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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Sep 1934, p. 5

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·.•, . ~ ~AGE · EIGHT .... ·SPO.R·T Crul~kshank (Ont. Hydro) and Eva Randall (C.N.R. ), 6-2, 6-li. mUNtiL MEETIN6 . Nlt'(Eb'tlljniAN FOR EAST WHITBY WDH.KER[~:PASSES HELD ON TUESDAY AWAYJN;iWHITBY it by . lfett_er~ :Win . fiCz:ndily From the Hydro Allee Correll and Eileen Mc- ·Brlde, of Whitby, won frqm Eva Whitehead and Margaret Wright (Civil Service), 2-6, 7-6, 9-7. Ruth Johnstone and Nina Ron, of Whitby, won from Eva Smith (C.N.R.) and Muriel Cruick- shank (Ont. Hydro), 6·3, 6-3. of Mra. Ernest . Blandy, For- mer Evanaeliat, ·Lived for Twelv~ -rear. in City Council Makes Granl $10.00 to South Ontario Plowmen's Asa'n. £.N,[.· PAfiEANT ~vince Will Demand lh . ra· · .. , .. Tl .. rlzED' Third of ,Bill From All Dr~ Mills ' and his band of "rae• queteera" aucceaafully withstood a determined onelaught by a team or players from the Torcnto Public Utilltlllll Tennis Lea,gue which 'invaded their wonderful courts ·on Saturday, the local players capturln~ eight out ·or ftf· teen events. The acorea: - Mixed Doubles ij lJ (J Municipalities · Men's Doablea· Doc lllllla and Aimee RouiBeau of ·Whltl1y won from Al'ban Clark (Ontario· · Hydro) .and Cyril Brilwn (C.N.R. ), 6-4, 6-4 •. .Joe Baa'comb and Steve Bas- :oinb, Whitby, won from Victor ~t:P.mJ, . and Bill Miles . (of Consu- meri' Gas .Co.), 7-5, 6-2. Alban Clark. (Ontario Hydro) \nd Victor Stainp (Gas. CoO won ' lrn,nl Steve BaacoDib and Don. Prln•le;oot Whltbyl 6-1, 6-2. .' Harry Williams '(.Ontario Hy- lro)1' and Cyril · Brown ' (C.N.R.) Iron' from Doc. MIIJIJ and Joe Bas· eombl· of Whitby, t-6, 6-2, 6-3. Doc.' Milia' and Joe Bascomb, of Whltby, ·won .1trom Geo. Mcintyre a~d Har!Jld ·Scott· (Ontnrlo Hy- dr.Q), 6-2, 6-3. ,r..atea• Doubles · E:va· Whitehead (Civil Service l land 'Browide 'Evans (Ont. Hydrc) \ won from· .A:Uce·Porrell and Eileen · !ilcBrlde, of · Whitby, 6-3, 6-li. ·Eleanor anll , Eliza beth Correll. : ot . Wliitby, won frcm Muriel . .. ,, . ;:MODE~:4IDR . ·· PilfSlBED AT.. ( . . .- ' . . . . ·.mNFERENCE ' • Harold Scott and Brownie Evans (Ont. Hydro), won from Aimee Rousseau and Eleanor Correll, of Whitby', 6-4, 6-4. · Doc. Mills and Nina Ross, of Whitby, won from Alban Clark and Muriel' Cruickshank (Ont. Hydro), 6-3, 6-3. Gep.' Mcintyre (Ont. Hydro) and Eva Smith (C.N.R.), won from Don. Pringle and Ruth John~rtone, of Whitby, 6-2, 2·6, 6-4~ . .. Alban Clark (Ont. Hydro) ·and Margaret Wright (Civil ·service) won from Stc,·e Bascomb and Eleanor Correll, of Whitby, 6-6, 6-1. Sam Donnelly and Elizabeth Correll, or Whjtby, won fronl Blll llllles (Gas Co.) and Eva Ran· da·n (C.N.R.), 6-4, 6-4. Cyril Brow.n and Eva Randall (C.N.R.) won tram· Sam Donnelly and Elizabeth Correll, of Whitby, 6-1, 6-2. When, after enjoying the gen- erous . hospl.tallty provided by the Whitby Club's refreshment com- mittee. the Toronto Public Utili- ties Tennis League players left for home and the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition, everyone felt that they bad had quite enough t_ennls for one ~ay. who with a native pastor was cap- hired and held hy bandits for ran- ~om; . Dr. W. E. Strangway who returns to Africa this month, an1l Dr. R. B . . M~Ciure, who is return- ing to China. · The Conference closed Thursday noon after a vote of thanks to Dr. Carscallen. and· his College staff for extended hospitalitie!. •· . (Continued from page 1) ·SHORTHORNS OF :onferences, chairmen ·~£ the Pres-· - . byteries,· convenors of the Mission- . ai y'. i and Maintenance Committees ONT.AR'I· o·'GOUNT' y of :the ' Prcsbyterie5, representatives . .' .. of Young P~:ople's Societies, to- ~:ether with a number of mission· WIN' .0168 AWAKn·s aries; inc~uding Rev. ,Homer G. .Brown,. dean of ·Education at West 'Ciijna Unio'n'.University, Rev. ]. H.: ~, - 1 Columbus, Sept. · 6-The township Mrs. Eliza · Bia~dy; former re~i- council of East Whitby met in the dent of Oshawi., :ind ·who h•s li\'cd clerk's office at Columbus on Tues- in Whitby fOr: the lut nine months, day of this week_. all the members passe'il a-way· at· her :'IJ.oine there on being present, wtth R~e\'e E~~rett Monday, and· 'was laid... to rest in Warne in the chair. The bustness Graveside Cemetery, Wednesday, transact~d was largely of a routine The burial &dvji:e. \vas' cOnducted at character, there being no conten- P)tair's funeral flarlora, · :\Vhitb~· . by tious matters on the agenda. Miss Millar of .. ,ther . Evangelical Communications were received Mission, Toronto,. at the-request of from Christie Street Hospital, the Mrs. Blandy. ·Miss Millar gave a City of Guelph, Conant and Annis, very ·apptoprlate taddr'es~ ~trrssing Grierson, Creighton and Fmser, the ideals of' Mrs. Blandy's Christ- Department of Lands and Forc·sts, ian character. and'·he.r 'bulstanding Jean Morrison, T. C. ]one!, John spiritual. experience, whlch all, as Dyer, Deputy Minister of Public Ch.ristia~ts, should "strive ' tc- attain. Highways. and the Department of Mr. and Mrs: ,Meyers• iung an ap- Public Welfare. propriate duet, , arid :tdr:\. Caul and A motton was passed granting .a Mr . . Bailey. of the, Si.h-ation Army donation of $10.00 to the South led . in prayer; . The. well ·known Ontario Plowman's Association. hj·mn. · "Where. He l-eads I Will A by-law to enter into an agree~ Follow, J. Will Follow ' Ail the ment with F.]. Done,·an to prepare '\Vay," which 'was .··compl.'sed by some township .plans was read three Major · Erne!t· ·Biapdy-,- was '""g by times and passed. . . . fritnds at' the -graveside. · • The cl~rk was authorized to write Mrs. : Eliza : Btarid).:~,:"l~as ' born in to the Hyilro-Eiectric Power Com- Northeast London, . England. 81 mission requesting chall!!'e of 'er- y~ars ago. -Her· father: ·.thc · latc Mr. "icc from ·1 C to I B for Miss Jean Eade,'· a hi~h)y ed~cated ma n, was Mort'ison and John Dyer. . an ;expe_rt furniture designer by pro- The ta,:'t co!lect.or w~ authorized fession, and . \\;is an··atheist. He be-, to make an adjustment in the 1934 came c,onverted. ·.On: .. ' hearing the tax bill of Elmer Tattersall. Rev William·J Booth. lat~rJ«iundfr of A staiement of the 19~ ·e:ocpendi- the· Salnt1Qn . Army, ·preach •t the turrs on roads and brid~es wu pre- Pavilion . 'Theatre", . East Lc-ndcn. sen ted by the road si!.Perintendent, Her motJ:!er had bj:corne. a . Chrislian and .was gone over very carefully some time .,prior at· ·Wesley's Cha- by the council; p~l, City .Road, ,.East ·l.omJon, undrr The clerk was autoriztd to ad- the preaching orRev.,.]ohn R~tten· ,-e~tise if anyone had standing bury. At an - earfy.' age, ·Eliza Ea<!e timber for sale. became .a Christian :and. the famil y The, following accounts were pas- became earnest · ,:olu~tary , workers sed for payment: in the Christiah :t.lission'.foiandtd bv Roads and . bridges: H. R. Stark, the . Re\', .William) iooth, .¢onducting $1""00 D' ~oo p T' sen-ices .at · different .· mission sta· ov. ; , J . . Jxon, 'f'VV· · ; • ms- tions. Miss Eliza ~!i~' :wa's m•rried ley, $87.75; C. Sills, $58.00; N. J. u Bl d h Brown, $90.00 ; J . Myles, $6(l.OO; T. to . .Mr. Ernest an y,•w o was an H. Ashton, $48.00; ]. Missits, $60.00; e\·arig~list --in the -l',lissioil .oi R~,· . A. A. Terwilliger, $32.00; . C: Con- Mr. Booth, and ·theY. conducted 'er- "':"00 A H Dodd ~oo L \·ices througho'ut England. : way, . ..,.,..,. ; ; · • .....,.,. ; · Wlien :O the Ch'ristilm: Mission was Malloy, $60.00; W. Shepherd, $60.00; . . d , d · h F r. I' $JL• 2"' v L · · re-organtze ; · jln te-nam~d t e · .:.on 10• u-t. "; • arocque, Salvation Amty, · ' ?lie. " BJi~dy re· $58.00; T. Chipps, $16.00; A. Ed- . ·d h' · •· · · · monds, $56.00; F: Rodgers, $57.25; ceave '. ts comm15s1on , ·~ m~Jor. Rev. Dr. McTaviab · Says Na\io~alldeals Were oinit- ted. From ~e · Taking as the subJect or his ad- .drtel!s on Sunday et'enlng, "Does the Exhibition Pageant Present a True Picture!" Re'l'. R. L; Mc- Tavish, Oshawa, pastor, who bad wltnell8ed the :~tell~staced and eo- lorfnl preaen~tlon, thought the standard of the performance might have been ·raised, in tliat too 'much emphasis wall piaeed on tbe ·military aspect and on th'! time given to the rhythmic' dan'r.- es . of the IIC.ant!IY .. atti.red llaneeni. He , thought ·some· of the nation:t.l ideals · ha!l been . omitted , 'lt'hen the . directors In charge bad · neg- lected to lnclu.de in the pageant groups ·or early ploneera, the rise of . education . .from the . primitive day8 19 the .loc school hO:Uile to our· present uiilversltlee; tbe' rise of Industrialism '11):ith Its depen- dinit labour; · the &rowth ot the arts il.ml· sciences; · acme reference to confederation . and a group of outst!lmlinr; stat~·men, . ancJ. a de- serving· tribute to the early mls· slouarles. · · · The ·address w'ae not without' Its · rellslona appeal a a well, · tbe tbo·ught behind 'the addre11s behig taken . from tbe 19th nrse or the Hth chapter or Romans, "Let us therefore follow after the thln;s 'Oo'hich make tor peace, and things -a• herewith one may edify · an- other." w·utmY BAI'fiSTS . SAY.f AREWELLTO · tAI't T. F~ BEST Walker; West ,China, · Rev. Duncan · .M:eRae, :South Ch~na, Rev. and Mrs. F."J: Anderson now rett,~rning to In· dia' and ·D.r. R. B. Mc~ure, Toron- to, .. returning to China after two years'1 study in England of radium J. Ferry, $60.00 ; R. Tilling, $57.25. and he and .Mrs . . B.l~~Y . op~nrd up .. . B. Jay, $60.00; . B. O'Reilly, $57.25 ~ new fic;lds of ·Clins\tan _. '.v.·ork 10 Beath Farma and Jolin Mil- P. Lamont, $60.00; H. Jackson, E~gl:l?d,.- L~ter,- · General Bn:oth hesent Him With Purse of Money -l.- Mn. Beat HoDored ' , • $46.00; F. Fleming, $48.00; H. commasston~d tlie~ ;to the l ntted ler, Jr., Wm Ch~p10n- Smith, $24.00: 1: Shields, $3..20 : J. States; where. the:( were. succmful h• · t Exhib 'ti Marsden $57.25. w. Davis; $49.75. dfficers, ·. op't:mng- marty · nc'y corp~ . 1!1 l'!JII a 1 on E. Glo~er, .$66-oo; . K. Babcock: Arter. ma~y ye~rs ·. of . strcnuou< .- The congregation ->t the Bap- tist Church met · on Friday even- Ing In the Sunday .School rqom for the final social ptberlnr; .of Rn'l'. T: F . Beat's pastorate. The iuill was tilled to the· dOOJ'.I!. 'J'be cllolr was taken by.Jol!n W. Bate- tnnn, · ~~&Cretary of the church and a . member of the Board Of Dea- tre,atment. Cdm!itipna Ia Weot ontario County shorthorn eat- . A vivid ' a tory of western Canada tie made a remarkably goo<l conditions was brought to the Con- showing at the Canadian Natlon- ference by Rev. W. J. H. Smythe,' al Exhibition, when tbeae claueH -of Port Per ry, just returned from a were called for Judgil)g on :Men- motor ·t~ip 'of' 1200 miles in Saskat- day. The entries of Beat}\ F,arms, cliewaii. In a territory -of 200 miles of Oshawa, and John Mlller, Jr. , h~ 'ilid :uof see one .commercial j:rop or A,shburn, made almost a Clean ·,o( ~in v_that · could·' be · harvested sweep · of .the ehamptonahlpa, the a!Jd net·,any •i(ind of return, yet the outstanding animal In the ahow peoJ>1e were ·hopdul and-would try ring· being tlie Junior yearling --·-• ·:tpin. next. year. ' .· bull, Lord .Rothea, owned and ·ex- , .·SteMIIaeu Of Clourda hllllted bY Death Farms. Al- ·,Rcv. 1 Dr. Robert : Laird, church though young 'for; hla ·class, this • th yearling bull _'llrit.s winner of tl\e tceasurer, gavc .. a statement to · e Junior ·and grand champlonshlpH CP,nijrente•,efitp,basizla~ · t)tc: •. •teJld(- 'for lieer ·shorthorn bulls. He wss .-n.~i •. o~ tlit; :~h~~.c tl~.t:~ng .the .years ' given a resi battle for tbe sweep- of depr_e,sa~n,\ and ~-~1\?rt~d . on. !he. stakes honora' . by John Miller's sy, c;~es.a ·.ao .. fa~ ~~h•!~!!!ll : l'! ' ~~·!lng senior '. yearling bull , Collynle li:f,Cll per .. cen,t' "~ore '·' " mlss•on~ry Royal Barrage: an imported bull, ~~y!ngs {o~, 1934:· ,.t •: · ·( • 1whlch 1was ·.placed · as senior • :Re·prcsentativesj of ' Young !'eo· champion and reserve grand p\e'a!•' orpniza ions "presented re· · chnmplon. The lieatb bull also porta . of pli.ns to ·(lo their. share in won the E. "J. Frayslng Challence , t ~c . .rai5fng· ·or the extra\ atfocations' Trqphy for the c.hamplon Canad- , J or missions • . ' t : . '\ laU-bted bull . In , " j.be female IAt ' the open ie'ssiori of the , Con· cl~ss e'a, the junior · championship . £crence', visitors we re . present from went t!l th,e Junior yearling, Ann various points in the Oshawa and or Ancaater, owned and exhtblte1 · Cobourg Presbyteries. hy John :Miller. , . .' · . The awards won by the Beatlt · . No \WoriE ~bauiC!aecl 1 Forma tn addition to the cham Rev~ R::· B ... Coclirane, D.D.,"made 1lloneh'lpa mentioned, w.ere. as fol· ' tlie ·cheer.ful :announcement th~t the lo:wa: First junior yearling hnll, chu~ch had , ~ot .• bandoned. any mis- second Junior :v. 1 earllng heifer sion or preaching station · in Canada with Lovely llllss e 7th. . during the depression. It ·had, how- The 1\tlllor winnings, In add l- ever to s!lread' the work out more tlon to the .championships, were: thini th~n ·before on account of l•'lrst senior yearling bull; first lack ~f financu. Meanwhile' in the Junior yearling bolter. depression •period 300 ael£-suppor t· BANDSMEN . . ing churches came to the Board for help, but . the church had sue- Three Oshawa bandsmen dis- ~ ceeded in openin~ .liP fields along tinguishcd themscl\'es in the in- the r~ontier and followed the set· dividual solo competitions at the tiers, 30,000 of them• who had gone Canadian 'Nat ional Exhibition on north into the bush country in the Friday. John H. Let, 613 Carnegie past three ye.ars. Today, there are Avrnuc, a member of the .;:anadian 14 ordained ministeh and· 10 other Legion Brass Band, for the second missionaries in the Peace River day in succession, won a C. N.· E. area. The chu~ch had also gone in- gold -medal by placing first in the to new minin~r ;~.reas, and three Jiew trombone solo class, he having won hoats had been placed on the mar- the gold medal for trombone play- inc missions off Newfoundland and in >! in the band competitions on the Labrador. The need of the church pre\·ious day. This double success today. said Dr. Cochran~. was for on the part of 1\! r. Lee stamps !jim travelling missionaries among the as one of the outstanding trombone new ~ettler. in Northern Ontario, players in Ontario. In t'hc same Nortlrern , Saskatchewan and the competition, the bronze m~dal and. Peace River District. Th~re was third prize wrre won by John H. ld I Alli son, I I Athol Stre~t \Ve~t. a ne~d also to bui up t tc home b · h · $46.00; ·A. Cole,. $52.00;. ]. Gloxcr, wor~, MaJor Ernest ... Bian~y ram rl $57..75 ; C. Cook, $57125; A. G .. RoJs, to ·h1s· r.ewa~.; ~rs. •Blami~ : rnnton u· $37.80; . yv. · Young, $57.75; E. L. ~d her Cht1s~~~~:work aJ•, Buffa~ o . Glover, $174.00; '\V;· Allan, $63.00; F. under .the .daviSIOnal ofli~er <.•f . 1 ~ 1 c Lander, $72.00 ~ 'B: Anderson. $54.00; ?aly'!hon .Army • . Wh.en . the don <· H. Conlin, $24.00; John BeclCett, 10nal .. officer was " transferred to $48.00'; · G: W ;· Young,- $52.00: .. · E. ht:\d. quactc.rs.at. ,l\l.ew Y~r'k, ~!r< . H. k $3300· F L R b'ns n Blandy ·decided to .come to O>ha· m son, . , . . o 1 o , 1 · 1. . · h · . 1 • ... 1 · $8.00; B."Munlls,. $42.00: R. Squelch, wa. o ave• .near er . on Y::e at>vcs. $5.00 ; -\V. Davidson, · $8.00; w. Lee, Altholl,¥h ag~d, · she ;:c9nt1Q11e>1 hrr $>t.OO :. F,: A. Armstrong, ·$2.00; Gor- ~bqrs :at \·anous Ch~1~tt'n mt•.,ons don -Dodd, $24.00 : P. Cherry, $40 ; •,n.the caty, Hcrteta!·~~ .are a_cons- J. Lindsay, $41.00 ; w. Johnston, m ; Mr. George Whtte, Z?S· ' rrdu'.' $8.00; W. ·Potter, $10.00; C. Reid, Rq:.d, Oshawa •.. and, hl!li t h r~~ $)0.00 ;. T . Burgoyricr $10.00 ;. C.N .R. d:o-ughter~, M n. A. V. alket. ·'14·hn• Is E · . .27. ' T . F \"a'lbur · $1'4 """. s1ck . and · could. not a~tend the full-xpress, • • ' • ·Y ' ..... • •• • I " . B t B h d ·•· . C. Bennett, $i3.75; Osha"-a ~Auto era ' -r:· ' er at e ~n ~~s~ Wrecker .,,.00· Pedlar ·People ~lith.· \"'i alker. ·. of Osha1u. Mn. ; s, .,..... ' . ~"'OO· Th' · ' I;lla,ridy also has a brother a ":fitc $197.16, S. J. Bronn, 'i"'V· , os. r.· f · ·N z 1 d \ • t'· Rrown, $8.00' : E. Love, $35.00; W. c ~ ~n e'." · ,ea an · . ' s.l~ er, R. · Chapman, $22.25:. Alexander Mi.•. Houns!o\~ • of . Btngha~t,?n• B U?OA. R · s V" tue $l700 · ~·Y: •. was an evangchst, and s~.e~ ros. , - ~. . . tr • • • ' . . • ' th I , L ' A M · · $1SOO as .a nur~e m .e ate war. :\not.,.e~ · Ur1son, · · . ,. 1 • brother 1s · a ~ergacnt ·maJor <i(1'f'~e School grants : W. Dnnkle, UDJon :>alva.tion A'rmy in the United ~· S. No. 6,. $100.00; H. ~· Hutch- States. ·.. · , :.,, I mg, S. S, No. S, $150.00; W. A. · · . , 4-. Ormiston, S. S. No. 7, $200.00. · \ " ' · ' •.! · ~t::,~~ef~n:· s~~~~~~bu~~e: 'tt];~ -EAST WHITBY TR:~ ~ Dr. C. E. Wa!Aon, $)".87; HI R. . . · !! -' ..('. rnt;,r~s.~~-~~- ~~~/R;:~~i.\~~02~ .· rr·IJMS DAMAOI!t!' R. Christy. : $20.75; S. V. Young, .. (j Jt ~~ $!1.71J~r,G~~·6,~hit!~tis.~;d o~:~,~~ . ·fROM OSH Ulfil~ Wholesale, $1~.84; · McLaughlin · Jl·ftJI Coal and Supplies, $15.00; National · ' •· ' . cons. · During the evening Captain nest was preeented with ·a well" ftlled purse, ·t.lie presentation be- Ing made · on the · cODgrer;atlqn's belialf by 'Mr. Bateman, who re- teired· to the long and!aucellllsfill nlltllatry cit the departing · min la- te~. and tC? the e~ll!!.m ,. jJI which he: ~as held by. every member anjl ndlierent of. the church. ·· lllrs. N.orman Thomas, on behalf of tbe ladJer, presented 'Mrs. Beat. with a luindlloJI\e alher . fto'tl"er < basket. Capt. Best. on behalf or •himself and -wife. made a very touehlnq an·d ; appr:oprla,te reply, recalling 1011ny Incidents of hla mtn.lstry, nnd 'tllanklng the mem'llera df the cliurell for their kindness and co- oper!ltlon at all times. . Addresses were made by the deacons and aeveral members of tlie Cllurcli, all of a complimentary natu'rli- to · Cspt. and . l\lr11: Best There was a dell!thtful musical procramme at the close of which refresliments were sernd. Captain Beet baa no"' conclud· &d . hill ministry here and has tak- en· up .. realdence In Toronto, where b& will rest for a time to .regain his 'beam!. · · Grocers, $124.63; Oshawa · Dairr, . . "1 ,, ~7.42: N . . Gimblett, $24.75; w . . At- cwm. Fire Truck . . Did &ONFEREN.·£E .oN kin son, $1&75 : F.· Shaw, $18.23; E. R. Allin, $28.55; A.' Murison, $7.20~ Damage to Harmony side-,' . . . ,,. . . Printing : · B. c. Colpus, $22.00; . lk. F' h. r· ' . ' MISSIOII~ NOW ~~~~!~ip$il76.~~r~~nd!l~~~·s, ~~~;~ wa m ~ng ~>· ~ :. . . l1\J_.-. . .. pl~e(sJ:sc$Zeli54a~eo: u•: Hydro, street. A~ Tuesday . night 's me~ti~a· ~~. . ' .. OPEN' ~~NI WH'I'JB' y " • • Oaha'll"a Council a communl~~o~ · : • lights, $15&.58: Oshawa, ftre protec- was , ta-bled from the 'rownablP . · · · tion, $50.00; .Os.h,awa Utilities, mis- of ,.East Whitby. o~er tbe·taf!· · . · . · · · . 1 cellaneous, $30.00 ; A. ]. Parkhill, ~ture ~ of . the To'l\·nshlr Cljrliit · · · · .- ·. . $78.75; G. W. Quance, $.15.00; D.'E. i.ulng for payment or ~~~¥.l~ Repreaentative Leaden of 'Veese, · rdund, .$56.35; Oshawa, ~aused by a ,·ehlcle or the •OI~· U • :_: _~ · Oburi:J. Here rental, $20.00. - awa: Fire . Department while . • \· ·mlea. , .. . Salaries : s.-v. Yo'ung, $100.00; A. tending a fire In Harmony; . h.,·, . Thitl Week Hollman, $8I .OO ; .. Hy. Biston, ~.20; -.. The ·. letter slated tbat tpl_,a!- , · P. G. Purves, $75.00;1. N. Sanders, tending this fire the Flrii ~Dt!­ $50.00; F. E. French, $125.00; A. J. partment had obtained a pt~Pt1 , F.r.o,m, all Dat:b of Ontario and Parkhill, $39.20. of water from the p rope~l ot Quebec representative lhders . of The countiJ . adJ'ournerl . to m~et F.zank . ! •. Mason, and In -ID,il!' the United Church of canada """....,. tu were: ln· see.llon at the Ontario again on . October 6, at I p.m., in accesa to Mr. Mason'• pro.,..r..., Ladles' .. ·Co11er;e this week to the clerk's office. had passed over and dellt~~-4 . a sidewalk. The Towll!bip· 'Coull• etudy the cause of .mlaalons at Toronto, Sept. 5.-Every On- tario municipality' will, after No'l"ember 1. the commencement of a new· fiscal year, be required by the Hepburn Government to pay one-third of Its relief bill, even If It has to suspend Its de- benture Interest to ac;compllsh it. That Ia the attitude " 'hlch Hon. David Croll, minister of welfare ·and · municipal affairs, Ia reported to · be adopting and re- garding · which an early ani,IDU::I· cement Is . e:tpected. In the sen- era! reor'pnlzatlon or unemploy- ment policy which the govern- ment · h :'.'l under way at the pre- sent time relief} obligations will, It Is unden;too!J, be classified a~ the primary obligations of :\II municipalities, and debenture !n- tereat payment a secondary con- iildera tlon. . 'Some Jntlmat1on of this stantl was furnished .· recently by 1\Ir. Croll in a public address when he warned the province that ever)' municipality, whether sol'l'ent or in default, 'Would · be expected to "pay something·• · toward re- lief In the future. Yesterday, at Queen's Park. the Mlrilster of Welfare had R two-hour conference with the rl!- llef officers of Ontario cities, as- certaining their 'l'lews and recom- mendations tn ·respect of su !h problems as the residence clause. uniformity In commodity orders, cash rellet, and "shelter" pro- "lslons. Following tbe conference lllr. Croll said tbat a furthPr conferenc.> with rural relief or- fleers, to "get the viewpoint" nl the smaller centres, · might he arranged. · Until that time be pre- ferred, .he said, not to dlscu~s the matter of rearrangement o! policy. It seems to unofficial Queen ·a Park. howe'l'er, that the "shelter" provisions are due for ·an lmm~d­ late and drastic overhauling, and that longer residence reqUJn.~ menta will be Imposed In future on the · unemployed. The new po- licy of cash' relief for those muu- lelpalltlea that want It is "work- lnr; well ," · according to ~r. Croll. H~ ,predicted that . " one of th e largest cltlea In Ontario" wouid adopt It before long. · SHEEP, BREEDERS . Df'DISTRUJ WIN AW;AKOS AT 'G.N.E. - M a n y · Cbampi_onahipa Awarded to 'Animal. En- tered by Diatrict Fannen . . The . reputation of the Oshawa district · as i ' . centre for sheep breeding was 'well maintained at the Canadian .National Exhibition in the week-end judging, sheep from this part of the country winning the outstanding aw:uds in many classes. In the section for Cheviot sheep, Alfred Ayre of Hampton won the majority of the awards, having the first and fifth ram, firs t and second ram shearling, third and fifth ram lamb, best ram any agt, first, se- cond and four~h "eW~, second and fifth ewe shcarling, first and sixth ewe lamb, reserve ewe champion- ship, second lamb pen, second grad· ed ·pen, first Canadian· bred pen, first wether lamb pen and first pen of (i\'e lambs, gtt .of one sire. In the Hampspire classes, L. E. l\[orKan and Son of Oshawa had the champion· ewe, first prize aged ewe, first in ahearling ewes and in wether lambs, as well as many oth- ~r a\1\-arda. There was keen competition in tlfc Cotswold classes, but F. B. Glaspell of Hampton has the ,first prize wethc.r lamb, first pri~e young pen, first prize Canadian bred pen, and .first prize ram lamb. Other en- tries won several awards in their individual classes. · Beath Farms of · Oshawa did well in the Suffolk Downs classes, hav - ing the champion ew~. fir~t prize shearling ewe, first wether lamb, and other prizes. J . M. Fi•h~r o£ \Vood\' ille had the c-hampionship ewe in th e Ox- ford Downs classes. THIR~Nl CAN AD.-\ FIRSTS pndersto!ld not only to 'have re- Canada was tho leading sup- quested the fede~al admlnlst~a.­ plier against all comers of no tign--to- takEr 'O\'er t4e problem o.f less than 13 different products rural cre~lt assistance. bpt also · to the British market during the- to have made· It lncum.bel,lt upon first quarter. of 1934. She was It to do so by refusing to make first in wheat with 7,693,602 any• further · · loans under Its cwt ., Argentine being second !chem~ bf the past se\'eral years. with ·6.608,718 cwt., Aus- tralia third, and Soviet Russia fourth. In wheat flnur Canada was first with 938,536 cwt., Australia second with •98,· 6 56 cwt., and France third with 300,287 cwt. Canada was first In apples with 1,186,477 cwt., the United States second with 625,- 800 cwt.. and Australia third with 42,333 cwt. Canada's share of , the British market Is more than three times that of h ·o years ago. Canada was also first In the British market with tbP. following products:- pulp lor ln~ dustrlal purposes, newsprint, softwood (undressed), .rubber manufactured goods, patent lea- ther, copper ore, copper, (un- wrought), :z:lnc (crude), and non- ferrous metals and manufactures. and lobsters. Canada was second In bacon after Denmark, but two years ago Canada was· In the ·seventh place. and she was ~l~o second In hams, a place she gal::~­ ed at the expense cif Poland nnd other countries. IS BRI'l'ISB CHURCHES The British Churches hare much to 'talk OYer BS · ibey >!It at their tea-tables. The narrow maJority at the Methodist ·. Con- ference which gave t'he "Minis• try of Women" a aet-bi.ck for another year has stimulated dis· cusslon of that subject. The . ar· gument of Rev. J. E. R&tten· !Jury · of London, · that because women are unequal to men as coal miners and engine .drivers there Ia a fallacy In clalmlnc aex equality In the ministry, Is being criticized on all sides. More p-ed· It Is given to him when be dl!- cussed the question ·from the t•o:nt ~r vii'W of the Mlnl3try ils a Life-service, the emphaalil · .be- Ing on the fact that In · the> case of ·women the Jlt.lnlstry . wo)llil. cease for each when the marriage altu was reached. The other a.,J!)- ject which has set churchlo1k talking went forth from · Canter- bury -,rhen Archbishop .Lanr; ·pT'a his opinion that the group ·of An- glicans on reunion were offerlnc to give away too much. It' Ia ~-FEDERAL 60V'f. TO AID FARMERS . --ferred to as "a cold bath In ·can- terbury.'• In his remarks he ·made light ·of the distinction betwetm tho "esse" of Episcopacy as tbe Ord~r for the Ml·nlstry 'and its "bene esse." Among the Prot~s­ tants that ts taken ' to · mean: the breaking . down of the Church 'Of England as a "Bridge Church.' ' Credits Withdrawn by Province to be Provided By Ottawa · Otta"·a. Sept. 4. - Otllcials of the Federal deparlmelit' -cw -fin- ance intimated yesterday that It was the Dominion go\'ernment's intention to come as speedily as po~slble to the rescue of \Ontario rarmers who ha'l'e been leU In difficulties by the withdrawal of the pro'l'inclal administration from the field of rural credit. Just ns Roon as a rearrange- ment can bo mnde. It was stated, th e farmers' debts adjustment and amended farm loan acts, passed at the , last session or pnr- llnment, will be proclaimed for Ontario. Tbe measures afford wido facilities to a farmer for thn securing or credit at a low ratA of In teres! . The Hcpl,Jurn go'l'ernment Is One writer says ~hey ··"cannot cross If they are forced to · p;ay toll to a theory of .. Eplseopaty which they do not . believe." . I Tho mechaul:z:atlon of farm!n;:: between 1926 and 1930 tended to reduce the demand for . oatE, In so far as horses were . dlspla<"- ed or pastured. Greater use or horse power In the past three years has resulted In an lmprO\'• ed demand for oats. For the see- and successive year, oat acreagd f Increased til Canada In' 1933 and was the largest since 1924. A bottle belie,·ed to ha 'l'e been thrown overboard from a Yellsel orr New York two years ago hli>~ just been washed up near Pl:r• mouth. As was to be eJtpected. ·it was empty. • •• the reacly•to•eat cereaJ prefe~ by active. people, 'I'BER'E'S Iota to do ••• Iota or fua to have ••• U ~u feel 6t. It tU.e. •el'RT to enjoy Ufe. It takee Iota or the ri&ht kind of food to keep . the body aetfye and ~~u.s- ( KeUO.'• PEP Ia delidoaa noqr. i lshmeat. Crisp, cnmc:hy_Bakee ol ; touted wheat-plua extra. bnn.: miuion g rants ~hc \'C the le\'el o£ trom one plarrr 1n t e Ontano Resiment band. last year. The gold medal in the clas ~ for Mluionariea Spolo:e euphonium solos was won hy Mark 'Rev. Dr. ]. H. Arnup, secretary H. H. Cordy, Ki1uton Road East, of foreign mis~ions, said that the who came first in that class. Mr. C:onvcr.ts made by l,Jn itcd Church Cordy, like Mr . . Let, is I member missionaries became members of of the Canadian Leginn brass band, united churche~ in their own coun- which ha~ lhe rather unusuaf dis- tries. tinction of numbering two C. N. E. The Alberta honey crop or 1933 wu almost twice as lar«e as that of 1932 and was readily marketed at Increased prices. As a result, owners of commerelal aplar(es lfl the southern part or the province report a fairly sa- tisfactory year. ell : had the slde•n 1 k rejalr~ ~~~me and abroad and consider and e~X:Iosed a bill for $5:U ·•fcif' P\aDa f~ the furtherance of the :material, asking the O.~wa creat missionary projects of the CitY Council to pay this aiaounl: church. · ~u1111day the delptes re- In discussing this mat tes\ Aid: li!lt!lrell, attended sn open aes- H. P. Schell sl~ted , •'tJii\'• ·& ··~~p ; and on Wednesday the real Mn. , Roosevelt Has Kidnapping Threat Mildlyluative. Paebdwithftavor. \ Ready to eat. ,Just pour ou. milk or cream. Add .Ueed ~tor hone1, , U you want, for tasty varl~. . I fine thing. They nre pttiD• bu~ln~.!ll . of the Conference be- New · York, Aug. 31.-Benjam- cheap eenlce for lire rroteeUoli, pD. · then when tho Fire Oepa .-gal : Amonc t~e apeakers are · Rev. In Franklin Zarn. aged 33, was 1'..- R u Coebranlt -n D euperln arreated laat nl•bt, under the has to run on a sidewalk ito obo • ""!' ' · · • · ·• • D Missionaries who spok~ included gold medallists in it s ranks. Rev. C. A. Bridgeman, We~t China, Customer : "I want to boy a ]lresent for my wife." Girl Assistant : "Could I Inter- est you In a sun-bathing suit?" lain water to I':IHI thi ~ Ja~· lel!,dent of mlsalons, Rev. J. H. Lindbergh law, for writing Mrs. we are asked to pay da~';i~. AfltU~ •. D:D., and<sneral mission- Franklin D. Ro!>llevelt a letter It Ia ridiculous. Th~ To~P ~rlea now hom~ ·f?n. furious~ . threaten Ins harm to the United Council should cert ainly p:ia ." ··~ : The Conference, It II poln_ted States President and kidnapping . Ald. Hyntan , Cha lt·man thi ' DIU • comes at a most lmport~nt or hie grandchildren unless she Fire . Protection Com mitt 1!:• !'It ~-~e. lnaamuch as · the church Ia paid him · '1 &8,000. &jo)o PEP often. Pop_plar witli all liRe&• DelJtbtful for breakfut. . Good ~ for lunch or mpper. Buy PEP from your poeer-~ the famous red..and-peea pack~ ase. Alway• fre1h la the leGe· aeal«f, buide WAnlTE J.8 -an exclusive Kell.;g feature. Made by Kellog In_ Lou.doa, Ontario. Opeu ClotttCI Draf11. • ..,. Dralu Ope a. · , . AT AU GROCIRS Customer.: "You could. nut let's fh: up the present rlrst." G'uard (to prisoner abou t to ho electrocuted l : : "Have you any last words? " "Yes, J'rt like to offer my seat to a lady." f:i hc: "What are nil those men doln s in n circle with their heads togeth er? It It a football team!~' He: "No, my dear, just .:t. buitch of Scotchm en lighting a cigarette." means that If a 'Oo'Rt er supg,_..: o~ ~.t~e •point or ,equa~llng Ita ru- · Zarn'a letter went to the While not be obtained withollt · dibla C11(d. of riTinss Jut Jiear , for the Houae and was Investigated In a 1ome damage th en we shoulCl .. l,I~Jo.~ary · and Maintenance routine fashion by the Secret f::ae to go wh ere th e wa+"r c;aJJ F,a~B. .. •. Service. Zarn, -who aald he lived be ·got. We shouio star..' ••d r:t'ti,e : Auembly Ha'J waa . filled at Charleston, S.C., and deBcrlb- watch the fire burn." "~~ ;<:J • ·~. Ttleadiy nlgbl · for ~he'. open- ed himself a& a · former machinist Jt ·waa al so pointed otlt.~ ID I IJ!I:.! ~UIIIDn of the Conf~renc.,, In the Naval Aviation Corps, dlscua's.loq that "'hi! h .k ' 'fa w"lib, Jtev. Dr. Cochrane &a 'I"! !\ll was arreated at a branch of the a water ·main In lia~m otn~ ti•te l~l~n1 • 'addreu In · 'Whleh he Y.M.C.f\. He Is being held for 1s no tire hydrant , ,_., · r d~Jt, wJth . conditions, parUcJJlar- arralc11ment. · On tbe ·motion '01 ~ ~ ~. ~-~ju~, 1)-, J.n,tb~ • west, ,and In other parts --------- seconded by Aid 'I a k ~- - t"t ot ~ Canada. Rev • . J . H.· Arnup, B6'1le: •'If I were you, Percy. . ' ~ 81•"' ,. -»·· " ' 'f II d k f th I h ld t II hi . just hat I City Clerk was Jostrne tot~'t rer -•"\ :•· w .. o o qwe , apo e o o s ou e m w ply to the lette1• !rom the , .f_Of&lr;D ·mt111ton altuat!on. _.. think of him.' ' ablp Cocricll to th p • lleot ,._at • ~.JI.e Conference ended . an Percy: "Bow can I? The end the City Council rt oe~ aot : ~ .. - ~_!!uraray, · ; . , baa -no · telephone-. f·,:· .. ,r _.,. .,. ' ~i ' i· I !' r " - . l'

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