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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Nov 1938, p. 2

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~~~~~~·appear ·an item glvfnc the moat recent with rood 1110- Chalcb: Th~ ladles ~ eaie of fancy work, in- 8or--~llfit::~~ 'cif ~ the ~uete of many "" " ~'·•-c-:._ 'of ~. _poaalbiY to be eold at a th"' bti!Uiht 'the equivalent of their ·Of:"d·hrlfl'e•ln cUh. Tlie church realized over me"'l<'ll!OO: and th'e ladlea' enjciyed a social after- 11;~~~;~~j the · buslneaa of local ~. DClt' Interfered with. , lrQUP 1,11 one of the Gananoque ;j.:_~~:lleajJ:ecim~lY held a "money shower." the place of a luneheon, a ~t deal of work a!!d nqmlnai sum for their order to launch the "money fplka who usually attend the in additlo11 to . the food and did the eoubibutloni to ' the worked very ,well. · Th'e OpeD Until the end of the ' contributions ' have s.Jieoert A~ rh• CrelltOrt I- ' Tbe man'·of lft&t faith, the optlmi~ maT suffer diJil!l~Oiilnent and dlsappol11t: ment now ind than, ' but he knows satls- fKt!Oll that the ~t can never JCnciw. The believers, the optlmiate, ate creators of the better World. In thle 11119 of modern magic It Ia pos- alhle for U>ttbina' to· llappen for _we be- lieve that the michanieal marvel& that ex- cite onr imlillnatlon today are but a hint of what Ia to come. Sclmtiata and Invent- on ate at work ,at the preaent mom111t creati~~g th!nil which wlll have a profound effect upoll the Uvea of nillliona. From the brain• of thlnketll and poete ld- are belnr launched that wui promote the open •-• Into new fields of wladom. .Tamta Watt received an Idea when he aaw the taa kettle bubbling on the kitchen atoVL From thla Idea came the •team en- 'lin• which revolutiontied induotry. Edison had an idea and worked at it until the in- candeaeent electric lamp wu produced. Henry Ford had an idea and gave ua the modem mode of highway transportation. · Some people oppol!e new inventions be- eaue they are aentimentaliats but are not elrved as peealmlAta. But It is the man of IJUl faith, the' optimist, who are the creators of a better world in which to live. &erda• and Health Exercise ehould be rqular and, at mld- clle age, never atrenuoua. The purpose of eurdse Ia to get the bodY healthily tired, not overtired. A atrinuoua pme of bad- mlnl.oa for a man or woman over thirtY· tift yean of ace. O!IJMICially after a hard cli.y'a work, Ia slow poison. Any too-'Vlg- OlOWI exerclle ezhauota you nervouoly and phyaica117. • ·' Then lA not much ian In conniletlou with dolnc ""lettlnC-upH exerclaea every mom- ina' but they do help to keep you fit with- out any undue .train oa. JOU!' ayatom. Thill exere~aa,' 1n ConJIUICtloD .,;till walklnl. aolf, llliatlnc or other, Haaona! reereat!imai ac- t!~t.y. ehould certainl7 aufflce for the a-nrage Jlll'i!m.· • Do lllr out the place fw aafetJ af polnb In whleh are and are worthy Just Call 417 ••• and tell us that you want ua to deliver to you a ton or more of the highest quality Coal for stove and furnace and we will do the reaL A trial order will convinr• vnu. EVERYTHING IN LUMBER .LATH- SHINGLES- WALLBOARD ETC. Lumber and Coal Co. -:- Gief Inspector of Schools • Alto Hints at ChanJe In Rural Boerda ·• ~=:,"; Oct. 28.-V. K. Greer or '1'1 Wpector or aeparatA5 for Ontario, tola reKional educa .. here that blah examlnatlona, "a an udier penod," The B.- To Healtll F.lb ad'eriq "'- ._ auUnalbnat., ...- dlflic:ultl .. , art • r .ua.. r••uaaatlam0 c-~ tloa -• ....,. etMr wdLD..,. diU...., •111clr• bns..Utct~ Clll.tun. BEl. I. -:- DIAl. TAXI DIAl. )t:65 ond 465' TBAVEI. -:- _,_ SERViCJ AGENTS FOR: CANADIAN NATIONAl, RAILWAYS • ALL STBAIIIBIP LIMBS lOS DUNDAS STR.EET WEST Round Trip Bargain Fares From WHITBY NOV. 10 to C N R. Stntlons in tho Marltlmr-s Provln~ Pro\'lnee ol New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Bootla. NOV. 11 - 12 TO OTTAWA $5-t.S I NOV. 11 • 12 • 13 TO MONTREAL $7.SO. TO QUEBEC /c:JTY '11M TO STE. ANNE de BEAUPRE $1Z.l0 J Tickets, Fares, Transtt Limits and InformaUon from Aaentao CANADIAN NATIONAL Aslr: for handbill CAN AD IA PACIFIC Annual Meeting of Oshawa 1W:M.S. Presbyter i a I, United·' Olfu rc h ·--··Aff_lllatecl Well Attended at Bowmanvilli·.-·· • or Hie Ha.nd,'• by Graham, was the de'l'otl<!l p....entecl · president of -:N.,•to••villle • The z;pea>:er &ald In . ' .. time of the creation. created. man in His own Image. One or Ule l~i~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~i~~~i~~~!~~~~~~ . marks or this Divine relaUonshlp • JS the gift to man or the hand. No ~~~~~~~~~¥~;~:::!;~ , other animal has a hand. The touch , o! loving hands follows u.s thrOugh- out our lifetime." Mrs. E. L. Beech, or Newtonvme. c1osed the worship -U.IOUiih a~a~il:~~;;t;;~~~~~~~;iei~~~;~~~~~~~i;~;~~~~~~~~ service with prayer. u "':~:::;)!"~ After Mrs. D. Leury presented Ch1na. wu lD her report the following ladies were C&raeallen. appointed to the Resolutions and :t" KD.bom Courtesy Com : Mrs E snowden, ~B ~ " Con., Mrs. N. Allan, Mrs. H. J. Bell. ward tripe ~:f.!::~=~~= Mra. S J . Da.vi:son extended greeUngs and a cordial welcome to bo~t~'­ the ladles u.u~ .... el on aoeoun Mrs. R. 0. Jollitre, President ot ~~Ohlna~~~~~~~;~ Bay of Qu1nte COnference Branch, has 1n bringing greeUngs. chose a.s her text,. "And now abideth fa.ith, hope and love. these three, but the great- est of these Is love." The .speaker empha&iz.ed the permanence or things spiritual. When 31)1rltuaJ things are put tn second place, the whole life i:s out of balance. we .should love our enemies. Love ts very patient, very kind, never rude, never selfish, eager to believe the best, always hopeful. The trea.surer, Mrs. M. 8. Chap· man pr~ented. her report for the first nine mont.h8 of 1938. The al· loca.tton Cor Oshawa Presbyterial !or 1938 is $11 ,800. The treasurer stated $5.100 Is needed to reach the objective tor 1938. Life mem· heros' certificates are not as high thia year as last. M:n. W. E. Beaman, Sec. of Lit- erature, very capably presented her work having a splendid supply or lJterature on dlspla)'. The review ot this' year's Study Book "The World in Canada" by Rev. J. I . MacKay, was splendidly given by Mrs. C. R. Carsca.Uen. "Re· quests have been made tor a study of our 0\\'11 country," the speaker Wd.. "We have it this year. We want all to be equally Interested. tn thls book. The la.:st chapter may be the mOBt interesting " 'Ihe aim of the study book and the me.s.sage in the preface were empha.sJzed The ape&ker quoted words of Lord

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