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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Jul 1940, p. 3

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( ' ' ! l .,. PAGE FOUR THE WHITBY GAZETTE MID CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1940 ~~--------------------------~---- ~P·.ATRIOTIC, SOCIAL aiel COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Mrs. E. W. McNeill left lbla -': to vlslt her .slstG", Mrs. Gordon KacDonald, at Bam1lton. oCeuton and many lovely and use- ful etfts were received by M~ RoBers. Dainty refreshments were serVed and a very pleasant eve- ning spent. dence whk:h h~ ha.!l occupied for ·- OPENS PHOTO STUDIO I some time on 'l'X'ent Street. wITH · •. R. 'IT 0 E Announcemen t. Is made this week + + "' B·Y ·1 D of ·tile opening of a modern photo- + + ... · 111r. and Mrs. aeor;e Roddls vlslt- ... ed. for a fnt days this 1R:ek with .. "'" Yr. and )[rs. Jack Drlver. at owen SOUnd. ... + + lWleman CUnton Paseoe, of Queen's Own Rlfle's, spent weet-e!nd tn Whitby. ., + •• the the Kr. and Krs.. J. Shle}d:; and Mr. .00 .!In c . Moore spent sunday With Kr. and Mrs.. Gordon Wbat- iam, at 'Picton . . . . + •• Mrs. w. _H. Hencknon, of ~r­ oato. hi.s been the auest or her daucJ>ter, ·Mlu Blanche Hender- aOa. 1\ea:. N., at the Ontario Hospital, Wbo bu been ·m. . ." ... ' KISs Kupret Wilhelm, of Osh- awa., farmel}J of WbltbJ, ia the .,.o.t. of lClao · Helen Keo.n, Brock atreet. somh, for a few days. ·1 + + • Gunner . Prank MurphY. Pettawa . IIIDtaiJ c&mp and Miss Doreen · :Mutpby, of the Victorian Order of ~Nl:irata 1taff, TcXorito. spent the week-end ,Wltb their sister, :Mrn. · Oerald McDonald. 112 COJ:bome atreet east. · .. + ... + Miss Dorta. Smith. of Toronto, who is holidayinl' with her parents, Mr. and Mr3. V. M.. Smith, Brock ~treet South, for three, weeks. un- derwent a tonsU operaUoo at Osh- awa H~pital, on TUesday. + + + ProclamaUOo. posters have been Issued, declaring'. MondaY, Augw;! 5, as Civic Holiday In · Whitby. when aU places Of ,business, it is i!xpected., wll1 be dosed. + ... + lira. M~be. of Omemee. has been ..Wtlng with her sister, :Mrs. w. M&CCarl, and her rather, Yr. W. H. Babdon, Almonds. + + +. ~. H. J. Huct.son 1s holding an auctlon Y.le- of her household ef~ tecta at 130 Byron street north. on Sat-urday, July 27th, at 2 o'cloet. The· sale w1Il ~ held at the rear or the house. 'n!:rms cash. Wm. Maw, auctloneer. + + + \:£. 1 • + .. ;;::~ , ll1ss Esther Thoma.s was bod:ess A. G . Marlow and John M. Black. attended · the radio exbibJUon and dem.cnutn.t.lon &ponsored by the Canadian Wes.Unghouse Company in the Royal York· Hotel, Toronto. last Ptiday. They report that West.tng- hou..o,e again h!lS a very fine s~lee­ Uoo. or 1H1 modelE .shown ror the first Ume th!'!Te. · ::'.:::,. at a mtseenaneous .shower, at her '·" \( ~ on Monday evening, In honor or M1u Pbylbo """"""· • bride ..,_ bJe ol -J;y AU8USl ~ Uvfng /'JOOIA . was pretttly ·decorated for the + ... + Mr. Vernon Dlsn:::v hu purchaser. from Mr. E. . J. BoWday, the resl- AU. SHOWS DA YUGHT SAVING TJME TliURSDAY ·FRIDAY· SATURDAY T-~at 7.30 ad 9.30. Saturday Matinee at 1.30. ud Mister Malodg ..• ~ ... !Pf. '. COMEDY TREAT ANDY a.YDE ia "MONEY SQUAWKS", MONDAY.~AY-~~AY 1.ut_Cop.plete Sbo'lf at 8.50. ... ,. .. Raylland Elen Drew ....................... ............. .,AIIniDIII' - ~· ........ .,~ !"'-~- Miss Gertrude Charters bU been ·:~·. ~ , . ~- • • • • graphic .stUdio, at 103 COlbome appointed teacher of SB. No. •-1"-------....;--_,-;__;_ ___________ _,,street we..~t. by Miss Margory G. Brock, south' of mactwater. L.M- Ruddy, wh<lse work in the photo-+ + + A w .. ......- WU reaei.Yed: "JeCently A box Of quilts, lap robes . nnd graphic art ls already known to trom. -Sid Erlklne' ~ •. - ,•- : .:..,_· • fteld comforts was shipped to head- many Whitby -1 Th "tl Rev. Hugh Crozier and Mrs. "'uu ,. - - p .... .., e. e we ap- Crozier are spending a month 1n thanktiia the J.OJ).&,. .• far • wen quarter& ln Hamilton. pointed-· and centrally located studio Manitoba. filled "B.~e"' iaJinc Jzi -put. . + + + wW speclalize In child portraits , and Sewin&' meetings will be dtseon- appointments can be made. in per- BAD SERIOUS ACCIDENT Word has been received in Whit- by of a serious accident to James McLachlan , wb~e rather was the former chief engineer alt the On- tario Hospital and left Whitby for St. Thomas. The young man was \\orld.Dg wft.h the General Electl"ie Company 1n New Toronto, and fell off & ladder landing on his head and breaklna his right wrist, suffering from conc;usst.on. Nr. :Mc- Lachlan, the father wa.s 1n St . Joseph's Hospital, Toronto, when his son was brought In ln an un- eonsclous cond1Uon, and ~ to say it was a great shock to him and also to Mr&. McLachlan WhO arrived later from St. Thomas. Con- dition or Ute injured man 1.s re- ported much lm.prmed. and he· 1.s now regarded out or danger. GARDEN PARTY and CONCERT The lawn of St. Andrew'.s Pres- byterian Church presented a pla appearance on 'l'hutsday evening last when a garden party and en- tertainment Wi.'..i staled by the. Men's A.SoclaUon and the Ladles' Aid or the church. With ideal wea- prevalling tables were set out on the lawn and a supper fit for a. king wu .served to &e\'eral hundred citizens. Following the supper there was c very fine program wlth Pred- erlck Dawson. entertainer of To- ronto; au~t artist. James Rai.Dme was at the pl&llO and in addition to rendering seYeral patriotic Rlec- t lons accompanied Mr. ~non. Other numbers Included. much ap- preciated comet duets by Jack Tay- "You people certa1Dij ·:·~mows . tbli ·tlnued. during the month or August. son or by phoning 686. Films will nEeds of & soldier aDd. I tate a AD.y member wishing to fill a be developed and enlarged and com-· keen Interest IIi JOUr treat work. .. HousewUe" to be brought in at plete equipment carried ror ama- PJease tell "the menlbera ·r ' reeel.l'ed the September meeting, please teur ca mera fans. The studio wil! the p:u-cel. and Ulallk".·tbem very phone .Mrs. ~~ s:. rm a long fe1t want tn Whitby . much for me." + ... + A letter of Ulanta ·was alia re- ceived frcm. Lieut. n.. Biatoo, lor a "Housewife.. and oDe· ~ frCiD. · MaJor Tosland, at camp Borden., t.bank- tng for the two toples Of "the. OU- ette and · Cbrolcle, .. which ue sent - to the Wbltb7 ....... Complete Inform&- - this wu pubUabed In lut week's edition o! UUa. paper. \ · JSach. convener of a atanci1D& cxc:.- mittee ta. asked to m~ , Witb her committee -and make out-a JFCliHm for a meetlnl, brlnllni. · it ·to the Auauat meettna. Next ·!Dooth'a roll call 11 to be ~werec1.· ' b;" bU)dlnl 1n an artltle IUltable· for the· Red crosa. these· to be gl~ . u 'a con- tributtan trom the W.I •. to u.e Red. Croaa. After the Dlnttu. pine& were P-lJor ·OD "t!ie laft with taO]>O!t baUa, "thMwlne - Jar rtnca en a. I!OU'd · stUdded wltb noilla. ~ & boll <Ill the walk into a wute J*l)er ..ubtc &nd llWll' others. l'rllol~iferio . glv., thooe havlnc · lho bl8iied -. ..... of lho - --lho portuntty to ..OUt around the urw aroundL A pot hielt was served, brlliama to & dellabUul ~- . A 'm7 .., - of lhU!Ita - t1f6n Powell fOr tile· - of ·I* ipoo1oul and beautltul h«m .. Notice of next general monthly I. 'Rt.J.fdLJ»qA meeting will appear in the press, w~·--­ but members · IU'e llrled to continue their knitting or field comforts to 1'-------------' be turned in as soon as completed, as the demand is great, also to col- lect bOOb and magazin~ for camp libraries. Place to .send them ~ill be published next week. CROWLE-J"AMES COW BAS FINE RECORD A quiet wedding ceremony united a popular young couple on Prtday evening last, when Miss Mounce James, d tlughter of Mr. HatTY James and the late Mrs. James, of Whitby, became Ute bride at · Kenneth George Crowle, son of The Jersey cow, SybU's Volunteer's Mrs. Crowle and the late Mr. Gloria, owned ana tested bY P. M . Crowle, o1 Simcoe Street South, Chapman, Pickering. Ontulo, hEP.S Oshawa. The wed<iln:IJ service was t'eeently comple~ a splendid record conduc~ ln the chapel of St. Georges AngUcan Church. o sln wa. or 11,878 lhs. or milk, 616 lbs, of I at eJght p.m., the officiating clergy. fat, with an average test or 5.19 per man being Rev. D. M. Rasi!. cent. at. rtve years or aie In 365 The bride who was givf!Il in mar- C •.• ' M:.L_ If ~lllf/ I f.Wl, • AT CHALK LAKE · riage by her father, was !rocked in a gown of white flowered crepe, with w:1lch she wore a white pic- ture hat With matching accessories. and o. corsage of red roses. She was attended by her sister, Miss Wilma. James, v.·hlle Mr. Dave Speers, attended th~ groom. After the ceremony, relati"lres and a few intimate friends or the bri- dal couple returned to the hom'! of the brtde"s aunt and uncle, Mr. and · Mrs. Fred Jl.nles, of Whitby, where VERY BEST DANCE MUSIC a buffet supper was .served. The LackJ' Dance Prlr:e A LAMP newly married couple }~rt by motor on a short honeymoon triP. and up- on their return will make their h ome on Simcoe Street South, Osh- awa. Every Wednesday (Commenc:lnc lu1J ll) lor and Tom Broadbent; baiPipe I i~;:;:::;:;:::::::::;:::;:;:::;::~~~;;, ~lecUons by two bralmJ" Scotsmen. D. MacLellan and Jock Ste'tlr&rt, and ~ brief address by the mlnlst- er, Re't. David Marshall. Robert McNee. pre$ident ot the Men's. As- soclaUon presided and the prograat was annaun~ed through a publle speakfn&: system provided by Wal- ter A. Thomson. ROACH-BRYANT A quiet wedding took place on Monday evening, July 15t-h, or Ar- ldel Roach, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Prank Roach, ChJ peau, Que .. to Ernest Bryant, son or Mr. and Mrs. ~rge Bryant, Ashburn, ont. Rev. Father Hickey oWclated. ST. JOHN'S-SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC The annut.•l conaregaUonal and . Sunday .school pienic of St. John'~ church, Port Whitby, wu helci at Cream of Barley camp, Bowman- Yille an Wednesday afternoon last and provett to be an e:tjoyable out- in&' 1or both YOutl& and old. Cblld· ren were ~ from Che church by truck$. and. upon "thelt arrival ali tbe ~ a lJrOiri.Dl or races was carr1ed Out 111tb lihe fol- lowing~: IJttle -""'· gtrt. ; 1\uDnlDc race, suctera to all <Mrs.. Norm&n · 0Wesple>...:....1, Rose Barnett. 2 Kau .. nen Slel&h\holm. IJtlle - bon: ltunnlna auckera to all <lin. JOhn aut...,~) - 1 M SoUih..U. a Allan Oouldllum. ' ' Girls, Snl clua. Polato and Bpooo Race: um. w. Bleb) - 1 ...,. Gillespie, 2 Jean Slelahtholm. Boys, 3rd. cius. Pront aDd Bact Runnlna Race: <>lla Edna aa....,) - 1 Tom om-. 2 Dorvt4 Rea. Girls, 2nd cluo, Paper Baa Race: (Mrs. J. JO!uutoa) - · 1, Karpret Dawes. 2 Bbeiia Blel&htholm. Olrla lat cJaa. Balloon and. Pa- per OoDt.st: (Ill's. Joaeph Wllaon) - 1 lllldred Smltb, J Kdltb. Gas- ton. Boya 1.t .... 2nd ~ Race: (lleun. J. l:l.mer Kartln and Thomu Dea.ne)-1 , Bob Bland, J Llnd&a,y Dawea. Olrls' Bible CJu:s, Run and 'nlread Needle Race: <M1!3 Olin Gold- ring) - 1 Helen Brown, 2 Enlln · Gaston. Adult Bible CliS5 and Teachers. and Olflcen. Marshm&llow R&el: : . ()Irs. Lan&fonl) - 1 Mlsa 0. Gold- rtna. 2 Kra. w. H1cka. Beavers Boya' Bible C1ua, Bal- loon and Paper Conluta: <ReT. D. B. Lan&fonl) - 1 Cbadea om. 2 Bob Humphries.. PoUtwlng the usual plenlc sup- per, reprdln&' which llWe need be &ald, l>=ball, •wlmmlnr. - and other pmee ~re 1taae4 u a flttina climax for a ftl'Y perfect Af- ternoon. WOMEN'S INS IIi UTE 'lbe July meetJ.na of the Wo- men's Institute toot the form of & picnic and ·u held at the heme o! Ute MWea Powell, Dwu1as Street Wut. The roll caU wu annwed b:r sunesttOIU for the year'a pro- gnm, &Ome of wbtcb were: !lisa PoVieU read a newspaper cutttnr about the tncreutna use ot aub$tl- liutes and suaealied that t.btJ be atucUed tLt a meetmrr u Can&dJana know 10 Uttle about t.lltm.; Jl.1a:s Pletcher &n~wered bJ an lnYtt.a· be entireb' pat.rtotlc; .. laa Bt.hel .Pttectter an.nrered by an tnYita- Uon to her home for Ule A~t meeUna; Mrs. Lavis. Hbtorlc:al Re- search convener. auaeated &hat the past hbtol'Y oi Whttb)' be Ule .sub- Ject of 1 a meettna. - ~.m member to ll!&l"th ftJr and brfne: lntereatlnl: ltema. A letter wu read from the canadian Nat.!onal lrliUtuWt for the !>l'Dd· IIJ,Jin& thAt aw:clw>ta ... ..... .oelllnc bllad~· .... to the -d. Article& .... martecl .. Bllnderatt" and the women o1 OU>ada are . asked to belli b)' b!IY- m. these from . locaJ cllalen. A -.liter from l.be Department of "Let's Keep 17ae Home Fires Buming" &~ •• BRAID STR·,E·ET -PARADE ' • .D4DS; FLOATS PA'I;;IQnC COSTUMES Liaeo up . .t. 'r_,. Pad. at 7.oo. Le ... ea Park at . :; 7.30 Slaarp • •PRIZE AWARD• Boot o-a ... n-. . on T ..... ao: Car ...................... $8.00, $4.00, $2.00 a..t Dm.-.. Car ........................ , ..... $4.oo, $2.oo Boot a- o;.,... v~ .................... $8.oo, $4.00 Boot Pet Dra~-v~-........................ u.oo, $1.oo Boot DoU ~ .................................. $2.00, $1.00 Biqclo, D10011'MI, 8'!)' !II' GWI ............ $2.00, $1 .00 Coatuined Cirl (Camic. OtiMr . . !II' ) ............ $2.00, $1.00 Cool1mMcl Boj (c-ic' ar OIIMo-) ... ... ,,. $2.00, $1.00 a..t c•--- e ""· , · · $3 oo IVW1II .......................... . .. .... .. ..... • Boot HID llilltr._. ""~Group···: · · · ..... .. $S.oo I EVERY CHILI) C\RRYING A BRITISH FLAG I 'tYfL REq:l\'£ A SOUVENIR! The bride was attired tn a blue sheer dress with white acces.sortes :md cc:-:.:~5;::!" cr r :J.Ses. She was a :- tended by her cow :n, Miss G~ldy!O Chaput, wearing a: n avy b1ue crepe dress, white accessories and a cor- sage o! roses. The groom was at- tended by Alex Brown, of Whitby. A recepUon !or the immediate re- latives was held at the home or the bride's siste:- in Oshau~l. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant will reside .in Whitby. ' ALLAWAY - WADDINGTON 1 A Quiet wedding took place 1n I Wh.ltby, on Friday evening, July 19th, by Rev. A. R. Sanderson. when Margaret Waddington, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas · Waddington, of Oshawa. vro.s united in marriage t-o Frank Allaway. youngest son of Mr. Frank Allaw-ay and the late Mrs. Allaway, Byron street south. "Whitby. HOAG-POWELL A quiet wedding was solemnized in Whitby at 8 :30 Saturday evening When :Bern.lce May, daughter of Mr. MJiton Powell and the late Mrs. Powell of Whitby, was united in marriage to Frank Hoag, only 50n or Mr. and Mrs. Wllliam Haag, o! Osha ft. Rev. A. M. Irwin, a former min· lster of the United Church, Whitby, performed the ceremony at b1.s home. Attending the couple were the bride's &ister, Ml6s Olive Powell, and the . groom's cousin, Mr. Jack Cameron. M11l Street, Oshaw&. Mr. and Mni. Fra.nk Haag wW re- side on RMaland road west., Osb- awa. FERGUSON-SNYD.Ea mue delphinium, white Siberian iris, astUbe bydrangeas and Shasta dal.\ies' from the brtdegroom's flU- den were maased about the altar on which tall tapers were lllhted at Emmanuel Evangelleal church, Waterloo, for the wedding which toot place at 3.30 o'cloct saturday or lLiss Dorothy Robert& Snyd~. dauahter of the late Mr. and .Mrs. Abram s~ ot Waterloo to Mr. JamM Olen Pervuson. B.S.A., ot Oshawa, son of Mrs. Petgl.lsOn of Clinton and the late Mr. w. J . Pe ........... Miss GladYa Perschbacher played the praceaslonal weddln8 mu.sle a-nd continued to play softJy through- out the aervlct!. The bride, who was given In mar- rla&e by her brother , wu attended to her place by her abter. Mi.sll Oladys BDJ'der. a.s maid or honor and by Miss Marte Cressman ~ brld.e.smaid. The bridegroom'• brO- ther, Mr. Oliver Fergmon of Tor· onto. was the be.<~t man and lobe u.shern were Mr. Alson Weber of Kltchener and Mr. Bru~~ Poster of ·· Graii,f Prize ru~:oo~.e wore an lm~rled drum 1• , ~YMOUJH c ot Wblti! d.lk net over aatln. It wu ~ ' OACH de,Jgned with a square nectllne, a , . lace yoke, &hort full aleev.., with 'T' B So IJ 'L $ lace i.Mertlo.n and the waist was J 0 e . . II r0r 1,00 banded with lace whioh conUnued • - d own the back of the full skirt • Holdoot, fll- W'...Dina: Ttcket. formlna a part of the train, Her costume was comnleted wl th a veil RED CR,.. ' .. .,.,....,.,HMENT BOOTH ON of bridal net with halo of ganlen-~ ftc.~'~'~ ia.s and &he carried a small shower GROUNDS. AJ.L ~()CJ:EDS TO RED CROSS. ~~:1~t of Kllluney """' and bou- Both attendants were d reMed An . oF Fun for A alike tn turquoise organ za over matching tarteta. The frocks were liii!!II•B•ili•ill••••••lllll!••llilii!lliil•l!!li•..IIJ :paalLh re Lhe enrollmeDt ot pu.du· •te .~ .~~ llllpU -:u re&d. C p!I. Hemed upon tha ~ of the bride ' ause tm d wlth them the a t-tendants wore :====;::::::::!JII minia ture Colonial crntlona. wlth ~~ -~ aad_ DlltchlDI ' ' - ... . ~ , . ..·-··--·- · , • . t • OPENING OF A Photographic Studio BY MARGORY C. RUDDY 103 COLBORNE ST. WEST e SPECrALJZING IN CHILD PORTRAITS e FILMS DEVELOPED AND ENLARGED e APPOINTMENTS made ;,. penon, or by pbo.W.. 688. e Complete Equipment :"mateur Camera FOIDI. for net mitt. and they carried colo-, Wooden Indian l : nial bouquets or Sweet-heart roses & ·. and bouvardla. · Valued at $1,000 During the sigoini' or the reg~- ter the organist played Gounod's Belleville, July 2.2-Tbe wOOd.en "Ave Maria ." statue of an Indian squaw. whiCh Following the ceremony 11 recep- disappeared from its stand at i lion was arranged at Forest ·HOI tourist camp near here, Is belleved GRrdens. In the receiving line with by its owner, Harry Ketcheson, ~ t-he bride and bridegroom were the have turned up et Comp Bordm bridegrOom's mother wearing a as mascot or soldiers or the"Hast.mp gre}-· sheer gown with matching hat and Prince Edwlll"d. Regiment, whc and corsage or sweet-heart roses, have just arrived there to undergil white sweet.oeas and delphinium training. bi · And Owner Ketcheson wants hb ooms. 1 statue back. He has placed tb! After the ceN!mony the bride and \'due, actual and senUmental ai b!"i· ::'~~room left to spend ~elr *1,000, and police said today iba1 hOneJ moon Jn Northern Omarto the return or the "squaw" would btl and Quebec. The bride wore for tra vell ing a beige s Uk jacket dr~ negotiated as soon as possible. with bll.nds o! petite point, beige shoes. blu e hat. glo\·es and corres- ponding bag and corsage or orchids. Upon their tetum they will take up re.:;ldence on the bridegroom's rann north of Oshawa.-Xttchener Daily Recent. A new pistol for Indoor target practice shoots & rubber band that sends a h elicopter spinning in the alr when a target Is hit, the hell- copier serving as a flying target Cor five more bands . ALARMJNGGROWm OF MABWUANA HABIT AMONG YOUTH Dr. Arthur L& Roe, president ot the American Na:f::otlc Defense As• soctaUon, writing In The AmerlcaD Weekly, with the July 28 l.ssue ot The Detroit SundaY Times, warDI against the fa.st-moving "dope" tramc which imperils achool chU• dn!n as well as adults, and has bl!!f come a maJOr racket. Be sure to lfl The Detroit Sunday n.mes. & P LOW EVERYDAY PRIC~ TOMATO JUICE A&, 3 ':i::-25c JEWEL SHORTEIIIIIG 211... 25c IVORY SOAP 3 ~ .. 25c = · 5c BLACK TEA · •.r= ~- 24c ~47c 1h '~15c Pkg. 7c PIIIEAPPLE JUICE PUFFED WHEAT QUAKER , ..... - .A•P .. ~MI.ATS ROUND STEAK ROAST 11.. 2S. -RIAST .. 21. COTTAGE hils'-' •· 2&. !::::=======:;: Pert Sl!a1Ne11- .. 27. COOKED HOCKS THE WHITBY GAZElTE • CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1940 ' PATRIOTIC, SOCIAL ' . GADVIBOBOVGB .. Just •hat you 'WOilld e>Pkt hem the ramaua nkne alYen to th1ll ~nttem. Pain~ 1n rlcb, py coloh by band under tbe 1lue where It can DeTer CCille off. It can be purchased a few pieces at & ttm.e. and alwt.Ya added to or fllled ln. "Spade nefti" dla- conUnues a pattern.•• BASSti•&zs Wlll'fll'r - mom m RED CROSS ACTIVIT.IES - Boopllal o.p!- 'l'he canodlan aeol Cnoo1a Hoapl• 161M 'hplow, ..,.land, ....., tonnal- 17 liaDded Oft!' to Bon. Vincent -· OU>adl&n Hle"h Commla-slca• . . «l TU.eeday last. Thll boopllal wu built by lhe Byaone Days in Ont.rio Copnty t..l-. ., r.te - Jllmdoa, ......... d """'b .,. ............ ......... Ia lftl01 Chroodde ·- • ,.... ....... "filii .... Pause. •• Annoancement. R.....-a 'l'iiJ: AUCTiON SAiJl!: of -d Offecta of .... a. J. Hudson, 130 IJyton street north. on Saturday, July 27th, ae two o 'clock. PERBONAL--SOKJ: POLI<B CAN'T ruob lhroulh llfe fut eJ>OU&h. <>Ultra 1t&nd &aide ud let llfe ruab put lll<m. Otbeni prer.r. to ruah In Uld RtJ>OrAG!: POR RJDiNAMTS-ToWn Ball Button s~. <Youoo where). Engagements !llr. Uld l\lr8. Wllllant A. Heard announce tbe enpgement of their only dauahter, Jmzabetb. E&ther; <Betty) . to Wllllano Wan! Bi<k, """ of the late Kr. aD4 J&ra.. WUlla:in H. Btct1 of Cannlntton. Tbe m.arrtace to tate place quietly, early in Auc- ust. ,. Jllr. and Mrs. A. H. Blll, Tim- mint, announce the en.ppment or tbelr ckUibter, \Vlnn1fred lla.rlaret, t6 .JoMph P , o:rwx. 1011 Of Mr. and Mrs. J. T . 0owx. Whitby. '11>e w«!- d!Da to take place In Auauat. Card of Tltank1 and Boys&Girls! Write a Patriotic Slogan for Whitby's War Effort and WIN A·'$5 War Savings Bond The Contest is open to all Boys and Girls who will be 18 years of age or younger on August 15th when Entries will close. Slogan must be original and co;,.ist o"f. not more than ten words. Mail entries to W 8.r Effort Publicity Committee, Box 83, Sam!tle: FRIENDSHIP IS KEY TO BUSINESS· SAYS EXEGUTIVE SAYS toURT OF A MAN f.RUEL·rn _./ Wh• 111 lot "~••••~ l1p ~ fll 1(M .,.._ ,_.I'll • ~}till ttl' •"'"'""'""'••lnr-Hr•,. _._,._,.., ,_,_ .... -· ,,,.,, ... ,~ ,,.__,..,,.., ~ .. ~ ..... ~ ... ,..,....,_.f IUIHIII .. ,JirNif"!f,W/tq. --~:*fl.~- t! .-'•At ·· ~II l 1 ,- ' I , 1 Norge Electric Refriger- ator, 6 cubiC feet, reduc- ed from $269.00 to 1 Norge Electric Refriger- ator, 4Ya cubic feet, re- duced from $169.00 to NO F1NANCE. BEST ANQ M6ST ECC)NOWC~ ' OPERATION. BRANDON AND PHONE,620 ·In \ .\':" LOlllAX-'-lD lorinc ..,_,- of - " deu aaa aDd ' taotber, 'Celt 'Ia \ W1Jl!am, who l*ilecl .. awa:r .JuJr Dn111131. - . . At ihe 1G1D1 doWD• ofl tbe ami. and Ill the DIOI'D!Da, 10e lari11alJ' member blm. • Mother, Do,d and J'!Y,

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