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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Aug 1940, p. 2

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TI-lE WHlTBY GAZETI'E AND CHRONICLE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST, 7, 1940 THE EDITOR~I. POINT OF VIEW .,....,..-....,.---'--------- ,-;- wHrraY, WEDNDIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1940 · Whitby Get• No Airporf-,-No ' Training School , ' ' · A't W.t it baa been settled. Whitby ~ts neither an airpoft or training school. What- tiV~ hopes were held by lacal people, mem- .btrS of the Council 10nd Chamber of Com- "'"""' that Whitby's site by the lake might be Seleeted, were dashed to the ground when . 'IV. H: Moore, M.P., for the riding, telepbon- M to. Oshawa that the Motor City was the Jbe&tiOft for the elementary flying training ~Ool. It had been previously announced that the airport aite would be located north ~ pf the elty. , The people of Whitby have no ill feel- h.. apinst the neighboring city which has tieeb fortunate in securing something which meau much to them in future years. •Whitby'a claims in the matter of an air- ,port lite. were inspected, weighed in the ·airport requirement balance and found :!f!'lltbla· Over near Oshawa was the ides! ;.;.itt iii,. the opinion of airport officials, and t11ae It pe, sehool and all. History will dtclare that we in Whitby are good losers. now, it muat be enough to know airport development& are close )!~:~~ Wliitby to JUke it possible that .il) mlabt benefit. Perhaps the contrac- i'-!1!!,'~~~~~~ of our men, and, per- ~~.:or--- orders for buildiDif materiala way here. Who knows r To ·Whitby'• Home Guard u.._ ~ ' I i•. Whitby ahould be proud of Ita Vqlunteer ~ !tiMJ Guard which was Inspected on Friday ~.idlht by Attorney-Gtneral Hop. G. D. Con- "~t. l .. , ' Ia Ita rap'ks are not a few veterans of the · iJut war DO longer able to pass the strict : requirement& for modem warfare but whoae -' lwtrita are atill young, and enthuslaam for ·· ;:!the cause of empire undampened. ·' Ia the ranks, too, are aeveral business ~ea. and others who feel that they want to ~!be of aerviceehould an emergency arlae. As l< .an auxll!ary to the provincial police, the .\Voluteer Civil Guards will serve a good ·,: ;purpoee, for no municipality can be too well .prepared ill view of what has happened in . ;Europe, and we prsdict that the Whitby · tuard• will give a good account of them- aelvee. The training they will receive will ~ialone be worth while even if they are not ' 'caJted upon to use it to quell the enemy. tJanlc Ia· Valaabl-Keep It For Whitby Committee " Appropos of the campaign being conduct- ed ' by the Whitby War Effort Committee :to collect JUnk as well as useful articles to 'raise cash for local war work, is the follow- ~ing from the current Jssue of :Rotary Maga~ 'zine which gwes some 1dea of the amount ,of ,money that might be ra1sed m view of ',the mcreased value of Junk since the war: ~c'llo you despise junk 1 Well, don't, advises <:MCDonald White. "It is a bli busineso - r; and__twith wars on, a boommg one," he says. ~r'In the United States, for example, it I• in ~he billion-dollar class and sti ll growmg. In- ;11ustrial miracles that shame Aladdm's 'lamp are recreatm11 from the JUnk pile use- ful things in an amazmg variety. In fact, fatmost everythmg one buys nowadays Is lpartly made from waste materuLis "War '.always booms the JUnk bu<mess. During 1the 1914-18 affair, scrap iron leaped from !.$4 to U2 a ton. History seems about to :repeat Itself, for already the plice is climb· ing. If It continues, high steel prices may 1'slow down construction work and produc- :uon of both cap1tal and consumer goods for !rears to come. Or at least until guns, arm- .lments, bayonets, and 'duds' un be con- verted into plowsharea. Aa mlllu are U• hauated, as wars irretrievably waate Na· ture's Iargen, as 111111 by polltlcal action cuts off hit fellowman from IIOUI'Ct& Df much-needed supply, the junk busin- will continue to grow. It'• a business with a futun~l" As announced laat week, the eampalgn In Whitby opena 011 August 5th, continuing for a week, and peedleaa to aay, it 1hould have the co.operati011 of fiVVJ citllea. Here is a chapce, if you have 110 money to help win the war to !live something which per- haps you do not need, but which can be turned into cash. A Senoaa Fi,. Haartl Still ui•tt Blame it on Hitler. The new four-lane provincial highway from Toronto to Oah- awa of which 10 much W&l heerd over a year &&'o, and upon which conalderable con- struction work was done, must walt untU peace a11ain retum1. Today, accordlnr to a story and picturn appearlnr in the Guette and Chronicle last week, the rleht-of-way is grown over with weeds. Only one enter· prising farmer, heeding the country'• call for more food, baa put pari of it into culti- vation. The blessing of the Provincial Highways Department should descend upon him. He is dolnr his bit. It is unfortunate, however, that the De- partment has not seen its way clear to open Henry Street In the Town of Whitby by the construction of a long promised bridge. It is not to late, perchance, to preas tho town'• claim in this respect, and no time should be lost by the Council. Here indeed, is a dangerous situation. At the present time the only road we have from uptown to the bay Is Brock Street. Five other streets have been cut off and goodness knows how lonjl' they will remain that way. Should there be a big fin at tho harbor or . at the Ontario Hospital, there Ia only one road that will take traffic. While it is alright in the good waather, we have to think of t~e wintef, snd in the put we have had Broclc Street closed by drlfta. Should it be drifted in, or should something hap- pen to the brld~ over the C.N.Jt. tracks, we would have no means of rechin!l' the hospital without 110ing out into the coun- . try to the next concenion road runninr south and thia Ia often anowbound. While the Town of Whitby raalizea that the Highway& Department muat retrench and conserve its resourcea to help win the war, It must be realiSed that at a vary Uttle cost a aerlous situation In Whitby eould be remedied. The thought that the toWII'I fire fi!l'hting equipment mlrht not be able to resch the south end of tho town In time to avoid loss of life and property 011 &eo count of the one-way thoroughfare, ohould be enough to Induce the rovernment to aet. Nothing Lilce Sport to Help A Boy Of interest to Whitby Lions Club, which every winter operates a midget bocki!F league to encourare a love and reapect for amatur aport among boya and to kMP them off the streeta, abould be the flndlnr <Jf Chief Careon, of Orillia, u quoted In the Orillia News-Letter recently: "If we can keep youn!l' people intereeted In aport, we w1il pretty well solve the juvenile crime problem," Chief William G. Canaa aaid, an. nouncing that plans had been made for bla department to again rive away lacrOiae aticka to Orlllia boya. Laat yaar hll d• partment gave away twenty-flvo sticks. Declaring that be found in hia thirty yean police experience that idlen- WM a major factor in juvenile crime, Chief Canon llld: "Boys who are activo In oporta rarely ret into police courts. There !o nothinr like good, clean competitiva oport for cbaracter bulldlnr. There lo nothing !Ike It to teach boys self reliance, co-operation and team play. That is whY I alwaya try to encour- age boys to take part in aports." The chief said he wished to acknowledge the receipt of $15 from an anonymous contributor for the lacrosse stick fund. He aaid all funds used for this purpoeo were donated. Chief Carson o! Orlll!a !o right. Boya who take an interest in sport or something else worth while that keeps their minds oc- cupied, teaches them 11ood manner and fair play, a respect for the rights of other~, and a desire for physical and mental develop- ment, do not often get into trouble. We f<:el sure that Chief William Elliott, of Whitby, who haa done much In tho way of boy welfare and is 'doing it today, would endorse what hia fellow-chief In Oriilla baa said, alao tho commonta wa have added. National R..Utration And Why On Aunat 18, 20 8!1!111 a P..t army of CanadlaD people - ".a - malo or female, over tba age of~\;- :!,Ill move out to the polntl of :resist&' IIIII till In the cards contalninlf a n .. ' Ill ~atlona. Why Ia thla reglatr- taJdng place? This couptry Ia at w::!Gt ~~ put forth the Dtmoat paulble to .oampllah ita purpoee. That PI11'JlOIM ~ the dif•t r4 the enemy. Ia order to do thla ·It u.u.t marshal the full force~ of the natbl- all the human, moral, material ed, ~taal foi'CQ of Canada. .. \ ,._ ... ~ There C&ll be no •lacklnr· Welieed IIIOfl planea, tanka, ammumtloD. To produce them we need llloK"llf~.{·wo._n, materlala, money. The ~~~~~~ muat' produce more, apelld 1-, ed - to be fi'ank Nlout It - pay more tax ... Then It II nec"II'T that our youn!l' men ahould be trallled tor home dtrence. They will be called up at an~early ~ for a brief period of lntenslve;miU~ ~nlnJ. Yea, we are at . ... &gia~tlon meana simply, orpnlsatloli for~r.·~~ .effort - for victory. &ritter aar!f,:: ·l!ilanaJ.oer the qutltlona tak• ollly a· f~ J;:-~t~~' work If you come prepaftd '~ ":. : lead the questiona In thla pa~~· . lmow tho answera you have to lll&~r JOU 10 ~o registar. Where 10 ~~all Jive their all you will not healte~ .!!i';~ JOUr part. War bas alwaya m~!-i~-.7 demand on ~he service& of the ~ood of the nation. -.;:.,.-.. ..... Totalitarian war m~~" ~ltl!l lfl'eltor demand. Modern '!&; 'iii~~ far more than the firhtlng forell,;;~lt fD!!8 beyond the lin.... It involves h~ ' ·detence. It calli for the stnnrtbllli!ur of the moral snd spiritual forees ·of the- J11ti<m, and also an increase not only in the production of war material• but &II ~ In ,.neral production 11 wall. We not only have to as war materla!J are must produce it I• neceuary that must be purchPed must ' ' Hitler and Bi6l• ' TratM l Th• arch-fiend at Europe·oecuplll a pro- minent plaee In any field In whleh he II found, EnD In Bibllcal tatfaln whwever he touch• he Ia reeot~~~!Hd u a ltader. In committing atrocltlea be Ia par-elleol· lenee, •peclally when It oclm• to dealinr with un-armed men and,, defeDCtieu wo- men and chiJdNn. Ia a ..,.U or two when mattero wet too hot for him he will thout "Kamarad" louder than ally Ollt elae 111 Ger· msny, in fact hla cries for: merey will - circle the earth. ': Some have the ldaa that he hall DO uoe for r.I!Jion, If ha baa ~~ - of hit friends muat have copifa the example of hla frllllda the Glbeoal~ .f~ In the 8th Chapter of .1oshua. Tlilll natloa knowlni that llra'!l would soon be occupying their territory eame to the le'aders at Israel as If they had come from .. far cou11trr- Thor came 'll'lth tom dotheal •wom out undall, mouldy bread and dry1' water bottl• to prove their contention. Tbu tht7 Jllfd• a truee with the leaders of Iarael, which the latter did 'll'ithout colllultlnc the higher- upa. The Iaraelltaa a0oa d!Kovered that they had been tricked fiJI' the Glbe<>nltea In· otead of Uvlnlf afar alf, u they had de- clared, occupied adjae111t terrlto'T; but be- cause they had made a comput: with the new-camera remained trul to their oath. Perhapa you aak: What !au thil to do with Germany T Thll II the comparlaoa. After the Great Wl'l &II untouched Ger- many came with a d~ tale of woe. Her former anemlu, an.r&l with devaatated countries, caused by_ ,(lllrman:r, w- Ill a sorry plight; but Germ!lpY ~ her unm.,. lasted lands ume with )ler erlea for pity to generous hearted Britain, She atated that she woo povertf atrfcken and belplell In thlo harsh unfeallnlf world, till by hook and by crook ahe ~•ted tho most &"~'· erous concessions trom th• AU!ea, her former foes. What did ahe do with ·her wonderful op- portunities that were granted her? She did not begin to do half so good as the Boers who have responded to generous British treatment and who have dllplayed ouch a marvellous spirit of gratitude to her erstwhile opJIOllents. Who torether worked 'lrith Britain until they have developed into one of the moat loyal of all the British colonies. A people today who consider Bri- tain's foes their foe& and who, for the most pari, would spill the last drop of blood In aid of the Britioh Empire. But what of spirit baa Genrumy shown 1 She never got over the fact that she had been bestan and with a aplrit of revenge ~ . and hatred agamst the British has develop- ed the most deadly war machine that the world has ever known, seerlf!clng to the very limit, everything to that purpoee that abo might overcome her former opponents who had tried so hard to be her friends . She abould be treated without mercy. Britain haa thrown the last ounce o! her resource• into the scales to beat her treacherous enemy, for there will be no hopa, nor any aid, if the axil powers iet the upper hand. If Germany could treat the nation& who yielded to her juat recently, so harshly, how bitter will her treat!D<!nt of those who atood up againat her and who have tried to defend themselvM against her mighty force. If she is allowed the least bit of lee-way she will scheme in the future u in the put and in the next generation build up such a mighty power th.at she will be unassailable. - .1oseph Donny. II Hitler Hear• About Thia Imagine the sardonic laughter of Der Fourher if he ahould hear the reports that the appearance of tht lettera "B" and "V" on tho grain lesvea In Canada Is confidently taken to omen a British victory. We do not put much faith Ill tuch thinga, not be- cause we do not believe In them but because It Is aomethlnc we do not understand and thua are not in a poeltlo11 to interpret. "Wishful thlnldni" Is the paycholoilcal tarm for ldeat that have no baaie in fact. Optimilm Ia a woad.-ful thlnr to have but It abolllcl be commena\ll'&te with lntelll- 1'11!"- Tu one who has 101111 hope of the ~~ inanklnd It Ia both amazing and - ng that auch widespread belief I• evln..ct In tht efficae:r of theat llll'lklnllll on the wheat l•ves. That they are there for 10111• purpose and moen aomothlni .,, do not doubt but we CIIIJiot aee what poa- alblt relatiOII they have to the present ln- tamationalllituatiOII. There are man:r th!DIIIIin this world man· ldnd doaa not understand. We do Dot share the OPinion that It Ia God's wiah wa remain Ignorant about them, nor do we wlah to fill the me11tal vacuum of lporanee by auppiY· inlf a falae belief to quiet a yearnlnr for Information. If it ever 1111t1 around to Herr Hitler ('ll'bo hl1111elf subacrlbell to crack-pot thiOr- IN of economlct, aatl<>los:v, etc.) that Cella- diana become apprshenelvo at walldng under a ladder and confident 111 victory when they look at a wheat leaf- well, Itt's hope It never doel. - Canadian Stateaman. I Editorial Not•• I Every man wont to keep. Ia llkt the com~y he II -(Euripadee) Ht makea no friend who never made a foe.-TennyLIOJI. The summer Is pasalnr. Have you had your vacation yet r Reeolve to so now. Your busint11 or job will be thj when you como back. W o wonder if psycholortsts believe all they would likt othar people to believe. For lnotance, one sulfg'llta that If people don't think or talk about tht heat, they will not notice It 10 much. How about coming doWII to an offlee where It hovers around ninety and see how It worka out. We would reapectfully call the attention of the Town Council to the action of two Whitby men, 11 recorded In our newa col- unms laat week, In helping to aave a man from drownlnlf at the lake. The Royal Canadian Humane Society should at leaat be communicated with. It Is a fino alght to aee the men of the Whitby Company of the Ontario Regiment on route march. You are right, Col. Bob Smith, no finer body of recruits are to be found anywhare. Wo are right behind thtm to a man. DE~ONISORDERED BY JUSTICE MINISTER; FLOUTED REGISTRATION Taken Into Custody by R.C. M.P. and Quebec: Provin· cial Police on Leaving City Hall Office copy or the statemen~ •t tho re- quest of the new&papermen praent, Earlier efforl!s of Mayor Houde and four of his city councU 1\lP" porters to reyoke a permission giv- en for the use of space in five municipal l:lulldings for t.he naUon~ al registrAtion, and to prevent the grant~ng ot furtbM' permtta of a slmUar n&ture. wMe defeated In tx• eeuuve committee. DESTINATION NOT REVEALED AS YET Issued Statement Friday Virtually Defyina Re,U- tration Law, Urrinr Citi- zena Not To Comply Montreal Aug II - Camilllen Houdr, O.B,B,, MaYor of Montreal. was whbked out of the ell\• shortly before l,lldnlght Jaat night bOund for an internment camp after a Federal warrant from Justice Min~ later IA.pol.nte ordering hl.s deten- tion as "& peraon prejudicial to the publtc aafet.Y and to the :;a!ety or the State • was served by combined rorees of the Royal Canadian Mountod Pollee e.nd or thD Pro\·ln~ clal Pollee. Houde, who ~ued a sta.tement last Friday, virtually defying the national regbtration law, w11.s tak- en into ct~~todY on the city hall ateps by otncera of the R C.M P and Provincial Police His arrest and internment were effected un- der authority of the War Measures Act " The Mayor hJ.d aPJ)&rtntly been wartt1ng in hh ortlce until shOrtly before 11 p.m. w~ he l!ltepped out after oompleUng Ia dUUM for the tftnlnr PoUce fleers Bte.tioned near the Provincial Pollee head- quarter~, acrau the squill'&, closed lA upOn the )(Ayor who apparently took the anest ealmly A few minutes later, however, he .seeDMC! nervous as he entered the Royal canadfan Mounted Pollee buUcllnw. There were numerous spee1al acenw in the building at~ tendtnr a leeture "When you aet out to get me you cet mt lfOOd," the )layor u reported to have aaJd whm he u.w the CJ'O'Wid.ld h&UwaJI. He apt')arent1y thoulht that the aaertU!: were there tn CICIDJMCtioD with the cue. Pollao .... - When nottfleatlon ot the Peder&! Ol'd• - loJ Juot~ Minister ~t. wu received In Montreal the po1lc4l department.a moved qulddy 1o eomply wllh I~ The or- d ... rtve tmder 8ect1oft U of the DtftnM of Ol.ftad& Recul&tlOftlo llf'O'kl• for the tntmtment of per~ 10na wbo aot. Jn t. manner "preJu~ dlela! to the wblle u.tety or to the oofol:l' of tho Btato.• Mr. L&polnto, who retumed to Olt&w&ODI!unda7,11'111-Uo haq Mt.ed. llDm the eridenee bfCI!Ihl bofon hbn 1oJ the Royal Otntd'•n KouDted Pollee Tllo 11'1'11t tool< ploee throe day• after JIOud~t'l widely publlclled 1tatemen' a.ftd. on the evo of a Olty CloUIIell moet!J1c l<o be held Wed- A special meeting of City CouncU has been called by the )(ayor for Wednesday and the noUces to members were accompanl.ed by an aaenda whlch included an ttem concernlnB" "natlonl'l ror;tstratton and colUicription." A Ietlet from tbe clty elerk urKed all members to &t~ tend at 3 o'clock In the afternoon. The communication informed t.he councillors that "HIJ: WO!'Ihlp the Mayor has Instructed me to urge most Insistently all membora of council, without exception, to be prellent . he is convlraced that, at that mtetfng, matters wlU be discussed so · important that all members .-:hould nbandon all travels or occupatiOJl5 in order to b& pnt~ .. ent" The resolution kl revoke the per .. mtsslo:1 given for use of the build~ lngs wns thrown out by L Eugene Potvin. cllltirman of the Quebec Municipal Comml.sslon and adr:ntn .. lstrator of the City of Montreal, who made no effort to hide hil dJs .. agreement with Jt Pro-1\layor to Aet Montreal, Aug 8-The vaeaney created by t.he internment rlf Way~ OP. Camlllien Houde wUl be tllled temporarl1y by the Pro-M•yor, City Han orttclala tald early today atter they heard that the Ma.yor had bten taken to an Internment eamp on charges laid under a &ectlon of thl War Measures Aet The Pro-Mayor at preHDt It Al• derman E Hamelin, Procldurt when the Mayoralty is vacl.l)t 11 for the Ci ty Clerk to call a meetlllJ ot the council, at which an aldeJ'ftli.D ia chosen to finlah out the portion or the mayoral term Mayor Houde WIUI elected to ot~ flee in December, 1931, for a two- year term. Bouahl.l'd Happy to ComJJ:r Montreal, Aue 6.-HQn. T D Bouchard, Mlnlattr ef Roadl 'aPe. PubUc Worts ln the Qu!bcu~ Q;,•·- ernment, told reoortora yeztoNIIS that he will be "one of th3 flnt." $Q_~ comply with the national reailtra• tlon law "I am hal)py to be wlthln the .,, to l'elloler In aceO>donce ..tlh lho national reRlatratlan Jaw," ht &ald. "I 'W1ll be one of the flnl to OOJI• form with the law by fulfUlllll tM formu1u I a.m not at aU ill~ ln. the :reeommend&tiODI ot Mr • . Houde (Mayor C&m:llllen HO'iadt of Montreal)" _ 1all~' ToD..,..,.Irotel..,alty'WII'l. -· durioa which the Mayor bod 111tooded U. brlnl \Ill tho ~~~at- Montreal, AUII. 1-Irecl loJ ..... t refloct1ona cast upon the lonJtr of Prench Canada, Hertel Laroque and Paul L'Anala.b, two PfO!Il.lalnt Prench-canldiaM, have callld a PUbllo meetlng tor next T\ltldq night CAug 13) Tht mettlu II to be held at the Marche St. J..,que~ and repreaentathea or an bona ncse orvantzations In the Prol'blcl hate been invited to attend, tor "' ll&tlanol ~W~atn- and OOIIIIIIli>Or7 tnlDlnl. Dnoood 111 a U.hl lllOwtl rummer IIIII~ toppod '11th o .trow hot of the "u.Uor" nrttty, Mayor Houde .thutlltcl IIIIIIIIY 11 h!A brown ond whitt MOM 1lipptd on the tue !loon of tho polloe bulldlno holl- R)'I. Be wu movtd from 1 alde otlloe 111to tllo off~ or Dlvlolonal 8uperlft""'cltnl H. Loyal O"f110n - Q-•lno toOk piau. :ror the flrtt. Ume Iince anuts M•• belli made 1D connect..Lon wlt.h the Dtfi'Nt or O&nada Rllulatlona, or tht" War Jl-..ure. Act. the halls 111 tho bllU<Ilnf ,..,. cloanl<l on lt'IW&l OOC"kr• wtsUe Houde WM aliD't'ld trom ant office to another l'lll.y th"""'lld al<pl..,.., 'lll>l<h the united statea lll caUod on t.o produce for defonee, are aboUt 2,000 more than It hu buUt 1n all tile yean~ &!nee the Wrlabt brothera' ez:., perlment4 WhOil tho QUOJUon!n1 ended he wu tranaterred to the aanl(e in the butm.en.t. e~t th, Royal Cana~ diaD. Mount.d Pollot Butldtnc "nnen M wu' aM11ted Into an auto- mobl .. In wtllch both R.OM:P. and 1 ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES Au1. 9-10-11 WHITBY TO TORONTO .. .. $ • 75 HAMIL TON .. I 1. 70 chatham ........ • s.za Godericb ....... I 4.00 Provtnc1tJ. PoUet oftteen were -ltd. With pollee motoreyc!et e1ea.rln& 1 path tor the automobUe tn whtch he wia a. prlloner and "'ltn officer.'! In foUtnrlnl automobile, Mayor Jloude'a JJ4t CIICOrted rlde through the 1treetl of the elty of which he Ia finlt mactstrate, wa.s a traveaty. 'nlroulh darkened Orals StreN one of the ~ by-ways of the etty, alonr NotTe Dame Street ~Mt a wlldi!!mes.s tn the evenma: and then north to an unknown desUnR. tlon, the lltUe parade lwtlnff "Cam. lllleo." u he WJ.S known to thou- .u.MI In hll he)'dev waa not nod- dlnl and amlllng to patser3-by e..s he had ofton ln the pa.~t The lut ~alute trom the eltttens ol the m1tropolta wa.s to be foun4 ln the blank .stares of aeveral scorM of curious pa.ssen:-by who .stopped alonr Oralg Street whtn panting l)Ollae moton:yelM drew their at- tention With that part of tb dutlea com. Dllted, the pollee then turned to the matlhl of !lflvtral perfunctory ra14s upon preml.sf:'J oeeupled by Houde ln Montreal It wa:s reported that hll ornee.s at the City Hall were not vlllted, however R~ Been Watched !inee the Ume Houde made hi! statement, pollc~: lillki, the M•yor hacl been under eonatant watth He said in hb statement tha t be would not reslater, aa called tor by th11 plan , a.nd advised "the popula- tion" not to do ao, "'- Boudo lam lnltl•lled e&<h Owen Sound .. $ 3. 71 Porry Souad .. $ 4.110 Schreiber ........ $17.110 Sudbury ........ I 7.111 and numerous Intennectl&te peiJ\tl Flnt tnln 4..!11 p.a.. A.,. t For tnlb. .ervlce, retam UmlW Con.!lult Acenb - Proc..,. HaD4bDI POOL TRAIN SER.YICB CANADIAN CANADIAN PACIFIC NATIONAL Buses Leave tor TORONTO • SSSarn a1 •tlp.-. at 30 am. 1141 p.-. 1fo0am... aJit, ... I lO am, tift p.& tOtO a.m l .dJt,IL bll-10 am. at :4tp.-. U tO Jl.m. 'J•:: , ... e 1: ..... .... _ dli:JI ...... ..-1&ll1 nc•pt luatlQ aat ~ ... b--5at, D!lb r-Sat., IIIJL, II on I', d-IMdaJI and .......,._ BUS TRAVBL lNPOilMA.TIOif l'f MK8. G. DllEW _, llla1 ltnct ~ TI-lE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST, 7, 1940 CO.RRESPONDENCE-- llt.()M TH·E. RURAL BROOKLIN (G. M. White, Corres:ponden~) BROOKLIN, Aug 4. - Although activitJes at the .sewing rooms have ceased for the month of Augu.st. a number of ~he ladies are finishing some of the garments at home, and the knitting goes on 8!: usual This week Mrs Boyd has reported twelve paus of army .socks, one pair of na\'V .socks, t..-o s"·caters and one body belt The Jumors had thetr rE-gular meeting on Fr1day w1th a some- what smaller attendance Work was continued on the .sllng.! A very lovely donation of a quUt came to the Junior group to be passed on by them The quilt was pieced by Miss Marguente Hall's school children at Chalk Lake and the met on Tuesday evening at Mrs Heron's home to plan for their ex~ hib1ts ln Sept-ember Mr and Mrs Wm Medland jomed Mr and Mrs Hugh Gil .. chr.LSt o{ Oshnwa m a trip to North Bay mer the v.eek-end and holt- dar Mrs R Scott appreclates so mu ::h the kmd expressions or s~ m~ pathv cxtendecl to her In the sad bereavement m the loss of her sts- ter-in-lav.. Mrs W McBain hu been vls.lt- lng friends In Ov; en SOund Mr and Mrs Ross Sm1th and Mr Me· Baln motored to Ov.en '3ound last week and Mrs McBnin returned home r.lth them last week of school a picnic ~ns Mr and Mrs Gordon Greer are held to which the mothers were at BPB.verton thls week In the Me- invited and thev spent the day In Brien cottage quilting the qmlt which the chi! ~ Mrs Johnston, of Toronto. Is dren had pieced. It ts a verv lovelv ' 11"1Ung Wlth Mr and Mrs McNel- qullt and much credit I.<; due the len children for their splendid ~ork Mr~ Dobson and Joan are with Service tn the United Church was Mr nnd Mrs Tordlff conducted on Sunday by Rev F Mr and Mrs Roy Hlcklngbott.om Riding or Oshnwa in the absence and Mr and Mrs Artley of Toron- of Rev p L Jull who is holidaying to, v.crc v.eck -cnd euests w1th Mr at Carnarvon The subject of his and Mrs N J Wht tc discourse was from ExOdus 33---"I Mr nnd Mrs Slm"Pr and Miss will put thee in the cleft of the FranC"'..s Simser of Toronto werE- rock" The IsraeHtes he said, had wtth Mr and Mrs Wm Dmper !or Binned and l~t contact with God the week-end nn-1 holldav "nley had built B golden calf and At Othawa on Frida) Aug 2 to worshipped it Followmg thetr re~ Mr and Mrs McLean (nee H•lrla pent.ance God m!lde HlS presence BatiPll a son -knov;n to them once more We ha\e Mrs John Tordtff of Barrie spent 'In our Uves the same e;o.:perience I a !ew da\s las t week w1th Mr nnd He passes by and bl essf>s us In His I Mrs W Cox own way or answering our pra~tt Mrs A Lanenc(', v; ho has been The GOd whom we worship Is the confmed to the house for the Qast God whom Jesus revealed Jl,nd who two months as a result of sho::k BaYs. "Come and I will gne you when her son, W::~lter, v.as Injured rest" The cleft in the rock 1s the on the lllghwa) has made little testing !)lace in our lives. and there impro~ement On Saturday 9.thlle in that lonellness we may !lee our lymg on n. couch . she attempted to 1need of God and .see, too, His glory tum e.nd fell 00 the floor sustain- &:$ lie passes by ' mil a broken hlp She was taken to The Women s Auxihary of St Oshswa Hosn ltal n here s'!'le wtll Thomas Anglican church met on h:ne to remam for some weeks Thursday at the home of Mrs T Mr J eff e-n Ba1ley is ' isltl.ng Bailey, with a good attendance of fnends in Listowel adles. Mrs Hugh Draper conduct- Brooklin football bo3s played at th'! o!)enlng worship and bust~ O.shawa On SJ.turclnv night when c:s periOd and Rev J C Clough the score resulted m a 4-1 victory eonducted a mo.c;t intere.!tlng and for the Hungarians elpful Bible studY. He chc.o;e for La-::~se results last week are as hl.<; s tudy the storv of David nnd foUows E9.st York at Brook 1m· llath and ln the discussion with Monday night scarf" 8-4 for Brook- e group brought out many polnts lin, Brooklm at O~hawn. on interest which may app]y to Thur9dav night 13-11 far Osh nwa nt condlUons ln the world Game.s this week are Oshal\"a at nowtnB' the study, the ladles en~ Brooklin on Wednesday night nnd ed a .P:oclal hour when Ule host~ East York at. Brooklin on Friday aerved. afternoon tea. nJght.. Nature withheld her showers thls Mrs John Vipond and Mrs Ray but not 80 with the girls and Downey. of Thronto. are guests l"""""n of the community for their wiUl M~ses Addie and- Elsie Vi~ ower was a perfect downpaur of pond utltul ar.d u.sefuJ gltts to an~ Guests thl.s week at "20-SteDS "'~Er of our girls whose marrlage Inn' Include Mr lind Mrs Earl ~ lili:o announced in our column. Lnwrence, Toronto: Mr and Mn ~t of Mnrgerv Vipond The h appv S Hunter and children of Ottawa; ,g~~otherL'l~ was Mid at the home of Mr and Mrs W A Atkinson Ed· !M.is'::"S Add!~ P.nd Elsie VIpond and manton, Mr. nnd Mrs W C Ben~ the 1:J.!"g'e ll\'lng-room and hall were son. New York, Mr an.:f Mrs n. ~~~!) s~~tacl~t:thas gu~h~i!~ ~:w;!h R c;:,"e~~~tm~~~0Tor~~ and. called for the following pro- to: Misses Barbara and Dorothy '(I'&\nme: chorus .!lnging le:l by Best. Seaforth; Mrs Mcintyre and jM:ra. Boward Art.sey ; a reading by Miss Jean Mcintyre, Chatham, lll'rS. Heron aDd also one by Miss Mrs W F McKenzie and Mr v. Mildred. MeDuff A eontest en~ K McKenzie Haml!ton; M~s Jane ~tled "What was planted and what Little and Mrs c Fr05t, Thronto ~e u.o", was conducted by Miss Mrs. N RacicOt, MlSs Blanche Noreen Coot. Mrs Ray DOwney Racicot and Mr N Racicot, of her &ster in unwrapping Kirkland Lake called on Mr Bob as they were presented in Gibson last week of the living room suitably Mr Bob Scott, of Orangeville. ¥>rated with white bell and was with his brother, Mr Geo festoons. Scott. of the Canadian Bank of canadian Olrls-ln-Tralnlng Commerce, la.st week tormer yearn. under the A quiet weddlng was solemnized 1>.•te~_hl~ of Miss Allee Amotd, on Saturday afternoon at the reunion plcnle at Port manse by R-!v R Simpson. when Thuttday, when elgh- Marjorie Heletha, }oun~t dnuR"h- and former leaders at~ ter of Mr and Mrs Myron B VI- group made a day of pond, became the bride of Lome in the morning and hav- Herbert . .son of Mr and Mrs Her~ picnic luncheon and supper bert Gray, of Oshawa The bride lovely woo<l.!! and spending wore a blue printed sllk gown, navy .,.,ol<!l' part of the afternoon In hat and redlngote with n !lvY and and on the late In boats white accessories Her corsage wa:: committee in charge of Osh· briarcll!f rosell She was attended Pair for the Women's ln&Utute by Miss Penelope Roblru:on or I Gananoque, attired. tn a rose crepe gown with brown aocesories. 'l1le MYRTLE STA groom l\"as supported by his brother. Tl 0 N Mr Gerald Gray. After a short · motor tri9 to western potnt8, they · PORT PERRY, Aug 6 -Mr. and Port Perry will reside in Oshawa 11_ ____________ 1 ________ ~---IJMrs. GJ.assford, of Beaverton, Mr. ..Mr. and Mrs Fred Holllday and I' Corfts.) and Mrs. Jack Cockburn, M..Ls:s Ma~ Miss Manan Holhday were in To- (Mn.. V. LaerJ'; Mr Jesse Pyke vlstted last week mle Trebein and Mr Ross eoct- -nto s d -" h d th ...,_.,e staUon. Aug. 5. - The with his parent.s 1n Toronto •v on un ay au.... a e ex~ .-,..... church aerv1 burn, of Toronto, were SUndi.'Y CJ.tement of seeing Allan Holliday SUnday aft.ernoon Ullam Po'-tence Mr Albert Holms of Toronto wa.s guests at the home of Mr. J. c l:tke parachute jump was taken bY Rev. W .w. ' a holiday visitor at the home of his Mrsa L Cubbage rec~lved a cable Presbytery. The sertpture lesson nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs Cockburn. an sunday .saymg that her husband, of the AdmMOD ch&rge, Renfn!w Elwood Masters. Mrs C Patterson and two sons, Serg Leonard Cubbage, had arrived Presbytery. The Scripture lt'sson Frank Downey nas pr~ a Joe and Jerry, of Detroit, are guests safely m England. was read from SL Lute's Gospel, posttlon wtt:.h the Dominion Bank at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E Mr J W McCormick ha.s sold his tweHth cba.pter; tbe parable of the and commences hls duties at the Hayes. farm and lS having an auction sale rich man whO pulled down his Long Branch branCh on -ruesday Miss Irna Nott, Mi..5s Gladys NoLt on August 29. He plans to mate hi! barns and built greater ones in Mr and Mrs Ivan Law and Ina, and Miss Barbara. Greer, of Toronto, home afterwards at Onn sound. which to store his fruits and goods or Whitby, were Sunday alt.ernoon were gu~t.s of Mr and Mrs. Wil- and said to hLs soul. "Soul, thou callers at the home of Mr. and Mn. ll&m Nott over the wek-end. Greenwood (i\lay E. Brown, Cott.) Greenwood, Aug S.-Misses Zorah Gee and Mildred Corbett were home 1rom Swnmt:r School 1D. Toronto 0\er the \\eek-end. Rev. R. W McVey and famlly returned last Monday after a months' holiday nea.r Ent.erpnse, Ontano 0\ cr e1ghty at.tended the SUnday Schcol P1cruc m Lhe Greenwood Park A9...o;t Tuesday atternoon. A \ cr~ happy tune \\as enjoyed by all ]Jresent. A \ ote of thanks l.s due the ccmmntee and Mr Green for the plannung of the programme <1nd tne use of the Park Mrs. Baxter. of Toronto, Is vl.slt- mg D V. and Mrs Hoskin. The Women s MLSSlonal')' Soclety met. at the r-.omc of Mrs. W Brown last T hursda)' afternoon Md. M N. Pcgg was leader of the program and Mrs w. W. Gee took the study chapter on Stev.:ardslup Miss P. Smtth, of Toronto, vt.sited. o.t the parsonage on Sunday. Mr McTaggert, of Dululh, Minn., Is visiting his parent.s and brother Charhe and sister, Mrs. w. s. Pegg. Wm Bro\\n and sister, Gertle, and Carl Moore, of Tara, were guests of John Brown and family on SUn~ da;}. Godfrey Willis is maldng consider ... able l:tr.">ro\ement on hJ.o!: re.sldence Man.) ~lSI ted the Greenwood Park over the week-end Th1s 1s one of the prettiest and best cared for parks in Ontario The Parks Inspector recently made an offlclal \!sit. nnd gave hls report as above. Congratulations to Mr. F. L. Oreen, the owner. Miss E\·etyn Wilson, of Oshawa, The Misses Clarke, of Torooto, are ls v1Slting her aunt. Mrs. E. Ann1s. holidaying wtth Percy and Mrs. Clarke. The tanners are blli!O" <mtfdn&' the fall wheat and early grain. It seems to be a fatr crop. Miss Elva McLean 1s vtaltlna her grand.mo!Per a~ Byola. ~ Novcl Salman Loaf I can salmon, 2 tablespcons melted butter. 2 eggs well beaten. 2 .soda crackers rolled fine. ioi cup cornmeal, I cup buttermilk, '6 teaspoon baking soda, Salt and black pepper Shred salmon, dl.scard bOnes and skin. and combine with other In~ gredlents Stir soda Into buUermllk before adding. Put In buttered bat- Ing dish and bate 30 minutes In :nOderate oven. <350"' P > sen•e with parsley :sauce, which .Ls made a.s fol~ lows : !Peppermint Ice Cream 16 marshmallows. ¥.. lb peppermint st.lct candy, 1 cup boiling watu. I cup milk, 1 pint whipping cream. Put marshmallows and ea.ndy, which has been crushed, into top of double boill'r, add boiling water and heat untll dls$0lvtod; &tlr in milk and chUl thoroughly. Wblp cream stiff and fold candy mixture into tt :Freeze eit.her In mechant~ cal refrigerator or 1n hand turned freezer. This wlll serve 8 to 8 per- sons. bast much goods laid up for many Da.vt:::l. Luecy. J41sa Muriel Cook, of Toronto, ye.rs; tate th1De ease, eat. drink Miss Hazel Valllers, who 1s wort· and Mrs. Brooke, of :Montreal, are and. be merry." 'l1len the voice of lng In Osba.wa, spent Sunday with holldaylng with Mr. and Mrs. Wll- God came to htm., ' 'Thou fOol, tbls her grandmother and sisters. Uam Coot. nlgbt 5hall thy &OUI be :r<qulred o! Mr and "- Sl d d ht d ...... ., nzers an •ug - J41ss Leola Beare, of McKeesport, thee." 'Ihe man was ooooerne er, Frances, of Toronto, and Mr. only with himself unW a higher and Mrs Wlll Draper, or Ashburn, Pa , was the gue!t of Port Perry voice spoke. Nothine else could were SUnday evening callers at tbe friends recentl,y. said. Tbe aec.ret of Christian Uv~ home or Mrs. Francis Briggs. Mr. and Mra. Keith Hooey han lng ts to listen the voice of God- Mrs Percy Pharrell and daught• moved tnto the Orr Brown house Psalm 85 8, also a par; - of Mr. er, Mrs. Grant, and Mrs llleb, or on Mary street. Polnten's text. Montreal, are in the village tall- There was a W:ge attendance at In the absence of the pastor, Rev tng on old friends and reio•tlves.l the Church of the Ascension Sun~ G. S Gervan, wno Is on holiday, the Mr. and Mrs Harvey Hughson, of day school plcnlc, which waa held pulpn next Sunday evening will be Oakville, were ~nt vlsltors with at Greenwood Park on Wednesday oecupled by Rev. H H. Mutton, Mrs. Johlloon Hughson. &i' last week. formerly of Greenwood c.harge in In 1848 our llttle hamlet was The evening services. which have this Presbytery· Sunday school will known as Well's Corners and the been held at Lakeside Park each be held at the usual hour, l.t5 p.m schoolhouse was called Well'a Sunday evening, have been E.'ttended Frank MaDderson. of the R .C.A.F • school It. was quite a. modem one by large crowds, especlall1 on t.he 'Who lw5 been staUoned with h1s -in those days--of logs and stood 2l.l!lt. when the guest speaker was squadron 1n the north w~ part of where Kr. s . Nottingham'& store Capt. Lambert or Chrl.stie Street Canada, was home last · ~It on now stands. It remained a. log Hoepltal. leave. He left on Sunday e~nlng bull~; .. ~ 10 bo ••- To to for Vancouver. From there he will ~ un a ut 187s-we cannOt ~ D. Jackson of ron was be sent. to another working camp be eu.ct as to the year-whi!n it the guest of her pa.renta, Dr. and where he wW tate up further train- was considered old fa.shloned and Mrs. J. B. Lundy. recently. 1ng 1n t.he work or coastal del~:•· I needed modemlzing. It was moved Mr. BDd Mrs. Clifford Mark md Bob Valliers. of the Ontario from tbe comer to the pre3eftt site, fam.Oy of Toronto vlsited. b1s mter, ment (Tank) &taUoned at a deten- and t.be present cl.as&-roam., ball Mrs. R. W. Woon, recently. tlon camp 1n the north western part and woodsheQ. a<i6.ecl, and the whole M1ss Bessie Jackson, nursing sls- of the provlnoe, wa.a abo lkme on made into one or the flD.est. most ter of Mllltary Hospital, Toronto, leave last week, returnlng Monday. up-to-.d.ateand best-equipped. schOol~ spent a few days wltll Dr. and :Mrs:. Mr. and Mrs. PerriD, of -05ha.wa, houses of that day. Tbe old Lundy recently. movd into the village last week to schoolhouse was no IDOTe. Years Master DougW Hayes spent & The passed and generation after genera- week -'th hls -•-ter, MJss ~---~ take up raldenoe. community 1 ..... __ t w• ~ -•-· .... __ uon o '"-llln.l.l-cu. passed tn and ou BB'Yes. 1n Toronto. extends a welcome to ~- througtJ. its porta.ls gaining more Mrs. Du tt. f Toro Mr. Harry Stacey and Mr. Ben or lesa of the thawledge Uley were W. G. W •• .,a o nto, Ward. captured the first prize 1n the wu a week-eDd gu~r. of Mrs. H. R. men's doublea in the BowUng pmea suppteed to obtain. 'I'Ucbera, goOd, Archer. in Port Perry last. Wednesday. poor and lndifferent toot a turn Kr. and Mrs J c Love are home u-+1 at wleidi.Dg \be sceptre of discipline, a-1- a.r•-- 0 hoUday trip to ,__ The executive of the ~· .... e br&neh The house Of learning lived tmou&h ,...•-L ~ - of the Blbl<> Society wlohea to thank the I._ "the little ald. red achool-house" Mr. and ••- E. """ .. ton, of To-cammunlt.y far WI l"!!lettUU re- dQ'& and once more became old -..o. .... .....,. Spoll3e to tile appeal recently made fashioned. The color of the outdde ronto. spent the week-end with Mr3. Heayn, of Prince Albert, was chanpd 00 Whlte with peen friends 1n Port Perry. vl&lted Jalt week with ber aliter, trtmm1Jli3, alate blactboards were Mrs. ww Coo>:. put up, the latest - equip- Mrs. Robert Ch1&ho1m 'fislted in men' wu boUght a.nd. for- the thln1 WbJtby on PJ1da.y with her alster, t.llDti the llyrtle acbool......as H. has ~· ~~~ Jobnaon mot4rec\ been known &IDee 1865--waa an up- to their brotber Ron&l4'1 heme 1n to-da.te a.nd 1n every 'fty' a modem Elmvole - lost -. - scbool. l\ Ia - retumecl ..tlh - IIIIer lllnliicl1 oe1p of ,.... enjoyed • dellehttul piJl}o ~~~~~~Tbe~~:--E-~-~~: 1. her- Olld ~~~=;~~; 111 - - of ti;~;;;diij';j~ij< ' and ElmfiZ.. 'fi&Hied tbe C&'Ye& Jn tbe ~a~~~~i~~r~~~ Blue mountatDs nee,r ~ They met '"tho. man of tbe mount- ain" who. we recan; ftCO!ftd ~·-•- n-<JPODS a ire&t deal of publlclt.y & couple or wm bt.Te three Yf!W8 -eo 'W'blm. a roeporter or, for' tt will f.rca1 ODe Q( the Toroo.to da1J1 ln f!l1erJ way, and papers wu aent up to 1nten1eW It may wea&ber him ln. tbe wtnter t.tme. 'lbe r.- and INffer aev~ - ~ oloa&' hls ......... and 1·--"l of olteratlollet tbe pictures showed tbe man of tbe Allen DowneJ, KiM great outdoon ln. m&DY pmes, also Jean Rahm and Mr. John "..'ruu the shelter that he ll'fed in - lt 'flatted 00 8uDday wtth frlencb 1n could not be boDored. wtttl even the name of mack. The mCIIt in· Wllfred. --"' ~-'---- d - Kr. ancl Mrs. ~'au. u-..-...u. an teresUnc picture wu taken as be: Yvonne, o1 Toronto, 'W'eN' holiday emerve<~ hun hls dally dlp 111 t.he vlalton - l"rank'a .....,to. Ice-bound wt.tera of the rlvt'r. 'Ibe boY'S were told tbat h1l lllallMl' of Uvtna &Dd. hla customa; are aUU tbe same-thai b>cludeo tho , dally dlp. We can th1nlt of tbOae ley baths in thla Aucust ,...Iller With less ahl .. rtna 12>&11 It tbe thOQ8ht ot them comes to ua na:t January. Tile boya cor>Oiderod lt & -- ALERT GANADIANS 6UARD wb.Ue trip but aid that the ear LOndon. J\ug 8 - somewhere ln blUes must. be 1n A•l coodlUon Enslmd. prepared and an.xloua to to mt.ke the at.eep ascent to the give any enemy intruder & greeUna mountain caves. with cold steeL aevera.l hundred Mr. Pred Brown, of the R C A:P., Can&dlan t.roopcs auard a.n alJ'dn:me a.nd frtmd. .J42a8 Pat Poster, of Tor· that 1.s home to one of the BoJal onto, :Mr. &ad Kn. P'r&nk. Brown. Can&dwi A1r force aqu&drona now and baby, of u- ......., .w.... 1n Enalond. durtna' the l*&t week wt.Ul Mr. and The batue•tblrsty C&nadl•n• are Mrs. De.'fkl .Onchemln, a COl in a. w-o.c1 ac:beme wtn:ed C&nr.clo neecla airplanes, tJrplane :m~::!n~·~ :;e~:: States. To secure these, less import~ anE ealll upon can&da'a uva.ll&ble supply, ol foretsn excba.D.p must be subord.ln&ted, m offlcl&l of the Pw· e)Cn bfb•nre Control Board ex~ pl&med toda:J', In coon.ectlon wltb t.bt recently M:mouneed Government policy roprciiQr pl......, travel by Clnad""• Oonoclo thla :rear Will be spend- mom iD.caQ' 1n the United states a.t -u- ~lows Ume. Most of t.b.a expenditures 1111 ablolutalJ' ea .. MDU&l tor the purchue' ot munl~ Uona aod. war aupplles; for the pur~ chue of othf!f - ccpnmldltlea: not produced in Canada or wb1ch an: ntee:SIU')' for t.be m&lntenance or Ca.n.ada'a unbrokar ncont ln con~ with payment. of ioterest and oo. Ita forelsn debt. VILLACE OF BROOKLIN Mr. and ~ Jack Bray of the out for defence of tbe 11trporta that !<own llne, ....,. llwlda: evenlni dot tills emii&tlled lalon4. Olfldola ca.Ilera at the home of llr. and !4l'll are mindful of the way German Cl<or!te Leodl. ~uU.to ODd - borne In Mr. and !.Ira. Bee. l:llb, Shirley, m~oth tn.n~port pJ&nes awooped Barabar, Harold and Vh'tan C&rey, on a.irport.s 1n Nonraj 1Dd HOUMld ot Od:l.awa, were Sunday avenin&' durinl: the lnvaaton o1' those coun- callera &t the home ol Kr. and. Mrs. tries. Heretofore, when Canada ex~ per1meed. an unusual and temporal'l' lncreoto-.Jn Ito :roqul<omen!A ol Unlted States t1mdl, II W011 poaall>!e to arranae the flnanctnr in the the Unlted Stoles. 'Ibe Unlted Slates Neurdlt.J' I.&w now problblta the mak!nl: of &Ill loan by dtben.a of the United States to the Oovem~ ment or any poUUcal sub-dhlakm ot a ~nt. counUy. At the ney Ume, then, when Canad&'a pu.rcha.s:es tn the United States will be ao expanded, the norma.l method of fln•nctnc aueh &ll upa.naiOD haa been removed. "Who's Who" Bakeriea BAKERY BTOVBC. l'l'oprlelto. .... ~Mlla-Phoaen BllDI, ete. GARAGE GARAGE - Hardware Tea Room Jephson 's Hardware TWENTY STEPS Ill J. B. Jephson. Prop. BrookUa Phone 56 Hardware, Glass, Eleetrleal Applla.Dces, Pumps. Gab. Pipe a.nd FilUnp lnaurance CEO. H. VICK Brooldln. ~ Pbone 4801 - tsoz lmura.noo ln a.Jl Its brancba Service Station MAC'S SERVICE STATION F. C. MeNeUan. Prop. B<'OOldln ' Sheb ps & otl ~ Good.Jea.r tires WUionl bolla* - ...t-11 FaelliUes for Su.m.mer Gae~&a. TeN. .... Mra. M. Rlcha.rdso!l, Prep. BROOKLIN rBONit II Lumber McBRIEN'S Wood, Lumber & Hay Soli wood, alo•• wood $5 50 ltn1ihs, ' sln~e cords ,. , Ml:r.ed wood, stove wood $8 50 le~ths, t :Jn,Ie cords • ltardwood, maple a.Dd beech, ate..; wood Imrths. $11 00 t sln&'l ceords • ,1.00 extra ddlvered. out of -... CHar hs\1., &hlqla. Rou•b aad. Drftkd Lu.mber Cu. suppl,y &DJ buUdl.DI material PUONK B&OO.IlLIK IS ' T , Carey. Lt.~Gen. A G. L. McNaua:htoo Kt. a.nd Mta. 0 . H. ~~::O~"~"'~e; J spelled oft a strong tormaUon trom 'Yilltons tn Toronto on cuwUan a.eUve .-ervtce reserve unita ~- to auird a.nd clefend the drome oo Mr. Clarence Halrbon made which the army co-operal.loD aquMI· bualnees tz1p to Toronto on Tbun- ron under Squadron Lea.der W. D. <~a:. Mr. Oliver lAne bu lmJ)I""Ved tbe Van Vliet. of Wlnnlpec, la polled r.et. part ot h1a houee bf putting for ac\Jon. ll&jor c. llatthnn, on a new metal roof. Sterllnr, Ontarlo. commands the lolr Billy .. _ ..... _ ,_ force which Ia compoeecl of men n· • - ~. of Brookl··· Yislted. on 8uDda,y with former presents every combat unit 1n neJ&hbora. the can&di&D.Plnt Divlslon. Kr. Arthur Ward. vWted with Aided by clvUlan lMbor, the troops relatt.vea 1n Blackwater on SW\d&y. constructed blockhouaea, earthworta The ihtpment ol Red cross a.nd other fortUicM.lons a.rolllld the m&tertal ha.a arrlftd.. cutt.tna out field. Behind thick walls sentflea and mak1nc up pyjamu will be the stand to around the elock, ready to ltOrtc for aome Ume. A good sup- brlnl tbelr automatic arms Into play ply or 80CJt yam 11 oo. hand abo and to flub tbe darm U ln.vaden and ready f<r cUatrtbuUon. attempt to atorm the alrtlekl. AND mFFNISS MINARD~$ q.tr;. tl;. &«; 4r t .._; ,.. , _..:. canadian expenditures for tra.vel lli the . United Sta.tea have, ln the put, unounted. to $125,000,000 per azmum, and thla year, with the con- dJUon of Internal prosperity In can~ t.da, It wu evident that expend1t\lr't5 lor Canadla.n. tra.nl would be very heavY U permitted. Allowtns for sum repreoentod by lecltlml.>te buslneM tn.vel and other necessary tn.vel, and allowiQc for- a poaalble deoreue ln Clllld"" tn.vel, 1n any eaae, due to ~ l}nlted States pesaport resl.rlc .. Uons, 1t has been esUmated. that a.bou' f115.000.000 or more will be dlYuted to mons important. uses by the witholdt.na of exth&n&e perm.lts for pleuure tra.vel 1n the United Statu b;r O&nadl&na. When t.ra.na1&oted. lnto t.erm& of the number ol aeroplanes, suns. tanks, tel., whleh can be purc:bUed from auch Avlnp, the close connecUon between the reatrtcttona on pleasure becomu appan~nt. It wu for alrn~ 1lar reuom that vartoua measures ....., lncludtcl tn the lost Bud&ot to r&d.uoe 'lnneo:"11'Y Imports trom. the United Statea which were CINIInl • larp dralD. 011 Canada'• 1UPPI1 of Unltecl Bletes tuDda The reetnctton on pliHIIUI'8 travel effect& a very larp aa.vtna ot United 8\&teo funds ..ttbou\ lm- any maaett.rJ NcrUloe 011 the Cauadtan ~- - ASHBURN Dr. Bert Harper, of T1mmlns &nd his mother, Mrs. H. Barpe.r and sister, Mrs B Poster, of Toronto. were vlsltor5 this week at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. o. Beyal:it. Miss Marton Spencer ,[J)CD.t week at b~ bOUiie here. We regret. that :Mrs. George l.s ill under the doctor's care. Visitors with llr and :Mrs. Ar- thur Reynolds during the week were Mrs L M:. Lee. Mrs ChenneU And Mrs. Usher. all of Toronto, and Miss Darla Welsh. of Moorefield, Mr. WaJter Reynolds, of TOronto, and Mr and Mrs. Edgar Heron. Rev. Robert Simpson wm be pres~ ent next Sunday to conduct the morning service at eleven fHteen o'cloek. You are welcome. The- "Ladles GuUd enjoyed a. so~ clal afternoon on Wednesdav at the home Of :Mrs. Ashton After the business was dispensed with a guitar solo was given by Mary Lynde and a reading by Gertrude Parrott. then followed • &ocla1 hOlU' over the lunch hour. Mr. Jam.~ DOble has accepted a poslUon at radio station CF'RB Aurora. The Ladles Bible Class wlll meet at Mbs Marguerite Calls" home on August 19th, Monday evening. Last SUnday morning at the mornlnc chureh worshtp hour the congrep.tlan enjoyed. bearing the representatl>e from tllj Brltlsh and Foreign BSble Society. The choir sang "Cany your Bible with you." Miss Thelma Bryant spent last Wednesday m - WhitbY with her coustn, lllla5 Olenyo HunUey. !Too L&le For Lalli W ... ) The morning Church service last Sun~ momlnK was a very lmpres .. beads ect. "'Tbere II penononlbe Thla to the faet that er men have 111 acldlUon to wortJ.ng a.t the here. ' Will .You· Help · Ua To Help .You? ~ we·re partners. in a way for upon each. other lor our aucce.. vertisina helps u• operate thia our newapaper carries your more than 3.000 readera in the playa a part in your businea. proiJfeM. , I We both know that' advertioinc p~~p· clende in incrcued businC.. with ~miiJPOa .... rl inc iu~;~eues in profita: and ao we aak ~ co-operate in a ea.mpa.ipl to increue OUI' vertilinc and your bueineu.. We' re partners. you know, 10 tet•a ~· operate. THE WHITBY AND CHRONICLE -. " I t ..... --~ --L . 0 ... ·- ·-

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