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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Sep 1934, p. 3

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PAGE FOUR THE WHITBY GAZEITE & CHRONICLE THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 6 1934 ' CHURCHES LODGES SOCIETIES THIS WEEK IN WHITBY SOCIAL TRAVEL PERSONAL M1nc3 Audrey and Town were \'lsltlng tn vllle over the week end Anna with l\lr and Mr• William El Brock lsln Miss Pb) li~ shepherd ot: o to visited th1s week M.las Olive Mclllllan • • • To wlta Bls Honor Judge J A Me Gibbon of Lindeay was a vlsl er In town on Mondav • • • !.lr and Mrs Ed Oke of Llnd ny spent the week end with Mr and Mrs R G Oke • • • Corn Pain and Wotta Wurt undeatrable guests of Mrs Pub He were removed by Cress Corn Balve at Allin a Drug Store • • • Mr and Mra Lloyd Philip or 'Broekvllle have been vleltlns lrlth the formers !lister Mrs \\ C Town • • • Rev Dr and Mrs Carmichael and son Ralph havo returned from a months vacation- in Que bee province • • • Mr and Mrs R T McLe:J.D of Toronto visited on FridaY last with 1\.lra A Macphereon Droc'k St South • • • llr and Mrs Charles Webber Df Hamilton were week end ,;ue!its of Mr and Mrs " C Town • • • • • • Miss Ed th Newman or the Post Office starr is visitlng h~r sister Mrs Smith at Sudbur) • • • Mr Waller Barton of Bramp ton formerly on the staff of the Dominion Bank Wh thy s11ent n fe" da s in town visiting v; lth friends • • • Miss Marjory Ruddy who l"e cently underwent an operation tor appendicitis in Osbawa. Ho~ pital has returned home and s now recover ng nfcet • • • Mr and Mrs George Brough ton daughter Kathleen and l!lon WUUam spent a few daya at the home ot the former a oroth er 1\Ir W A Broughton • • • Mr and Mra J W Hart and family and Mr Gilmour of Wa terford Ont epent the week end wJth Mr and Mrs J A Bar ber St Peter Street • • • Mrs A King and daughter ..,r Chicago and Mr and Mrs W }{ Walters of Toronto spen sunday with l\lr and !\Irs Ben gough Sleep • • • Mr and Mrs 11.r L Jennln~"s and Mrs Harold Tonkin au t children of Stratford visltert with !\Irs A D Stewart of Cherry~ood recently Mare v a Sarnla and Mackinaw return ng by Sudbury and North nn:; At the Soo bo visited hl3 nlec Miss Gertrude Wa~ e Mr neall has returned to Foothill n d wi I resume biB Iecturl!lg Vt ork In the achoo s a.t "ellesley Essex "alkervUle and J!ill!lt Windsor here be will be occu pled many months The annual Convention of the Sou h On ar o Teachers Aasocla lion wl 1 be held this fa I In Wb tb) but the date has not yet been set Tb,e E:recutlve meet11 shortly to arrange a programme CORRECTING :\L:\ILI:SG LISTS The mailing lists of the Whit by Gaze te and Chronle e wlll be corrected to data on September 24th "e w II be p eased to re cc ve as many renewals as pos slble before that date also new subscr ptions The Gazette and Cl ron!c e e;ery week carries all or the news of town and dl!trlct nnd s endeavoring to render rt real service The aub.!lcrlptlon price was formerly $2 00 but ts now only $1 50 GR,\ l ELLING STREETS FRESH FISH 'Seve11 Dayo Without Filh-Mak01 One Weak ' Have you had YOUr Sea Food today? aDd nubtiious value. Rich m mmeralo FRESH LAKE TROUT WHITEFISH CHOICE HALIBUT RED SALMON FRESH FILLETS Phone 189 We Deliver WHITBY FISH MARKET BROCK STREET WEST W • Aloo Spee•.W.. In Fioh and Cbipo Whitby Church News And Views Announcements I\otlcH IUUler thb: beacUa.a &Pfl cha.rlre4 tor at the nte ot oae uut one bait Cllll • " word with • mlalllnun charp of • eenta. A charp te made for aoUca ot mediDp ot an erp• laatlou at whtcb u ad mlaal01a tee a. cbarp4 or a caUertiOD ~ea P ] SULLIVAN LICENSED plumber and ttnsmath Brock Street North Pbone 117W Wh t by PAINT IN G DBCORATING rot!Jh plaaterlnt wall clulns tlll'any blend,DI wall paper removed by & new method machine no water no muss for 11 low as t2 00 per room We bane and aupplJ paper for e.a low as as oo per room Free eatlmates Charles A Bradley phone 59 Whitby Oshawa 1083 GEO HAMERS sh&et metal work etc Furnaces repaired and rebuilt Have your11 done now Telephone 487 rear of Royal Bank DO YOU NEED GLASSES' J H Stephenson R 0 or Toronto AMBULANCE SERVICE We 1nvtte enquuy from thote requmng Ambulance Service. Our Limouame-type Ambulance 11 prefer- able because of 1ts greater comforL Day ariel Bight servtce Attendanu thoro111Jbly expenenced. Oshawa Ho1pital, $2 Any Toronto Hoap~tal, $5 PHAIR'S FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE35 Mr and Mra Albert Jennlng3 of Toronto vtalted their gran<t parents Mr and Mrs M I.. Jennings on Monday • • • "ork is commencln, thfa week on the towns street gravelling programme for the year which Is not as extenstve as In former yeo.rs on account of tbe need tor econom}' Local men on relfet are being engaged for a week at a time and when they have received one weeks pay at 30c per hour they will be cut orr the relief lists for two weeks leadln& Optic an and Eye Lt',.r!Lon. • • • Mr and )Irs Geo Leedh!lm ot Port Rowan Out visited re- cently With ~lr and l\lrs W A Broughton • • • Mrs Byers of Campbetlfor 1 has returned home after !pend tng two weeks with her ntec"' Mrs L W Dudley • • • Rev and Mn Norton wltb thel't dauchter and granddaugh ter were guests on Friday lut ot Mr and Mra L. W Dudley • • • ReT and Mrs Arthur Harden of Coldwater Tl!!lted last week SAVE -ON- COAL NO WI PUT IN YOUR WINTER'S COAL THIS MONTH a..t th riM Ia pncM "" ,....J.ulao .... ~. coal WIOW \i• tM t..d way to bUN :row e-'art apuut ... finl drop Ia. tlftll ---READING ANniRACITE COAL IS "'Duatleaa "'Even Bummg ..,. Leu Aahea PHONE 8 C. A. CAIIIIG WHITBY Miss Burroughs who has bMn In to\\ n during the summer months has returned to resume her school du.tlea In Colling wood • • • Mr and Mrs Fred Brown and raml1y or Richmond Sask ha e been vfsltlnJ at th& home of the formers parents Mr and Mrs Wing Brown tor the pa!!t month • • • Mr and Mrs Dick MaeCarl and Mr and Mrs Walter Mac Carl and children 1pent the week end with relattvea at Co llngwood • • • Mr F W Rlekaby or the Druce Mines Spectator wu In town on Thursday and gave Tb& Oazette and ChronlcJ& a rrtendly call • • • Mrs A David and chtldren who have been spending th& su n mer with Mn David s parent!! Mr and Mrs W A Brou1hton ha\'e nturned to their home In Toronto • • • Mra S A Gilroy of Bro k ville and dauaht&r Misa Thel a aAlatant supt of the Muonic Hospital at Utica NY aro vi slUng with Mr and Mr11 W Town • • • There will be a parade of C Co y Ontario R&gltnent at the Armourles Wbttby on Monday Sept 10 to commence tall train ln& All rank1 are reque!l&d to turn out Fall in at 7 '5 l' m • • • M s M.arv St nson o[ \VI tb nnnounces th!! en~r.~gem~nt of 1 c daughter Adehne Alaud lo Leona d John R ch son oi Mn E R c1 of Wh by the marr age to take place on Saturday Septembtt 29 at 2.30 p m n the Un ted Church \\ h thy • • • Mra A I Johnaon and eh11 dren who have beeen Vlalttnx durin,; the summer month! with ber aliter ?.Ira Geor1e Fotht~r sill Jeft thla week tor her home in Vancouver • • • Mrs Daniel D Dudley of C:)l borDe Mra Elwood Dudley f DrockvJlle and Mr and Mrs Chas H Fentan of Fort Wll llam spent Thursday with Mr nnd Mr11 L W Dudley Mr and P.tra Fenton IeavlnK In the enn In• for their home In Fort Wil llam • • • Mr A W BeaU returned to town laat week after a three weeka motor trip to Sault. S e Today and Saturday, September 7 and 8 uSHE MADE HER BED" • RICHARD ARLEN, SAU. Y EILERS, ROBERT ARMSTRONG, ROSCOE AT£5 -------- ¥¥ ¥¥¥¥¥¥..,.. ... ,.,.., '"'" ... ~. Mon., Tuea., Wed., September 10, 11, 12 "ADVICE TO THE LOVELORN" LEE TRACY SAU. Y BLANE and "RECISTERED NURSE" BEBE DANIELS, LYLE TALBOT "'""",, "q Next Thun., Fn, S.L, September 13, 14, 16 "PALOOKA" JIMMIE DURANTE, LUPE VELEZ, STUART ERWIN S.!urday Matmee, 1 30 Evemna•, 7 and 9 NATIVE OF WHITBY PASSES Word has been received In Whitby or the death at Oaket Dickey County North Dakota or John Coulter a pioneer resident of that commun1ty and prom lnent business man Mr Coulter was born In Whitby on February 21 1881 and went to the United States when be was 2 2 yean of age The Oakes Tlmea aaya that Mr Coulter waa very l!luecessful ln business served his city In many capacities was an out standing fraternal man and a worker for the poor He Wa! city assessor for 1" years and ran In several state election eonteata He Wn!l on the Board of Ed:uca lion for 32 yeal'fl and prel!l dent ror all but two :rears of that time SCHOOL CLASSES REARRANGED Some carrangement of the classes n the Publ c Schools has been found necessary ow ng to the The lnductton Toll BA BD Whttby United place on Friday week otRevsL •• ministe of Church akes evenln& of this H C Elliott mlnJater ot Baptist Church aDd formerly of Danforth Avenue Ch will occupy the pu pit Whitby Baptist Church at both services on Sunday He ~ a andidate tor the pulpit St Andrew a Preabyte ::m Cllurch Sunday School mee s a 10 o clock on Sunday morn o~ Tb.e church services ar8" at 11 amand7pm Mr C S Goldrlna: wllJ ha e charge or the mor:q.ln& unlco at St John s Church Port Wh by ne1t sunday mornl~& at 11 am and Rev E Ralph Adre ,.. preach at Holy communion at 7 3 0 p m sunday School me eta at ten ln the morn1n1 At the morning service in All Saints Church next Sunday Sep tember 9th Rev E Ralph Adye Sl&ht Specialist for twenty five years wlll be at Bassett s Jewe ry Store every second and fourth Friday Eye exam lnatfon from 1 to 6 p m Make wlll preach "On Fiery Trials your appointment early at Baa whtle at the evening service at sett a Whitby Phone 171 !Ieven the preacher will be Mr A J WORFO...,K Norman Goldring The Sunday and Heating Repair work a !':chool meets at 3 p m specialty All orders promPth attended to Phone %3 2 Whit Plans are maturing for the by obsenance of the 69th annlver sary ot All Saints Church to be held early In November The rector hopes to be able to an nounce the complete plans very shortly In the meantime there Is much tntereat in the Parish tn Auxllla y or the Hospital "'Ill en I Situ<,""" tertaln at tea Thia will enable the coming event Is tl e t:n ted Chu ch Sunday morn ng at II o clock Re S L. Toll w II preach on The Cl r st an Standa d of R l!l:hteousneu and n the even ng at seven Afra d o( a Ghost Sunday School s at 215 prn the nur!les in attendanu to be- eome acquainted under moas' e" llghUul cireumstancel!l A tour through General Mn tors has bsen arranJed and the nurau will leave on this tour of tni!Jpectlon at five o clod: Th"'Y wnt return later to St Andre.,. s United Church where !!Upper will be sened NEW BUILDINfi AT UNION CEMffERY NEARLY IDMPLETE Slrt Skrrts Are Fa1hron'• D1ctate Nevo 1 ork Sept li -The rich. e etanee of the new taahlone por tends eltber the end of the d&o pre!slon or a 11wan !!ODg or luxury styles 1\'[ ss Marjorie Howard In ternatlonal y known Btyle COlli mentator told a fashion forum Iaet nl(!l:ht Describing the 1935 mode ror tbo coming WInter Miss How ard. traced its lnrluencea to Vu. Dyck s portraits of men choir boy ea ments the early French kings the Dante period: the French Cavaliers with some Russian and Cb neu 1nsplrallons thrown In Af er e ery great econom c except onally large enrollment at the Brock St School where fifty one pup s ha e bee enrolled n tl c sen or oom The Boa d of Ed ucat on p oposes to requ re the En At The Fresh Air Camp Nuratn1 Activltle!l In Chapter 1 will be the aubject of the talk to be 11ven at the evening msetlng whleh wUI be held in St Andrews Church on Saturday eveninl commenelns at 'l 30 The visiting nuraea wm be Will comed by Hl1 Wor!!hlp Major W E N Sinclair and Mra R S !\lcLaughUn president of t1 e Women s Auxiliary of the Osha wa Hospttal A moat entertaininG a.tternoon Ia being arran1ed tor Expected to be Ready for Uoe About Mulclle of September upbea at abe told the rash!Oll group here bas been a period of uxurlous fashion and the [ rench des gnera thl!l 1ear ha e tl rown a bewllderinr; collection or magnlt cent modela Into tbc teet of the economic atorm t ancc p pIs n the Brock St School o rcmo c to tl e K ng St School E t ancc Class under Mr Sennett for th s ) ea lt s con s dercd th s II be best n the n terest of he pup h. themselves and v 1l lea c suff c ent t me for tl e teache I e sen or room at the Brock S School to devote to those pupds rema n ng It s not cons dcred that the pup Is thus re q red to make the cl ange Wlll be nconvcn enced to any great extent as most of them rcqu re transpor tat o o tl e sc ool anyway and 1t s mere!)' a case of the r be ne con ve}c I a ttlc longer d stance to tl c K ng S School Th s change >as a tho zed by the Management Comn cc at a spec al meet ng Tuesday e en n,.. as t l\ilS con$ d erd th s as the only solut on to the problem. ----- WHITBY WOMAN BADLY INJURED Mrs 0 lver Sebert Byron Street North auatalned aerioua inJuries when &be waa struck by a truck driven by Mike. Bokola a Whitby Township farmer while proceedlnl' south on Brock Street North on Friday afternoon Mr11 S&bert waa pleked up by cltl&ena who wttneY&d th& accl dent and ruahed. to the Hoapltal at Oshawa where ber oondtuon baa now aligbtly lmprond Mra Sebert auatalned fracture• ot the noae ribs and ankle aa well aa deep garbes on her bead Accord ins to Chief H W Quantrlll who lnvestlgatM the aceldent Mre Se-- bert was crosaln& the street from t¥ weat to the eaat aide or the street to enter the Whitby Fish Market when 11be was hit by the middle or the truck which had a rack attached With Mr Bokola the driver In the front aeat waa hla father The driver drove on after the accident atatln& that he v;aa not aware that anytblnK bad happened His father bow ever felt the Impact and told hill' aon to 11l0p The chief queattoned aeveral wltneaae! of the accident and came to the eoncluaton that 1t wu unuoldabl& It Ia surmised that Mn Sebert did not te& the truck approaching or that If ebe did abe atepped out before it "'bad comphHely palled For the present at eaat the chtet aald no char&e I! beln« laid u ·atnat the truck driver Mre Sebert 1 many trlenda In Whitby hope that 1ha will have a complete and apaedy recover> ------,,.-- No bevenre tn the world Ia aa unlveraa 1y popular ae tea It 1e u1ed In neariJ enry chiUaed countr:; and this dellJhtful drink not only retreahea and !a.vt~:or a.tes the mind and body but al so serves a.a the medium Uy ~h ch people meet In a apfrlt .,r f end1h l) aod underatandlna the "orld over It the following direction• ( ~h ch v.: ere eupplted by Sill ada 'tea) ar& rollowod each cup w ll yleM the tull deltelouu favour that makea tet. 110 en Scald out the pot to make It warm place In It a level eaapoon ot tea for every cup des ed and one tor the POt Add tre!lh bolltDI water Allow to ateep about tin minutes and stir r;l r;h h betote aervtnr Te& made according to the abova rulel wll be fragrant de lletous and completely ~a strluc Weddings BUSH-TEAKLE The marrta1e took p ace on Monday In St Tho nas cbnrcb Toronto or Mabel M s dauchter ot Mr and Mrr R B Teakle Orlol& Parkway to M Jack Hamilton Buah son or ~ r an.4 Mra CharJea Bush ot ontreal and rrandaon or Mr Jam~ H Nlchotaon of Whitby Re c J S Stuard omclated Va C<J ored 1ladtoll d&eoratM the chu cb Dr Harvey Robb waa at he orran and durlna the 1 gnln'l or tbe re&lster Mra Gour;b Lynd or Wbltby aunt ot h groom unl The. bride ginn In mar a88 by her father wore a Ga naboroul(b tno(lel ot white satin w h a redln gote or whit& lace a " d:e padel of Utln wldeniD&: Into 1\ traln Her veil ot White net wu n caP abapa falling o er the fa e and cauzbt by a wreath at ranee bloaaomt She carried a abe..: of white lies and y or he alley The. bride wu a tended h three hrldelmlldl Mtu Doroth} T Tea kle Mlu Vera G Teak ! and )lila Con11tance H Bush or M()otrN.l Their 10wna were Pa o rnodelr ot Jr&en crepe oma ne mmed With black ve vet and hey carw rled bouquet• or ye low oses and arpaopblla The beat man "u Jlr Mazweil C Bueh ot Mon al and the uahera we & 1\ H11. TID dale Mr Kenne tl Tu ke )fr 'WJlllam Aahplant Buah an d llr Lel!llle C Wookey r a ~ tbe bride and 1room lef to ::.. trip to Bo11ton and BormudR ~or tr&velHna the br de "o o an lrc.n Kr&7 heed ault w 11: el!n hat On the r return Mr and J(rl Bush wl 1 I n at 156 H ghuourn• Rd joyable COM1NG 1 Uae a tea of fine quaHty F E LUKE E:H!!I&: 2 Uu fresh water alwaya !st tor &lauea at A J Uae an et~enware tea~~~ .. J5tore WAJtby Tuea4a) Special n Drul Sept ,!,1 Brrth SLACK-At Ot~hawa Bo.!!pltal on Thursday AUI' 30th 1934 to Mr and Mrs Charles Slack of Ashburn a son (Charles Earle ) Planl Made For Nar11e11' Meeting the members while the bUt~lness meeting In the evenlnc Ia recelv ing due consideration from tbe committee in cbarle of arange menta DEATH OF MRS THOMAS SPENCER The ne s of her ~l!ddcn death came as a great shock to tl e many rclat es and fr ends of Emn eJ nc Fam I ar Co nt: ' dow of the late Thomas Spencer n he sevcnt} fourth ) ea deeeased had been n fa I ng hul h s nee last Ma ch v.; h a leak ng hea t and d cd at her tc res dencc Lot 18 Con 1 Rtach o 1 Monday afternoon Au 27 at lvto th rty Bo n at T•unltnn n East Wh1tb) she spent all her I fe n th s commun 1} He husband predeceased her n ne een yea s ago She "'as Methods n he el 1 o and an txccllent ne ghbor and fr end n s ckness ah..:a)s ready to knd a hand n I me of need a knd and Jo ng rpothe She lea es to mourn 1 c on four sons George o£ Sh rle> John Stanley 11.nd R chard at home t vo daughters Mrs \Valtcr Manns at Columbus and Flos.!l e at also four brothcn John Corne B ooklyn R chard Corner n Reach Wm Corner at \Vh tb} :a.nd Definite and complete plaDIS Gee ae Corne n Sh rle) and tv. o a.re belnt: mado by tbe committee s liters Mu J P Tuttle and Mrs In char&e ror the meeUng of Dis F H Hocken of Osha\\a are left to mourn the lou of a lov ng 1 s trlct Fin of the Regbtered ter also eleven grandch ldren and Nuraea ,AasoelaUon or Ontario th ee great grandch Jdrcn which 11 to be beld tn Oabawa She vas Ia d to rut n the fam ly 00 Saturday Sep wmber 8 A cor J lot at Pr nee Albert on Thursday dt•l Invitation 111 extended to all August lOth The pall bearers we c 1raduatea to attend and flpeclal stx ncphev.:s Robert Spencer Ham bqe1e11 trom Toronto have been lton Otto Spencer Bethany W I arr&nged that all the members In I Spencer and Walter Hockcn 'toronto will be able to be pre Rusull Corner Reach 1ent Corner of Raglan The The &round& ot the nurse a re b.,,u,;lul flo al tr butcs showed the aldence or the Oaha"a General esteem n vh cl deceased vas Hoapttal Ale:randra l!ltreet will Wreaths were from the {am he tbe scene ot the flrat soctal M and Mrs. Walter Manns ennt beld In honour o! tbe vi fam ly .Mr and Mrs George altlnl' uursea At four o elock on l ,~~~;'~~':s~;·:;•:;d•,_,~Meta Mr and Mrs Saturday afternoon the Women a 1: M 1 F H Hocken Mrs J P Tuttle and lfr and Mra: Frank Harr s Cent-a-Mile Bargains lo CHICACO SatUrday, September 15 $8~2 FRO:U '" WTBY Similar low raras from Intermediate polntl Return Llmlt~ept 18 Tickets not 100d to return on pool train leavtna: Toronto f 00 p m J'ull detaUa and Mn Frank Staples Ruby Mann• and Norman B rkdt 'Ra11 lan Lad cs A d and Raa-lan f ends (Cont buted) Bowling Tbe n ode s always uncovc lng some bing This year 1l Is done with slit skirts Knees are at coming out again by meana or the old dodge or tantallatnK tne beho der 't\ ith a g lmpl!la. MUSIC GuJtan VfallJu ate~t Sheet Millie Motlfb Orpll.l Stliap. etc l..euona Given PianotTunecl Jo!D ODJ' Studio Orcbedra Puplla prepared tor esazo. lnaOoaa ror Piano aad Vlclln Steen's Studio INDUCTION SERVICE Whitby United Church Friday, September 7th, at 8 p.m. For Rev, S. L. Toll, B.A., B.D. Ro-r G C R Mc:Quade Pr011d""t of the Boy of Q~Dte Conference, will preolde and mdact. Rev J E. Glover of Clanmont will coodDCt palollc wonhio alld preach Rev A D Robb of Oahawa will add,.... tho mm,at• and CODp"e,_tion Thia 11 a Public MeetiDJ To Which AU Who Are ln..., coted Are Conliall:r Invited COWIESON'S TAXI WHITBY HAS THESE SERVICES COMFORTABLE CARS ¥¥ . RADIO EQUIPPED .,"; "q ,., "; •• ,.,,,., HOT WATER HEATING - "q ....,. u , u ,.,.., CAREFUL DRIVERS u - u u .,. •• ...., ,., •• MODERATE CHARGES Cowieson' s- Phone 465w / rut bud~:ettlng ot the actlvllle• or ones whol"' life N&ver berore baa the lire of the Christian at home had ao much missionary atgnltl cance or marvelloufl opportunity tor mlsatonar;y aervlce-tbe lutlon of the whole stewardship problem On Thursday evanlnl under ~ LIBERAL: ALLOWANCE On Your Old W etcli. the •ubjeet Methods In Ml1111lon ary Education MrB J D Rei ye& and Mrs. D A Seott a:ave an Jnterestlna- demonatratlon on Mle.!!lon Band work concluding with a abort play tlluatratlng the Minton Band atndy book Raya of Ll•h! Ano.tll.er play l)Ut on. by other members of the dramatl.atton etaa1 l)Ortrayed the aad lives of Oriental women Both playa dl rected by MIM Wtnntrred Them as were eleverly done aDd much enjoyed by the audience Trade it in for 11 New LEADERS'StHOOL FORW.M.S. ENDS AT WHITBY tOUEfiE Man,. SubJ&Cu Dealt w.th By Capable Speak en The School tor Leaders he .:l tt the Ontario Ladle• Coll•se hen b'J' the Women a Ml!!llonary soetety or the Bay of Qutnte Conterenct United Cburch or Canada waa brought to a most succe!aful close on Friday Mb11 W Thoma11 on TI uraday continued her !tudy on the King dam of God In the wlt4erness Jesus faced th~ laues (1) 'l'he Kln.zdom of God as & wnrld wide empire (2:) The apocalytlc view that he Jc:ln1dom would be a time or great material prOiperlty ( 3) The Meaalah aa a auperna ural beln1 Be Hlmeelf would be IJ.Db&rm.ed In thla latter lay & ore~hadowln& of the Croll!! Jeaua own thoucht or the Ktnadam of God may be looked 1t under three headtn11 the per onal the corporate and the ao- 1&1 There waa the thcucht or the tlnadom aa of IJ'Omethlnl In the hearta or the people The Ktn1 dora. e! God 141 within you Thill 11 the den .. rooted Hebrew con ceptton or God a rule In the hearts lDd JITu ot men It will come ,:,nly tbrou1h obedience to God 1 "Ill What are the eondlttons" Seek y& ftrat the Kln.sdom of Go4 The one thlnr Th&refore aurre'Ddtr to the wlll ot God Is th• lrat thlnl neenaary that J'fl may enter Into the Kingdom Ood 1 wUI ta renaled when we nrrender And lhll leada through the 4oor to life and lite tn the Klnadom -at God Ia the pearl or crHt -,rice and tbe treaeure tor whteb m .. 1hould aMt Jl Ia worthwhile the aacrUI.ee aud •• paJ the prlee &ladi'J' and Jo:rtull)' We aboutd preaent auch & Ylalon -or the Ohrtattan life that pMple wl11 accept It gladly brl111 It about Ia to be con&ratu Jated on the areat ncce!s "Wbieb attended her etrorta The Kln&dam or God Ia His rule in my heart and life and opon1 the way to abundant me We muat brln&: our lite Into bar rD.OB7 wltb God a spirit. and com mttllliAt t() Hl1 will openr our ll'NI to Ood • IPirlt There ta tJ:t& c~nt• aide of nre In the King dom of God JMua and Ria dlacl BULOVA BASSETT'S WBITBY-Phcooe 171 o.hawa.-1850 plN lived tO(Ietber tn & group doaely united There waa & bond untUne the aroup with Jeau1 Thll was the birth of tbe Ch'tlattan Church the body or Christ Ood can uae the a:roupa 11 Be uses the Individual God 1 1plrlt Ia preteot to-day only ao tar a1 Hla 1Pirlt Sa tn our hearta and we bava committed ouneh'N Baa tbe world wide ktncdom eome tn your community" No But &et a virion ot what a natton would be If God a Kin.:dom were eome on earth The Ktn1dotn ar God Ia the grN.teat or all Utoplaa and Utopia was tbe Hebrew and Christian eoneeptlon or the klnK dom W& are Hvlng Ia. an au de- manding .group action The alarm log problema confrontln& ua to day cannot be Aolved by lndhl duals but by the work of the great body or people Mrs W J Garland 8poke GD n ethods cr }lresentlnl the aub ject Gf Peace at the re1ular auxiliary meeUn,;a A Bbort aeleetion read bY the Peace S'ecre.tary at a meet1n1 Ia perhaps aeon forgott6D but If abe could 1et them readln& aud atudytnc for themselvM lnterl'l& ttonal and World Peace problema It would Increase the lnter61t It I! our duty ta be well Inform ed and do all we ean for World Peaee A tople can be announced at one meetlq to be dlaeuaaed at the ne:z.t and the members aaked to gt~-t •a much ll'lformatlon. upon it aa pot~aibht Suggeated toplct. ml&ht be The Causea of War The Lea 1ue or Natlona and Ill AellleTe- mentl Canada e PJaeeln Thl• What Can Canadian• Do ta Pre- vent War etc. Radio broadcaall by the Leaa:ue or Natloaa ean bt obtained In pamphlet form Waald UN Bladboardl: Another IIUIIesUon Ill to ha,... aomethtnr: wriUen on the blaek board before tb& meettn& tor memb&ra to dlaeu1s The reaolutton adopted by the annual eonterenee that memben of the United Church abould 1M exempt from military ••"lee WI~ written on the board tor tba members to eoa.aJder Chrlotlu lltowordohlp Speakln& on tbe Cbrlatlan Stt- wardlhlp work Mra Harl'f Thompaon Wbltbr Branch atcr&- tary empbaalsed tbe Importance or the tndhlduat member belnK" clearly Informed as to the place stewardship may oceupy In one a lite Aethe stewardabl~ of time taJentt money and prayer IUe would rMult tn an tnereued membership Interested lr:eenlJ' In the axten!lon or God a Klo«dom on earth and allocation would be reached with much 1&!11 dtmeutty Study &TOapa pra:rer mHUnn readlnK' 1roupa aermona on ate wardthlp were au11•ted aa m .. na to eDlllhten the unlnform~ &ad dlalnterested women with care- WHEN Work In Jadl& Dr MacMaater a mtsalonary trom lndJa told of the medical work tn the weat balf of Central India Tha Canadian United Church fa rMpOnllbl• tor a 000 000 people In Indore tor & bo ... pttal ot 100 beds there were one doc.tor and one nurse There are many different 41aeaaea small po:z: leproay cbolera Opium elatma many vlctlme death from nate bites common Vaccination Ia a ITflat preven tath& A good work ta done am on1 the "P&lfenta by the two Bible women-& 1reat oppOrtunity tor teacbiDJ the patl&nta ar the love of Cbrlat and many accept Htm Mia• Campbell mlaalonary tor 40 years In India closed the 21er vice of worahlp with prayer Thl!! brou~:ht to an end the eonference. Birth SPENCE-At Wellesley HOI!Ipttal Toronto on Friday AUI Sht 1U.fi to Mr and Mra Ernut Spence 11 t1 ~ Glebemount Ave a aon DEATH OF DR LAWS The death of Dr Laws ne- cessor of David Llv ngstone In Africa la announced As a lad be worked in hi! ratb.~ s shop In Aberdeen at 'le Gd a weak and stud ed at night Ho beard the call of Afrlc& wl cu Ltvlnptone was burled In West minster Abbey and with the ot a few friends made a ateamboat whk:b could be taken apart and had It ahlpped to Cen tral Africa For about fifty to 1r reara he carrll!ld on and took rank with the a:reateat mtaalnu arlee or all tlme He waa hlgbl3 hdD.ore4 by the Presbyterian Church of Seotland Another death wbleh Ia kssnly felt In tho Old Counll'J' te that of Canon Marcu1 Allay of G'loueeater Be waa onlr fifty three but had & deep mark on the Church Ensland Hta rather wu Blahop Atley or Hereford He I• referred to aa a man or atrlkln& pet11o1 auty both In the pulpit and out of It One of bla dutte• brougl t blm Into public notice namely when he acted aa Chairman Ill the ftrat A.n110 CathoUc Congress at the Albert Hall J....ondon In UJO He took apeclal lntereflt In tbe Upnda Million where an elder brother bad met a tragic dH.th lt 11 stated further that he waa alway• able to combine forcible e:z.presalon of oplnton -.:1 h a.boundtns ~:nod humor Goiter (far In the roug!t:) Bar caddy why do you keep Joaktng at your watch " CaddJ: It tl!ln t a watch sJ tt e a com paEB 'l'b& ruhn or one baby Ia uau ally twice u happy 11!1 tbe rather ot twlna -Detroit Newe The love or fatilcr and mother Ia the foundation of aU vlrtuea -Quebec Chronicle Telearapb Jlm-Wbat a rour clean 1port !' Jack-SwJmmf'DI Idea. Jackaon-Heaven. ble11 hln He allowed confidence In me when the etou4a were dark thruteniDI -Amerlean motor-ba.ndltl aro aald to be l&ttlnl more resource ful ln fact they are otten atreets ahtad at the pollee RICE HARDWARE FREE VOTINC CONTEST September 1st to Odober 17th FIJUT PRIZE-1 G...-1 Electric AU Wave Consolo Rad1o SECOND PRJZE..-97 Piece Set of Fme Diohe~ coNDmONS OF CONTEST Bath pe:noa Dl&ldaa a pucllue at 011r atore during the time or this eonteat wiD receh"e • Tote tar eve17 cent they spend ll~t number o:r Totee to wiD GET YOUR ~AME ON THE UST NOW- MANY HAVE ALREADY DONE SO Weekly Specials From September 8th to 15th AMUNITION PAINT SPECIALS TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR C V PAINT, 75C SPEClAL PRICES per q~~~~rt ~ ~ARNJSH, 75c C V ROOF PAINT 98( per Rallon EXPORT SHOT GUN 98C ~ ................................ , ...... : ~SHOT GUN $1.12 ~ I..ONG RANGE $).48 ADVERTISEMENTS ID TilE GAZETIE & CHRONICLE l~c- wont, IIUDIII11IID, 25 C..ll Cub. NO CLASSif1ED ADVERTISEMENTS WW. BE CHARGED. Tllo Gantt• ud ChroDicla wtU •ot 'M nooutb1• tor M'I'Oll oceurr:laa 111 telQlaon e4 ,anrt~~emutl or u a , .. autt of COJ7 not carefaU, or loalb!J '11'1'111., Jllllakoo - earriD.I' from. tll.... IOUI'Ctl are wbollr at a4nrtllln rl1k. Fer Rat BUNGALOW T convenience• Cor Queen RIFLE, 22c 32c ELECTRIC LICHT BULBS Ontario Streete. Tel tU 22 SHORTS .............................. .. RIFLE. Extra Spec~al-60 Watt. Eoch FIVE ROOI\IER HOUSE BYRON SL N In aood condition Apply Sturceaa BJTOn St N 22 LONGS 15c WATER CLASSES STOVES For Sale or Rent FINE QUAIJTY Come In and See Our Stove&. SOc Modolo Are ln. WHITE DUST MOPS QUEBEC COOK STOVES Reg Pnce, $28.00 Special Price EXTRA. Each $15.00 13c '!ltove Repall'l Supplied for AU Makeo ofStevea. WATCH FOR WEEKLY SPECIAL SHEET Canada's Economic Recovery Has Now Become Impressive The mpress ve nature of the d utors of tl e trend of m nc al econom c recovery n Canada 1 nee p odact on 5bo ed an ncreasc of tl c first part of last year s demon nea ly 'B pc cent Copper expo 5 strated by the advance m maJOr at 163 COO tOO pound& recorded an factors compiled by the Donun on ad ance of 31 5 per cen The ga n Bureau of Stat st cs The ndex of n he expo ts of n ckel as f om the phys cal volame of bus nes1 43 952,00) pounds to 73 440 000 a based on 45 factors cover na: pro ga n of 67 per cent A ga t of 55 duct on and dJStnbut on averaged per cen was shown n z nc ex 92.9 dunn& the first seven month1 ports Lead product on dur ng the of the present year compared with firs hall oi 19J.4 sho ~ed a ga n of 73 7 1n the same per od of 1933 Thq1 2Z.6 pe cent ~er the: same per od mcrcase of 26 per cent n a com of 1933. ndex of th11 k nd. pre The mcrease n the sh pment of of the. excellent re &<ilit was of more moden.te char operat ens 1 nee the aCf~r the total be ng 1:768 725 low p01nt of the dcprtsSlOD ounces n the first seven months Aa. nprovement lQ the pnce compared w th 16i3 937 a ga n of structure wa1 md cated by the ad 57 per cent S lver sh pmen s ere vance of the off1oal 1ndex based on ap nearly 11 per cent Coal p oduc 567 commod bea. The average dur on at 7110000 tons compared mg the 6nt seven month• of 1934 ""~ h 5 549 000 tons sho ed a ga n of wa1 716 compared w th 66.0 a g&Ju 28.1 per cent of 8.5 per c:ent. over the same per Matuafae.turiDa c.Ia• 10d cf 1933 In the same compan The we ghted a eragc o£ 29 fact son the 1ndex of common atoc:kl ors show ng the progress of man rose from 62.1 to 86.3 a gam of no fac urmg plan s as 27 per ce t less than 39 per cent The 1ndex of greater m the first seven mo hs wrade bond pr ces has been of 1934 a much h ghcr le,;el m the pre The employment 5 tuat on at the sent year reflect DR' the large firs of August d scloscd some c amount of aurplu1 funds seek ng m cou ag ng features dcsp te t e rc vestment. The ga n n the nde.x cess on n the general ndex Afte was from 101 3 to 112.5 amount ng sca5onal adJustment the ndex of to 111 per cent employment n all ndu3tgal groups Ml.aral p~ except ap- culture ,, .. 95.2 com11a The faetora conl!l derd in connec cd v th 96 7 at the first of July The t on " th the comptlat on of the rna n Influence tn depress nJ the bus ness ndex present some pro gen al dex \\as the cont act on nounc:ed 11 n1 n the ela.psed pcnod n h ghv.:ay construct on I c of the pre.!lent year o er t'he first th ded nc -as from 310 0 o ?66 2 aeven months of 19JJ. The nne m hereas an ncrea5c ' ou d natur KIDI Street b d f I YOvto!G GIRL ABOUT 18 YEARS ally e expecte rom aeasona of ap to help care tar smaU b&b7 causes Employment n reta l and to am to 15 ao 'P m dally M:aat Nl olesale trade also showed reduc be exPerienced with chlldnD A'P"' o but the decl ne vas relat vely ply Bolt &0, Goette and Chronl ~~· cl~ Even after seasonal adJustment the dcx of maunfacturmg reflect YOUNG GIRL AS :MOTJIER B cd expans on The low pomt n the help lllht boanwork Apply Mrs adJus cd ndcx fo the post war Dr Cummlnp Ont Hotpltal pc od vas reached May of last Wbttbr yea ~hen tl c stand ng was 162.. MARRIED 'MAN RI:QUIR.ED :s nee that mofttl the resumpt on of tor farm muat be ezperlenced opcrat ons has been pract eally con farmer with AI referencea Wife t nuous the eomparable stand ng would ba'Ye care or lnva.Ud Gl'Ve August 1 beang 914 Mak ng due ~~~~~~~;n~l~le~l~l~er::_~B~o:•~I~O~ allowance for seasonal tendencJCS. Chronicle tl e ga n the work ng forc.ea en gaged n manufacturmg plants m tJ c s xteen montha was no t1 an 20 per cent The net tl at the present levelts h 1ber than at a.ny t me s nee the latter part of 1931 A t~ort on of the ptn dunna I e month of July was of 1 seuonaJ character but even after adJUSt e t for tl s factor a. shght garn \\aS recorded. Now Hi.. Pomt Tl e econom c mdex was 9&1 m tl e vcek ended August 25 compar cd w th 97 B. the rev sed number for I e preced ng week The .mdcx based on siX maJor factors conae 1ucntly reached o. new h1.1h pomt dur ng the per od of compdahon from January 1933 to the. present. Tl e trend a nee the tint of the year has been ateaddy upward the et ga n beang nearly 16 per cent Tl e ra lway fre jfht moftment showed a ga n of 3 SIS cars n the week over the 32nd Ore of 229 ears and '~,'i;~~~~s were recorded m lumber p and other forest products effie a1 commod ty c:las volume ann P'~!duct~ be ng up 1477 earload n&• waa co•ooo<ed w th 70 0 tn the pre GAB HE.A.'I'IIIR FOR WATER tank cheap tor quleJr: aale. Apply telophoao US or n Whitby PAGEFIVE \ Business Cards DR. f'REDERICK A CUDDY. PBUICIAII -~--IMo. ~- W. H. KENNEDY. ..... - &-..lo ... S... c.art. If....., Cwiwq ete. Whitby on; Ollie-Brock Smet North. 011o 4oor aortb He"lril' Butcher Shop L W. DUDLEY ..._tlq .._. Llh ...... Cel. -......... -.. ............ ·» ......... ., - lit. w WllltiiF UNDERTAKING W.C.TOWN P..-.!DiawM .... ._..... AmlniiiDco Semco Ph••• 410 "' Whilby A. A. ROBINSON P---.1: Dwenw aH Pwilltae -Ambulaao:e stn~.. • l'boa• No. 24Cil' BI'!XIIclla. Oaf MONUMENTS N W STAI'FORD Do&lor ID Imported oad C.Mdlall Gran1tes F'<nt clan work at moderate pnc:es. Pboae 462 Klaploa R"'•d · 'W<ot. you l1ncl thlt lti1 orcler ••• 1ncl it'• 1ure to me•n more ••l•ry FRIDAY 1i I\IILES NORTH OF Whltb7 pair cr•y wool bl&nketl Reward ApplJ Pollee Statton Now tllat & FHDIDh 10lea.t111t ba• claimed that there II atco-- bol In the &11' the fnortte tnvJ tattoo In Aberdeen ls to taJr:e & deep breath ••• Mel you lcnow how tlecl they'll Ito 1t ho•• • • • TeHthe ... yLontDIItlnce .................. teetlnewenow. ....... -... ·-··....._ 'llllt or oa 14&. "* coin ll&at Z... Jllo. t.IMIIi U U ..,, .... 1*:1 I .._... ... Yoo- Iaiii Wido MSI.IiiJ 101- et 10-,_ u 11111o u ao- ... t1oo Ill ol nltl Ia 11M lraat of ,_ ..... , DIIIUJID FOB OlmVBOLft CAM IIAJIITAJli'EII Nohrltbtazullal the lateael& ot the eeuoa. It wu ca6 of the JalaUl drlwe-awap ot the )e&'t :which roUect oat ot Geoeral Moton of CaDa4a tac+wr p.tee I&A ftvacla:r 111 charae -ot a part7 represent taa 4ealua of Loadoa Zoae No s Geaeral Moiol'l 1-nd•ct• of c..&da Lbalted l:ioiDe 80 Chevrolcls tonne« the cnalcade o4 all were drl1'ftl awar at alaoet. tbe ~a.m.e ttmtt Uder the wntchruJ e)o of R. C ~ l!laD&Pr ol the Loadoa ZoM Otber Jloae e.r:ecatiTea ..-ere preaeat ud dealer• In the toUowiq towu wue repreeeuted A.ab.entbvc ArJ.er Da4ea JlothweU Branttord Chatl •m Dreldeu Drv.mbo Dllll&lllllDOD hU... Blalra. B:aaJaro. Exeter Fetp-1. lf'or.eet Galt Guelph God erlcb JI&Doyer Budato.D bapnoU Iawood •taoMdlD.e J[japvUie Kltebeaer LaSalle Leam htaf.Oat LoDdo• M114ma7 llltdl$11 MOilDt FONI&. Norwich. Palale) rarta: Parkhill rctrolla Port Elata Bldptown 8t Tb.omaa Seatottb Slm.eoe l'eeewater Taylstork TborDdate Tlllsonburg Wallact:b.,.. Wal'dltWe Welleale:y, Wiart.OD WindJor W1D&ham \\ GOdatock Stratbro) Burford CaqblU ud Tllblu7 price It waa learned. tbl• that M Bouckley Oahawa luaer at covernment Ucenle& bu. ....., celved a 1uppl7 or Re1tdent Bunt lnl Llcsnaer The lte&Da .. are thoae to be lakeD OUt bJ all tboae peraone who earrr a •un rar bunt1n1 purpoua Th• II cenaea expire on April 10 UU THIS MIXED TIUIII'ID Mllllnera thla aeaaon uae 'fel ot for bata ot all klndl Tbere are ~orduroy velvet coata and 1ktrta rrequ&ntly belle and brown With a coat and skirt or bets, eordutoy WhllbJ PaUeat- But-tr-tlle opera.. tton 'WOD. t M-el'-llriOUI Wllt Itt YollDI MD- Only for mel I nenr trlet It ttetont LUMBER Order yolll' Storm Suli and Doan now. ~ "7 n~rrrrr GET OUR PRICES _,_,,,,~---· .. -- .. ___ ,......._ __ • F .. L. Beecroft ..... tl R. COLDRINC ,, •nm • blue tnlttod woolle• PHONE 70W PORT WHITBY Jumper at the neck or wblcll lall~•••••lll!r-:;;-;;;;;;:-;::;;-;;;-·l!lll!!l•••••tll tucked away a acarlet Jt:niUed 11 c acarr • w th bay at present prieta there s more n oney In s t&tka than In atoeks T!oronlo Telegram •

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