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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Sep 1940, p. 1

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l l SEPTEMBER 4. 1940 Council Seeks Power to Ma----v.li:t• ITBY Y.-.' ..... , TO ' DES-··,_~,.- LOCAL COMPANY IS IN MINISTERIAL NEED OF . FUNDS 'FOR . ASS'NISSUES EQUIPMENT AT CAMP Requ:~~~~~ V be made before Sep• 15. Pr06pectlve puplla mus1 at least five years o! qe he Veteran Lake Captain is in . Good H~tb-Haa Had . varied Career Delegation To Ontario Municipal 001uu 1 at T010nto in Hope That Solution to Legal Situa· tion May Be Found MONEY IS REQUIRED TO PURCHASE BOOTS William Davltlaon. is Ap- pointed to Public Utilities Replacing Late :R. N. -Bauett-Has Wide M~i­ cipal Eltperience In answer to an appeal by Capt.. D. B. Mcintyre. officer command- ing "D" Company of the 2nd Bat- talion, ontario Regiment N.P.A.M., a special delegation was named by town council at Its first fall meet- !Dg on Tuesday night to visit Queen's Park on Wednesday to seek permt.sston to make a. grant out or town funds to the company. Capt. Mcintyre, In asking council for a grant of $200, explained that there are many membel'li of the compa.ny who are not financially · able to buy boots and- other neces- llal'Y equipment not Included in the 10vernment Issue. 'I'bere Is an lm- medla.te need for flnanclal a.'IS15t- ance, he ~>tressed, and many men w1ll face two 'llo"eek's traJnlng In camp without the proper equipment unle& funds are forthcoming with- in the ·next few days. "lt is certainly a surprise to me to. · men "Who Joined Dlreetor of the Ontario Bfll~e!lt Baud whleh .won ilermaiaa' pw- sesslon or &be Beare Co. ~:r at the CanadlaD Natloual tiliibiUon lad week when the:r capt'lll'ell rtnt prhe In the CIIIII!S A band eompeU- tlon for the third :rear In succeal011. ' Department or Municipal AffalrB. It was decided to seek instruction from the depart.ment as to· how a grant could be ar.ranged. · With tho . urgency or the altua- tlon placed before council by capt. Mcintyre, It was decltled that a delegation mould atten&at Park to intemrv;;e~;w~· -~~;=~~~ of ~unlclpal ~ .zw' Heed Kmg' • Requ~t for l>iviMAid The Whitby Ministerial Assocla· Uon have issued a call to 'prayer mjing everyone who is physically able· to attend the services of inter- ceSsion on Sundli.'Y next and spec1a] IUT8Il8ements are being made to make the Day of Prayer helpful, lnsPtrtnlt and st.rengtherilng, The M.lnt.sterial Aasoelatlon letter fol- lowa:- "To All Citizens r,f Whttby: . "Tpe beloye;:t Motherland is fight- Ing for her life and for the liberty of the world. In this dreadful strug- gle we ·are proud to know that Can· wa and tho other overseas Domin- Ions, dependanclea and colonies are Sharing. "At the request of His Majesty the King the Empire and Its frleilds are called to a. Day of Prayer on Sunday, september Bth. This is a duty to God and to our country that all who ci.1l thenuelves Christian and godly can fuifll. The Whitby Mlnlsterial Association adds its Voice to this great call .. The mJnlsters or thetownare pre~ ~ly for thls da:r and invite all peopla to attend the services on Qunda.v. "Let our tey-riote be ~e and loyalty. Oo\irap to ~~left the grim necessities of each· situation u U may arise; loyalty to tho highest Ideals or irutli, aerv1ce and duty aet by our Lord and Kuter .Taus QhrgL . ' 'So let us pray Thy tlngdom ecim.e. <COntinued oo Pap a, Oot. i> . ~tressed. . lllayor P. T. Rowe declared when told the men have to buy their own boots, ISOC~ and underwear. asked that the municipalitY purchase from him a portion or a Janeway running behind his proper· t.y on Brock street south. Be point• ed OUt that the lane is used geD• erally as a public thoroughfare, aDd be felt It should be taken 0\'er by the. oorporation. The matter wa, taken under consideration. that any •. peraoDI Or ~mlil&tkrni . .. ~ t6 i'&lle funds io ............... ... IN-LDr1tr· IDURT :n::.:rt~;!tu~W: Act Pzotec:til th~. U..' ot· the name and,aign ~ tlie ~ ~ m. tbe-colleetlon .of.fUDdl. , ~ P'lr· - ·no 01111ec11a 'flaida ;e« ........ Capt, Mcintyre pointed out also tbat wblle the men have all been Wiled the new battle dress uniform, many of them need to have the uniforms altered to fit properly be- fore they go to camp next week. This cost will have to be borne by the men themselves, and many of them are not able to do so. . ' IJJl ing Ule name or· the ~ crou so- ciety are· .required bY · the War Charities Act to receive a permit be(on being able leplly to adver- tise their undertaking or project using the name or the Bed Cl'06S :?E!:J!-::5~ -E tKOS$FUNDS ~e:. of tM ·lwd wu·dlV. "We need the money at any time, but we need It urgently now belore we go to camp," Capt. Mc.,Intyre stressed. ~There Is also a certain amount or recreational equlpment that should be acquired that we have no means of getting," It was mentioned out In councU that Ontario . County Council had allotted to the town a fund of some $i;600 to be administered for war .ervtces. This money. however, · la to be given out onlY to services that a.re approved anQ registered under the War Ch&rltle~~ Act, and "D" company Of the 2nd Batt. 0nt. Regt. Is not oftlclally listed as one of the approved services. Admitting that the County Fund could not be used for a grant to the regiment. Capt. Mcintyre aug- gested that $200 be allotted out of the general rate. WbUe Council was unanimous In ita desire to assist the local unit, It was ap1n pointed out that even P,neral funds could not be dispensed in this way without approval of the On Motion of Councillor John Roblin. seconded by Mayor Rowe, accounts totalling $126.23 were adopted and pa.s..'ed for payment. WHITBY PASTOR . TO BE INDULlED Rev. David Marshall, Who has been mJnlster under stated supply at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church for nearly a year, wm be formally Inducted on Wednesday evening, September 11. At the morning service In St. An. drew's an edict for the Induction wa, read from the Presbytery of Toronto, whlcb wlll have cbarge of th6 service. Edict was read by Rev. F' .H. M. Irwin, a member of the Session. It will be read again next Sunday. Mlnlstel! from the Presbytery will take part, one dellverlng the ch&rge to the minister and another to the congregation. Defense Claima . "Natural Impulse Prompted Act- Sentence SuapeDded . Mike Botolo, Jr., aged 24, · of Brooklin, was given suspended sen- tence In district pohce oourt TUes- day afternoon after he • pleaded lullty of obtatnJng five dollara by false pretences. Botolo was ar- rested by Chief w. J , Elllott and PrOvincial officer James SuUlerland on August 28th. A. w. s. Greer, Oshawa, acted as counsel for the accused • Plans Complete Fer Oshawa Fair Which Opens D.oors September 9 Big Programme For Two Days Chief Elliott told the court that en the day In quesUon Boltolo had aeveral small bOya in hla truck and banded them a flve peso Mexican banltnote, worthless In canada, with Instructions to I'Ot It changed at some store. After trying aeveral stores without success the boys had entered the Gray coach Lines where the clerk ra~ them two $2 billa and one U bill In exi:hanse for th~ note, Chief Elliott reported. 'lbese bUis bear a close reeemblance to a cana- dian $5 bill but careful scrutiny reve&la the dUference and u soon as 11ho discovered thb, the pollee were notified. Ohle1 Blllott said the b<\Ys Jnformed him that when they got back In the ear Bokolo said "don't give It to me now, Walt ·till we get beck ID the ·farm." He had been arrested on his father'a farm at Brooklln, where a aearch revealed some money ln tlle .house although lt wa.a all genuine Cana- dian currency. • "Bokolo told me that aomeone md Includes Hone Racing on Two Days With Judging of Livestock TakiDg Place at Saine Time INCREASED PURSES FOR HORSE RACEs Granllatand Performance Will Be Given T ueaday Night. SepL 10 - Pre- pare Exhibits on Monday, SepL 9th, With Show Concluding SepL 11 tb Final touches will be given a tall fair program which will pro- vide activit¥ at Alexandra Park from the time the Oshawa Fair opens its gates Monday moming, Sept. 9 11ntil the last concession- aire -moves"-out Wednesday night, SeS pt. ' 11, when the direetol'l! of the outh Ontario Agri~liltural Socie- ty meet tonight.. The general out- linea of the three-day program pa.ssed the bill on him and be In- have been set and only the final tended to pasa !t on to 110111eone checkup on details remains to be el!ie,'" stated the Chief · done. Defenae counsel A. w. s. Greer The program has been designed made a stronir plea !or lenleney ·on to provide better entertainment the grounds that Bolcolo's orfenae throughout the three-day stand bad been merely the result of a na- than has been given at any Osh- tural Impulse rather than any pre- awa Fair for years. Indications meditated crtmlnal Intent. He also are that from the exhibitors' pointed out to the court that ae- standpoint the fair will also show cu.sed was the sole eupport of h1a much improvement. Entries have mother and slater and had an · older been coming in in l~r numbers brother who had enlisted with the than heretofore and it ts confident- active aervlce forces. · 11, expected that when entries "The fact that the offense In- c ose on Wednesday, September 4 -rolved these three "Oun .. ..._, •- the that a record for number of ex- " " ""¥ "' hibit:~ .will be set in many classes. most serious aapect," obaerved the Crown. Variet:r Provided. Cl 1m1n th t n. Judging in the various competi- a I a w•e aocused acted tions will extend over most of on natural Impulse, defense · cOUI~Ml Tuesday and but there observed, "It would probably h&Te will also be ampl41 - occurred to MJI friend the Crown Cor those who · are, not mtereste~ Counsel and myself only we would in the anatomical fine points .have choked It down. 'lbe natural Jolm Jones' cows and horses. Both Impulse of ar.yone who has been Tuesday and Wednesday aftemoon fool~ Ia to fool aomeone else." there will be horse racing whlle After clvinlr the accused. a warn. Tuesday night the traditional lng, Kaaiatrate A~ placed him on gran<Jstand performance will take suspended sentence for one year, place. · The usual midway will be "I'm stlll walt!Jlr for' the day when !n operstion all ~ree night&, open- aomeone making a busl.nesa .ot tbla mg Monday everung, thlnr appeara In this oourt. . It The harness horse race card pro· seems there Is .5omeone passing these (Contlnued on Page 8, cot 8) blllll around," remarked the cadi. \ \ SOciety. · 'lbe Whitby Branch of the Red cross Society ia.glad to receive do- nationa of funds raised for the sup. port of their orphlzatlon; bu't wish'· es to bring attention of the public to the important proyi.slons' Of the War Charities Act. Thtt sale of Ueketa or the raising of money In other waya where the· words "Pro- ceeds In ald. <it the Red Crou So- ciety'" are U8ed la only i.-!;:al If the P81'80n or orsantutlon ·eanytng on the aale or auch tickets for the ral!Jng of fwlds Is In pos~~esslon of Permit C. Residents of Whitby who w.lsh to assist the Red OMS& Society In some SUCh way are asked first to get In touch with the President SocJet:r to do .,. · . • 8ldd marlr.&.'.ior a number "Any society or orianiAtloD de- Cliaiiman · Ezi,reuee ~ 'l'hlee ·vfc~ . of the,~muh. siring to con~bute part or all"~ · · · occt1])81lts or the the proeeecia or • money-ra!alng en· ure Tbat I..oan is· Repaid they ~VOd ,WJW'II. tertainment or plan fOr the benefit __ ,.~ .,.. __ J_·~ ....._ __ ,__ alated the!li. of the Canadian Red Crolla Society U1U &~ • & DUma Osbawa General ~~:~~~ inust. under the Act, roeelve the Jured .persons _were Ben· authorization of the SOciety ·to uae The Clanadl.an Legion War ser- dall and Krs. Mornn both of To-.d"'~&lltdled. the name o! the Red cross in con- vices 11-. returned the $40.000 liven :ro11to and M1u Gladya caniew nectlon owlth Ita advertialng or · •ale that orpntatlon 'by the C&nadlan Montreal. · · · of tlcketa and send copies of Ita ae- Red eroaa Society Jn ~e ~Jy atqes Mervin Saunders and h1a wife counts, allowing III'OIS ncetpta, 'ex- or the ~. it was announced Iaat were from ~ronto, anc1 ,with them penditures and tho · amount turned evenfug. 'lbe money was advanced were Mrs. scott and !Ira. Smith over to the Red Cross, to the De- to· the canmtan Le&kin' to stan tt Klnpton also Klsa llaJ1raret Rob- partment or state at ottaWa. . on Ita PtOIP'Rn1 or .work on beh&u erts or Toronto. · '"The Act forbids any arrange- (!{~Ute men or the flghttni forces. The· ci.r owned by Sendell was ment by whlcb any peraan ~-.... I P,lndlng It necessary t.o launch o: wrecked. badly, the front end betnc contributions on a pe:-Centap naUon-..,tde appeal for ~c!!!itlcmai completely deu;tollahed hJ' the lm-: o! remuneration or contracts for funds aop1e Ume qo, It was explain- pact.--:- The brake and clutch Pfld• telephone solicitation for any rec- ed, the Le ... on has found itself in a dies Pushed back .untll"lhu weii lstered fund.. ... ap.lmt the ]ega or:sendall and thus · poslti~n. a a result, to return the made lt dUflcult to remove him ------------------------ II10ile7 oontrlbutecl by the Oana· ttte 17recked . vehlcle. The ateertnc dian Red Cross. wheel also wu battered bact and BAY OF QUINTE W.M.'S. ENDS SUMMER SESSIONS. AT O.lC. Bzpreaalng appreci&Uon or the' u- "bent until . tt was almoat · beJODd alatance .clven by the Red Cross. reeosnltlon. The car's wlndah!ekl Brfi.-Gen: Alex Roes, chalnnan or was .badl;y shattered W'htn the heada tho canadian Legloo war 8erv1ces, of the occupant& or ~e front .seat statecl in a letter aocompauytng the had come Into contact with it. While cheque for $f0,0000, "We feel that the Instrument panel wu apllntered With the largest rectstratlon on be taken not to put too much t.roat It Is OD]y rtaht U!at. bavtnC reprd by the knees of the drlftr and tho record, over 150 a1gn1ng the register, in the Individual than for the PUr· to th• very many ~ made upon pneni appearance or the lnalde of the School of Missions, of the wo- ~~~ or the lndlvldual sav!nl, eo- the canadian Red Cross, we should (COntinued 011 Page a, CoL 3) men's M1salonary SOcletx or the Bay clety. refUnd to you · thlf IIWil made avail- of Qutnte Conference of the United God'a purpose Is to save society, llble, to us. we ue pleased to repOrt Church of Canada came to a cl06e nnd this puz-po58 IShOWII results. that u a result of your assistance on Priday noon. Despite the shad· Canadian people ask of reliiiQUI we have been able to develop an or· ow1 of a 811m war whleh bm given teacbtnga: "Will U work?" A recent pnllation wblch we feel is playing Canadian women so much more~~ QUotation said: "It 1a tbe function a more and more Important part in do, Jt was evident from the spirit ot Ule church to create pUIIllc_ opln- contrlbutlnl to the welfare of the or the Gonference that mission work ton, and the duty of the alate tO men who lh serving In His Mal- ENGLISH AReHBISHOP w·RJTES at home and abroad will not be ne· enforce it." However, the enfo~- esty'a Porcea." glectec:L The allocation for the var- ment of It cannot be carried out by Dr. Pred W. RouUey, national lous presbyteries was shown to hE."Ve .sheer force, but rather by more comm1aaloner of the Canadian Red beeQ. well taken .care or for the !trst kindly methocls. Cross, oommented, "The Canadian six months, and the outlook was Love has creative Interests and Red 91'01111 Is greatly appreciative or hopeful · that all ob""atlons would Christian teacbtnp demand riaht.- the action of the Canadian Le'"'on. ..,. eou.sness. We are under a Divine .. be met U not ~ceeded by the end Imperative to lave the state, ,and In the early stases of the war they of Uie Year. these.standtrds are tho ones to be asked our financial help in getting Outstanding In the School session obServed. Therefore, the Church, to them started on an effective plece were the lnaplrtng addresses by Rev. do this, Is everywhere touching . or work. We were embar'ltlng on our Dr. J. R. Murohnor, head of the ne- people'& lives at the crus roots. naUonai campaign for fUnds at the partment or SOcial service and The Good Samaritan helped people Ume and the canadian Leeton Evmaeilsm of the United Church, where be wu. _ · llreed to do everything they could who cave a aeries of Inspiring ad- To make religion wort, It must to help u.s. dreaaea on .. A Chrlatlan Idea of So- find pracUcal expreealon in Uvea · ",Ve. ~ turn, pledled them a clety," and teachings. grant or $10,000 a month !or a1x All of the facilities of lhe college Dr. Mutebmor opened · hl3 third ·month&. It wu aareed that thla and final address TbUI'IIday after- a:rant, would stop U the; launched a were placed' at the disposal of the noon by a1aln referring to. T. s, campaign or tbetr own during that IUesta and the School was an out- Elliott's book, '"lbe Idea Of A time. we had advanced $f0,000 when stan<~W aucce.ss In every way. Christian SOciety", and In explain· they decided. on a c11m~, and Dr. J. R. Murchnor, aecre- lng Ita .~achlnga with comparison our grant ceued. Now they have tary of the Board o! EvangU- to {he Uines. He remarked hbw re- f d th Ism and Social Service, contln- CC'.ntly a deletiatton, representing r:~ th:::::; ... ln a position to . STIRRING tETTER . TO S(HQOt. ·. GIRlS COMING TO. CANADI A letter of very rreat Interest and Inspiration from the Archbishop or York to the School of St. Bllda as they left England has come to band. The spirit Of this letter may explain In part the calm ~ution with which our English vlaltora -are .Mother- Country' rowi4 ~~-! meettnc the upaet In their lives and Domln1ona are Ptberecl to that or the children. The letter th~ caU&e or an · You wtn1 U.IIIDie foUowa: have· the lnlplr.U;on of fMJIDI- Bisbopthorpe, York, f:' ~~:~u! ~~ June 23, 1HO. our ~wn. You will aep JOUr _,.. To the 11r1s of St. Hllda's School, 0~ and le&n\ much rrom the Itt. Sneaton Caatle, Whitby. or Canada, and brtq Ulls block - I wish I could come over to aay .our adftntaae, but all the ~ you &11 a few wonts or God- your hearts ,ul be ~ to _. speed as you &tart your mtaratlon. land - to yqur homes and to tlli You leave 'us that you may be more IChool ltaelt, and your lcwe alill certain of glvlng Engli.nchl.q the loyal\7 ,fm 1101' tbroulh the ,_ future the service which the aobOO\ or IOJ1U8~ uing hla addr- on • A Chris- Christian Churches had been aen~ tian Idea or society", stressed to Ottpwa and were recelnd by ab: the many dUferent complexes a!- cabinet ministers to wb<m the:r 1ecttnr the , teacblnp of Christian pre&ented fuur demandl . conc:ern- Soelety. Some .peopte become more iDI temperance, <lDe· of which was lntereatect In democracy than In that beer by tbe glaaa be taken ChrlaUan democracy, and are more away from sold~' canteena. Uable to atresa the kingdom· than Mr. Elliott. In his boolt potnta out the Kingdom of God. not onlY of · that to realise the Mea of a Chris· trains you to give; and also to g!WJ God bleisa. you all and Jlleep ,._ COOIUE 'LITTLE ·UP8E'r more freedom ·of movement and sate trom ev1l ot. bodY and· -a. Cana<la ~u~ of t.Jle worlcJ. care must .<Oollttn.lled on Pace '- OoL 8). • . . , .. .AJ""Ea APPBNDEC'rolll'l' to thoee on whom muat fall aDd brinlr'- JOU beck to ua . ....._ Clnclnnp.tl, Sept. 3.-A "UtUe ·up., ~urden or defend.inl our In aplrlt, m.lnd ¥d boc1J to 'blip- set about hlmlelf," but other wise it) with lt our- heritage $11• Jn fuhtonlni' the life ot. tM _. favorable condition, ~ A. ~~~ed<om, Justice and irutb w~ we ·c~a,y wbtlll the d&rtn011 ..--Uid (Cookie) Lavaptto, Brok1yn third· In VUlt for the world: ' 8o t.M · dawn. o( )ustice aDd peece Jl. b5.'1Senl&Jl, made ~Usfactory progress <10 no• th1nt ol your lrOlnc u a come. · ~ IJW aD f:PP.ODdOC~o C &elf111h HCUliDir o( l&fe~ Wt•U aJl ~ ··~-, . , :MLLIAII ~ ~I . .,. .

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