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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Feb 1928, p. 7

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February 9, 1928 . _). . GAZETTE ~ CHRONICLE (.' BR~_ . W. H. Moore. of the ...... ~. _ ·of Horticulture, will give an il- Brooklin t;u .. .._ stlated lecture on "The Care and bus to Toronto on , jDe tt1!fe of Perennials and Shrubs., in and attended the(. fll e 'Township Hall on Wednesday _ev- LaSalle Dramati~~ ~~ · & Feb. 22. The officers of the chant Gf Venice."· . I!~~ rtil:ultural. Society will ~ elected 1a1r." DOn :W'b!te ~ -qUtte 'ill .dNMENT JNOOI.E TAX RETURNS ,Jert Service in the prepmtiOJt. of these ·,.s, and at small cost. . · i'ax Act requires ·that ~ proper syste~ of .cept by all busin~ lirmat. · . · • · · : :.; .-'We have an accounting system to suit .alt' b~an~es of trade. . ~ ·. · -. , .... · : · · Information promplJy furnished. . .: .· WILLIAM A. DAWE 1!f._.:- "· 59 VIctoria Street, TORONTO Phones - Elgin 4750 ~d Homd · 0701 · meeting and those m charge for the past 1wo w•W · glad to have a good number iil _ Miss Eva Routley., spent ·sunday ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~tt .. ,llarlce. Mr. Moore is a most at- with Mr. and Mrs. Cook. . &ra.eti,~e speaker and those who heard Miss Wilson, of Peterboro, was at he spoke for the Societ~ a C. Maekey's over the week-end. MacDuff's prices are always right, much enjoyed after which refresh- we~ ve~u9b ple.ased Wlth Miss M. L. Dryden was in the city and •they appreciate your patronage. ments were served and the company ·lbii;l-l11!Ct'tlre. Come and br~ng your on a business trip last week-end. ..,. departed after wishing the happy Ml:S. W. A. -Dryden and daughter, couple who leave for their Western Jean, left on Friday for a short visit MYRTLE STATION h~me early next month, many good with the former's sister in New York. Mrs. Hortop and Mrs. D. Black, of wishes. ·· Jas. ~img was called to Scot- owing to the death of h~ The Dryden-Miller February -sale Oshawa, were visitors at Mr. F_. L. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hoar, who have J passed off with the usual succes.S this Brown's last week. spent the past threetweeks with the 1 week. Mrs. T. R. Price bas been spending former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ~ "Nothing but the Tru:ib" Special value in Men:s and Boysl a few days in Belleville and Stirling. ~oar, left on Monday for their home presented to a large audience on Caps. Your ~boice while they last Remember the Pancake Supper in ~n Edmonton. . . . - evening. Each eharacter did 69c. You get them at MacDuft"s. the Basement of the church next Wed-! The bus servtce was eancelJed for a h~ most acceptably and Several from here saw a most in- nesday evening, Feb. lSth, folJowed by lfeWl~ndaytos ththe la~r. ~ of the week be1prurrlng ·to end there was not teresting game of hockey in Whitby a Valentine program. o g e condition of the road moment. Mr. Bob Bennet (J. last Friday evening when ·l.indsay Miss Vera Cook has returned from from ~ros~t northFri.dA snow plough ... ,_,.,.__ ... , managed to tell the eXact played Whitby. visiting in Toronto. · · ~e roug on . ay but was not for twenty-four hours, although Mr. E. Pascoe has ·been given the Last -i'bursday afternoon the Ladies' po~erful enough to ·go through the · he found himself often in tight eorn- position of assistant postmaster. Aid went to the home of Mrs. F. L drifts north of the C.P.R. tracks, so era and was in danger of losing his The Spring Fair Association an- Brown, Bon. President of the Society, ~ad to -~~rn to Toronto for a heav7 friends, but all ended well. nual meeting is being held next Tues- it being the anniversary of he!_ birth- ler ma<a~~ue. · · · (Jirs. Fleming, of Oshawa, is visiting day. day, and after the gathering bad as- . Mr: and ~rs. Stewart Graham visit- sister, Mrs. Arthur Elliott. A Valentine Bazaar will be held sembled the ladies wished Mrs. Brown ed frtends m Claremont last week. and Mrs. Ramsey, of Toronto, in the basement of the United Church many happy returns of the day, ·and • Mrs. J. Todd has been visiting her the week ena with Mr. and Mrs. on Wednesday afternoon and even- presented her with a piece of table SISter, _Mrs. Web_s~r. of Uxbridge. Elliott. ing, February 16th. Supper from 5 linen. Mrs. Bro"4Jl was ~ken by su!- !'-t time of wnting Mrs. F~nk _Mc- Arthur Cook i.s spending the o'clock until all are sen-ed. Good prise but thanked the ladies for thell' Clintoek,. who has been spending · the lhi•4~1r iB Toronto. program will be given. Admission gift. Afterwards the annual meeting winter With her ?a~ghter, Mrs. c_h~s- A bus load of young people attend- 21M:,; of the Society was held and the foJ- toph~: Wilson, IS lD a very cnttcal ' · lowing officers elected: Pres., Mrs. W. condition. a:;_!!!:!!!!!!:!!!~!!!:!!i!!!:!!!!!!:!!!!!!:!!!~~!!!:!!!~~~~===============~======~ Graham; Vice-Pres., Mrs. 0. H. Dow- ney; Treas., Mrs. Jas. DicksC?n; See., Mrs. T. R. Price; Asst. Sec., Mrs. R. Thompson; Pianist, Mrs. L. Tardiff; Flower Committee, Mrs. Tarves and M:rs. R. Chisholm. A social time and refreshments were enjoyed at the close. -BROOKLIN FLOUR MILLS · Fall Wheat Wanted ··:( -Qur requlreme.-ts for Fall Wheat will exceed ~)hllt :of last year. are prepared to ·pay you -·the _filgbest p~salb for good Milling Fall ~b~at, ·and 2c ab .,levator price, whatever : .price that may be. ( ~Nil .. Ph'one-Oay, 26; 2713 or 2502, Brooklin ~ "'~ ilson ,. Ontario :;~~,~.~t":~i.t:eu:;E s~g~K Or 1'-.r-;.....-. / ~SOLE BEATTY. fDIP DEALERS ':~;~;~ I~ Bll~~Klil. . , · .-:_·.~all Pumps, ·-~Jistern Pu"'ps · ·.leathers, Fitilnls, . .-valves ff . - F.~N SHORT, EVERYTHING IN THE PUMP LINE. ' · . REPAIRS FOR ALL MAKES. "- ,1 WHERE OOOD GOODS ARE CHEAPEST." ~ . . . '· Grapenut · Cerc:al. per packet .•• :. • • .. .... : .. .. . . . ..... 1 k Instant P06tum, .. .. .. . ...... -'.:.,. · •• smill 2s-c:, large 50c. Seedless Raisins .. .. .. .. ... ... . ~~ ... :: • • . .• 2 lbs. for 2 k . Qu..k~ Rolled Oats . ............... : .... : .. 9lbs. for 50c. 1 Jb. Househol~ ·Mixed TQ ~d 2 white Ironstone dinner . plates fOJ: •• , • • : ••• , • • • • • • • • • • • . • . . • • ••..• .• . SOc. Lcnons .•. . . ~ ·• . . . . • .... ~. . . • . . • • . . . • . . . . . . per dot. 30c. All lin(a of ~lien goods in underwear,_ Sweaters, Jerseys and Windb~ 'f:.Ess :w per cent. · • ' . . ·_. ~ . ' JUsT ARRIVED "!' Pull Skein Embroidery 'WOOl foe making wool flo~s and sprays in~ shades.' Free illustrated .leaflets for ~aking given with wool.:. -rn~ 5'c. ¥n- ': . ' .... . ~ck~ \..eumlltism • {'Fnit-a-tives" Brought ' . . .. Speedy Relief ...... MI. Read this ~onest . . . _ . . Nanaimo, B.C.~"' ·li:ad ~:ci.ffering with rheumatic pains : in my ~~ulders. Decided J-9 try 'Fruit-a-tives'. In a very short whDe I bad relief.- ···AlSo had_ a . touch of bleeding piles, 'Fruit-a-tives' worked like a charm. ·I think they are really marvellous." -Mr. S. Floycl. "Fruit-a-Uves" is composed of fresh fruit juices intensified and combined with tonics. The easy, natural.action corrects constipation, ·stomach, kidney and blad- . der -troubles, rids the system of poisons, purifies the blood, and banishes rheuma- tism and kindred pains. "Fruit-a-tives" is sold everywhere. 2Sc and SOc a box. Test it-to-day. , in the w .. a form. Page 7 Dangerous Varicose Veins. Reduced or Money Back . This ~imple Home Treatment b_~:Amazlng ~esnlts Rub Gently and Upward Toward the (full Stleilgth) and apply 118 directed . :; · Heart· as Blood in Veina Flows :t and morning to the &WODen, , -···· That Way. . rged ~eins. Soon you will notiCtl .·ifi~~~J - that they are trowing smaller .ana·-__. If you or any relative or friend is the. trea~e~t should be cpn~'!:'ecf ~ worried because of varicose veins, or until the ~ are of norm~ _.su.e. .. bunches, the best advice that anyone So ~~trating and J)?Werful 18 Em- in this world can give you is to ask ••.ld Oil that even Piles are .quickly your druggist for an original two- reheved. E. ~- Odium, R. J. Leaclr ounce bottle of •Moone's Emerald .Oil and A. H. Allin sell lots of lt. • ·~ ,I f. • . :.·: ~; :: . .. ~ · .. . ... ···, , -· _,~,~ ~- ....; __ --------- . )ue you ·.getting your share? If not. atimulate · your Bock with ·• _;·_-: .. _ · -~ ·:champion · Egg Mash _ ~ .. . .,...... . . . ~. ~ '. · . . - . A trure ••Egg Getter" b.<) ·Be sW-e and ask for Champion. · Do not pay high pn~ for oi~_whi~ gi~_you no better ~ti.

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