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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Nov 1938, p. 5

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business and civil Ufe here; Miller was a shoe merchant. He served on the city councU and board of educahon and was clerk or division court many Jea.t'S. He held honorary memberships In Kl~ ~.ranis Club and I.O OF. and L OL Survlvmg sb:: sons: Capt. William D Norman Sinclair, Toronto; Fred- erick Charles. John H, Gordon C • and Burton. peterboro; and four daughters, Mrs. Lillian Schnider. Miss Ada Mlller. Miss Ethel Miller. and Mrs. Homer 0. Fiske, all of PeterbOro. TORIES REFUSE TEll DElEGATES HOW TO VOIE I P••leJ-holro AssociatiOn Votes In- struct Them Peterboro, Oct 31. - An amend- ment which sought to have dele- gates to the forthcoming provlnclal comentlon lnstruct.ed whom to vote for as leader of the ' Ontario Con- .sen>aUve party, was unanimously defeated at an open meeting of Petertioro Conservative Assocla1lim last rught. Sold By G. A. CANNING JAMES SAWDON & SONS R. GOLDRING (PORT WHITBY) HAMCO - NOW THE LOWEST PRICE IN YEARS After President Gordon K. ~er threw open the meeting for noml- naUons, George C. Scott ro5e in the body of the hall ~o asK if dele- gates were to be instructed. Gracme Falkner moved that dele- gates be left to use their own good judgment 1n :;electing a leader, but Mr Scott, unswerving in lwi opinion, moved an amendment that delega tes be instructed. NO NE.W .ROAD TO pORT HOPE FOR SOME TIME E A. Peek. K C , expressed the belief, ·It would be well to leave delegates to their own ju:~~~:~~ I D M' lis D I .:hUe Fred Marshall, an_ _eputy' mister Te e e- delegatc. asserted. "I would not at- galion Of Pla111 to Com- te-nd the convention U instructed how to vote." plete Road to Oahawa When lt was suggested from an~ other quarter tne matter be cw.sed at a meeting of the execuUve and delegates a week prior to the convention, MrS. J . H Cridland. vice-president of Women's Conservatitiv~:•;I:Jr:~~~:iHi~~::~ objected to It as ": polities.- AL the vote, only hl.s .seconder rose ~~:~~~~~j~; ~~:~ amendment, and clartd the mouaJy. Is Acting Master Gen~ Ordnance in Gen: ·· Caldwell' 1 lllneaa! • . Ottawa. Nov 1.-0wlnl io .serious 1llness" or General A. C Caldwell, i;eneral of the ordnance ~ tlonal Defense dler W. H. P. commanding at Toronto, brought as close as possible to Por~~ Hope. Mr Smith told the delegation that. different routes were being surveyed but, before any decision was made ne would personally v1s1t the town r.nd look over the s ituation mayor Bennett salCI The road 1S expected to by-pass Port. Hope to the north. The department \\!shes to build the Ioad a:; strn1ght as poss1ble to enm.:o: mate any dan:;;:crous curves The Deputy Mmu.ter mformed the delegatlon that the stretch to Oshuwa will be completed but that it would ~ some years before t.he new highway y, auld reach the out- skirts of Port Hope. The delegation impressed. upol! Mr"! Smith the necessity o! having the highway come as close ~ poa- t!iblc to Par:. Hope and was assured the Deputy Minister that dua consideration would be given the town's request, the puosor- declared.. . ,. ., A i!aht subway 1through the c1't7 of Kobe, Japan, !first considered ago and shelved, 1a be- .ilisoussed agal.il. and Ls ¥eXpect, Containing boota ,.00 provls!Oill, barrel was dropped recently fl'OD\ ltner Strathmore' for the lone- lnhabltants of tbft OOCGI ll.l&Ddl In the Indian Ocean. .. - ' Exod.lll !&:u-"'Bonor. thy father and thy mother; that. thy dars mall • be tone upon tho land which the Lord thy God ,tveth ~bee." sCHOOL LESSON a,. Alfred J. aaeoc~o .. Women's itby and Claremont As Guests at October Prog~ran>las Anglican chlirOh ·On . ,$"!'<li,Y. Nov. 6, at 'l p.m .• ~ with Rev. J. c. Clouab, In cm.rre. at Pr<eab•y-1 Satunlay evenlng W1lll :Hallowe'en Sunday 'lchool l for three of tbe sundil;y · IOchool ... cla&Ses of the United churCh, those Observe of Mfo. Boyes, Jllri. DeHart and Miss Bessie Garbutt. There weri ~~~;~~ present and a. e1 ttme was. spent by all thlrty-lhree preoent, lbere were twenty~flve In- Costume an4 &11 of these were mast carefully worke.i out. Prizes were ___ awarded as foUow.s: Halfowe'eri-Ann1e Ket- sener as a black cat; comic. Noreen Cook .. Panoy Yoltum, and Jean T!annam as a hobo; representative, Helen Jaek.son, as & bride, and Reta Parish 8li a KYJ)sy. The spot prize was won by Grace Lambert. and the game called "Memory Test", ~ by Marion Holliday. Other games were played ln grou~ . in- cluding a baloon race --won by June V!ck. From the proverbial black kettle the girls drew their fortunes and rNd these aloud for the en- joyment o! all. The 1\UlCh was pop- corn, candy and apple&, which Was a treat supplied by the teacher& The Women's Aaaoclatlon meet on Wednesday, Nov. 9. Mrs. Apr haa charge of the devot1on&l exer- clses and 111rs; MeNeely, lbe boOk • The meeting wW be held &t the home of Mrs. C. W&on. Pre-Annlattce :c.y aervlceo wlll be held In lbe Unite<! chlirOh, Brootlln, on 8unda7 next. ReT. P. L. JuU wUI preach at 11 a.m., on "The Price of Pe&ce", and at 1' p.m., on "The Meek Shall Inherit ~Barth"'. ----,--- LAR6E GROWD AT GLUB· BANGE AT AUDLEY FRIDAY Wsi! vill.e, , We are Mr. Ralph Improved:- al\houah to t.he howe. , Miss Edna Stevenson ~:pent week-end at her home here. • lllrs. 1!'. L. Green, 1lllss ~ ~and M'r& v. Partin. as del~ -;ate. of tho W .MB .. attended tlie o:esbyterlal at BowmanviD.e Prlday l .. L The hunters wru. tie on their north by the ttme thla goes press. We wish them auccess. • Mr. and lllr.s. J. Parkin and fam- ily, of Aabbum, spent 8unda7 Mr. and 1\lrs. B. Parkin. Mr. and Kra. J. Stell, with Mi. and !4rs. Harvey COmpton, ot Tor~ onto, spent Saturday wllh lllr.s. Compton at Aahburn. _ --r Jlllton ~ wlll lab In lbe contest for zecltll>c wbleh w111 be held at Ca,llniloat<>n 1 ntxl Prlday, We wiah blm """" 5UOCOIS. Mila Mille! Barlli-on spent 1!0el<-end with her molber at em comers. Tbe IIWIY fr!Onda here of KrL W. Gee will be p1eued to loam tbat llhe b well on tbe way .to re- rmerr. following her - acci- dent. - - - MUriel - Kr. Archie BeD ll1ln<IQ wllb Brouabam M; atteDcled lbe -~

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