i I ! i I I .. , ' 'AGE. FOUR THEWHITBYGAZETIEANDCHRONICLE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST, 'J, 1940 .. AlRIOTIC, SOCIAL and COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Mr. and Mrs. c. A. Preemm were :reeenL guests at "Royal 114\l.Skoka. .. Yusk.oka. • + • ' li1sa ·Doris Prophet, of Toronto. Is Ul"e aueSt of her cousin, Miss Helen l[een,. Brock street Mnlth. • • + . .Mrs. J. 'J;'hompson and Mrs. A. Slnclalr were 1n town on Thursday tut e,lUnl on old friends. -.• ..... Mrs.· ·a: .._Jobn.sOn. or WoodvUle. .spent the holiday ~-end with sister. !Ira. Akey. Walnut :street. WbitbJ. ~ r . ~ ~ . ~ . . . \ Mrs. W. Adams and dau&hter, of Weu&n.d. have returned home after 'Yislttna tor & Wl!et- at the hOme of )(t, ""-d Mn. Lear. . . ... loll'. &bd llr:s. Roy Ak.ey and chll~ .l dren of :i'OtoDto. visited o>er tbe )lollday with the' former's mother Mr. and Mrs. E. Thorndyke, :Mrs. wm. Thorndyke and Mr. Saml. Thorndyke, were ln Camp Borden on SUnday and spent the fY.'temoon wtth the former's ~on. Pte. Thd 'nl.omdyke, and Pte. BW Thorn~ dyke. · + + + County Judge D. B. Coleman and Mrs. COleman, Whitby, are spend- ing the month of Augwt at Big Bay Point near Barrie. • + • Mrs. wake. and her daughters. 114onlca and Barbara, wife and daughters of the rector or Bl·fleet. near LoDdon. England. are staytng with Rev. and Mrs. E. R.. Adye at the rectory for a week or two. • + ' Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Blake. ol Palm Beach, caurornta. who are spend.ln&: the su:n.mer at Graven- hurst. were in town OD Friday and pve this office a plNsatt call. Mr. Blake is an old Whltby boy ahd wlll be remembered by many of the older + • -w- Whltbr ramrnes. Mr. Joeeph Bascom. of ottaWa, + + + here. was at hOtn~ wlth his parents, Or. Plc.lS haTe b::en completrd for the and Mrs. H. :eascom. over the v.·eek-~ annli.al gardtn !larty on St. Bern- end ; , . ard'! School grounds. Dundas strer:t ' · + + + west, on Saturday ~temoon. Aug- Mrs. E. Ralph Ad.Ye. Elizabeth and I ust lOth. Supper will be served from T~dy have returned from a 5:30 untU 8:30. Thr:re will be many •, month's bolklay spent 11.t Lake Slm- attraction<; and a refreshment booth :- eoe. en the jp'Ounds. +++ +++ M.t.ss Clara Haggarty and frtend, Threadgold Bros. have sold thelr or OrUUa. were hoUda.y I(UC!Sts of bungalow on Brock street south, to Jlrs. Wm. Thorndyke and Mr. and Mr. Fred Cornish who took posses- .. lira. B. Thorndyke, st. John :street. slon the first of the month. Mr. f. ' · + + + L.'.ld 114rs. W. F. Stewart who have ~- Keltb COOke of Geraldton. been oceupy\ng the house, haVt! " -:Nortb.llli Ontarlo,ll bolida.yinl wlth moved to Mrs.- Hudson's house, .. - his parents. Mr. and Mrs. w. Cooke., Byron street north. _ n ' Green strUt. .: + + •. . ,. ~ + . + • Oraht!n Macdougall, son ·of Or. Mr. w. E. Rlee .spent the hollday I and Mrs. G. L. Maoooagall, passeJ e:. week.;end with Yr. James Ayres, at , with ftntoo«:lns'.i honors in his .sec- !" Lame Kemp's fum, near the J..r..O:CI! end year in Cbemltltry at Toronto Won'. Mr. Ayres 1s spending two Unlventty. Graham b an outst.and- v · ;~weeks at the farm. tng graduate of Whlt.by High School r + + + and winner ln . 1938 of the Reuben • :r.oa. T~ ROckier Parter and Mast- Wells LeonL•.-d scholanhlp for gen- "er Tammy, of s~: Cathu.inU. bal'e cral proficiency at University Col- been m!Unc ~ Parker'• brother, lege, attaining the highest s~dlng , ~liir~ :Ptt..Dk R. Bowman and Mrs. in the provin:e. outside of Toronto, in the Upper school examin.aUons. He also Won the Carter Scholarship for Ontario County in the aame year. • • • QN SERVICE Announcement• P. L. BEJ:CROFr HAS JUST UN- loe.ded a car of the · btJst Nova On Monday e\·ening a number of Brief f~=== ~~:~~ and District Men Who Have Scotia Shingles, &.rtcUy NO. !- friends and neighbors p.•:.hered at Ask for pritea. Telephone m, day the home of 114r. and Mra. J . Lees, of Kine and Country. or night. 929 Cen~estteetsouth W ce~bra~ l'·--------------~--~~~~~--------------------------1 ----------"---------------- Mr. Lees' Titb blrthday, al:so Kn. Leonard Allm oil Uie er well-known Whitby business R'£NEMBJI!R THE SUPPER AND Disque, a neighbor who will see her WinK Orchards for:~ 1tYe man, who enlisted early ln the war Oarden Party, on St. Bernard's BOth birthday on Thursday, August enllated with t.be l~Wal• C'""""'-lan with the Ontario Regiment (Tankl. School Grounds, Dundas street 8fJ1. There were games on the la.wn Englneera. Captain Butt V~-'&S with this unit west. on Saturday afternoon. Aug- ln the early part of the evening fol~ for 10 years prior to the outbreak ust IO, DB.T. Supper .served from lowed by a daintY lunch served In- d .,_ B B. ' ', ..__ 01 hosttlltles. He is now staUoned 5.30 to 1.30. Admission 25 cent.s. Th ln. ( h Dr. an .-....;,. . :aea- have doors. e rema er o t e even~ recelved a cable 1'rOID. . u.,~r : IOn, at Monteith, and he ~ay.s, "there i.ng wr.•.:; spent in music. readings 0 R. .., •• ~:.... · are a lot of us from Whitby .sta- d sl d • ht to Lieut. • nea.....u, ~ the an ng songs an was uroug st.•re arrival 'in EngtaDd.. Be_..ul in Uoned uP here. Quite recenUy ~ a close by all standing and singing charle of 600 men ibo .n.:.t -bum had a 'Whitbr Night' In camp. and "Auld Lang Stgne·· and the Na- camp Borden wt.t.b. ~ 9~twtUl the old town was liberally toasted tlonal Anthem. the Royal can&dlaD. ;A;h:DJ .8entce ln ale in true anny fashloo bv + + + ... · nearly 30 Whitby men from. th1'.i on Monday. August 5\b, about Corps. ·\ ~~ ·~. • regiment and another." el.gb.ty attended the Bradley picnic ' --- held at ~Mas Flower" farm.. th~ Lloyd Johnson, well known Whlt::- home or Mr. and M...~ w. R. Brad- br boy, has enlisted with the Royal ;:;:y, Wflttby. AUkind.sotamu..~ent.s canadian Army, aml ~t present Is were enjoyed tollolt'ed by a sump- stationed. · at Stl:.lleJ' . Barracks in tuow supper. Quests were present 1 TN<mto. from Toronto. Bowror.·.n1.lle. Osh~ ~ lWa. Brcoklin. Yyrtle. Rqlan. Les- Bomar Boake, .son ol Mr. and Mr3. kard Tnone s.:arooro and Whitb\' R. H. Boake. bu ~_the Toronto All. e'llJ~Yed tbe gathering and ~ Irish Rqiment. Barry M:c&:eown. who bas been employed by Kr. in fnor or hcldlns: another neXt Boat.e for the P3.!t 13 y~ ·has year. also Joined the eolbr& and 1.! serving + + + with the Toronto Scottish ~·Rea1- Whltby thl.!. we-ek loses two very ment. - ... -~ · line cttizen.s wlt.h the departure to fcronto of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Noble. who i1tlve di..~ed of tb~tr prcperty or. C!!ntre Street South. Mr. and Mrs. Nobl~ have reside:! here for a · number of yean; and hav~ e3.med the respect. and ~teem of a wide clrele. Mr. Nobl~ bas been a valuable member of the Library Board and also of th~ ses- sion of the Un1t.ed Church. wbU~ both be and his wife h..\"te been very acUve in the work of the :::burch. Mr: Noble years ago taught smoot at Brookun and tor ye9.rs he has been an educational leader. 1'he best wi!hts or thetr trtenc.ts fo11ow them to thelr new homt. Die editor is in ~ of' a ;'18&- t~ from captain Bob ~·• ralm-• • "!: James Bremner iS now a sapper with the ROyal Canadian Engl· neers at Camp Borden. He jolned the colors last week. Lieut. Percy R. Stover. Brooklin baker and public-spirited ciURn. has rec!!ntly been appolnted. to "the 20th Infantry Reserve COmpany, Veterans Home Guard. Tnis com- pany ls a non-pennanent active mWtia Unit. which Is attached to the Queen's York Rangers <1st Americ!l.n Reglment.l (M.G.l and Lo: made up or veterans of the Great War. 1914.-18 who parade for train· ing several evenings eaeh week at the Foft York Annourr. TorOnto. Lleut. Sto\'·er beeame an officer ln the Y<lrk Ran~u shortly after the lii.St war but has been on the n- serve fer several years. on Ute amalg:9.matlon of the York RanQers and the Queen's Rangers to form the Queen's York Ranren nst Amer. RegtJ (M.G.) he wa.s one or the officers to be retained on the r.:orps r~e of officer! of that formation . Lteut. Stover is 1st vice_ pr"'..sid~t of Whitby Lions Club. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Smlth, R.R. No. 3, OShawa.. wish to announce the engqement or their eldest dauahter', Ruby Maude, to Elmer Alfred Hawes. elde.st son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hawes, of Whitby. The marriage to take place quietly the lat~r part or August. In Memoriam SI EF'liAN-In lovlng memory of , our mother, Gladys Blanche Slee- I man, who paued away, Aug1.1St 9th, 103'1. The blow wa.s p-eat, the mock seve~. We lltUe thouaht th~ end was near; And only those who have lost. can ten The pain of parttna without fomrell. Yore and more, each day we ml!s you, Prlends m:'tV thlnk the wound is hHled• But tlley little know the :;orrow That Ue:s within our hearts concealed. SadlY rniaaed by her family, bus~ band and chtldren. FINAL , CLEA·RANCE of WHITE SHOES Now, Only $2.79 PAIR HOSIERY Pair 59c With each purchase of Ladies' Shoos at 1. 79 pair. See our windows for advancerl showing of FALL STYLES. Agnew-Su.rpas Shoe Stores Ltd. WHITBY BRITISH WOMEN GIVE UP LUXURY Trenton Woman, I 0 I , Is Sure Hitler Will Lo~ • -, ' i~t .. Card of Thanlca · Weddings BRYANT RE-UNION JII'OTED OTl'A'WA WOMAN London. :,_ Women must. •·mak~ Trenton.-Hitler an:l the Germans , PASSES do:• can never conquer Britain is the HOWDEN-WINl'f Brle! re~cce was made in thes~ 1 hol:s~~~~~·:eLth::. c\oth~s:_£.':1 the All~on or Fr<lnt. S treet, wh~ cete- - c t ilk totkin"s house- , firm c::nvicllon of Mrs. Rhoda Ann A quiet wedding toot. plaC41: on columna lut week to the death of j things women 111 pre-war days bratcd her lOL!:t birthday recently. The annual reUhion of the Bryant fam1Jy was held tn A5hbUrn on St"~ urday, July 27 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bryant. Uames .~~~~~~!i~~~;;;;~;~;;;~~;;;;:;;;~;;;~~~ were enjoyed by ol.i and young after which an enjoyable sUPP!!!:r ~ servtd on the lawn. The execu- tive was put bt1':lk in ofiice by ne:la- Mr. anc.t ~- Wm.. Martin, Wliit· by, w1sh to etnnd Ulelr alncere thanks and appreclaUon to th~ neighbor.s and friends for tbe klnd.- neaa and srmpathJ extended theM. d.urlnl tbelr recent sad ~mn~t In tbe death of tb!lr i!auihtel'·ID- law, tlbo J)aSfled any .. Iatt ~ · · Saturday afternoon, Jul~· e, at Mrs. Duid Maclaren. well kno""" 1 thcu"'ht esscntml-h<n·e been ruth- "The Dntlsh ail! too stubbOrn and Christ's Church ct.thedra1, Ramll- Otta:tra lady and mother or Mr.s. 1 1" 1 th . t' f the proud to be conquered bY the Ger• P. H. N. ttwln, and tlster, of Dr e.ss Y cut or e curn 100 0 maru .. .she said e.s .she rocked back ton, when Neil, daughter ot Mn.. !4. C. P. McGllllnay, of Whitby. The I v;nr in Bntaln. An d n~ hoarding r:n<t forth on her chair. "My father 1'. Winn, of Hamllton. and fonnlrly followlng refe:renee to deeet.sed ap- 1 ci~her. Each must do her !a1r share was English and h2 was too stub· of Whitby, was united in man1cole pe~ in Ult recent ts.sue of Lhe of going without. bcrn, proud, and loyal to break itltTU IIIEIT LYIIE Lli.UR·PRESTDI·DVERMll PLUS: "DRUNK DRIVING" A atJDe-ttee.-aot~pay Ableet. wbmer of the M•Uou Picture Tratfte Salet, Award for bat ..reQ" fUm ef 1939. COMEDY TREAT BUSTER KEATON in "PARDON MY BERTII MARKS" MONDAY-~DAY-~~AY Two Shows ·~ 7.30 aliCI 9.30 .lii& TIE.IOVEI. ' 'IHE Rebecca ~wn., lA.acE ........ fliT .. Din<ld ., ALFRED HITCHOOCIC ProJ•«i .. DAVID 0. SELZNICIC wb ...J.t •GONf. WITH lHI wae• lflfASID fMIU UHmD A.IOSTS ·\~ ~ ~- . ~ ,_ •• \ . ' ... - ' ma:;!.on and it wa.s decided to hold the 1941 re~union &t "Pleasant Val- ley Parm," Ule ho:nc of Mr. <d Iiila. J. c. Bryant. Plckerln&. HELPING BRITISH GUESTS The Ontulo Ladls' C~e act~ noWledges with thanb the re~pt. of the rollowlng contnbutlom to Its Evt.•~uee Puo.d: OJ ••. c. students, um-tO .. -.. $15.00 lllso A. A. Maxwell .. . ...... t'i5.00 :M.. ID1rr1 T . Thompson • . . • 10.00 Mr. A. H. Allln . • • . . . • • • • • • • 10..00 Montreal Chapter, O.L.C. Alumnae . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 oo WznDING ANNIVERSARY -- Mr.- and Mrs. E. E. valutooe were to thelr tmme<llat.t Monday, July SOtb, cele- tbelr $0th weddl.nt annl- A very pleasant Ume was Mr. and ll4ra. Vanstone good health. Tbe and Chronicle Jotn ln ex~ t.helr ~t wlabeJ tor many happy annlveraaries. TODA Y'S MENU lilY BETSY NEWMAN THI8 MENU Is Intended fOl luncheon or supper. bUt tbe chick~ en and rice rinl WOUld aleo ~ ex~ cellent to aet"rt 1.:.!! the matn dlah tor a qulet harM wedding break- fast . It will .serve 10 persons. TotlaT• Mm• IUce and Chicken Rlna Creamed Green Peas or Beans Raw Veg~t.abl~ Salad Rich Peather Rolla. Butter Coffee • • • RJee aud Cillcken JUne 1. cup.s ~ed 1 chicken (5 rice ltii!IJ !. ~p . .saiL 1 tap. paprika. % cup chopped 4 ~p. beaten pimento 3 cups ehlcken ~ cup chtclcen broth and fat milk Die~ cooked chlcftn, then mlx ingredient.s and pAck Into either buttered mold rlnr or laaf p&n. Bake at 350• P . for 1 hour. Let .stand ln warm place after remov- ing from oven, to .steam loose frOm 'Otl\. '1'\un on to platter. It baked in rtng, Ule center may be t1lMd \rlth mushroom sauce. It baked in loaf J».D. aerv~ with cbJct.en rp-avy. • + • IUch Feather RoU. 6 cupa nour 1 tap. lemon Y.s cup aupr extract % t.sp. salt 1 cak~ ye&l!lt 1 cup shortening d~.solved 1n (part butter for '4 cup luke~ flavor) wa.rm water 3 eggs (~lightly Jam cprefer~ beaten> ably rasp'berr:r 1 cup mllk or atrawbel"ryl Oukewarml Sift tog~ther flour. ouaar and '!alt. and cut In the short.enlng. ll!:~ lng a p!L!It.ry blender or fork. COm· bine eQ.!I. mut. lemon extract and the aoUened yea.st. Add to th~ dry e.nd nllx well. Plaoe 1n a ~L!led bowl, gret.!e thf' top of the dcuwh. and cover Allow douah to rise for about 50 mlnu~. or un- Ul 1L has doubled in bulk. Place on HghUy floured board and roll out to "'- -lnch thleli:D~o;. CUt dOUih In 2 ':-11 -Inch square.s. In c-enter of el.ch square place 1,t tea- l!pcon cf thick jam, Pinch -lhe four ~~men of dough togetMr and place the rolls, rounde;d side up. In small. greased muffin p!ln.!. Let. ri.se ln a warm ,place for 1 hour. Then bnuh to Mr. Georae Howden, son of llr. Ottawa. EYenlnr Journal: 11 The object of the new order is • e'i..aJ: from the British Empire, so Bl"pt·Lt .~ 'i'iiWam Howden, Alder>hot. 'noo t k od 11 · 1 1 n ~ - One o Ottawa's grand old ladles . 1 to mn ·e more go s ava s.oo e or he be:::-ame a United Empire Loyal· - cereD)OilY was conducted by ft.el' , 0 · Mn. Catberlnt Arntlla M:eOlllh'T&.y ' bmldins: U!'J export trnde, t!l re- lst. That's the 'Way with all Us real - .... ~ ~t:aJlam. Maclaren, died tod.Q' at her home lease workers nnd new matertais Br;93h :.eople. We refu..<-e to be con... HOLLANDB-At the OSb&ft ~OeD"" • "nle brtde wu attn.ctlve 1n a aftr!T a brief lllnt>ss. Sb~ was 90. !or more important war '\\'Ork. qt:ered and we refuse to be sepu- eral B_....ltal, .,·wednesrt;a-. J .. , .. , lbeer~ crepe dns.s of heavenly bluo Wid~ ot Da ld ~ -•· •·o • -.. ~ -~ ~ ~U.~ ' uw V -.a~ren, pre.sl~ Thousands of men and wom~:~ f\...,; • I 11, 1SKO, to Ur -.. ;.u. liM. JL w . . lb&cle/ · with white picture bat and cit 1 ••- ld 11· t or o . • ~ . , - . - n Of - . o 1ft ttan. "" eng••ed on th• production of Mrs. Allison is s t.lll able to move HoUand& (bea -edith Lilcaa) *'!' ' 'ihlte acceasories. Her cot~ bou- d of ~--• 1-•1 ·- • d"'.-.'-'• .' .. ,_ •' -'-:. ....... • of Sweethe.rt •n one '-'AU4Mola'a · ntU ng lum. non-essenli£.•:s and they wlll be cbout the home or Herbert Alllson., _... . ..,_,... bermen, lfril. MaclAren toot a ckep · 1 1 her son. wlthout · · · · · · •· · blue:J!lphln.lum. Bht and t,oUrt: iriterest m. the attalr:! of ~witt::hed o~r as rapld Y as possib e ~ ight and hearing 1::~ . lritm~Ca: 'aCotJTS1 · -,~· ... : 'bf·· Audrey Balloran, th1s communtt;. 0 war wor ns that or a mJ.:idle-aged 125,000 Pri'Dc:b. Scoute -and .50 NMi.' _a dna or misty pint. &Dd. white ae... She was flrat nresJdlllt of the In. consequence the h1unblc ar- • !'"rench Oltl"l OUidea d1d ~ .. . ~es.. Her 5houlder eoraaae wu OU.'11a Branch of the '91ctorlan Ucles of household wa.re that. have ~rs. Alli:5on ~as bom ttreleu work far retoaees ffum ~- of Jbppy Da:T ro&eS md cornflowa Order of N'U.taes Uld prime mover been treated r;:~ughiy when plenty spnngs. r.ear Bnghton, ·;l>;·•o..aidi:.' ;;~ i • tum. then ~~- tbausn' d.s ~ era.. ' in the --'-&ion of l.h'a """""..... more were ll \'ailable will be re- ~ tcr Of the Jate Mr. and ~~:~-...,..... uuu ...... .._...._ Q a........ She has one daughter, 114rs. ncrthern Prance. l!adl,-, their 1i;m Tb.e best man wns t.he brtd~'S Ukewlle ahe wa.s aJl her life an ~pected. now th::tt. they cannot be Russ .. ll of Redne _.,... and five . ~•• ••· G Wlnn h ~ . ~ th I ·ed ,. ll h tn - rs" .... ""• rate now b oblcure, under tbe oer~ '"VIol.ler, .-.. eorge , w o wu au.rent wora..r for e ea.use of tem~ rep c. · ..-.omen V."l ••111 e .. sons. Jo.se9h of 'I'Il!nton. Herbert of man yoke. ' home on leaYe from tM naY)'. perance. economize on their cosmetl<:s, and .'\lbu,:Y. Harry of R~nersvill~. wn .. 'l'b~ bride's mother wore a blact Kindly, sympatheUc, unde1'8tand- coats and dre~es will ha\·e to be !lam of Carrylng-Ptace and Rober& A CO\nfl 1Ji uroP!ane desJp. hu 'been &dded to U. currieulaiD of New York Unlm-altJ'a col1ep of englneertna. sal.d to be U16 ,. flnt of Its klnd ln the world. and white ch1ffon dress, wlth white lnr. and 1enerou.s, abe g&\'e much of "made over" n.nd do for another of Belleville. aoce.ssoriea and a cona.ae boYQ\Mit Of htr time to allevJ.at1n1 sufferlns and season. The aged woman ha.s a t:een. tea roses. tlylna to lmproye condltlont for the But slnce most- or the cuts cor.- ~ sense of humor ('!lnd has her own After the wedding "'small recep- UDderprtt11~. cern woman's world and wom~n ideas of the mOdem me. "Younc Uon wu held at the horne of the She wu a eraclous hO!te.s.s, and & are very \'crsaU\e, the shortage J:'!Ople cf today wUl not live to be ~· bride's mother. The couple W1ll re-o eloss frtfmd ot mauy whose names will hardly be notlc~d. it ls smd. centenartaru." she said. "'They live The Un1ted BUSes .supplied 'l per .side In Hamilton. &re wtltten ptrm&nenUy into Can• The army must. have all the in too fast nn ag"! and are too In- cent of the cot.ton manufactures ~::============;I adtan hlstoty. wool, but women mli.st. swim. So tent. on crowding too much pleasure Imported by tbe PhWppine Ialands The funeral service wUl be held the wooUen swim suit has gone by in a short tlm~. without a la.st y-ear, compared with 8S per at the home of her lOb. Brit Oen- deal of v;ork. f • GARDEN PARn ·-• c. II. '"aela- ... wn•rod the board nnd its place taken by "The)' are as good •• we are. cent o the previous rear. ........ - ~.... u silk and satm and ,-elvet. The ..., ---------'·----~~ Street. on WedMSday afternoon at they are not sermus enough A J1eld of '70 to '15 per 'cent., ot 2 o'clock and interment will take velvet swim suits, made in imlts- not know how to fully ;~~~~~ IWOllne from. crude oU l.s obtalnetl ON place ln Betch'froOd cemetery. tion vel vet in vari~ colors woven the wor.der:; or .'iclence. by modern refinery procedures. tJl ST. II!RNAID'S J4r:s Maclaren who W'l.li born In ' with clastic to ma11:e-. lt supple. are mot~r cars and mans other contrast with an average , yield of SCHOOL oaoUMDs Plekcinr Towuahtp near Whltbr, slimming and flattenng, tlons ha.,·e tended to speed up about 18 per cent., in 1814. ON Ont&rlo. waa th~ daua:hter or Mr. with melted butter, .s:pr1bkJe with streusel and bate in a modft'l.te oven at. uo• P., for abOUt 20 mtn~ utes. Cool, frost llahtJy with COD• feetton~rs .suaar lclng aDd apr1iltle with fine-ly chopped nutl. SATURDAY AFTERNOON AUGUST ltTB Sapper hvm 5.30 te ut D.S.T. ADMISSION !So TOWN OF WHITBY TAXES The Third Instalment of 1940 Taxes Will Be Due On Thunday, ·Aug. 15th There will be DO extension of time for paymenL Those who have not paid the first and second instalments may do so now by paying 3% penalty. The firot and second inotalments muot be paid before the third will be accepted. PAY NOW Avoid 3% Penalty Charge E. HELENA RICHARDSON, Tax Collector and lira. ~e MeGWlvray an-:! received her educaU.!)n at. the RTam- m.a.r &ehool at Whitby. She was m&rried in that. town in 111'5 to the late Darid Maclaren. member or ODe: ol the out.tandlnc fam1lles of the Ottawa Valle,.. Pollowlng her marrla1e. abe toot. up residence with ller husband ai Wakefleld where be was In charse of tlle Maclaren lnrer..IL Kr. and lrln. Kaclaren moved to Ottawa 1n tan and she had been a co.nUnuou.s relident here since that date. Durtnr her .stay In tOtawa, lfta. Maclaren was ldentUied with many worth-whlle organlzaUons. She wN a _,taunch upporte.r of St. Andrew'a Preabyteri&n Church and toot an active part 1n many ot lbe oraanlationa ot that. oon- lftiPUon. 'nle Women's Christian Temperance Un1on found 1n her a tower of atreogth. 'I'bro\uthout her eatlre life &he ahowed the keenel!it interest 1n this body. 'Ibe V~torlan Order of Nurses owe a deep debt of sratltude to Mrs. l(adaren for her efforts. The fin:t; president of the local branch abe waa a& all times a mo.at en- thusJuUc member of thlll valued oq&nla.tlon. OthH «Pnbatlona which re- ceived help fl'Qm lln! . Maclaren 1 were t.he Proteatant Home for the Aaed, of which she wu a member of the board and Lhe Protestant ! Yatemlty Home. I · Although In tbe put 10 years. Mta. Maclaren waa forced by re&.!'l- j on or her alit to 1in up actlve i pa.rticlP&Uon in many of th~e or· 1 pnllaUOill. her interest in them I neYV fl&fted. Her buaband predeceNed her ln 1 It IS. I'LL SAVE yoU MONEY ON WE HAVE THE NEW • For maximum aarety. comfort and lon11 mlleaae come In and aee tbla new Goodyear e:stra "aiUe for 1940! Marathon haaa toutb, centre-traction diamond tread at an et.tTeme-ly low price! It's bullt and fully guaranteed by the world'• a,reateat tire maker! Oo eyery count of nllue, perform- ance and price lt'a a money-saver. See It today! Protect new tltea with low~ coat Goodyear cubea ,,. they add to the life or your tlrea. 8urvtv1na relaUv1111 Include tv.'O toa.s Major James G. Maclaren. of West.mount and Brlpdler Genera! Charles JJenry Kaclaren. promln~nt Ottawa laW1er: two daughters, M:n;. Caroline 'U:aclaren stuart, of Olen Rldae. N.J'., and Mra. Katherine A. Irwin, of Whitby, Ontario : two brother&, Dr. Oharle. U:cOUllvray , of Vfbltby, and Dr. Donald Me· Oilllvny, ot' TWOoto, and one ai.s~ tier, IO'J, Jtobut Oamb~. of ot. ~-- '--------------------------------.J I PATRIOTIC, SOCIAL rrloJJwUhj, . MARCHES ON No more need to worry about Winding, setting; a West. clox electric time-keeper 1.'1 What you n~. BASSETT'S WHITBY PHONE 871 WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The August meeting of the Wo- men's Institute will be held on the lawn s.-t the home Of MJss Ethel Fletcher, ByrOn street north, on Friday afternoon at three o'clock, and will be in charge of the grand· mothers. Mr:s. Frank Roberts wm be convener. Roll call will be an- swered by donating an article suit- able for the Red Cross. Afternoon tea wW be served. A cordl~l lnvita- *lon 1s extended to all ladles of tli'~ ~======::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~§:::::::::=:~l"'·_wn ___ 'o __ •_tre __ n __ •·---------------- RED CROSS ACTIVITIES REFIIItSBMENT BOOTH A GREAT SUCCESS The refJUhm.ent booth, operated by the Red cross at last weelr:'s Rotary-LegJon Fair, prove<l a great success. Tbe ncellent patronage or the people of the town, coupled with the hard work ot th~ lulle.s and eo-operation of the Rotary and t.he Legion members resulted in the sum of $165.08 bein& added to the funds of th~ Red. CI'Os8 Branch. change in British military policy made such dl.spositlons unnecessary. Major Scott. returned to London, having Iost'bis car and h1!l entire kit when under fire. IN- WEDNESDAY, AUGUST, 7, 1·940 CHURCHES On Monday, t:}6 l2'tb lrutant, the Junior W .A. w111 bold it& quanerly m~tlng in the 'Sunday School Hall oommenctng at 2.30 p.m. IIAPTIST CIIURCII Rev. H. Elnier Green, tninl.ster. 11 am., '"I'be Unpardonable Sin." Is it commlti'ed today? _, p.m., "Gideon, the Mighty M:au of Valor," second aermon. Short, help!ul -... . Preach~, lteY. A. R, Sanderson. A. cordial welcome to sll. F. L. •" Cedar !lhlnglel,· HardwoCid· Interior Trim.. WIDdow WHITBY Obituaries MRI\. IUITB .LA WBIINCE The death occu.ritd. auddenly r.t her home "Or&71nn" Apartment.s, :rm Yonp atnet TOfont.o, on sun- ~J, AliCWI~ 1th. of Marie llollld&y, teloved wife M R. Kett.b. Lawrence and mother of Jean aud !hrlon. eral years death did him UlleXpeetedl3'. Deceued Wll ~ tbe . J&te') Mr. II~. of The, response to the appeal for home-made tart.s brought In about 1.600 t.arts on whleh item alone we nalized $40.00. We wish to expnM our thanks to all the ladles who contributed so generw.slY tn this way. No Canadian Prbon~n: of War At the present tlme there are no CanadJan prisoners of war from our own fore~~ However. there are 08· nadians who have been taken prb· oners when serving with the Brit- ish Im.J)elial F'Orce3, who are beln!i cared for by the BI1t1sh Red CtoM. The machinery of the Canadian Red cross is all set up, ready for action immediately the need for carlnc for prLsoners of war from our own forces arises. fJeeWJed.wu thi.·YDUilPit diLUih- ;f;;:'--.-~.,_.,.;....:_ ________ ' 1 rer of lbe late Kr. ·and Mrs. Danlel llolliclay, Brooldln, Ontario, and ' a(ter her marriage lived 1n Whitby on Broe,t. &treet north for~ r. time. Her m..8.ny trtmda here trW ripet to h~ of her audden paalnl. . The Red Cross float, a.seembled by Mrn. Jack Wllson, won the sec· ond prize of $8.00. We wish to thank her arl'd all those who COD• tributed their services' to help her. We speclally tnclode the Wood's Tramport who provided the truck for the Red Cl'CI6S at con.slde:rable lnconvoenll!llce to themselve.. Our thanks &re due to the Rotary club and th(! Wbltby Legion for their 1eneroslty in handlng over to the Red Cross the proceeds of the nfreshment concession; also to Mr. Neale for the use of hb .store u a supply room. The followlnlf addlUonal dona- tions to th~ mresbment booth are gratefully acknowledged: chocolat:A!'l bars from the Robt. Simpson Co.: chewing gum trom Wrlgley's Ltd.: salt water wlsses from Hunt's Ltd.: 12 dozen choeolat.e bars from MW: R. H1gJins and MW R CtWs· thwatte: donation of wltners trom Mr. B. WU&on; dOn&UOna ot rolb from Qeo. Weston aDd Brown's liread: -.tton or oon drlnU ThO Beverages, and from members bel!ln re<:elYed the wortroom thltl weet:: donatlon of money from M1s.! 1 W&ll&oe; hand-made 1111 from Mr. 0. WlldJ.Da: donaUon of money trom )(J.&S Marpret Weld, of Co11~ necUcut: ~wina machlne loaned by Mrs. Dr. B. lrUdaoG. E- 1bple Leal CIDb Tbe operation of th~ Canadian Rod Crooo Maple Leaf Club In Lon- ...Aon. under the m.an.&rement of llrs. Leonard Murray, hu been ao suecestul that It has been decided that the Brltlsh authorltlee &hould take over a bulldlna adjacent to It wlth lleeplnl ~odaUon for 200 meh, and place Ml'a. Murray, of the C&nadlan Rod eroo.. In charp or bOth tru~. 11y thlo an-t.n ... metlt, &0 beds In addition to the tiO tn the praent Maple Leaf Olub wlll be reserYecl for the ue of C&a nadlan. Pdlen em leave in Loodon, whlle the otller 150 beds will be avallable for IU'I1 other BrltLsh troops on le&Ye. 'Ibe Brltlsh auth- ortte~ will equip the new bulldlna wUh 1&0 beds aDd tbe canadian ked CtOI5 wtq prorid.e the otber 50. -c;A.IIeoU MaJOr o. A. Scott, A&a!atant oom- m..l.s.s1oaer ow•• eu, went to Prance "in .May to arrance- for dbt.rtbution tl.epot.s tar C&nl.dl&n Red crou sUP- plies. Ttu: aucklen advance or the Germ.p.n al'mJ' and the nrultant Finns Aid Red Croa During the Russian lnvaslOD of Finland the Canadian Red Croas supplJed 10 ambulances to that country, Last week U:le Pinnlsh peo- ple ln canada handed over to Dr. RouUey 1:2,152.80 to be used 1n tha purchLSe of a Red ~ ambulance . The amount was made up of dona- tions from Finnish people In an part::; of Canada. In addition, P'ln- nish people In the Sudbury dl.strlct of Ontario are forwanling tl.'lOO.OO to be used. ln Red Cro55 War rellet work. Cal.la ot the Week Durin& th~ Iut week the Cana· dian Red Cros3 h&.s" received from Its overseas officials, several calls ft:lr ald. They Include request::; for certain equipment for the Pif- teentll General Hospital in Eng- l&nd., ror ten station wagons for u.se- as mobll~ .rurglcal units under the canactian Army Medical Corps in Enaland. for addiUonal ambulances for- the Canadian Red Cl'OS$ Over· aeu, aDd No 8~·-.._. ~ p;t,;,...; Tbe question hu. ' been "Does tb.~ Canadi&Ji Red CI'Oq. supplies to ehemy prliOnera of war sent from England. to th18 ooun. try?" The an!Wt!' b. NO. No mone:y donated by Canadlan8 1s used tO fumLsh comforts or suppltea to ene· my prisoner.. Under lnt.ematJmal law, ·the Canadian Red Oroaa may be uked, u: a wartilllte oblllation, to fumbh German and. lt&llan prlsonen here with a few necessary articles but ·the tund.s for this pur • J)Ofle come from the Intemattonal Red cl'O&!.i 1n oeneva. No canadJrm money Ia wed for thta pUI'pale. Nee& of the Momeat. Knitted. garments are the chief curernt need. We are aall:ed. to tnlt tor the men on land, .st:a and In the alt In preparation ror the cold weather. In addition to the ever- present need or aOCb for the army, the need is for feamen'a aocks and stoell:l.ng:s and htlmeta, mJtta and cloves for all forces. . Ttt.e meeUnc of tbe wom~n'a club wu in full awtna. "Nrs. Smith doesn't loot Tery hal'PY t.bla evenlnr.' remarked YrJ;. Jonea. "'No," replied Mra. Brown, "ahe aent a Pair of IOCk.s ahe bad. knitted to the Depot, and they :sent bact a note aaylna 'many U1anks, but no more sandbap are required. at the moment!" On Active Service .. In order to enable "nle G~tte and Chronicle to .secure a com ... ptete and accurate Uat of the men from WhltQ:v vbo have enll.sted with the O.AB.P., the publlahera requeat the rdatlvea of membeni of the Canadian filhtt.na forcea to fill In the followtn&: ronn and return to th1a otnce: Name 1n tull . . . . ...•.•.•••••••••••• , • ....... ............... ..... . . (Print Surname PirstJ Rea:JmentaJ. No. 1\ank · · ·•· ·· ···••••• · · •• · · ·•· • ··········· • ·•···•••••••••·••••···· · ·· Unit ........... . ... ,, ... , , ,, . . .... ,., , ... •. .....•... ... •. •..•.• ... Place and da.t.e or enllsllnent .. . .... .. .. .......... , ........................... . Birthplace and aae ............... .•. • . . . . ..•. .. •..•.• .. - ...•..... Namca and addres.s or p:1renta ot next of tln . . . . . ..... ..... •.. . .. , . . . . . •......•.......• Other parttculars .. .... , . . .. .. , . , . . ....• . . . ... . . • . •. ... • . . • . . . ... , ....... ..... '--~--------------------~----------~L~ • The ehureh durtns the flr.st dozen reara Of lt.s exlatericeJae~ma to han been wJthout • revWar J)Mtorate. rn 1a1. aev...--;w..;a\ antA became the uttl'!d pa'Mqr, -tlnued 10 tor many 1eva. _, atll1 be remembered 1J7 .-..· tr'tae old. tn· habitant. .. •:ail Bi!l'ir Marsh." He was ln time IUilrc\Hd.ld · t.J hlll aon Rev. J.snel Matob, 'l!bt will perhaps be mon dlltt~ --ed. and by a Wider cliall. IIOib ftlher and son 'ftrl, I 11U'D, iMa. of abUltr, And hllhlY esthnfJd.'\I ~ot ~~~ dates a1 to el_...,....., ... or end of Israel Manb'l Jlilhlall7. but I am informed of~ more Im- portant, a.n<1 .......-~;that l.s, that durlnr th~ _,- a ,..,.,. frlendlJ' feel~ ._ .. to · baTe ex ... lsted. amaa• t.bli dlftiieDl reUaloua denomln&UoN., "'niDd : tbe :Baptlst church bullrdlnl, ......, Uleil the e-nly one, waa ~ bpeD l.for the ~se ot-nrlou& llodlla.'·- J1iat l>t- •lnntnr I<! feel . lbe ..,. Of their limbs, bad not a& ·• Ulie been "blo to "ariae and IIUIJ4.." 1'lla Pre.s- ~yterlans, I am tald. btld aenlee tt-ere for & tJ.me an-i the ;anival r:-f tbe late Dr. ~-£\ 'nl~ 1\<elhoclllta alsO 1lied lf>.t cloarch lor holdlnr their . ~ -Unp. <~~.qd the OhurcJl . .r IQ!and for ·a ttme. wed tt ~An or:coul"'l!' at dlfferent tl.m.es-Qf, i.he day. Nor were tll.e wanta ·of t!te· cburchH onl7 Considered, u thn bul1dlDI wu rceukmauY UMd tor holdlnll' town.,. :~hlp and other nubile meeUngs. ReturnlnR to the pu~· J (m .ln!onned tha\ after~· )ollpatloo of 1\eY, Iart.eJ Ma Rft a.rr: Crellin <not q¢te a ~ .. tO the .!L~lllng) eUber au!J!)ltld &be jNJpU, or waa for a abort th:M Itt NPlfir pa.'ltOT. An inter~ In t,Jie ' -~;~;;;;;,,service muat f ~ llalnk ha.'e I' at the close ~ his aatnb· tl')', u the writer ~'bert th 11 t duiing the mlnLor.try ·of UM 'Ret. J. C. Oelkle In the ·~a:atkmal church ln Whitby, -~ -'* .. II (Deacon RaU as he WM iallt.d) 1nd famil.v. and aev~nl ~ Bl~t.!' attended · the aervlcll 1'11Ulat11 at satd eh.urch. ThL, wWftcm 18fol 185J. About this t11Dtl'-uy 1111. Rev, D. 8. Starr (a ~ ot the late, Huttcn at.arr ao )Will kMWn t=" us all_) b' c!lnie tho JU*Qr, a --pc.: rJt.Jon held by hlm fort:-.,: a abcrt limo, ow~ to_ Ill he~1 · if rlfbt t. · ' • She l.s llllrVIved by ,!If' huabond, two claU8flten, Je~.~~ Marlon; three ollten, Mn. J. w. Rli:kaby, 1 5=~~111ta.~~M. ' S. Mulholla!od, ~~:~~ w. ·J. Man!u!.s, '~ - one b:rOtb- l!llnD. BRITISH MARKIT FUTURE:HOPEJOR tANADIAN BEEF <CootlnUOCI from l'oole ll the ))roducuon ol commercial eattle !Jl Canada., more treel.Y 1014 1n our bUtcher ahope and rat.ed l&rae'IY on raDChe& In Alberta •aDd :Northern Ontario, where land Wt.U rultable &DCl feed cheap. Commerd.al · cattle, potnted out, ......, handled larlelY the p&eken to "'whom DW17 a1nl imputed aud crltlc.lam levelled. Althouch n..~ ~>oer 1014 a~ 28 aenta a pound 1n tbe butcher ahop, tho ,......,.. obtained ool7 from 111x f:O a1x ~ a half centa ·uve weia'ht, and lt wu hard for tbe public to find the reuoa.. lor dt.cr-epancy In price, bo~""n tho kllllno and tile ~- Kr. Miller pointed .oilt that the maJoriQ'. ut for rouJt beet and ateU. the more upenalve cuta fOr whk:h. Ule butcher wu ob11pd to itt a blah iirlco, -- of tho ract t.hat. a larle portion ol otner cuts o! beef did not find .such a ready mar~ ket. · '11\e problem ot ortucatml people to purehue these cub ot betr, whlch 1n Jru.\1)' cues were Juat u anCI resulted tp. 611Wler butcher wu one of t.boae now eJlla&- lnl the attenuoo of Women'a In- aUtu.te and othu orp.nlaatlona. The vOte of thanks to Yr. Mtuer was moved bY Rotarian Walter Thomaon. Wlth. the co-operation of 88 m&nufacturers, tn.stltutloru, and tecbnlcal aooJ,.etle~ lhe Iron Alloy, Ccmmlttee or thto J:nslneerin; l"cundt.Uon has I.S3embl~d _hitherto lnacceuiblc Information frOm. the :clenttilc :.·.;d te':hnle:d utei-ature or m:1ny naUo~. at a co.st ot over · a~o.ooo. , . Come. on up· ~· ...._ . ' ,,. Jean. . . . it's .' , ~ondefjul- The country is calling--Long Disl.al:\ce• , It's calling those of us who have sent olir families away ·from · town-- it's calling those of 118 who w.ork all week and need to be stirred int!l action by · ;' a L0Dg Distance call. In the old days . . . vacation meant sep&l'ation. To-day efficient and economicai. Long DistanC6 Telephone service coiinecta to~n and ~ounttyside, bring~ holiday voices right .to your desk. . - r-.,.,.-·- " ...... ,. .....,.-.. .uu . ...._ o/lklal, yo( ,.,,.,...,,. .... apooul.., No11Wo1 .,._ ,.WU .. oudfer Joao ' ,._L