no protest when these who spent only three years in His . businesses were established. Next eilrthly ministry. John the Baptist was ·. .. ·doer to Mr. Dudley Mr. Evans con- miraculously born, the speaker em- ducted a pump business but there was phasiud, and that was why he no kick, while Mr. Dudley himself so brightly. Captain Best asked to be excused if frequently during his min- rented part of his garage._ On the cor- istry· here he emphasized the need for 'W~er of Dundaa and Centre streets Me- a spiritual birth, because he was a <loll. Bros. had erected a large · service st believer in it. lf our lives are station and Centre st:reet was very rong h' · th h h 1 1 used b schocl ehildren . but _count for anyt ~ng m . e c urc , arget thy y test th t their home and commumty it Will be be- ye ere -was no pro a b mi d hi • f lives would be endangered by· the new cau~ :we are u ng an 8 mng or stati ..,.,_ ...__t n t 1 -Iy Chnst. Inasmuch as John was the on . . au11g Du=: :was o a.,.~ f Ch · t Ch 'st ' d b sch i children He held that forerunner - o. ns so rl •ans use Y 00 · • a uch should be Christ's advance agents, al - the Centre sneet cornef :wall . . Ill . Willing and ready to testify on more dangerous one, yet there bad Hi "-h 1f d to k hat been no protest. The values of prop- . s ~ a an ma e w ever sac- ies in that vicinity had been in- rJfice IS necessary. . ._......,...,. •_.sed five six and seven fold by the Large Nu~ber at «?ommumon · tati ' d forth the At the evenmg servtce over forty w s on, an ennore, be rtl · ted i th c ~~td'llln was. getting $25 or $30 a month !"em r~ pa Clpa . ~ e ommun- ' ·~ht revenue. The reeve opined 1on service_, and Captain Best gave a Dulldas St. west of the 'Four Cor- s~ul. inspiring se~mon on the Cross of ·. Mrll would eVeDtwally -.be & busineas Chnst :&nd What It meant to the world ' litnet. ~ t:r'l had ahraJS been for both u a 111ea11a of redemption and i :. -..re 1iullclbap to iDeruM tiM! NftDM object ~ of NCriAce. .. ·-- ~tl~. He"had more·than oaee I :!=~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=9) ·- ' · -~ tiM! pil&' platlorm that li l:fhe~re~· .. ·~·re- ....._. ·NALd.IJors_ duce the tues. The ~ve predicted VUI" ~I)IU that six months from now Mr. Rice would come down to the Council extend congratulations for In the Counties Plans for the extension to St. ~ ··- ~. !'.'-r ... ,._ J the new oil station to be would light up his lawn at there would be no· .eats the streel. ~ e~g~p·~~ George's Hall, Albert Street, Oshawn, having been . approved by the Bishop .' his l'iBl\t& in ·1.ssuhig the he -was prepared to liu11po:rt this but any ~9'fl~~~~ p·rop~si: lirilthi1>·1 pf the Diocese of Ontario, construc- tion work on these alterations and additions \\ill commence at once. They will cost between $3,000 and ttQ_OO. Plans were drawn by C. C. ~~e, architect, and provide for an addition to the present bull~g of 84 by 80 feet. The additions~ ,i fol- low the original ~ of frame. bUild- ina wf11Considerably increase Its . ' \ . .. ... .. \ _ _5 .. ., ...... . ··. ... ..... : .... ~ ·.: For .:·Newspaper-Advertising and C()fti.Uercial ·.Job . Printing the · hitby Gazella and c·hronicla I The Gazette and Chronicle is Ontario County's leading paper, · .and a Trusted and Tried Advertising Medium. - "" • IT PRINTS THE NEWS Weekly its Pages are Extensively Read, and its Editorials Widely Quoted. Its Cir01lation ia Growing and its Worth ia the Only Consideration. $2'& year. JOB PRINT.ING We have a ·weu,E~uipped~ Modern P~inting Plant, where we produce ' - '4 t;ptaldgues, Magazines, Pamphlets . ~ abctrali_Rinds CotnnJercial. Printing ~0011 PJttln,lll~ ' Mdv~~ls':l..t;pnt In Itself, Let IJs Help You. quotations 61~dly FuPnlshfld• \ When remodelled St. ~or­ will become the tempor- PJ'C)pezV'· llll~:t·~~h"Jb~iu~: I ary headquarters for the new parish lfi!l~~~ . ..... ·

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