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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Jun 1940, p. 3

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i. ' : ., • Je .. ie Bulley . • Joh' Licel Dtr .. lell •r LBWIS 881&81 A W.AINBit UOS.·PirMNet'lfteewt ... f \ .._~.., ...... ~-~~ COMEDY~T · in 'SLAPSit MAXIE" ;}'VE$PAY ·:WEDNESDAY Show. •t 7.30 ..... 9.30. - 11fi£1!. a,()NQAY AT 2 O'CLoCK I J '• . CRACKLIN,G WITH ~X~ITEMENTI ·BRISTLING WITH T"IIILLSJ TI-iE WHITBY GAZEliE AND' CHRON!Cu, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26; 1940 W c: T. U. MUTING The laat · lheettna or the aeaaon of th·e Woman's ObrtstJan Telliper- ance Union wm. be held on 'l1lurs- doy often-.. .Ju!J ,tb, •• Uu.e o'cloet at tbe Dew home of the PrWdent, Mrl. P. Staplea. on Glen OH ·. ACTI:YE SERVICE· Brief P......,..pha of Wbitby aad District Men Who Have F,aliotecl in s-iC.; of KiDa ud c-try. "RED CROSS" - ""r. 0. D. 1:'."· and memben Of an other · War Worb .....,..-. 11\11 be · sup- plied wllh aooda o\. aolaal - ot TOWN HALL Bll'rl'Olf .SHOP, Brock ~t -u.. Whiii>J. WB DO JIICPAIRUm "T AONKW· Surpms Shoe o~~on; lllor bllh c1aa wort, tz7 J. P81L· - WlllTBY LIONB OLI!ll \ OAA!fl~ VAL AND STRBIT DANOB for polrtollo md c:ommunlty -1<, Wedceso!a7, .July Snl, a\ four -- ners.. Grand J)rbt, tHO Plymouth Coach. Orand polrtollo ponde; Otber atlroollooa. Boo Pace I. ·Dhu JPann,. third CODCeal1on. There Two members of the oh·· ' . .,_ d~ the past few d&ys UJ en111t wlll be & amaU &mOunt. of buainess pital medlcal ·ataff, DY.: T •. · ····• ~ 'Ji w.rtoua unit.s, some or them to ~ attended to. after which a so- &"nd Dr. Gordon · 0!'\lgh ;l -l · ·' . :.liitettng with suceeu. clal time will be enJoyed, EVery ·Joined the medkal cHvlsl~~li tllie--r --- · member 1a urged to be there. C&nad1an Royal Flylnl eoi-Pi.~· 'It !s learned that the Whitby ar .. THE W. A. TEA ON MM. )(tJR- DOCit'B '-Wn. which ,... ;a have been held on Tuead&J, June 20, Ia ~>em., hold ..,._. <WodnoodQ)' from UO ;a 1 o'Oiock. . - REPORT OF LOCAL COMMITTEE ON CANADIAN LEGION WAB SBBVICBS .. 'I'be Town of Whitby and · tbe Village of Plckerlni were oi-Janized and canvassed. "1be .canvass at northern poblt.s Wu deferred, 011 account ol lociJ. conditions. 'lbe followJna amount& were re- ceived by the Treuuftr of the Committee: TOwu of Whitby .. .. .. .. -.&5 VU!age or l'lclterlns . . . . . 122.60 -.16 Remitted ;a Rlld<I\W'Ierl flO'UO l)alance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 A. Manaell Inrtn, Chairman. G. Hootb Rooa. Treoaurer, · ;l P. J. Mcintyre, Orrantzer, .. WOIIIIIN'S INSTITU'l'B On 'l'buraday. JUlie toth, the moothlr. meeting of 'the Woman'a IDatltute wae held &t the home of iln: W. C. Town. 1111s1 Ethel Plet- Cher gave a report hold at. lin~U~Ih.ui>. June doctor8 J"'" very popuJarl'il~ JDOUry building, which Ius been ho.pl~ ~-:Win be ~tl.7f1J%k" ·01~ for wme weeta, JJ1a1 be re- -.:j'i • .._: .opened fot mWtary puJ"J))Be&. The W1lllam Tborndyte hal ,loa»?- Oolmcll was instructed at the pub- Turon~ Ir1.sh ~ent. ' ~ - , .. meeUng here recently to endeav- brother, ~ ha:s en1lated wJab-r;;tM· ·ca" to get it for Civtl Home Guard Queeo.'e Otm RUleL ~ 1.!. ... ~.'f-. ~quarters, but it. Is tbouaht lt ~.:~r -~. t)'!Ul pow be uzec1 by the government Major ~. B. Perry, M.O., a( ,~· ~.teattsr&tlon under the compul~ Ontario Bq:lment (Ta.Dt) re--·· fr~1lhome derenae &ct paaed. re· ;a Camp BorJ!en Sun<IIO'.ofter I' ~l :!*>Ur at 0\tawa. weet'a leave of absence. ... !la.JOI:.'iiiid ·~· --- lira. Perr7 li>Oi>t ·;; fOW\...,.C!&n"~; .w'!'A -or-In·'-• at lira. J . ll. Muakokao . rf, . ~:V. of Whitby, Private Cier- I. ' .: .ad W1lllam Leverldge, who Joined SamuellllnDll, wbOJIOII been loi;,; Uitl cOoodlan RonJ Air Poroo. &t ployed. at "Stoneh&vm'.' tann ::/l.fll . .. Ttataa., Ia one of three others re- about nn ...... - . domiid ·~ ·~· .. - ood Jll1lbol>ly unUorm of the Canadian Ro7aJ ~, jidlonera of wa. Private Leftr1drt ........ . ··"' . '!'ii': ·--oorvtng In -· Be Ia --:---:--· · .>· :.'~ ·:·-~to quite & few Whitby~. P1111J l.woD!F Wblii>J miP, ba:ft. '!f" visited here 011 -onl oc· gone to Toronto &nd other: plMiii: , .. , . ~ r.::··,;.· <:-·..,\ . - ,· .. '. Radio Sales, Mr. W. o: ·Town,"tM · WBITBY 8UII8CIUIIU TO W .A. at tbe United Cbuftb, "KlaC LO.D.B. BOMIIBB n>ND Julian Beecroft and U>e Bo7 Bcollto. ----=",........,,,....' ' . :llo. ~-- 0. J!. Bai!IQ', Botll. Wllam a 11oa, W. J. 'ftebUCOCk, Hue!- J. C. ~""""· A. HollldOJ, A. 111. NIChols, S. Martin, A. RoWIIUou, A. Roosltannl, Mnl. VaseleU:J, Mnl. A. lluldoll, Kla K. Raj, J. ·u. Miller, T. Deloney, B, Alllacin, L, D. Au, R. w. Aq, lira. R. Ill, Drtoroll, ~ Soutb...U, Mra. P. Orobb, Mr. Wal&h. 111n1. llallaah, 111n1. craw- ford, R. Bn.wlor, r. ~.ovtne, .~~ra. . s. R. Blow, llrs. Cmor, B. Plaabtt, B. A. Wokoflolcl. lin. ll. A. Wolte- fieJd, llrz. D. ~. KeaD, Mn. A1aD. Rooa, lira. B. Eldridge, Mra. leJ. lira. J&rdlne, Kra. W. G. lira. llardtng, Mnl. A. B. Ed•~ 11ra. ......_, 111ra. ·r. McLer,o, 11n. v. w. llaff<Y, w. llbffq, Mn. p, Adam, L. Boodel. ·a .. Whl&flold, llrs . 1L P. Zvu7, P. DniJDia, . Mri, P. CW14J, ~o. >< .. Ooodfello1r, llio. · r,. '-"· lin. •· oror • .11ra. r. · anr.r. lin: Curl, lira. Hewitt, ·RoY. 's. a ... ., 11n. I.Jnde, Kn. •Jlo• CalrDa. W. Dcn!PDIO, G. -·~· -.,.. SoWtt, 0. 1 ·-~~ Kloa IIIIas Bunnoh, RuUedp, J. C. Perawoo, A. A &.P LOW E!_EJ!X!!Y_PRICES HOLIDAY lEEDS GII-.GER ALE YVKON CLVB COMTBNTS LIME RICKEY y~~~~r' IBORTENUfG ANN PAGB . JEWEL MAYONNAISE DRESSING AHZf PAGE: · I'BBNCII. IITYLII Ji:i:;15c J:.t;:;15c 2 ,.L 25c '~2Jc 'i::" 15c WAR SAVING STAMPS SOLD A~ .A. lr P SOUPS "U:~:· BEAlS ..:¥JtRf::."u 2 SALMON HORIOIHOE CHICKEN a~'lli'm. "'" 6c z:.-::. 17 c ~ 36c i\': ·23c , LOBSTER cli<':U%. i\': · 25· LYOI S TEA MEAT BALLS HPf!l>~ 22, mr.. 'ii:· 39, P a G SOAP 5 ..... 19, ~ ~~ 34c SARDINES .,":.:!.~"' :roo 1 Oc WATERMELONS ORANGES POTATOES GRAPEFRUIT BANANAS CalUonola Val"'das N~ ........ Golde a I!lpe PLUMS "i'!:::.~ TOMATOES Flnoo Ripe Hand Selected fa. 65c DoL 41c 6 lt.s.19c fa. 7c J lbs. 2Jc DoL 10c 21bs. 27c AJehlbold, D. MelD.,...., L, · C. Bochu, Pred Dn.•;>er, W. A. Balli· clay ... Oo,. Kiss E. H. lL Pletahe:r, Mnl.· B. K. Brown, Mn. P. Manh, C. Botdl, Mnl. P. Irwin, E. Bow· man. Mnl. R. Peel, E. Ote, H.-1111· lord, A. J. Bell, B. Boro. L, Rlah- --. T. llton,_, Kro, P. MaW- lOll, PaloJ -·tl' l!llop, - 0. DLvOJ, B. B .' Po-. D, ll. Beard, J, Tb........,, Mn. IleOmond, llrs. Moorehouee, Kra. .W&lter, ll1ls N~ kill. Kn. Brrant. 11rs. llo!ler. llllaa P. Luke, Mlaa OibooD, Kn. D. Mowat;. llr, JteU,, lin. Jlou, Mn. 1o1or1on Blckard, Mila Helena Rl<h- OI'dloi>. Mn. C. R. Carscallen, Wet.:aue Pooda Llmlted, Miss DUn- WOOdy, N. Cormaet, Mr. o . .\, Mc- Ciellab, Mra. Bolune, ..,.. On11. liE lUND TO YOUR EftS, - THIS SUMMER I An exeepUon&lly interest!Dg and authoritative article 1n The Amerl· can Weekly with the June 31) issue or The Detroit Sunday Times, polntl out Ulat those angppy sun gi&S3es of YO\Ull may be hurtlng your alshl and stomach, too: the wrong calor <and the wrong prlce) cab rret You into aerioua trouble • • • but you can play safe by heicUDc expert. advice about. t1nt:s and lense~ ,.__~ro to get the Detroit aunciaT AUCTION SALic. AID~ PIC&ZiliNO IUD CROSS Baby beda and bird e&lea. lamps &ild lawn· zqowen. oraans and ovens, all went dOwn under the autclon~ eer'1 hammer to awell the · coffers of the Pieartfta ·Red Oroee: Society at the aueUon sale of second-hand l'W'nlture . ~14 by tbe OlJ1l<lla- tlon "" Prklo;t ofOemooo lut. Tile d0110Uooi ol l'W'nll.un, ptb- !lll ·~·~. trom Ill )ial1l at tbo dJtlrtct. craltunad lhe Town Boll att.tacted a 1arp crowd of · Under the sklltut dlrec- ol WIWam Maw, auctJoneer, of Whltb:r. who donated hla serv- lcoa. lhe ~ at tbe plemented. ' b7 GUll dor .. U<oD., IUIIOUDted to - OhaJJWOOd, Audlty and Green- wood unltl contrtbuttd l(t!Mroua tumlklro 0114 - doaallona. R .' KuriJon acted M cJert for the occu10D, &ulated by M". 8. Chl.pua ADd T . C. W1leon u cUh- 1- Tbe comml'tee ln chiJlre or ar- rantemtnte wu convened by Yra. I . .. Jloolb, one! lncludod: loin. M. MooO.....-, lira. R, S. Ruddy, Mn. ,W. 'lbompeoa; l.ln. P . Bonell, Uta. 11:, 11:-. ..... w. A. Mact.ean oa~ loin. R. lolurloon. omz. ouma o~a. PUTl' Tllo - ·- ~ .~ So_tur, dOJ, .1\jne :11, by lhe .~'l.Q.O.IL Qlrl Oul<lo ~ ,.,<lbo -. at. Mn. D .1L OUiulllln, Duadu B'-t woo;, bODOJW .r-t at lbe Vlacoun,t GreenWOOd ' Oltitlter, 1.0. D.F;,, Whitby, WU .,.,. fUCoes.siUI . Tile Olrl Ouldea and ~· pre­ aented some or Ute hlahl!ib&l M their acUvltlea, which were rrUt.ty APPreciated PM 'lbe Ou1dea · wiUt them mlaakmer, Kn. Hobbl, who • toot part Jn tbt Birthe CARD OP TllANII:8 . , • , Viscount. Greenwood. Cb&pter. Imperial Order Do118hton of U!l llmplre, d-e to e- . 'their lhanka Oo A. B. AUlD, OdiUJD'~. Druc Store, Kercantue Department store and the A. & P. for plac.tnc ,J"Jiteql ln their W1ndowa; to llr. W. H. Moorhou.se for mak1nJ Polt.en: to t.be local ch!r~J for church an;. nouncements, and Mr. J. 0. Strath) ot the Brock Theat.re, rl'1r & ecreen notice In connectlol1 with ·the N.-- Uonal Headquarwr, Bomber Clm• palgn. P. Sprott, B. Allrop, B, 0. · llmllh, llaffer, a. B. -. B. A. ...,_ DOD, Mlaa 0. lolcMWan, B. llborU, Chief J. w. BOlo", Kla J: -· Mn. P . lloa, Mlaa AD1ll, Dr, Me· GUUvroy, Dro lolcDoupU, W. no-. D. A. WillloD, 8. L, Od· lum, 1o1n. w.-. ><n. •-- cer, M1aa Jt, Proot.w, Kn. 1. W, Rlelulnlaoo, lira. W. Billion, loin, V. K. -· - WWJa, - L, --fat, Kn. JL JL Goode, BoY. A. Irwin, - A. ood L, Drrdon. lira. P. J-. 1o111a ...... M1aa K. Rooa, Mnl. ll. AWDGI, Krl. P. -. )(lao B. Loll!l. Kla L, Pol- low, R. K. -DntreU, Kn. ·L. It Mlebul, J. -loU, Kn. Onr.ro. J, R. -. ..... w. TIIOm- Kn. B. llrocoJ, lira. P. <Y(;:0CU>O<, loiiiDDa, lira. R. Vanetone, J . wn-. J. ·B. Burneu, B. L. by, Kn. B. Oloolar, Mn, c .. Goodf.UO.., ..... -· ..... If, "'-·-"'- J.-. Jr: livdro; Rn. A. a. eu:u...._ lin. •· W. H-. lin. R. oa.ela,- B. Borneo, lira. B. llleJrhlbojm, Kn. Lolr<l, lin. Prenl;k;o; ..... """'- ..... - lollddleklb, Kn. J: B. l'on'J, R. lololtee, lira. KuiroJ, 1JH. A. "'· Job!la\OD. ..... 0 ; rue,, Mr. QuaD. 11r1.. rwoca.. w. ow rtc:. 11o11~ a.....,., w . .,........., llllaa Jloriir, Kn. A, IL Ohrlollall, Mri WillloD, A. ~ lira. -· lira. ll. Moore, lira.~ DlpHnr. Mr. AllaoD, - Tb-. w. 1\t,d" cllffo, J. Ji>r-J, Mr. loloNaucJ:>Ion, C. -....... ............. . Mn. R. R. IDsolt, lin. o. Colt, Kn. K. To;rlor, Kn. C'-~• J, Boy, lollla 0. lolaln....._ lira. D. lolalher, 1o1r1. PlookoJ.t. : ><n. B. v-e. Kn.llol'dJ, ><n. J. ·o,-, KJa:N. -· ~~ra. B. Jl!lla, w. o; ~o~o.,.., A. A. Wolter, Kn. J. lloddlnlo lin. W.PeDDemoro,MiaaP. K-R.B. R. Bot.ch, ..... A. ,JL X..; ..... J . Vlcl:ery, lira. llnnm, lira. BamUI!l. Mn. W; Hollldoy, ~ R. ci. Whitby Llona Club carnival and Rleet d&nc:e for patriotic and com- munity work, Wedco•dOJ, Jill¥ 3rd, &&. Pour OOmers. Orand prize, 1940 Pb'mout.h coach. Orand patrlotJc parade. Other att.raCUona. See -B. A LO.NG-WEARJNG BIG MILEAGE TIRE • •• at lower *" • It's Canada's moot popular tire • •• Improved! A new •tG-3" at a lo,;er coet dasljned to set new recorda In performance and popu- larity. "G-3" has thefaiDOUI Goodyear AU-Weather C8J1ti.e traction diamond tread for long non-skid mUeoiae , , , quick otartln!l and stopplna In all weather on all roads. In every way "G-3" ia a areat tire • : • a tire built to alve you enra mllea of service. DriYe In ud see thla popular lower priced tire today 1 New low cost Goodyear tubes will add to the life of ~ur tires, Get them when you buy new tires. , WHITBY .MOTORS LIMITED: "11le arraJ;llt'ment ot refteahment6 waa enttreb' due to t.he Girl Guide15 and they Ca:o . be pn.fl5ed , for their wort. "11le oltJcen and GuJdes wllh to t.h4nt evei')'ODe who helped In any .way to make this affair such • succe.ea:, Mn. f). • · Carruthers, tbe preu, the Whitby Band,, Mr. Bruce Olendenninl ot Ule Brandon Mr. D. w-.. ""'- JL Bonia. . B. HuiiiJibroro, Kn. A. Nllloo. lin. H: I. BUt.chlooo, C. B. Dooald, Aller "-. B . P. Phln, lira. Hlntnbot- ~. lllla L. Coleman, W. o Barker, W. P. Glover, Kn. A. Howea, llrL 0. J4owat, Mr.. llarl· rick, lira. J, A. O'Doll, llln. C. C. ~ ~ Creomtq,Oo., ..... J . M. RUd, T. Rloht.rdlaa, IIIII Vera UIUJ'IU,A:j RlohoniaoD, ..... lol, MoQII&7, lin. STRE£T EAST WHITBY ( I ' I B. BaJ>or, ..... Jolm Barber, .... ----... ------------.,.-!!" f,- 1 I A load watch ia worth repairinal Our expert work ia much leu ex· · penaive than buyina a · new watchf DroP by today for an eatimate. · BA$SEn'S, w., RED CROSS ACTIVITIE:S IN THE WHITBY CHURCHES ALL SAINTS• CJIIJBCB At All Saints' Church nat sun- day there wUl be a celebration of the HolY communion at 8 a.m. and morning prayer and .sermon -at 11 a.m. '11le Sunday School Will meet with the mornlD&' ~tton. There will be everi.tnK prayer and &ermon at T p.m. The rector w1l1 pre&eb at both' 2ervices. Vlaitors wUl be ma&t welCOme • Til£ 1JNITED ClltJlUlll Th~ flnt radio appeuance Whiii>J United Churob Choir lo 8lated. for next Saturday even.~n& ·at 9.00 p.m .. over CPRB. Don't. faD. .. tune lnl The WhltbJ choir will L __ =:=:..,-..,.--~-~------------'l oh&re wllh lbe cartrJaht choir the presentation of • half-hour pro- The sChedule- of t.he Red Orou We hetebr wllh to tb&Dt: all wbo aramme or sacred and RCu1ar workrOOm · wW be ch&:'llged for the a&Slsted. 1n ~ the eff011 a auc• music. months of July and AugusL cess. Mrs. Fl.sher t.Dd. Mr. Nichol- The momlng theme next Sunday 'nle . knitting department. wUl wn as&lsted at th8 plano. A lovely will be, "The Shadow of a Man." earry on aa usual, but the wool wW solo bJ' Helen Burst was appreclat~ The evening . theme will be, "Life's be given out from the workroom oh ed. Pour High Sehool Entrance Partnerships.'" . Thursdays only, :from 2 pm .to 5.90 Oertiftcatea were preemted to ~o· . Adnnce not8-Tbe Whl~ PrY- p.m. completed pnnents wDI be oeuful OODdldotoa. · · byJ;erlan and ·un10ec1 ChUIChea will received during these houra. . 81pec1, enjoy uillon servlcea during the two The refugee dePartment wm. give S. A. HAZEN, Teacher. summer month!. 'l'he congregat.km out cut. garment.s-to be made up 1n Vbll. .t lin. J. C. Fruer of .the United Church Will . worship the homes. 'Ibis wort wm also be we were pleaaed to have • vlslt In the Presbyterian Church at 11-lO given out on Thursda.y afternoons on Frtci&y last nom. Mn. J. 0. Pras~ &.m.. during JUlY. under the min- from ~ to 5.30 p.m. er, Vlce-ch&lrman of the Wamen'a 1atry of Rev. Dukl Marshall. The 'lbe committee ma.ldng surgkal Wu Work Committee. She wu evemn. ~ wtD be wlthdi'&wn. cues will cE.ouy on at. the workroom areaUy pteued .with tbe wort be1nl - one day a weet to meet the spec1a1 carrted On in Whll.by md the ~- ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN demand tor these. ~ent:! cdleu\ wortrocm -facillt.lm pro-rid- SUnday Bchool-10:30 a.mo for this committee are bttnc made ed far ua b7 the town. Dlvlne worsbJ:p-11:30 a.m. Mrs. E w tt She Informed us thl.t at present Evening servlce-7 p.m. by Mrs. C. Brown and • a ;.s. lhe ou ............... needs tor the tl&ht-- Tbere wll1 be no general sowtna -- Durlna Jill¥ the United Cbureh at the workroom during these two Jng forces are turtle nect aweBterto cOJlil'ePtlon will worahip with ua, month.&. but everything will be left with toni- .lee'RII, I"!Dv8a and all with st. Andrew's choir in eharRe 1n readiness to meet any emet~ency kioda of mitts. U well u aockl t.nd of music . . Rev. David Narahall wUl hi h lh bll wlll De helmets. , . -•de. . call. of w c e pu c We also learned frQm her th&t the ~'-"_. informed through this colUlllll.. blanket. collected tor PnDce han Bhlpmenbl wW go forward ~lf not rst been taent to that counb7. ' to headquarters. Booth &t LIODll Club Fair but are being held in England · . Arrangements are unqer way for pendiJll developmenbl. More ·than a retreshment booth. at t.he L1onJ S£1.000 blmteta have been collected Clllll Pair on Jui¥ 3rd. Tbla - to dote. will be -In fronl at lhe Red Cross + + • workroom on Colborne street. Re~ 8bipment aent fonrard. .thil weet m.hmOllta will oons~s; at h<it dop, tram the -- ooco1at0<1 at: 150ft dr1nb, elder, buttermnk and 1~ palra of &nDY lOCka 1ce cream. Kuney made w1ll 12 paira sam.en'a aoctR a1oor Red CfOSII work. Everyone ' air fOI"Ce acanll - to potronloe lhla booth. 2 ..,.. - • + • · a navy ~CUR~ DoDatJima for tbe week are lf'l.t&-: e wash ci0thl :lull7 ..-,lodged: QuUo modo 11r ~ ••••• : bonevolentRebOkobLodse, baby lay- 8 palrl "' brOOdcoa\ •··-- ette from Mra. A. Patterson: blAnkets rr.m lilsa' Jl&rsum(o Rou •. K.fs. tSit~i~ ... :~d' ·the .qDIIecl~l~~=~~ $1UO ._. ... ~ ...... --- ·.en. Plah Pond Commit-tee_ • • .... • ~ .70 Boaio Boltina Colnllll\loe .. , ,' I.'IS Bale. Counter for Gift ~t¥n Ice Cream . .. ... ...... .-: ••••• CJotfee aDd cate , ••••• , , ••• Lem.on&de •. • •••••••••••••• • llonc~ .................. "' lJI o.a.. •••'- c..tl I t A fet41 "" I ••! t.i' , r .. ,.,.

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