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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Aug 1940, p. 4

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LindsaY, Aug. 2.....-oariadlan far- mers have pLtttoUc duty to pro- '!!'Je Yast· quanutteS of supJ)lie3 f~ Great. Brttam when ·me need.l Lhem. Bon. P. ·y, DeW.Dt Ontario M1D1steJ' ot~ AgrJ.cilnire. declared ad~ lh~:·anildal Vlctclrl:> CoUnty fat• -~a· .Pfcnlc held at B1rcb Point. ':sallusii.t Lake. ~ l Fairthful Airdale Killed In Accident-Given Appro- priate Funeral ,, I ' D~~ current mar~~ ~ Somewhere lD C.nada, July 30.- bl'l.a:rJcullun, the ~~-~~k:"'~· ".~-;::-:;:[ 'nle ontario Reglmeul (Tank> to· "aL ally tot.e It Dlah.• mourned tile ·looa of ODO of at this t.luie most. rathiUJ. ,membera lD the ~der.;_Rf'9C1~... . . person of ""Tanker, .. the reatm.ental I bl.sCUsslng tamit!fs,t; co-operatiVe mascot. '"Tanker,.,. a. lajp Alredale, eOM~.t-'tJ!ie ' lialidliter stated tbat was attached to · the restment. for • utbe '~i.t 'tnidbte hi rarmlril tOday r&tions anCI dlSelpllne, havlna' been Ia !ack ·OI -j)arlty In prices of farm presented to R.S.M. H. Davies the ' prod.~cts · and other Canadian aecood day the regim.£:nt. w~ mo- aoocfs." bllbtJi. Pamlllar to all members aoveinmenU. be conUnued,. have or. the ~t and possessed of un- ~ foWid it, dUfl~W.t to pve ~Ucm swerving loyalty -to anyone In uni- 1n' face ol the recent tendency of form, the dog was s famlliar si&ht :farDler5 to tncreue . producUon de- to citizens of Oshawa. always belng i5l)1te \he world surplus of supplies. "on parad.e .. whenever a route ma.rel'l 7 but~wlth the tnnslon of Poland, toot. place. The mascot. despite re- 1 Holland.· Denuiark and · BeJalum, peated. aclmonltlons f!'Om high r..nt- .. t.b8 situation &:.3 to the demand tor inl' army officials, tefused. to atop ce'iiiil.D. Canadian farm products ap· his Uvorite sport, namely, chaslng p!ai'S.to be ciearlnc,' provi,ded Grea~ automobUes or a.oy mechanized Te· BrttDn ·can hold out qalnst. the blcle. Th1 smomlng 'Tanker," out enmn,y, and we btlleve she can." be tor hb morning P.T .. strayed from added. tile rr.<oks to again Indulge In hls favorite pastime, thb time choosing a .J».Senger train u h1a lnteb.ded victim. The 1ron hon;e, however, won the argument and when tbe beloved mascot was retrieved he was in such a manaled condition that he 1!U bUIIlBlely destroyed. The blab esteem tn which the de- ceased was held WAS shown when c1cOe ·to 300 membero ·or the real· · J»,rttclpated Jn the last rites. Membeia constructed ., pnerous- sl.ect coffin, whlle a woodm crt~~& ~ "erected far a haldplece. Under th"e mmmand ol R.S.M. Davlei, the bocly_ waa w.Tie4' to the foct .of the flag pole by . pallbeo.ren. s .-sCL D. E. l!la~ews, set. Burch, I.·Cpl. A. Reid and BeL ·w. Milne, whDe tbe ClOII3 wu .canlecl • by Sgt~ H. G. CbeRbrouah. 'nle fUneral brief and solenui, be1DI CCG• by C.Qks. G. Bicnm, fol• fDW"" -'"1·'~~ a oborl add,... bJ IUUL ']~~~~=~~ who rev1e.ed tht career 'at '~ - ........ m~J;ier. need more replac "eaipk;,.. · He read. a brief CRble from tbe -·••··- au·~ fair .._ lll>d with ~ · =~~~Nlnlo=~ cond1t1aia. the farmer \ ci.n com.. ~ try staUnc that 11ft pete, \becauae th1a ....;dltton wtU of the monument ualat hlm ' In bavlna ~l;J of re- damap." "doea ""' ebow U11 I turns. The nature of the tamer"& ~·~-- ~.. a1 BrlUih -.. ntlumlnr to ' ~~ w&&.~ WRJ& entall fa1r}J Enal&nd on June 1 from Dunkirk lonc, hours at. moclerate .lncome. told the Cm.ldlan Prtu war tone~- .. , Urpo~ '"l1ie d.ealred altuatioa wW oaJy pondent. with t.he lat Canadlaa. Db· be- bZougbt aliout by orpnla&Uan, laloa; Edwin 8. Jobnlon, that the that ~pe of union which wUl ahe VlmY Ridge memo:-lal had been them 'atreoath tn the business &battered. by German bomber&. world,"' he ata.ted. They said they aaw the wreckqe . "I ~ve t.hat more md more of the memort&l wlt.h It& twin ahafta tanners must take a. 1arpr part 1n Ulat towered UO feet over' the PWn the marketl.ng and sale of their own of Doual. They aald abo the bom.b- ~OCUUea and 1n the purehue of era deliberately ~ed. Ct.na4lan, ·their ~neceWUes." he pointed oul Brltl.sh and French cemeterlea near- "'JI.y ·own experience convtncea b1. that farmers can save money by co- Walter S. Allward. Toronto aculp- ~ 1n the tblnp the;r pur· tor. dea.lened the vast won ol stone ebue, than they can in the producb and supervised Its conatrucUon. The , they aeU for Ute aimple reuon that work took 14 yeL•."S and the memar- ·· the consumlna public wW only pey lal wu unveiled 1n uae by Kin& a certain price for the th1np they Edward Vlli. require. "We mwt vlsuallze what ean hap~ lien by the united effort of many local co..opert..•Uve.s. lt b not at au beyond Ule realm of poulblllt.y that farmen should become able by cw· .._matson to purchase 1n a whole- 'ale .way and indeed eventually t.o manutL•:ture the great· bulk of the.ir own requirements," he concluded. I Th~ speaker was lntrod"ced by 1L.. ~ Pro:st, K.C, M.P.P., who also presented Sian&lman Jack Nesbitt of the Royal Canad.tan Na"y to the Jaiac audience. Oeorse Plt'l"kin pre- a,td~ and a abort.' address waa also Jiv•n by J. J . ~uraton. UNITS MAKE J~ TO An>. RED CROSS Picton, Aur. e - tievoral orpnla- ali0111 In Prlnoe l!l:l'W&ld Coon t.J are • ODJO&!IC! In maklni'Jam fa< tho Rod Cri:a.,..one of the most acUve belnt the~rsvWe War Oommlttee. .M~bera: have aecured the use ot a. home canntna plant owned tu' ,Lome1~an i.nd have thus beeD able to dq a larae QuanUty. To date 5&0 pounda of jam have been Ih.ade and the wort haa-J~ been .started. Realdenta ol the com .. )~unity have donated the necesa&rJ: rrui~ and. .sua:ar. .. \' ' For France Let us speak. softly of our slater, Prance, S~bbed and betrayed md fallen by the way. What aaony is hers! Bit.ter mis- chance Saw reptiles creep which ihunned the lliht of day. Stunned and bewildered, yet she wW arL$e- SLrlke, sword oi Bayard! Born of Roland, IOUDd • She will shake off the dust, wlth n.hina e,yea Confront the bea:;;t and fell h1m to the lfi'Ound. • •• Return, Saint Loulsl Lead a new · c.ru.sade Aiahut foes more p.aaan than the foes of old. UUlt the cr~and view cUspened, dismayed, , The powera of darkne.sa. in t.h.l.s hour rrrown bold. Vive L& Belle P'rar.cel once "our aweet enemy," Whoae blood smd ana:uish taucht men to be free. ~ wenoot.t.. u. tad L ~E WHITBY GAZETIE A~D CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST, 7, 1940 TELLS OF SMELLS south coast o! the Mediterr&nean · IJ\Uch jewelr-y, brncelets, anklets and I and _Ieli.rrn to enjoy the simple things Sea. and is the capital of the French rings. 'nle me11 do most of thf;l in li!e ourselves if . we · were not colony of Algeria, with a. ~Pula~ mending of clothes a.nd do a very always In such a hurry, the speaker IN Alr.ERI'AN riTY uon ol over 200,000. The . city, Is neat job Mts. Bateman said. suggested. U lJ dinded in tv.o sections, the mod.ertil She " ~ld of maklng a bus trip Mrs. Bateman said she would like ___ Algiers and the native section ot to the dgc of the Sahara Desert and to go back to northern Africa. a.t I Ba D narrow, winding streets, Mrs. Bate- of seeing a beautifUl mirage or an some future date, where the tem-Mn. Eve yn teman e- 1 man told Or a tour Urrough the oa·•·. perature was not much dl!ferent ~ than 1t w~3 here. acribes North African nat1ve section where the · homes of interest was a weddmg where . On behalf of the club. President Land to Rotary Club are mostly one-room af!a.inl where Mrs. Bateman and her party were Maurice Hart thanked Mrs. Bate~ the famllY share it with goats. Tbe privileged t.o enter ihe hOme of the man for her interesting address and Mrs.. Evelyn Bateman. guest 1 people are extremely poor, but aP- bride md where she exchanged hoped she might on some other oc- speakU at the Osha"h Rotary Club I parcntly contented. Children, dogs, finger rings w1th one of the guests. casion address the club. lu:D.cheon meeUn& at the Genosha clonke~ s and grown-ups mingle to Their .customs are primitive and Hotel on Monday, gave some mt- 1 gether m a medley of sound, smell simple and the people seem to take presstons Of her visit to A1g1ers and and color. . . tlme to enjoy lhe simple things in the district surroun'ding that t1ty Whtle the women wear veils. life and are never In a. hurry. They last year. She was introduced b.).' they all smear their teeth - with walk with a. dignity that Is seldom rotarian stan Everson. l!enna and have tattoos on their seen in this country. Perhaps we Algiers Is a fortilied ctty on the ! cheeks and forehead. They .wear could take a leaf out of their boetk LlnLE ANNIE ROONEY • A resident of Racine. Wis., t.as im·ented a carving knife with an electric motor in its handle that cr.•.Jses the blade to move backward and forward rapidly to do its work rANAD & TO fiET evacuation operat10ns of! Bordeaux, IJ n and its complement wUl include ' '.Surviving member' ol the Fraser. It NEW 'DESTROYER Margaree to Replace Fraser, Nelles Reveals-From Royal Navy Ottawa, Aug. 6.-A new addition to the Royal canadian Navy will be H.M.C.S. Margaree, tonnerlv a de- stroyer or the Royal Navy, it was: 11nnouneed by Rear Admiral Percy W. Nelles, Chief of the Naval Staff. H.M.C.S. Margaree wi11 take the place of H.M.C.S. Fraser, lost 1n will be commlsslone-j into the Ca- nndinn Navy in a ceremony at an English port in the near future, Rear Admiral Nelles said. All Canadian destroyer~; are nam- ed n!t~r rivers in the Dominion, and this \'essel bf:ars the name of the Margaree River. which flows through the western part of cape Breton Island into the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Navy Minister MacdOn· ald chose the nam~. Tl1e new destroyer 1s o! the Tribal cla.c:s. mxal h eadquarterE said. Its tonnage is 1870 nnd 1ts complement r.<f cfftcers ar.d men is 190. Length is 355 feet and It hn<; eight 4 7-lnch guns • .!"e\~n smaller ones and four 2l~lm:h torpedo tubes. By Brandon Walsh yeu --IHATISWHYI FLOWERS -lD FOOL/>$/ Sl'Y WHO MIGHT BE. WA"'TCH1NG ""THE HOUSE. IEACHER SEL. WE WON'T LET ANY01>-l!::. 1<NOW 'l-IE ARE.lE"AVIN' -AN' WHEN WE GET WHERE: "THEVJU:I«ION i5-IEACHER Wli..L SAY. "".5/..RPRISE! SURPRI5E!"!-AN' "I'LL HOLLER. "HURRAY.! JIURRAY."' AN' GLAD AU. OVER- 'I KEEP THI"--KIN' WHILE 'NE'RE. l=LYIN' UP HERE AMONG 'THE 5TAR5 'l'LL. 5EE ANGELS "LYING 'c:tOUND L.IKE A LOT OF" PR.ETT~ WHITE EITQ.05 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING --'-----~- Notice __ -,--:F:_:o::r S_-:al,-e==-=-=-= .POR SALE-1930, ~~-TON FORD panel truck, JUSt o\·crhaulcd, new IN THE MA'ITE!'R nF' 'T'HE BULK rln~, etc. f;pare- wheeL Snap for SALES ACT. 9:nd IN THE MATI'ER (':.Uh or will tradt;:> ro1· chickens. etc. OF the Sale m bulk of the assets Apply R. B. RCcd, :!23 Pine ,street, I of Oshnwa and District Progr~h·e Whitby. Phone 312. Co-op~retive Limited. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN FOR• S.'\LE-A QUANTITY OF th:tt Oshawa and Dist.rl.ct Progres· household f.:t~:.IU:>! fer ~!c. Apply .:he Co·operatlve Llmlt@d did on 919 Green st:-eC't., \";l.li.:.;.J. tl~e 8th d:ty of July, 1940, make a ------- ! ~ale 1n b1.4lk of its assets. un.<ler the FOR SALE-FOURTh--p;N noo~::ED 1 terms nnd provisions of the Bulk house with com}':ctc !w::::::~i:-.gs,l Snl~s A'"t to WtiUam Scattergood suitable for gncsts r.cme. to·;.:.:;t o! t:-.e Clty of Oshawa in the Coun-. home, bOarding !'lou~. r~~·.::htd ty or o:~lario. tl..":.d Fred<!rlck Kirby rooms or apartruc::.~. VelY cc~~llaL cf tl~~ City of Oshnwa in the eoun. modern .in all n>Jlpccts, including ty Cf Ontario, and Ulat I have been hot water heating system. Alw nppc,lnted Trustee of the proceeds for sale, Quebec heater cooking of the said sale. ra~. couch, radio and other ar- Creditors are requested to file ~~b Apply• Oazett.e and Chronicle, their claims with me, together with Y· proof and particulars thereat u re· Lost LOST-A GREY PERSIAN CAT, ans.wera to the name or "Bluebell." female, around Byron street north • P'1nder please .return to 130 Byron street north, or phone 930, Whitby. Rewanl. For Rent FOR RENT-sUMMER COTI'AOES for rent. wm sell, near Beaverton. ApplY I· A. McBrien, Brooklin. Telephone 55. Wanted WANTED - BERRY PICKERS wanted at once. Apply R. F. Clem- ence, 1137 Broc:k street south, Whit- by. Salealadiea Wanted quired by the said Act, on or before the 15th day Or August, 1940, next. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that as .soon as possible after the said 15th day of August, 19to, next, I wiU pri'Jceed to distribute the pro. ceeds o! the a.ssetr; of the VENDOR, among the partJes entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice ha.s then been given, and I wUJ not be Uable tor t.he &aid proceeds or any part thereot .so distributed to an;y person or per- sons. of which claim I shall not then have had notice DATED this 31st day of July, A D. 1940 LOU ISAAcs. 4 SOru of England Building. Richmond and Berti Streets. Toronto. Trustee under the Bulk Sales Act.. VOTERS' LISTS, 1940, MUNICI.:. PALITY OF WHITBY TOWNSHIP. COUNTY OF ONTARIO. Notice ts hereby given that I have compiled with Section 8 of the Voters' Lisk: Act and that I have posted up nl. my office at Brooklin on tl1e !Ifth day of August. 1940, LADIES WANTED-A FEW MORE ladies wanted, must be convmcmg talkers to clearly explain advantages our Hou.rehold ner:ess1ties knov.:n as FAMILEX PRODUCTS offer to buyt>rs. Already GelllrJI J.n 1m- mence quantities. Door to door can- VMSing necessary to show articles &D{I take ord~ for same. GOOD COMMISSION. Un1fm1ted earnings pQSSlble. Prlend$, neighbor.<:, any- one 1fil1 be glad to order. FOR FREE CATALOGUE AND DE"l'AILS wrtte : PAMILEX 670 St. Clement. Montreal. the list. of ail persons enUUed to vote in the said Muil.iclpallty at municipal elections and that such IL~t remains there for inspection, And I hereby call upon all voters to take hnmedlate proc~tng.s to ha,·e any errors or oml.ssions cor- rected according to law. the tut day for appeal being the 26th., day · of August, 1940. ELEMENTARY FLYING NEAR .OSHAWA TO BASE FOR TWENTY-J ... , .•. Auction Sale SATURDAY, AUGUST 10 - Auetlon sale of five rooms house- bold furniture, including Llvm~ room, Dining room, 2 bedrooms, kltdlen and electric stove, nearly new. to be held at Heards Garage. Brock street nOTth. This furniture is all In flnit class condition. Sale &t two o'Clock. Terms cash. WUllam Maw, Auetlolleer. Mn. Mary Smitl{ Succeeth H~sliana In Court Position Dated, thts 5th. day or Au!JUSt, 1940. ll:.>tteJ>t of No. 26 Elementary Wm. G. Manning, F1 , T • . Sch I Clerk. Whitby Township. ymg ratnmg oo Brooklin. Ontario. Outlined in Release by Female Help Wanted WANTED-MAID WANTED FOR general hOusework. Apply Dr. C. F. McGillivray, Whitby_. ---- HOUSEKEEPER WANTED- FOR ~erly couple, one with a>ractlcal nursing eXJ>Crlence preferred. Apply Gazette and ' Chronicle, or 116 Kent stree~ ~tb)' ' I J)O&Sitlon 8.l!l clerk Of the Division Court. Hon. Mr. Oo>tnan:~t·::•n~~~~=~:; tion to the I Department of For Air HANGAR 112' X 160' INCLUDED IN PLAN wa.s as follows: Twenty-seven aircraft wW be "The undersigned hu. the n~~o'" 11 bl ... d a.t No. 26 Elementary Plying to recommend that Mra. The aPJ)Ointment of Mrs. Mary Tighe Edwards -Smith, of Oshawa, Tralnlng School, embraclng nearly a Smith, wife of Lleut.-OOI. R B. ontario, be aPDQinted Actlng Clerk dozen bulldlngs which will be estab- Sm.itb, a.s acting clerk of the Eig.hth ot the Eighth Division Court Of the llahed .iwo mlles northwest of Osh- c o nt r o tar1 1n th awa, 1f the standardized lt.'j'out fur other 18 will Represents Average Rise Employment for Canada In June Ottan. Aug 8 - Canadian busi· ness establishments added an aver- age of three employe-es each to staffs durin& June. bringing the total number of nm~.e.s on theJr PBYroll.s to l.l20,'l91 compared 1.184.283 the previous month, the Dominion Bureau ·1t Statbttcs re- ported. In June last year 1.128.216 persons ._-ere employed In the 12 ~ 000 firms. • Mauufacturing employment u a whole conUnued. to increase during the month and substantld improve- ment was shown by logglng, min- ing, communications, transporta- Uon, services. trade and construc- tion and maintenance. Except 1 n logring, the increases were seasonal ln cb~cter and '\\vt generally lar_ier than um&l for , the time of year except. ln mining. Since the Increase was above nonnal 1q the experience or other )'f!ars oi the record, the seasonally. adjusted lndex advanced to 12:2.3 t'Om~ with 120.9 a. month before. Employment b:y econom.lc areas. Martt.bn:e Provinces: Highway corut.ruction and loggl.ng reported gre-at. exp.lDSion and addlUons to ~taffs 1n trade, services. communl- caUons and mlnlng also were made Total h\¥Dber of persons employed rose to 91;M on July 1 from 86,809 a month before and 85,530 on July 1 last year. Quebec: Manufacturing showed grei.':er actl'11ty and increases were noted 1n lumber, pulp and paper. chemical, iron and steel, non~fer­ rous metal and some other classes whUe lea~ and tex:We plants were seasonally slacker. In the non~ .manufacturtna industries, loggmg. and eonstructlon and heightened of report- men and and tr.l.de also afforded more em- ployment. Total n\lDlber of persollS employed was 147,022, compared with a working force of 140,5'15 a month before and 134,58t last yea.r Brit1sh Columbta: Continued ad- vcnccs were made. compared with 99,151 at the end of May and 97.267 July 1 last year. Manufacturing was seasonallY truster, particularly In the- food, lumber and !ron and steel divisions. Transpork.~on , constnK"- tion and trade also reported im- provement. SUght gains were made Ln Jnlning, comm1wlcattona and ser\'iccs. Loagtng showed cUrtail- as the result of a numbU of camps closing because of &he tire hau.rd. --- -· ' -t William Jamea Robeon, Ac- tive in lbeatricafWork On Publishing Toronto. Aug. 6 - W1lllam Ja!nea Robson, advertlslng manager of the Canadian countryman Publlsh.tns Company, and one-ttme well·known manager of concert tours. died sud-. denly last v.·eet at his home, 'l3 Rtvercrest. Road. He was in hJa .seventy-ftrst year. Born at Port Peny, he waa the eldest son~of the late Ma.t.tbew and Sarah Jane Robson. He received hb education Ia. Port Perry. eom .. lng to TOronto tn 1890, Mr. RobsOn was for some t1n1e connected with bookinp tor toneert tours and en- gagements: With the advent of movtus pictures. he purchased a machine and pioneered 1n touring Ontario giving entertainments. Following the South Afrtcan war, Mr. Robson aeeompanted .Shnley McKeown Brown, MaD. and Empire war correapondent . with the Pkat canadian Contingent, as manager of a lecture tour. He later became assoclJ.t.ed. with Stewart Houstoo, manager of lli8S$1e:Y Music HaD, and acted as bu.slness manager for Can- adlap book1n:p for many c:elebrtUes. lncludlna ~. Col~:.m ouards' Band, Grenadier Guards' Band. Westminster ChOir Boys. the Sheffield Cholr, and others. For tllrc ~ years Mr. Robson wu of the Rcya1 under the late WON'T TELL OF V.C. GIVES: Captain Is First Holder - N.C.O. E:_,q,O.·I ed · Seif b:i · Sile,iice I Macbin~un Neita, , · . London., Aug. s - Caot. a.·· M. ErvJ.ne--AncL.--e .. -s. a· red~ha.trtct. quiet "spOken aok:Uer: ·was Sit\ing iri a restaurant when: t.he radio an~ nounc"ed tba.t tle had bHrl awan:ted VIctoria erms. .. ·~:J:t~ crowded aiound blm, ~ him to relate detalli'"ot action te.:.~ brought him award, ~ut he d.ecli.Iied. "Afrald.:t: · can··~~.~:~.:i~-~~~ about. that. .. he S~ have diint." Bast numously On Nicholl& of the Nfcllolls was killec:J: 1n eapl · Enine-Andrews, 29, ·~ toi "conspicuous gal.lantcy'• the det~ or Dunkirk during tbe night "()f May-31.:June t, Ji· tll~ ttrat I ':::l~;;1 man to Ilve to receive the Viitorta. I (] cross 1n the present war. The medal had been awarded pPsthwiiOWJ.Y two flyers and Capt. Warburton- Lee, who led the British forces in the naval b!lttles at Narvik, Norway. Slncte~Danded. Nicholls, 28. former heavyweight boxing champion of the Imperial ~. wa.,:.,.deeora~ .tor action in a ~~-at_ta.Ct: May 21 he _..m the enem.v · sb)tze:,llinil~<i 1 with • BreD· gun . fired from his hlp. sllenclng three German machine BUM. 'Ibe official aruiouncement of capt. Ervine • Andre,..' pDantzy -!.dd.,i.tn Ervine . Andrews toc~J~~~.~~§§ over •bout 1,000 yards ot defenses in front of . Dunktrk, h1s Une .ex. tendlna 'aloi\g the Caru>J de Ber&ues. 'Ibe enemy attacked. at d&wn. Por over 10 houm, Division OOurt of Ontario County, u Y 0 n o, e room and stead of Mr. Robert B. , Bm1tb, on such tra1n1ng 5Chools as ouWned m Is announced bY Hon. G. D. leave of absence for Mlllta.ry serv- a pres. release from the Press Conant,. attomey-gtneral of Ontar- tee." Liabon Office of the Depart- The all'cralt "'~;~; ~~::.1 llland Tiger MOths or nett to. Col. Slnl.tb, who Is oificer com- (Signed) G. D. CONANT, ment of Defence for Air is mandtnc t,be second ·Battalion, On. Attorney-General. followed. Element.ary flying .school~ u 15 projected for O!h- 1 tarlo Beg1ment. N.P.A.M., has been Crocuses In bloom 1n the fall awa are being establlmed along Bnmted leave of absence from hls I heve been developed. standardlzed lln~ and there Is no lndle&tlon that Oshawa's school will PROFESSIONAL CARDS be an exception. The release from the Department of National Defence est.abllshes that No. 28 Elementary l"lytng Training School b the last of such schools to be announced. Twenty-five slmUar achoola have been started or an- nounced by the Department. The school at OshaWI.' wW be • unit of No. 1 Tralnln&" Command, Royal Canadian Air Foree, with head- Quarters at Toronto. UNDERTAKING W.C. TOWN • Feeral. Director. aDd. Embalmer Ambalanoe Scntce Ph-. Cit WhUbJ A. G. MARLOW I11NEBAL SERVICE, AMBULANCE J.M.- Dtreetor. Faaenl Semee Pb•De 1SI Brocll SL Soatb MEIIGBEB'S .FUNERAL HOME 07 IUq- SL Eut, Osbawa a. J. Bt.NwiU". · F. J. Meaaher haeral Dlreetor. M.anqer PHONE 907 MURM Y A. ROBINSON Ambalanee Senfce hllval Dlrecter ao4 Furu.Jture Dealer. BrookHD. Ozat. VETERINARIAN DR. A. S. BLACK Veterinariap A S11111oon IIROOIU.IN • ' ONT&W~ TELEPHONE a DR. G. R. BOOTH Ac:cndited V etorinuy Larae aDd Small An1ma.l ;.Surgery PeraontJ AttenU?n to All C&lll 3U K.lD& SL West. Olba.wa Telepbono 917, Oob•wa MEDICAL DR. R. T. MacLAREN PQUdan aad Surpon 8etMieDae LDd Otnee Clone< Maey """ llncll s .... Whllb7 PHONE Jl1 DR. FREDERICK A. CUDD'Y PBYSICJ.-N PHONE 711 Corner 8J1'0D. ud Colbome au. MONUMENTS N, \Y. STUFORD Dea.l~ Ia Imported. and, Canad.laa Granites. •'lnl cla.sl woi-k a& moderate prlea PbOllc tQ Wtulb) LEGAL W. J. HARE, B.A. Barrister, SoUcltor, Nota17 Successor to A.. G. Brownlnf, K.C. ltrlce: llt BROCK BTilDT felepbone: m ~ ' R. DONALD RUDDY · Numerou, BuUdlnp Tha standardlzed layout Of build- for an Elementary Flying Training School Includes a hangar Barris~, SoUcftor, Ottlce at the Coarl OCICllpled b7 A. E. ~:;:~·:Pa:.e.U.df 1 112: feet by 160 feet tosether with bulldtnsa for howtne the L•lrmen, a mess and hospital, officers and N.C.O. mess buUdtnas, a ground in-Mone7 to Loa.a PboDe 331 · Whll~•-1 st.rueUon school, motor transport ------ -------- p.raae L'.D.d other smaller bUUdlngs. DUNCAN B M-•-.novnr 1n addition landing strips 2,soo • ""'a· • au:. feet long and 700 r .. t wide must be Barrls&er, Snllcl&or, NoCU,. prepared though not necessa rily Office: Broek St. Soulb hard-surfaced runways. PhoDe 606 WhltD' The equipment for the school in- cludes 2:7 airplanes. Nine of these INSURANCE LW.DUDLEY RepreM"nUzac Empire Life Insurance Co. - allo - Blcknest Fire, Automobile, Accldeat and GORDON F. OSBORNE Dlatrld M~ Empire Ufe lnaurance Co. wW be in reserve so that 18 wtll •lwaya be reli."dy for sen•k:e. The retea.se from the Department of Natlonfl,l Defence for Alr which sets forth tbe general conditions de- s!~ at each elementary :school was sent to The 'I1mes at the request or W. H. Moore, ll.P.,-for Ontario rid- ins. It ·a as foliowa: How Scboob Operate Fresh from · th• lnl~l Training Schools. where they have just ·com- pleted thelr first four weeks of tralntna in Air Poree law, theory of fll&bt. • mechl.\11cs, discipline, et.c., Every&bla.r In Life In.auranee Royal Canadian Air Force recrU1t.:; 200 . Byron St. N. Wbitlb]r I deat.l.ne~ to become pilots are :sem to one of the 26 Elementary Flying · • Tra.lnlng Bchoola. CEMETERIES Under the tUteiaae of competent flying instructon, the young Cana- GROVESIDE CEMETERY 41sns r1y as pupu. untu proficiency RING: 1505 OUice. · . and sell cbnflden~e convinces the lmtructor they are ready to fly T. CREER. Caretaker. "!one. The students then continue TAXIS Centnl Taxi Service DON. J. BR'YA)ff . Phone 364 .. · ·. For Day and ' Nlaht ·Setvtct PHONE ~ WHJTBI' • : dally fliahts. SomeUmes ground 1n- .atf¥Ct1op. on flying e.nd related &etence~ 1a abo received. The ac:hool 1s a large and busy cotrununlty. BNides an aerodromt! ~tth : minimum. d.bnenslo1,1s or 2,500 .feet, &UCh ~ools , requlre an nrea of 12 acres tor hanaar L'.ld other liU!tilJnrs: -- · .. -- - · · · The 22 clubs of ·the · Cau~t.dlan ' . - both primary trainer planes of biplane type. These ruaed 'little machines, whlle compamtlvely slow in relation 'to fighUng ma.chlnes, ore stabk< ::~:~ic >SI" lo =· trol<;, built to hard tnoct.s and pro\•iding a de. lil.rgm or safety for cmbi'1o ~ ·· Aerodrom.e Jplcuicattons ff'Clulre a smooth, leftl IIWfL..:e at least 2,500 teet by 2100 feet. dear of ob- structions audi as hUts. tall bulld- ings, power t:ransa1taston towers or chimneY stacb. x.ndlng strips. each 2,500 feet lobi .by '150 feet wtde, f&n out in 'i"arioua d1recUons so that whatever point the wind is from. aircraft mRJ t&4u off into the wind. No night nJlnc equipment is calle:t for, and tbere need. be no hard sur· raced. nuiWQ~ on U.e landing strips. There til 'a baiap,r ·u:~ feet by 110 feet, ln the ~lud require· ments for thla type of school, and ms.'DY other buUd.tnp. also of stand- ardized type. One wUI house air- men's quartef3, one a mess and hos- pital, one the otncers' and non-com .. ml$sloned officers' mess and Quart- ers, and one the ground instruction school. There w1U be a motor t.rans- port garage, a lethnlcd and quart· ermaster's store5 obuildl.ng, and a 21• yard machine run rall8e. The stud.ents at the Et1•m••nbUJ li'lylng Training Schocl wlll aiJe from 18 io 28~ They will lng practically from dawn tilt or takina ~ cluses ·.r the ground structlon ach~..JI! , at.~t.he machine gun 11ln&'C. or.,.; t.p; EleDltiltary Scl)091 tha"n&w . • \l;;,fre readY""'to move ,on to·U.,..Diltct ~of t.betr training, o'- ot~ll Sii1tee 1'1)'inl Traininrr ~ : ror 1'1Dterm~W and ai:lvan~ flllh~ b'Uiltns. ; War~~"' . The w~ Oamml~ o( the Cab- inet now ,e~ or ten .memben with the recen\ . ~allon of Hon. J. 0. Oardlner, ·~r Or War Ser· vlcea and HoD.· ·~ t.. ~cdonald, Minister of NaUOoal Defence for NavE.'! Ser\'lces. Tbe commlttee ' '&3: formed a.t the 1&&11 of t.be ·war consider broad llDIJ.Of war poUcy. .. Hospitals I'M' ~ Alt~ The Department cit tiuiilLkiD.s Supply has entered into '"contract.s ~ith firms In ·vO. rlous c;entres throughoUt Canada to provide over- hauling aitd repair tainl!tles foiair- ph.•nes used for irainhlg and other P\U"~ . . AfU!r a C(dain number of hours in Lhe alr, plane!\ ~tnd engines must be dismantled, · repaired and tightened up.- Natioa..J Registration is a plan to mobilize and direct our human resources- to assist Canada in the present crisis. When you regis- ter you will receive a certi6ciue, convenient for card case or pocket-tangible evidence that you have complied with govern· meot regulations. It is not ~nly a record for tbe Government, it is also for yo11r protection. As such, you will be required to carry this card with you at all iilnes. "its preseo1ation can _be demanded at any time by the proper authorities. EVERYONE C_AN · BEJ.P-To keep the. cost of thU ~gistration at··~ Diininium : the Government is asking the co-operation of all.publii:-minded citizens in ·the work• of regd.- uation. You can_!telp by getting in touch . ~ith ;r.our)oCaJ reg~t\on ofticiah and ofl'erlng your services. · .. ~. WBERE TO REGUTER RqistratioD. o8ices tte being sec up by electorU distticts Ia .abe IUDe IDADDI!!t -. ia the luc Dominioa clectioo. Resistnnts are rcquirtd co rc'isttr ill the replar pallial& sub- diTis.ioos of dleir own rooscitueaaes. Buc abou.ld a repstraDl be iD tome ocher provin« OC' district out of the reauJu po1lina wbdi.Yisioo oa Reailtnrion Da)-s, he o t, $be may regiau ac uy reaisuadoa. o&icc <:U~VeDimt, upon u.tisftctory uplaution lO the local deputy registrar.

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