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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Jul 1940, p. 4

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PAGE SIX THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND· CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1940 --------------------~---- ------------------------~--~------- ~ERT WOULD INTERN BRITAIN RECORDS [ :f.::!~~·~~~:.r~ E~j~ :!~~:t:c:~r!~ ALL- UNENLISTED ITALIANS FOE'S BROADCASTS I ;:'d.,~~~ ~:":::! ~~~ :.":~:, ~:~~~,:~.~~h~::~~ --- I words are caught by , ~-; :Siidal Government knows about It ln full ' 1.:: :.: • rOOm these summL.•:ies and can take "Should Be Behind Barbed! -,.----- , secvke. A summal')', . .;ulllng down nl ' . " ---T e llsi'Life Insurance AU Nazi s---~Les Taken! the chief contents, is ~t· ~· vart ... theProper~tepstobroadca.o;tde a.s Wtre, Padre , I ~ I ous go\·emmenW!. departments of the German assertions and pre- Sales Show· Increase Down in Detail-Part ,,..,,. day. • sent the racts as " "" •••"'· Leg:onnaires at Lindaay of B B C T k The BBC calls this 'iu'""'--~!n. ' In fighting a Iocmidable enemy. S da as . 1.,.... N ......... ~ it Ls of the utm•·' Importance to .on UD y Toronto, July 22.-Tota.l sales of • • • service "morutor.,...." o.........,- knoWs ""'~ b f know· U3 much · RS possible about new ordinary life insurance in --- 1 w.hY.. ut one wag oun_ d -~ · . the d Ilnltl what is going on in hl.:s country. Lindsay, July 23-"E·.-ery Italian over 18 years of age who is able to ~t- should be ln the army or be- -----hind barbed wire,"' Lt. CoL the Rev. Sldpey r.nibert, O.B.E. bld a -group of -~dian Le!S:onm:.res and Home Quard . volunteers at the_ . monster deconltton and drumllead servic: hue Sunday. Canadt.• and .Newfoundland. for 18 London The British Broad- dictionary one e t?n .ot a · mont~ companies having . M per cent. of casting Company, the semi-gon·rn- ~or as "a lizard which ~vea , ~az:n~ the business in Ioree, were up aver mental body which has a radio mg of the approach of ·a -UOtOdll! ... 5~2 per cent. lor the first half of monopoly in Britain. has turned "Substitute German for . trocodlle. this"year aS compared with the same one of its deoartments into f;" n1st £.'nd you get. the use of. :'lpb -Bsc· !)Criod in 1939. listening post to hear. not only monitor," he said. · Figures compiled by the Llfe what the German enemy is s::~.ying Two .or the uses or ~· tbls . BBc. insJ.U"B.DCe Sales Research Bureau on the air, but v:hat neutrals nr: ~ummary are o1 " great ID:iPortaDee nnd released tociL'j by the Canadl&n broadcasting. to the British GoVernmezit. · ·• we- Insurance Officers Association BBC men are on duty scv<-n d ayo; I H enables t-h_e Go1{erinQ~~ to ~bows total sales· for the st.z months' ~ In the week md 24 hours In the know exe.ctly what kind_ o. 1 war period of $188.3~.000, exclusive · of LUXEMBURG DUCHESS TO u.s. Lisbon. - The Orand Duchess Charlotte of Luxemburg. It was re- ported · today. lspr eparlng to go to tiM! Untied SLates with her fa.mUy on Ute United States cruiser Tren- . ton. Her country "«"as Invaded by Ge"nnany May 10. .In .h1.5 adciress COL Lambert gave the Canadian !.eglon · full credit for _s_ponsodng n:..o.lonal registraUon and staLed. that it would re.su1t 1n every foreigner being idenutie-<1 and pro\·e • bl&" factor in stopping the "Fifth Column."' He launched an appeal for ·~ore army recruits and asked eve..-; man to rive of his best for his cour:.- try 1n its time oi need. group and wholesale insUrance, an- ----------- --- -- nulties. pemlon bond:§ withou' in- surance, re-insurance, revivals, etc. Detailed w:es by province~ for the :irst si;:: months were: British COlumbia. $14,481,000; . .. ~e Kalsu round out. how the C&Jw.ilans fl3bt when their ange;; . b -~;· he , st2ted. "And Cor~ pOrill H1Uer will be 1n tOr a surpris:: wileD .hJ.s much-lauded troops meet the ~ca.nueks.." Alb6ta, $7,558,000; Saskatehewan. $5.314,000: Manitoba. $10,682,000; Ontario, $84:,252,000_;_ Quebec, $50,- 775,000: New Brunswick. $4,9-18,000; Nova. ScoUa, $7;291,000; Prince Ed- ward Island. $1. ,071,000; Newfound- land, $2,018,000. Total, $188,368,- 000. 500 Le&i:mn&.lres from every ,·,-'- ·1'"':' of the districlo were present a.:: as the Lindsay Home Guard aDd . the Home Guard from other poblt.s in VictorWCounty. The Lind· ""'f ~ Ban~. the Lindsay, AI'senal Guard Bugle Band and the Brace- brldP BucJe Band took part 1n lhe parade which len the Legion Ban CHILDREN NEED TO BE EXAMINED •. and. · proceeded to the service 1 n C"&WI.!."thi. Park, The wreath was laid 011 Ule Celiotaph by Col. R.I. Moore, Udi'ted by L. M. Frost. M.PP., and Le;O'~pwc:irtb. Health Should Be Checked for Admittance to Canada - ~~~lriDCUle drumhead ~vice con- ducted b7 capt.. the Rev. P. C. Reed. · wr.Lba were plater at the foot o: the CI'OISii by Joseph Green and Fa- lllanGllloCIY. Toronto. July 22.-Canada should certa1nly "see that ~ lot or un- protected children" are not admitted to the Dominion without proper health safeguards, Dr. Gordon Bate.s. general ciirector of the Health League of GanRda., said Thursday. I....,...n•lres were present. from BraCebr1clae. Orillia. On.•1enhunt. Barrie,. Whitby, Bowtnanvllle, Nor- woad, Brfahton. orono, Osbawa, Peterboro, Woodvllle, CanniJl&l.on, l'melou. Palls. Bollc:aygenn, Cobo\UI!, Port Hope and Sunderland. CoL G.E. weeD. commander of Zone lf. V.'i!i bi-ehaqt of the parade, assisted by I'Uacle llanhal Fred Pullen. UR6ES PEOPLE 'fo·KE!D-BIBLE IN WARTIME Dr. Bates c:omment.ed on London reports th&t the British Oo\·ern- ment wu lnquirlng: about medleal eumln•Uom for chlldren sent. to canadf.! for safety. --rhere's no doubt that the ques- Uon of toxolding <apinst diph- theria> 1n England has been very badly negle::t!Ki." Most cbUdreD .sent o\·er as v;ar 11\lCSb would not have been toxolded., Dr. Bates be- Ueved. slnee health wthorlUea ha.1 told hbn coodlUons in the Old Country in diphtheria control were _ , "dJscracefuL" · Y~'!."' :faith in God," I ou'i:..-""'.i.~'"::Ou!"! '= ';; ,"J;~~I.OL Rev. Sydney Liom- cOmplete examln&t.loti was UIAde · . and treat.menb gt\·en ln ~land beit Says at Port Perry before the clilldren sailed, ·- ; · prceedure :-- wo~be ~ved. 1n -~ Ontario;. Pederal &uthorltlu have ~ Perry, .July 23 - "We must u.ld. the ehllaren would be eu.m.i.Ded "r£d "tbe Bible u - we read the a~ provinclal dJ.stributJ.ns centres .0: hpc~UneS ' &o-<Say, and Je&nl to put and not •~ the debarkation port. out• 1'&lth in God,'" L~.-COl. Rev. BealLb lll.nlster Harold itlrby ~ •• ~ Lambert. padre. of Chrlst.le of Ontc::lo sa1d. the ch1ldren whose atrwe~~KWtarj ~oapltal. declar-ed 1n mooement to Canada. may be apon- ~ tbe weekly community 50red by the Britlsh GOvernment Arf~Ce"'" a\ Patm.er Memarw Part. t• question undeelded) would be · "'Jf I rac1 Ule headlines and did Kiven th~ same treatment u On- DOt ~ ret.cl the Bible t.o4y I would tarlo school chUdren. be !ei'J' much d..laturbed,'" the padre U necessary, the young evacuees admitted. "Too many people lanore would be taken to university resl· God becaUJe we bave so much IIUZl- deuces 1n Toronto, where accom- lb.JIII_ ud. )~e~.Ub In life, and we mod.at.ion 1s ~t&Uable ' tot &bout J• r~ ... ~-can aet along .without BJm. 1.300, and where their chest& wlll Bi:la:ie clay, however. the sty ~ not be X-rayed. Thty will be Jiven ~~ be clear. and you wiD lose necessary dental treatment and ~ ~e I.Dd learn to de- lmmllllize<l qalnst diphtheria. - "" God. Tbe -teo\ thlni bi. tbe t::1u1at1an reiJiion 15 to learn MDipbtherl&" he explalned, .. hl.s bj falt:b' and depend on God." been wiped OUt in Ontario. 11'114 it Polo.Unc out thi.t Jn th.e dark b plumed to give the fnoomtna ~.of 1117 In the lut World War chlldren the advantaaea of t.b.e ~ people were prayq, Lt.-cot. u.me type of treatment wbleh 1a ~ declam::J. that to~ay the Klven our own school eh.Udren." people_ are GoJna more critlcJstnc' U • chlld hu been YaCC.ln&ted tball J>iulni, He Uraed \hat people before lea\'lng l!noland, DO H• reaU&e lt 1a t.h.e mldlen wevt.nc the vac:cizlL'tlm:a. will be neceaaary. Tbey . ~ that ire- beiDC criUciaed w1ll be kept in the Wllveral.ty l'HI· wbo are Iaing to cH'fend ua ap.Inat dencea no longer than la .. ~Utely aareaaion. neceAall', ~Alre&dy this eountry -baa been llwen tpy Adolf muer to the united f~ ot America.'" tbe pt.dre polDL ll!d 'out. .. Thmk God lt b not hls to ,,ft, aDd Jt never will be. Let'a have • bU. Of eontld.ence and cOurage. and couraae ecmes frOm bellet m· the c;auae that you H'pteaent. I lllDl con- fklent because I beUeve t-hat to- ~t. aomewhu-e. there wm be men bi D&VJ' blue 1¥ho are not &rraid. If .J'OU want to know lt LhMe men have coun.p, aU Mussolint and his gang why they ean "t 1et to Gibraltar Malta and Alexandria." ' "Don't. bOther listening to any- thin& that fellow Hitler says," the Plldre warned. wy ~ is all 'gurr· what he· aayS. He doesn't repreunt God and riahteou.m~.s-he rep~nt.s all that ls not that. God l:s 111.it-h u., , and· never forget tha t if we ha~ Him with w we can trust and be n~ afraid." .. PolntinK out that many people are afraid to <to their part. Lt.-COL Lambert condemned the attitude of 'tLe.t the Brlttsh boys do It." · .. It Js the old :story ot 'Let the Brttllh fellows do lt• 't:hlle all the alleru alay at home and make 100d Pl canada.' ' he dedared. "It L!i not i1Jht. but we must depend on God." Rev. W. J . H . Smyth of Port PerTy Unit«! Church conducted the 611'Vict. wlth Reeve W. M". L~:cher rcaklnc an a!)pe&l fOr offer ot home.~ tor "oven:eas guesls .. that might be brouaht ~ Ule district. • rWO-WAR FAMIL~ BRITAIN 111 KEEP ~ENSORSHJP PLAN Government D e c i d e • Against Stricter Regula tiona Loudon, July 23.-The Govenl· ment has decided to eootlnue the J)l"'e6ent syatem of voluntar,.- cenaor- shlp of the home press after ._ cOn• skieration of strict« &ltern&Uvea, an otflc.l.al announcement Mid Bun. do,y night. Under this .syE:tem newapa.pers R;enerally .:submit to cl!'ll30J'a ont, material about which they are doubtful . But they are obllaed to submit all material on certain wb- Ja:: t.s. ' Heretofore PJ'(JISeCutLon for pub-- Ushlng information useful to the: enemy hu been left to the depart- ment conc«ned. Alfred Duff COop- er. prop!)Sing to make the mlnl.stry or lnfonnaUon which he heads. ~­ sporuible for pro&ecuUon , aaki none had been undertaken 60 fn because the depnt~Mnt.s have been pre. OC CUP.Ied with more urg:f!nt mattera. In a speech a t Hendon. Harold Nicolson. parllamente.ry secretary or the minl.st.ry, said' voluntary cen- sorshl,p has worke-ct talrly w~U and Lhe dovernment Ls not aolng to re .. sort to complllsocy methoda. "I t.rust," he sa1d, " llQ aLraln Brantford, Ena:land - Mt. and Mrl!i. Thomas Pleelmey, both 90. ha\·e had • family of 15 children t.hrouah which we may have 10 and of el~ht s~ns who 5erved ln the ;;>ass will lead any foolish people to First Great War. seven survlvinr !marine it wm be neeessary for ua are ln the t.oc&l Ddeace Volunteers : to IUJlpresa fl-ee comm.enl Uld tree for the pr....,t war. lc:rltlcl.= 011 the port ol the-.· "\ ' ' · ~ UTILE ANNIE ROONEY I TELL YA. "I DIDN'T IRUST'E"M- 50 'I IR"AILEO'EM TO HAPPY HALLEE'S HOUSE-I SAW CLIMB OVEI? iHE F"ENCE lt-.1 .,_.ALLEE'S GARDEN- - MARKED 6AIN IN INDIA'S TRADE War Demands have Brought l.argeOveneu Orden the Congress leaders. War demands have brought. large orders from overseas buyers, .some of whom have not been 1D the Indian market before. OVeneaa trade has shown • marked Increase. Agrlculturallsta are enjoying prices unheard · of for many years. Speculation boosted stock ex- change prtees but the announce-- ment of an excess profits tax brought them down to more re&IOn- ca.Jcutta, India, July 22-WhUe able levels. Tbe t.x is not opposed India's industry &nd agriculture are 1n principle but big business com- Three Peterboro Boya Join Canadian NaY)) Petuboro, July 22.-Auament.u. the long lls\ of recruila to II$ Roy&). canadian Navy from -t.hta eity, three more Peterboro boys ·han.~ left for Esqulmalt, B.C., for ~ 'lbe young men are; :tome · O'Brlen. whose father Ia 111reaQ overseas with the P"lr-st Dlvislon q a. member of the Royal canadlaQ being geared to warUm.e producUoo plains about detalls,, 1ncludl.ng the Ordnance Corps; Thomas MacDon. demands, hatred of Naziism b grow· SO per eent. mte. ald. a son of Mrs.. c. P . Mac.Don .. . ing among the educ£ted. Indian There are many s1gn3 or the aid, Sherbrooke street: e.1d BUJ classes. scope or the Government's steps to Staunton. son of the late Harvey RUMia's attack. On Finland also aceelerta · and co-ordinate Ind.ia:s staunton, a vet-eran of the P:lnt has deprived the Soviet of much economic output. The entire pro- Contingent or the C.E.F. and one• prestige it J.!revloualy enjoyed. among ducU.on or woolen mllls has been time president or the Pe-terboro-, the radJel!iJiy-minded, among them taken over. Mmy cotton looms are branch or the Great War Veterans• , Pandlt JawahL•:lal Nehru. one of to be converted to wool production. ! Association. ! _ _ _ _____ _:_ _ _ ___ - ------------- HONeST. ZERO- IM KI>IDA GETTIN' '"TkE WIM·WAMS- 'tHERE MUST BE. SC)I.AE:. REASON WHY .AI...L THE F'OLKS ARE OROERIN' · LOCKS AM' 5MUTTER5 B:r Bnmdoa Waloh THE BullETS BLEW THE DUMMY AIL TO I.IT"I"LE PRCES •AN" X KEEP T«INKI>J', "MV CiOOONESS GRACIOUS- IF' IT ~ MR. HAPPY HE'D liE IOI.I&D DEAD:'! CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Fw Sela B01Ilm l'OR aALa - IN TID TowD ot Wbl\bJ, close to UJ.e nes f0111"·11D• piorlDctal bJibftJ, a YtrJ' cllllrabl• I ... roomed brlct ao,.t, wl&b ll'ei'J' BlOdiZ'D CODft!U- eDee boc. wa\er bea\Ula, hardwooa Good. aoo<1 eollar, troot &Dd bOck 111a1n, -· and p!.wJt ~ our- ~ Tb>l PlOPtft/ Will .. ooiil "* .... rlabt price t.o ,.,.., ..... en. ~ CUl be teeD at &DJ Um.e -'-"Ad........-. - ol--. LINOLBOK AND CONGOLEUM suP. seieet; youn from over 300 pa\teml a.c:\ually in stock. You are SnTI.tecl to view these at JIRADLEY'S l'uml~ ,...._ HO - South. ()aha .... For Rent PASTURE FOR RENT-PASTURE for rent, Lot 28, Con. 3, Whitby. Apply Hood, 2858 Dundas street. west. Toronto, or Fred Fitton, Con. 2. Whitby. FOR RENT-LIGHT HOUSEKEEP- ing Apartments. Electric refrigera- tor and .:stove ln each apartment. Hot wa~r Included. Residential dlstrict apartment hOU5e. Apply G. B. WhltfleM, Whitby. Agents Wanted A-G-ENTS--WANTED-IF YOU ARE Interested In STEfY)Y CASH PROFITS-if you would like :Inter- esting, profitable work selling the !D.Ost. popular line of EVERYDAY NECESSITIES at present on the -:-----~-------I· market, inquire today without · ob- cAsa: OR CREDIT-oiLSTOVES; llgatJon: FAMILEX, . 570 St. Ole- lawn mowers,. loe bozea, d1n1Dg and ment, Montreal. lx .. tfoat oultes, .......-.. klt<:ben --.-Sal-es--R~eg-is-ter __ _ c:oblneta. d..U, ........,., pon:elaln tabln. carpets, also summer cot· tap _tumlture. and boa.t. Bradley's Pumlture store. 140 Simcoe South., Oob&-. SATURDAY, JULY 2'ltll-AueUon .sale or household fumituce. the property of Mrs. H. J . HudsOn. 130 Byron .street north. Sale will be P0R SALE-AT JOHN'S PLACE, held on back lawn of property, at. excellent. used tires at real low ' two o'clock, DS.T. Terms cash. prlcea. Wtl have Just the sl21e you WWiam Maw, Auctioneer~ Dttd. Priced from $1.~ up. TIREIIIIEPAlRED-li!OWES SEAL, faa\ proceaa. B.rlni yow- tires Jn for inlpecUon on our CHECK-N· SPECT machine, at John's Plaee, Jt1Dc and Dundas Streets, Whitby. POR SALE-PIGS POR BALE. SIX 'Wftb old. A-pply John Dryden, Brookllu. Phone 3401. Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED - POR RE- palrln;' or ruhlDgUng school hDUSe at Town Une. Apply s. Kemp- thorne, aeentary, R. R. No. 1, WblU.,. Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT-BIX ROOM- ed house, modern, by SepL 1st. Good tenant, no famUy: Apply glv- !n~ partlciuJHs t:l Box 90, Gazette and Chronicle Offloe. 'Whitby, Notice SPRAYING- PAINT - WHITE- wash. Phone 1855, Oshawa. Oshttwa Spraying Serviee. Help Wauted (Female) MMD WANTED-CAPABLE young girl as housemaid. Apply. Telephone 598. Whitby. Britons Swing and And Wager on Ai, Raids But Won't Quake For Hun },. Nui Planes Range Onrh;ed , CiYilinm Use How Can I Help Eerie Uabt. of FlUes to Win The War? FmdCen LDDdaD. .J\117 23 - Swlni mual<:, quips, aa to \he duager of Oe~ tlaalb hit., &Dd. winner-tate-all ~ dmn oo a.k rald alarmB ... -.the monotony of England UDder &edal a~tee. Wbilo -•to9d bombeio raked the tdaDd. ~ an A. P. Writer. I .- out to .uJ'ft1 t.be wartlme llfe or llr'ttolii wbom. the Oer'mJ.n5 dea- crlbe aa "quak:ina"" at HIU.er'a threats and 80 tearful of .. flfl.b columnJ.rta.. that they aomettmee ---... I I - m\o a rural "POll>" ... lllo ' ~t. IIP(Jt wbkh wu • tarwet. ot (Jtr"alm rakle.ra in t.be Jut war. '!be door oPIDid lnCo a dart. natlbule aDd, clrawlni - lllo bea>7 bll<t· 01K - I wl- & 11\nnae ---- oloolemn- huddled · Ia &loam, I •w 100n11 of eoupla. atc\lUDa a Un)J form ot awtna on U:te ldaDCe floor, whUe • band played ,_ bill. Km ,_ about the bon Wont - wclf-. I atlpped. outa14e, ezpectlng dart- . zMa Jnll,lad, the bl&cted-out atlftt ....... brtW&Iltb", eerUy l1t by .. ponellute Ilor<l drlf\lnc to earth. l"v abon. I oouk1 bear the drone flllJl&D• but .wt came the blare Of &be Jaa band. and. Ute 80Wld. of •mptnc teet.. 'l'hOulh none knew what mtcht .-e. motorlat4 obtertull7 uUlbed lllo lilht of tile tlarol to find -tllelr -'<ed eon. Tbe ll&bt .wo dill· dosed ihat \he Home Ollal'd and a1c raid pl'eCMIUoDa frOUPII were on the olen. A factor7 worker told. me Ul&t hla »lant neuby ha.s an electrlc c:Joct Qatem. -Which ltiopl tbe moment an a.lr·nkl alum. IOUD.dl; and that the '1I'Oibn: h•n &nep~tatea 1n which t.be7 ·,draw tbe mlDutel 1n an hour •t a1zpeoce (about 10 cent.sl e.cn. 'l'he wilmer takes ..n u they troop .. obOIIon. . A~ · a LoDdoD prtnte bollroOm. I fOUDd a p,y "'tlannel dance" 1n pro. lf'llt - .o c&Ued. becauae It 11 per· - .. ·-In crt~\ « ·boot-In& llamlela. An lnton.tlnc &lclelllhlol the war II tho odUcauoo It . Lo l!"flnir earo. Lk- for' lllo'clla~n belerO- dJDe -~ ol ~ mo~<n In the llr;J, ooe beccm• ~Ye to - - .....,. ......... laid .., tbo tlnd Of nblcle ~ on a_. cSIA&Dt · J'Oid or the- ·number of plmM In a tuabt aomewbere far owat+Md Tho llapn ol tho Enollab ill ··ae · nr.dJ, btp • eheelfu.l." 'lbere are ptmv ot at.,a 11>e1 an dDini both. WOU.O LOOIIB TO LONDON "'Brita1D. 11 an anvll that hu worn out 1MD7 Jiam.mera. Tbe world ha.! Joottd to Londoa. for a t.bouaaftd ,.... - hoard .....,. a arut poe" m&DJ' • lfla t atateam.a.n and eeen IIWl1 • ~ warrior •. We have no .mind to be fabo to our blstory. ~ to toot we &ball fll"ht l' 011t. We abalJ not. feu-~ blowa. Be- )'ond them all we lOok to peace-to build . our houaea. to brtna up qur chtl4ren. to lee the ~· wtthout aean:hlla:ht.s and, the atreeb without aaDd.bq:a, and to lead r.aatn the rood We of free men 1n &. free land. "-(zxtnct tram u Speech by lbe R~ HOD. Wolter IWiott). "rr*tt1c tru-O~h. l:he Canadian and United State& Loclta1 of the ; Sault Ste. MUle CaniJ,.s ·1n May amoun-:ecJ to 1,29'7.320 tons ..., aga!DBt 5,ts8, • ~c:r tona in May a year aao. The heavie.!t movement of wheat 1n May on record, alona with &reetly ln- crftstd klnnaR;U of Iron ore &ild up: bOund sott coal l.s repo~ ~ THE WHITBY GAZETTE' AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1940 General' Motors .Army 'Trucks Units of Tremendous Power, Built to Stand 'roughest . Tests ' ,.. . ~ Can Pull Selves Up Ve~rtiadl Wall- Tow 4-Ton Guna( Up 44 Degree Slope Han Pulling Power 500 Mules - Can Go Slower 'I1IIIn Man, Fut as Can OD sO far they Once they speed with ouai.Y low • other Ume stem and drove flat tire. Neither ':!::0~~~:';~ e G~tor oafety .._ ...U. of &lie · -way.Tbat'eWhywUe·Prood to.~ , you about DBnlop • POrt • ••• the ·~ :world's finest • ~ • the ODI;y tire with · 2000 oolid rubber teeth ••• over liOOO 11har» edges to bite .ud grip tiM road lor .Oent. safer tractioD on aU .roads. in all weathen. • ":_"' I ~~~;::~· help 1·1 \a" earn a U11ng t() furtber our movement. •••. "'Every member· of · the· BUnG, whezi' pu:rc:haabis merchandise, ls \0 demaDd~aerman goods at all Umes anCI tD au: pl&ces :&nd he ta to in .. 0taeD.CO ..U h1a acqiWntaneea to dO the. •larDi 1·thin.a. '· . · .' ""'t 1a thO' duty, therefore, ot every German·.' to . tate, care that he 1S seiVed W,iLh ~ pr0dueta1 when he 1s maklna" purchase~. If we al- ways demand Oennari. goods at every opportunity, the stores will find themselves compelled to sub~ mlt to the Wi:she5 of thelr custom· ers and buy 1n th:e German mar .. ket. "By thOGe means we f.lgbt at the same time the boycott . which the Jewish world conspiracy hu ar ... ranged agalrut eftrythlng whlcb comes from our Patherland • • • Youth Traloed JOHN BERLDT WHITBY ;, . "AU parents who belong to t.he \:~~~~~~1~~~=::! Deutsc:he BUnd are o~d to aena tht!k chUdren to Oermail schOols ln order tlia~ the children may be taught the Oermap Ian.guagi ana ..:.-.,---:._-,~~-:J'"-:-"4~ blstory. Newly fOunded German &choola muat receive the aupport ·OJ all German competency~ and private persons in que~. and an atte!Jlpt should be matli' to eonvl.nee them to co-operate with the Bund (for example - youth groups, cultural :supervisors. speakerS, ete.). FurthermOre, we impose as a special duty upon parents that they send their chUdren, from the ~s ot 10 to 18, to the youth groups ol the Deutsche Bund and demand tha every leader of a loeal branCh install such a group it 1t -does uot uow exist. .. In the Coming four years our press, that ls the Deut5t he Zeltung MEDIC!AJ. for Canad&, which 1a our spec1a.l ocgan, must be supported to oucn DR. R. T. Mal:LAREN an ext<:nt that It might be de•eloP· .I · ..,_, o.ii . ...,._ · ed towards accgptpUshlng tbe hlab· · Bod' t . &al ora. achievements. • . • ·· ~ Olner llarJ ............... 1BWtJ "Every member of the Bund ls to : ltiOlG. 11'1' take cari ' to buy newl:ipapers anal ... ,.--=~.:.:,~::-.~---""~=-- :~~~~~~~ perlodlc&l.s Can d. boots) only In aucn FREDERICK -A CUDDY otoreo· that ore openly frlencle 01· · 1'111f8JCL\N : · , --~..,..,.-::-'" the Third ROlch. MONK m A.iUl)' inw:t nq~ ·occur th&t In aUCh ·C... . ..,..._, 1QO If"' ltl. stoles, "pafjfi'S opposed to, Our a1J!W and etrorts .be offered tor aale:. ls 11 the bualne153 ot our mel:Dbera to· take step$ against .aueh· publlahera" and stores ln order-that they either ~e. OJl oUr slde_or • . 4bow thelr tru,e color, U th~e 1a not a. ;., Mrat. clall ..... , Pllooe ta ·

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