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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Aug 1940, p. 1

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, ' .r .. . - ~ -· .... , · -- ----·· . ... ....... ~-:: -~ ., Vol77-No. 6 lSBERJAII WHO . ~ ., ' . . -ATTORNEY~GENERAL · GIVES ·ARM BAN.DS. TO OVER FIFTY.·M.EN Congratul~tea Them On 101 Loan• For Spirit- of Patriotism. aad -Better Home• Outlines What Will Be Made In ,WJ1it6y Required of :Them SEVERAL MORE A total of 101 loaJI.I fw ~ lmpnftlll-la han beml made k people Ill Whllb7 Q aW the TO JOIN RANKS ead et J- of tbla ,.r, &COOI'Il-mc .. the Ja&ed r.._ flo. the llllDider et ra-. ftiiM Programme of T~ To Be ~ed Out- Second Parade To Be Held On Friday Night ·- ......... , - ba---t ., ~ Unllpl -thi.p leeal bub' .............. ..... a- ~m,..._, LeaD IICbeme. iw.hitby Man, Ha• Fingers Cnr•hed· At Canning Plant Preeman Campbell, of Whitby, an employee at Metcalfe P'OOds Limited, received lnjurlea to hia hand late Thursday afternoon, which necessitated his removal to the Oshawa General Hospital. Mr. C1mpbell wM Wuhlng what Is known as a pea washer In tlie canning factory, • wnen hl.s hand wM caught In the machine. Plngers on his band were broken and hla hand badly lacerated. The Injured man WM attended by Dr. R. P . .Mac- laren and It Ill no~ expected that amputation of the fingers wUl be necessary. Church Welcomes Sisters and ~upils of St. Hilda's School ·of Whitby, England, On Sun_day On Sunday morning hut the Sis- ters aqd llCholal'l! o! the School of st. Hilda, untll evacuated to Can- ada located at Whitby, Yorkshire, England, attended the services at All Saints' Church. 'Itle rector, Rev. E. Ralph Adye, gave the vial· tor8 a most cordial welcome and u- p~ his pleasure and that of the congregation that the school had fOund a haven In Canadaw here they iould proceed with their ~ucatlonal work. "It !s our wish," said the rector\ "That. you may find here a haven o1 happiness where your work may be carried onu auccesaful· Iy. You wUI find, I know, a special place In all our hearts and all our reaource... are yours to make you fee1 at home ~ to .tlll"ther )'Our wort. .May God ble&.s u. all and by rbur presence mow U. aWl 11\0re ·cltarit what this -r means-and .rewa! lo us further channels of IU'VICe bY which we may all be UMtt to btlnr the atrugle to a victorioua . .con- clualoll." 'I1m"e will be a CelebraUon of the Holy COmmunion e.ch wftk-daj morning at All Balnta• at UO a.m. for the convenience of the at&ft an~ members of the COllege and ~ members Of the Church who . wl.lli to come to this service wW be inosl -~~. spectal mterceaa~ooi tor objecta and peraons ln conec"~ with the war will be used. 'lbe·•rlf celebraUon of the Rolf '~unlon wiU be at 'I a.m. on Suii<laJ • mom! q, ~ BRITISH· MARKEr FUTURE HOPE FOR GANADI.4N BEEF ,, . ~ . .. , Annual Street? And Legi~n··\ ~~~~r~ set Grand -. Pr~~~~ Parade ()ne of Yean, With Floats . P..etiOiii~N:i~r Dep»t .. H utJolr·:.JWI~; 1940 Pl:y~noUtih.,Gfta ' . . CIIAPPEI.L · CmnM!!!Imc o.bawa IUlCl Ontario Coaia&J'Clrii .GGn!l, who caml! over Frlda:r enable w as- lilt In orpnlaUon of WhUb7 Cl'fll Guards. of Rotary· Fine Success, ··. Out of -Town French Refugees ·Driven Fro~)lome. by Germ8na .Blocked Highways and Impeded TI'Oop Move-1 menta Writes LieuL Mc- -TELLS OF RE~T Arthur . In a letter to hb mother Mrs. R. E. McArthur, Brock street south, Ueut. R. J . .McArthur, who went overseas with the C&na!lli.'IJ. AnDY Service Conls, te!Li of hla thrllllnr experience In tne retreat of cana- dian troops from Prance. Extncta from the letter fqllow: · "It baa been v.iry beetle ~o say the least. It Is no · IM!cret now so I can tell you we landed In Breat on June 13th and proceeded l.nlr.'nd aome 300 mltc.; by toalf to a position · Juat south of Le .Mana-between Le Mana and Parts. Needll'sa to say we weren't able to stay the.-e very long LIEIJ'll. a. J. M~TRU~ as the French army apparently col· son el MrL a. B. MeArthur; Brock ~psed, md we were In creat danger street Sooth, who In a letter to of being cut off by thu German his mother ieUI Of Uu1lllDr ex- drive to the south through ~es. perlences tn France. We commenced our retreat. and cov- 1 • ered SOO aome odd miles. with one there alright although we had to detour to avol(l their columns, In take to the ditches once because ten bours. I can truthfUlly say that enemy bombers were a little too no· army baa ever moved that fast close tor comfort. On our return &ncl with perfect dlsc1pllne, tOo. The from there we 'f(ere lOst for two JCl!&ht ,bet~ w~p lDft, two otflcen hou~ In total dark;ness and ~eren't and I toolt a pa-ty up to a depot on able to move untU dawn. We wer4 the out.Uir&a or J:.o Mana. we 1ot .< .. contmuecl an.h&'e 10. Col.~). APPolraW b7 maud Whltby '., . Gunk, ba coiiiMCUoli with cirplllzaUon has been uncierilikeli, 56 beiDc nom ln. · Court ReEuaea to. Lower Bailon~ Charge the ' road." ·tel!•Wlll!d who st&ted- that "very drurik ... In· adint.loh to tile J&u' ~~ l:'liirl~-i1;~:Jt;;Ri~ Jl(aglatJ'ate ~ onlered tba't 'tbe ~·a l.kiet11e be &u.pet1ded .·for II. three' month ·period. · · · " r-er Ball Ji.eia.a . ~";;'~~~·~·:u nloi $2,000 ·when be .. ~­ Macbtrate P. s. Bbbs ' on a chr,ive of rotibety' with violeDCe. .Defeiile coWilel . .Manrua 'Pri.rikel ~ ·hb plea of ' lut-weet:· that ball be reduced but .Magistrate l!lbbll J'ulecl that $2,000 was not- exorbitant .on the. chartle. Crown At.tom117 A1l1n P. Ani11s ir.ated. for one week's ad· Journment. · . . "In view of the fact tb&t crown is ~ for this' adjourn. inent :x;am aak1na' tb&t b&1l be re- Quced to ·a reasona_ble amaun~ ~ st&ted defenae coun.ael. . . . '"I'his' il a VflrY serkNs dll.lre. ' I don!t tb1nk ~;oro Is out of tbe ft:t," obllerYed Jl(aglstrate Ebbs. . Deteme cowlsel pointed' out tbf,t Pl8cber bad. been 1n C\lltody' for two ..reets and . d~ that "the accu.sed ' Ia en~Ued to 110me c:onal~­ eratlon." . "You couldn't set him out of the city, 1f Y9U ohued h1n\ w~tb a . fifty foot pole," Praukel declared. _ · "Be may )le the exc.eptlon," com- mented 'the cad1. . . . . •rm ltlll asklna $2,000," stated the ~rown. . . · "I wouldn't 'interfere becauae I don't · tb1nk · that ball ·ls p;orblt&nt on" a .ch&rp of, th.ls ltlnd," rulecl .Magistrate Ebbs. iaabel Sniltb, mat«tal wi~. was also remanded a furtaler week on ball of •100. MOTHER AND CHILD . ' IN MOTOR CRASH .· . ,' BowmanvWe, Aug. 8 - An Orono D!Otber , and her three-yearrO!d daughter narrowly escaped aerl~ InJury west of here recently •hen ~e car In which they wez:e rkUPa was wrecked as lt turned over "tn the d!tch. • . · . !ln. Thomas Lewis and her daughter, Marte, .suffered cuts and i.braslOllll as well · as allock, · but were allowed to 10 hOm!! after, re;- celvtng ~~cal atbentlon. · . AeooM!ng to report of Provincial Officer W. P. Thompson, Bowman· Yille, the Lewis ear was In collision with a car driven by Richard 'JI'rlseJ Toronto, on Rtghw&J No. 2 il•r J(aple orove. . 'Itle Lewis car w.u ·' a total 1~, while the rr~ae car was"baclly. clam- apd .. The Lewis ve~t~c1e ·wa,. tta'~~~ clear ol the htrhwe,r to laJi4 on ·ltir alcle .In tbe dlt.cb. , Generous Respon~~ to Ap~al for · · Loan ~ df _:Rifles ~for:. (ivil ·Guards Is · El(p~~ted .By. ~~~orney~General:

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