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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Sep 1940, p. 4

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PAGE SIX Claim Secret. Varnish 'Makes Plattes Invisible German Story Pcicoh-F'oolledl Peterboro Hotel by Britiah Aa Owner Die• at 86 Nazi Alibi for Not ing Up Plana Searchlighta PeterDoro, Sept. 3.-Probably one of tbe best known hotel proprietors 1n r.utem Canada, George N. Graham of t.he EmpreSB Hotel here Berlin, Aug. 30.-A .aecret type of c:Hed Monday afternoon. He was varnl'lh ·which make& British bomb- 1n his 81gbty-slxth year and had eri invisible under the glare- or In poor health for .some searclillghts has made tt. tmpoulbl& l:"•onths. tor German antl-alrcraft gunnera Born in Cobourg on Aug. 28, 1855, to turn their tire on enemy raiders he moved to thls city abou~ !Uty· attacking Berlin, alr force offlclall five ;yeara ago and operated & hotel said today. here 1lnce that Ume. For some The British bomber.s, such as y:eara he owned IJle Oriental Hotel those which attacked the caJ)Ital be!Ol'e assuming control of t.he Em· for n~rly three hours early yea- terday, were laid to have been "~ompletely invisible" when the full glare or searchlights was tum .. ed upon them. • • As a result, tt waa auerted, the Qerman antl-alrcraft gum protect- ing the ca~tal-were able to ab:oot only at the shadows whtch the rakli:!rs t.hrew against the elouds. Thi! viunlsh, a thick, black aut>- , , Stance, was s~ld to be painted the underside of the wlngs or British'-' bombers and 1s a aecret Whlch the British atone pOue.u. After ooe British bomber wu . ~~ biought down reeentiy the new· ' ~ tyj)e vamlth was dbcovered, and '/ : German experts began mat.lng ~· 1 testa, the air rorce sourcea auerted. t . Ttte aide ot the wing painted , wltb thet varn1sh wu held In~ the . \ ray of an automol.Jlle headlight and : •:Jmmed1ately bec.'\me lnvi&lble." . These same qua:ters .aatd that the Brltbh raiders had wed shrewd tactics 1n the1r atta"cka on BerJJn; such u flying at varying he.l&hta from 6,000 to 15,000 feet above the clt.f, Their frequent variation of altitude, tt waa. said, altered tbe tone or their motors and made dJt .. flcult the wprk of t&e German aound-detectlng apparatws. The British planes were believed to have come over the city In aev· eral waves, with each wave appar6 ently 'remaining teD. or fifteen min- utes over BerHn and then return- inK-- home, to be followed by an- other wave. ·German Alr Poree offlcera paid to the aklll of the BrlUah 'roJd'"" describing Wedneaday'a Berlin in J)artlcularly bad ~;~:~~f.;~ ... remarkable feat. ot CoUapoe and Dilorpniza· 1 ation of Seized Countriea Provide Breeding Gound ottawa, Sept. 3. -- What may amount to a tuberculoals epldem.lc·in European countries "is bound to bt one. of the graver consequences of thelr collapse an~ dl.sorganllaUon under Nazi occupation," add Dr. G. J , Wherrett, of Ottawa, executive director of l.he Canadian · Tu.bmru- loall Association. j "411 ·the contrlbuUn1 .tacton are t~re," he said. "The" dlaruPtton or preventative a~nlces and treabnent and the famine or_ pllrllal fam!De can have only one re1ult, In Central Europe in 1917- and 1918 the- num- bera. o! tubercuiOfis .• vlctlml wen~ aty. hJrh - starvation had a IOOd deal to do with lt.• Prevent.&uve work and treatment in qanad• ,.ta more tinportant noW durl.ng war time t.han ever before he C9Dtlnued. ' in th~ firat Great War ment or Canada lut 25 years ,to ' the ~.500 • cuea: which developed 1n the a.nny durlng the four year~.:~. Ten per cent: or them never even left. CLonada. The use or the X· ray in the medl· cal examination , 1n today'a army will ~ot only save maP¥ Uvea, but tremendous lnim.a or money. MAKE DRESSES FOR GHILDREN FROM STO "Go To It" Women of tain Briatle With Econ· omy ldeaa in War London, Ene. - Battered aUk atoektnra, with a tew atttches here and there, can be converted Into very ertectlve lltUe dresus for chl1· dren. A chlld's frock and knlckera, made from JU1 old blue print from an areq.ttect'a of!Jce, also heJpa to cM.trtbute to the IP'eat anU·WNte campaign which Ia be!na' carried out with such vigor 1n Britain. The "eo to It" women of Britain are bristling with ldeu on how to 1, . · ~ •' Alway& a teen lover ot carrlage hon!8. Mr. Graham kept a st.able hi& death. A consistent ex· hibltor at the Peterboro show, he drove his own team there Just a year ago. Mr. Graham leaves three sons, Christopher G., Edward w., and Arthur W. Graham, all of this ctty, and two daURhters, Mrs. Catharine Reynolds of West Palm Beach, Fla., Mra. Ma.d&'e Rlehard.5on of Peter· borO. MAIL GOURIERS ENLAR6E RANKS, DELEfiATES TOLD Finances Sound, Statu Treuw-er at Annual Meet of Ruftl Group Peliel1>oMUih. Sept 3.-Delop.lel attendlag the fU~ annual convtn- tJon of ~e Rural Mall Oouriera' Aasoclatlon or canada, Ieamrd. yes- terday that their usoelatlon now bas tbe rreatest memberahJp on record.. In addition, tbe uaocla- UorL'a ftnances are in an enviable poaiUon. It. has no lJabWUea and no outataDdlnl accounta. In tbe abllenee of Pre&Jdent P. B. Lowey Of Rodney, now O'fer'ae&s with the Canadian Army Blcnal CDrJII, llC. w. Boullao of Marl<llam oceuplecl tho chair. He welcomed more tb&a. aevent;y d.eleptes. "Rural man c:out1ero muat reallle conditiOns and rem.em- paramcnmlllauelath< the we," he aald. Sec- B. B. Webatu of favon.ble report. commit.- J&IDOI .ezteDcltd cleloPiel. _auesta;· ~ of the I :=== ~~~~- thOatre poit,o -~ Lacbeur of Pe· ezteDded • welcome the .Poatoffke worker~. • PHHni!Dc & report u apeclal representative to ottawa, J. A. car .. tor and 1:. ~- lloultoa, who KO<>m• poblecl hiJ!I. aald they hacl had •••- cesstul 1Dternewa with. the Boa.. C. 0 . Powera, Poetmaat.er-Oeoeral. and .wo with the Ci'fil Service com~ m.laiJon. 'lbetr report; wu ent.hua~ IaatlcaUy received. Tbt JMetlnr, before adJoumlna honored-/ the eli!ven usoclatlon membea who are now on active lienice. They are: Kr. Lowry: A. E. Davies, SprlnJfleld; o. Whitelaw, Hiahla.nd Creek; A. E. Morvan. Durham Brldre, N.B.: c. T . nm- lock, Penwtct: Harry Jones, Stt'r· Unt: Lloyd P~, M1llbrook ; Major R. J . Montour, Haseravllle; Theo- dore Sebum, st. Thomu; P. w. Wataon, Duncan,' B.C.; Mid Bene- dk:t Podey, LansdoWne. Malodt 8eDdl Belhil 3. A. Carter waa named to head the ftac?1utlona eoaunittee, wtth c . Towns of Wentworth, H. ElUott of l"e:nwlc.k, !Ira, E . Wsd&nrt:-, RaJ. dlmand COUnty, and B . Prell: of Kent County. 'J'he m.ember.ahtp oompUttee wu ~:elected aa follow•: Oeorte Pine, Prantlord, tbalrman; A. Randall, A'lmer; ..,d Peter Storm, S~vena. vUte. In & mwaa:e to the convention Hon, W . P. Mulct, reur.ttly appoint~ ed. Poatmul.er·Oeneral, aald: "I re· aret ,lt will be lm~ble for me to ~Jy at~nd Gnd meet the membtra of the Rura! MaiJ Couriers Auoclatlon. I am taklna thta op· portunlty to expreu my deep ap- Pf!ClaUoa. of the lo,al and faithful .t~nioe rendered. to the Peonte or Canada by the rural mall eourten." The reaolutlona wUI be present~ to the meeting today, and the election of officers wllJ be held. The convention wUI c!OM with a T. P. Murph:;-, Oupertnten. of EQuipment and Supply. Poltoffke branch , l.s .scheduled to be the rueat~ker. a&ve, uve, and aWl more aave. They are pertonnlns auch mtr~ aclea u the eonveraton of old de· atlffened top hat.s into carpet sUp~ pen. Dilhclolha are never thrown aw~ now. They can be made tnto charmfns c01.ta to· the chUdren. One woman uvea aU her bacon rind and uvea all her U6fld mateh· attckll. She 1Uc1ta~~ J]l&tchaUcka 1n the rind and wrapa It up 1n pieces or maflarlne paper, maktns ex:ceUent flrellrhtera. Theae "so to lt" women, who are attached to 1,4~ cent.rH throush~ out the eountey, aay that their main principle le to keep thelr mlnda oe- c:urled In uaetul WO<t. A Seout 1a a friend to all and a brother to every other Scout. THE WHITBY GAZf.lTE ANn CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 4, 1946 LAW OFFICER IS SUSPENDED BY PROVINCE War Offenaes Serious, Saya Conant; All Evidence Must Be Submitted Toronto, Aug. 30-"It ~ould ap~ pur that some of our law enforce· ment ortlcers are still not seized with the seriousness of these war offenses," sf!:d Attorney· General Conant In commenting on charge~ that au the ev1dence was not plac- ed before Magistrate McKessock by Acting Crown Att-orney A. J. De- Diana, of Sudbucy, in the case of Robert T. Stevens, accused under the Defense of canada. Regulations Act. Mr. Con~t has suspended De Diana. "I regard them of the utmost lm· portance," he added. "It .b certal.n- Jy the duty of law enforcement or- fleers to place all the facts before lhe court, whether the accused pleads guilty or not." The Attorney- General intimated that further ln.structlons to law en- forcement otflcera probfl."b)y will be sent out as • result of the Sud· 1 bury Incident. Also E . D. Wllkins, the Sudbury Crown Attorney, will be required to handle the work there In the future, said Mr. Con- anL In the meantime. ~he Attorney- General 1s a.waltlng a. eomplete re- port on the case, which he asked after protests ht.od been made by the R C.MP.. Sudbury branch of the LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY -YOU MEA>.! IN A 3W&:LL SCHOOl. THE K105 DO""" GO HOME?-THE.Y VU5T LIVE 11'4 THIE SCIIOOI.- ROOM AU. THE TIME?!' , .. Canadian Leg10ll and many c1tizens. On Mondav Stevens pleaded guil- ty to makm; stntemf'nl.s likely to cause dl.S.'l ffecllon to His Majesty, and was fmcd the mm1mum or $25. A ciH.orge of makmg statements in· tended to or hkdy to perjudtce re· crui tmg "as "tthdrnwn and ac· cused gn e nhls freedc-m. doubt if a person could get enough su,er to kill 111m although a large quantity nught tu:-n hls skin black. "Comparntne ~1gures are not. available on \\~O:.cr treatment costs because or the \armtl~'ll m olerhead at such plants But we esllm:tte that $2 to $4 "orth of silH•r ~oulcl ster- ilize 1,000,000 gallons of water." The experunents of Dr and Mrs Goetz 9;1!h po1son metals also in- clude gold. mercun lc:xl copper and thalhum 'i"h('~ i.nd tha t where. under ideal condmon~. onc lOll ;:~f silver w1U ktll a \east cell, lQO to 1,000,000,000 ume s as much gold or mereury Is needed. The other metals I NAZI PRISONERS are stlll less effective Dr. Goetz said that· In applying ~ a camo in this area. Theoidor Stey .. rcr, 29, naval petty officer, and Hans K1bart, 25, an airman, who escaped from a camp In the Sud- bury dlstr1ct were recnptured Sat;.. urday the sUver to water It is mixed with ALL RECAPTURED other substances in & special pro- eess. 1 PARENT·CHILD GOLF EVENTS POSTPONED UNTIL SEPT, 6 The Parent and Child golf chn'ln- plonshlp of Ontarlo, due to be set- tled Frida.y over the Lambton Club course, was cancelled because of in~ clement weather. The committees of the Ontario GbfP-nssoclation an· nounced that play would take place on Friday. September 6, over the Lambton. Cylinder shaped seals were used for more than 3,000 years In the Near Ea:st, to stamp business docu. ments, .seal possessions and label ownership. som~where m Muskoka, Sept. 3- With the capture sunday of 23- :rear.old Rons Kempe, German warrant officer, the last of the four There are now no Gennan prison- ers or war at large, Guenther Lor• entz the first t.o escape, having been caught several dn.ys Jarer at! Montreal. prisoners of \\ar who escape-d la.~t INJURIES FATAL IN CAR CRASII week Is no" back m Internment, Lindsay, Sept. 3.-George Thorn .. making the roundup complete bur}', 30, of Glen Arm, Ont, died a:b The work or clnllons featured the the Ross Memorial Hospital hera capture of Kempe and another Nazi, last night as a result of internnl Joseph Haubs, 23-year.old U-boat mjur1es received when the car in sailor, who was tak '"n Into cust(]dy at Bala, Scturday. Kempe, a slight which lle was riding last Frida~ and S(]mcwhat surly mdwldual, was night skidded into a ditch at Mol .. ·captured at Huntsvllle ~hen a To· Ion's Corners, near Lindsr.oy, The cal'! ronto, newspaper reporter found wcnt into the ditch when the driver. him v.·alkmg along the Ferg~on Bert Hanlson. of Glen Arm, put on Highway and gave him a ride as a h1s brakes and the lights suddenly hitchhiker went out Four others escaped ser• Haubs nnd Kempe escaped ! rom Jous injuncs. WE MUST BE: PATie:NT-"THE MISSES DE STILES ACAD!iMY 15 VERY, VERY EXCLUSIVE -MANY "PRE.l.IMINARY ARRANGEMENTS MUST BE APPLICAIION IS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING for Sale SALE. - ' 1<-:IGHT ROOMED brick house, all conveniences, hot water heating, centrally located on Brock Street South. For pa.rUculara, write "ADVERTlSER", Whltb}' Ga2ette and Chronicle. LINOLEUM AND CONOOLEUM :Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actualJy \n stock. You ane invited to view tne~ at BRADLEYS FURNITURE STORE, HO Simcoe street south, Oshawa P'OR · sALE-YOUNG PIGS FOR sale. six weekS old. Apply Norman Wood, Jlf. mil~ east of Whitby, on Highway. FOR SALE-GOOD ASSORTMENT Iris roots, 25 for $1.00: Crown Im· pertal Lily, 25 cents. Thelma 'Briggs, MYrtle, Ont. FOR SALE-"NEW EXWE BAT· t;erles". We have the batt.Pry to ault the purse and purpose. Let us test your battery on our mo:1ern battery tester. Johns Plsce, Dundas and King Streets P:OJt SALE - NEW AND USED ~s We carry a complete line of good used tires, priced to lllil your pocket book. "Dunlop For Quality" . Johns Place, Dundas and King Streets. For Rent STORE POR RENT, NEAR"POUR Corners, Whitby. :aea.,ona.!Jie. Will alter to suit. Apply Box 5'11 Whitby. HOUSE FOR RENT - ALL CON~ venlenees, garage, garden. Comer Athol and Colborne Streets. Apply Mlss Helen Wilson ~15 Dundas Street Ea.st. FOR RENT-APARTMENT FOR rent, furnished or unfurnished. All conveniences tor housekeeping. Ap· ply at cottage In rear of 2lH Dunlop street. FOR RENT- SIX-ROOMED hoUSe for rent, all conveniences. Apply A. E. Sturgess, Dundas Street West. FOR R.P: NT - SIX·ROOMED hou.se, all conveniences, newly dec- orated, central. Aoply Bowman & Rowe, Whitby. Wmted WANTED-A CHILD'S COT MUST be In good clean condition. Te:le· phone 4.13, Wbltby. --, WANTED-TEA WAGON, MUST be in good cond.IUon. Apply Guette and Chronlele Otnce, Whitby. WANTED - BY THE BROCK Theatre, two young men for ushers, not under 16, to work evenlng.s, Sat- FOR SALE - EIGHT LAYING urday matinee and. holiday mat~ hens reasonably nriced, APi'l7 142 ltli!>CS. Must be alert, tall and re- Perry Stteet, Whitby. liable. Apply between 4 - 5 p.m. -------------:c , Thun:day and Friday at Theatre. FARM FOR SALE-110 .o\CRE8, lot 2, con '1 , Pickering, good day loam, ten aere.s bwb, frame bul\d- ings, hou:se: horse stable. Ue .six heads ; cattle .st.&ble, tie twenty head, pig pen, hen howe, two good wells. Samuel Famdale, R.R. 1, BrDOklin MEALS SERVED MEALS SERVED-HOME COOKED meals served by week or month tu private residence. Apply Box 80, Ga21&tte and Chronicle, Whitby, Lost LOST-BOSTON BULL. STOLEN from. Royal Hotel, 3lx months old, white neck. white strip on fort- head, rest bla.ct. Liberal r'!nl'd, · for any Information. A. Roussau, Royal Hotel. Men Wanted GONl~T SELEGTS POLitE OFFIGERS FOR 6UN tONTROL Will Iuue Permits to Sell Firearma-Groupa Choaen With Care Toronto, Sept. 3 - Selected .senior pollee ot!lcers in Ontario, 1nctucUng Inspectors of Provincial Poll~. Pro- vtnctal otfleers who are acting high const.&bles of the counties in which they are stationed, and eighteen munlclpal polke ottlclals. recenUy were &uthorlr.ed by Bon. Gordon MEN WANTED - A 'ITENTION- Conant. Attorney-General, to Issue , WAITING TO BE CALLED 'UP? penri..lts for the sale of tlreann&, as 1 YOU STILL HAVE TO LIVE. reQUired by tbe Defense of Canada rKEEP WORKING Put the lnterv&l Regulation Issued .on July 29. ito PRO~ ABLE ~SE. wa1 We b~ve "'Whll., the national safety Is of ::~~W men~p! oX:. ST~li:; the first Importance, Jt 1s :10t deslr· TO-DAY In a bualneaa of yOUr own llble that the legitimate &nd proper at ABSOLUTELY NO R.ISB:. Wl . use and. dlspo&ltlo~- - of ~~'i. our money-back guarantee. you toN" .:ib.'DWd- be' unnecessarll3'~patretf, nothing even it you have to a:tve utd Mr. Conant. up tn a' few days. Build up a ateadJ "I hope &Dd. ~eet that the .serl· ehaln of customers AND PICK tJP ous responslblllty lnYolved !n lssu· WHERE YOU LEPT OP'P WHEN lnl permits Will be appreciated i'U' YOU COME BACK. FAMnJI!'X Lhe authorized offker.s. A close 5'10 St. Clement, Montreal. cheek wlll be maintained, however, and wthoriat!ons will be cancelled under the powen ve.sted in me If there l.s any unwt.se, or .Improper use or the authorities ... Auction Sale THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 12- Auction sale ot Household Etfeets, the property of J . W. :Mc:Corm1ck, Lot 30, Con. 6, Whitby Township. on No. 7 Highway, two milt! west of Brooklin. Sale at one o'clock ST. Terms, eash. Wtlllam Maw. Auctioneer. 'Ibe regulation, he pointed out 1n a memorandum to pollee, pro\'lde~ thLt "no person &hall .se!l, give, len•J or transfer possession c! any fire. arm to any person who ls not tht! holder of a pennlt to pu1 ~ha.se" . . , "no person shdl sell or offer for PROFESSIONAL CARDS w.c. l'a.aeral . Dlrec&or . Ambalaaee Phone flO LEGAL W. J. HARE. B.A. Barrllter, SoUcltor, Not&l'J 8ucceaor to A. G. Brown.tna-. K.C lflloo: 110 aaOCit STRUT N. ~~~;';i~.:.&I<ICK ll'el•P•e: Dl Whtth, DUNCAN B. MdNTYRE llarrister, SoUcltor, NoLar7 Oftloe: Btec.k St. Soatb ·-·~~niPb __ ._ .. __ ~~---------------Wb--•_••_• Oe&hr, JJuaLJ'n DR. A. S. BLACK "'s..a-ONT&IUO • DR. G. R. BOOTH Accredited Veteriaaly and Small Al11mal 8\lf'PI'J' Pt.r10nal At.tentbn to All can. w s.1n, 8L wen. o.taa .. Telephoae 917, O.Uwa ·A. PHYSICL'N PRONE 711 Bnoa &lld .... INSURANCE L. W. DUDLEY .............. Empire Life lnourance Co. _..,._ 81ckD- 1'1.re. Aatomeblle. AcdLdeDt and GORDON F. OSBORNE Dls&llct Mana1er Empire Lih lnourODce Co. EntJthiD&' In JJre Ioaurance 200 Byron St. N. Whitby CEMETERIES GROVESIDE CEMETERY Rlf~G I 1505 Orrlct. T. CREER. CareLa.ker. TAXIS Ceatnl Taxi Service DON. J. BRYANT Phone 364- THE WHITBY GAZETIE AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1940 CANADIAN LEGION WAR SERVICE OFFICIAL NEWS L~TTER Second army hut to be opened on Cape Breton Island was ofCiclally Inaugurated recently at North Syd· ney when a large establishment erected by the Canadif.!.l Legion Wnr Services went into full·tlme opera- tion tor the troops on actlve service in that district. The hut, whlch Is serving as a re· ereatton and- study centre, stands on property purchased by the Nort!l Sydney branch of the Canndit. .. l Legion and donated to the Legion The other hut, also maintained by the Legion, was opened earlier in the year at Sydney. C.L.W.S. Stm Reeelvinl Donations Although the Cam:.Uian Legion War &rvlces' first national appeal for funds to enable 1t to Carry on non-profit ma.klng work among Canadian forces at home and over- seas Wf.S held as !ar back as last February, cash , donations arc still being receJved from Canada and the United States. End War lndusbies CoW'Se Students Find Jobs Wait BeUe'\oille, Sept 3 -Sixty elvlllans of all caU mgs will conClude a nine- week course of lnst.ruction under the jomt au._"]lices of the Board of Education, the Dejlartment of Edu- cation for Ontario, and the Do· minlon·Provinclai Youth Tralnlng Prcgram (]f the Dep&rtnent of Labor, at the Collegiate InsUtute and Vccationa.l School Monday. ThP classes ha \'e been con-ducted to pre- pare men !or necess-.ary 1ndwtr1es under the Emergency War Tralnlng program. - Interest of the men has been teen to the ultimate degree, according ,to instructors in charge. Splendid pro_ gr~s has been shown by the great. maJority, and all wUl step into posi- tions in plants and businmse.s throughout the district where t.bey are most needed. Another lUBe group Wlll be taken en at Trenton R.C.A.F. stntton. shop men may be n~ecl at a~ lime. Twenty-three men cotnplete the machine dlop course MondU. ~ ~ course included bench wort sach as filing, · drilling, tapping aD4 threading; lathe work such u straight tprnlng, tapef tumJbc, knurllag, threading. form tumiDi bOring, aDd tace·plate wort: wplr work, includlng parallel and .D,u;:. Ia.r ~PJnc. and keyway eutuDr. mUllng machine work and .surface grinding. and arc and acetylene welcting.-. L., ••\ Iristructors were c. Hesrd, &hop- matbemaUr'.s; D. Ben, blueprtnt: reading: W. E. Davtes, _po enc!Dts;' and H. HoWard, we!dlng, ~ "'l'hese men, .. Mr. PeiRUE04 .. are ey no meana trained , mOCII,~ . antea but we- bt!Ueve that. tralnJill giv!!l them -able them to render &t once. Tb.eJr ment into should be lty, , apUtude tralnees -ha.s Three student instructors at Central ~lyl.nr school, Trenton, maintain a tight three plane formation bleb amonr the clouds. Fonnation flylnc Is part. of the advanced l.r'aininc linn to students at Central Flyinc school before they are posted to British Commonwealth air tn.ininr esb.bllshments to pass on their knowl edre to student pilots o( the Royal Canadian Air Force. Two such donations were made recently to W. Harry Young, Legion War Services' super1isor in Nova Scotia, from L' supporter in Los Angeles, California, and from n lady residing In HaWax, both of whom expressed their appreciation of the Legion's efforts. The Halifax b.dy presented her cheque for $10.QO and mfonned Mr. Young that a. sil.nHt.': ~peorge A. Ferguson, principal, stated the men, ranging In a&'! from 17 to 50 years ot age, have put 1n 44 hours each week. This in- cludes 60 hOUfl of blueprint read- ing and 25 hours of ~hop mathe-- matics. The rema.i.cder or the Ume ha.s been de\·oted to practical shop work in "sn.s engines, both aero and' dutomcbile, machine sh()Jt practice the proxiiti!ty of Trenton Air Sta- tion. and th~ p~sibUily tllat Iitrge numbers of ch·ll m~chanlcs and very quietly tb.e skill fundamental tHeir cholce~~~~~~~r~~:.~.:: men will find. ately at course," he LEADERS' SCHOOL CONTINUES portumties f01 the \'ICe·prisidents to t:lk!! charge ·It Is better to get 10 men tr) work th:ln to do the work of 10 men" donation would be reeeived ever) was an Important item on Uie seven weeks. 6-'Jenda and will be dealt with aga\n bins. National WITH INCREASING INTEREST (By 1\lrs. Percy I\Iaci\lullen) - Whltbr, Aug. 28.-At the supper- hour Tuesds:y e\-enlng, the dean of the W.hr.S. St:hcol for Leaders, meeting at Onts:rlo La.etes' College, Introduced Ml.SS Margaret Daw;;on of Angola. Africa, l'?ho has been home on furlough and who w1ll be returning to her dulJe.s, and also MISs Wllma Paddo~k. missionary- at-large Lort t no:1t.ree, l'.'ho was privileged to sp~nd a short time at the School. She spoke br1efly and .said her work v.·as progre.s:;lng and she had succeeded in organizing a m.isslon band. She closed with an appropriate story, • Look Unt-O the Hills", 1\la.ry Hair; Gn~si MISS Mary H:ug sp!'nt 'I\tesday at the School and she .!poke of the pleasure of meetmg friends and at. tending the School while home on furlough. She leaves Monday for Vancouver. \\'here she will .sail for Japan, with purpose, yi,<;ion and faith, t-0 ca.rry out God's pia:l. Dr. C. Carscallen gave a brief hlstorr or the collcg: a.nd sa1d the main buildmg was erect-e<l In 1859 by M G R!')'nolds. This nutumn his great-great -gronddnugbter will come as n student. lt is 67 years since the building was turned into a school. ~~g-the ~e!ll_l)friOdli ~ tlle~girls ncrtheir leaders entertained with a. number of song hits between coun:es. Wednesday 1\lomlnc The worship sen•ice Wednesday morning In charge cf .u:rs. Turnbull opened with "We W::.uld See Je~u.s". She read of the fa.i tb of St. Paul who wrote to the smal l Christian churches during his sojourn In pris_ .on, admon.ishing them ne,•er to doubt Christ's pu.rp~e. She n.sked. how could w~ doubt God's purpase when in three hund- re:l :rears of world expansion our mtsslomuy nchvltles had nlso ex- panded to every land. Today It is necessary that we keep very close- to God .so th&t HI! plans are our plans. Mrs. Thompson conducted a course dealing with the financial policy and t'Xplalned the Blue Book. The studY @:roup dealing with the boOks of the ye:tr gave the class an idea or ho~· to work out programs In thelr local auxiliary. 1\llsslon Band In the Library there wr..s a fine :11splny of h!lndlwork representing m & t e r I a Is prepared by B:mds I hroughout t!"tl~ Br!lnch. both glftA for others and lhsp1rationa1 !iandi· work tor use in the Bands them· .selvC!. Mast of the work had been actually us:-d during the PR.'it l'ear. One corner of the display featured the handiwork which wlll be made during the .study of 1940·41 entiUed "Down Trinidad Way", It include<!. attractive maps and posters or Trln~ ldad, gay crepa models of tlo~rs of Trinidad, 11ou3e.o; on stilts, :. Trinidad frieze and the lovely peace project tor the coming year, 1 the H1g:h...,·ay or Friendship in tour dUferent. media, wall panel, paper, flour Rnd salt anti papier maohe Each morning, Mr~. J . L. Small conducts n cl i\SS on Mission Band methods, also den ling with the new study book. Ml.s.s Leis Allan. Kings. ton, and Mrs McCre:try. Eldorado. a~ assisting ln th i.s dlspla~ During the cour.se Mrs. ~mall Is sa le any firearm wlthout having .t permit 1 o do so " Pennits may be issued only to British .subJects by birth . or by na~ tur-alizatlon , and to persons of Get~ man or Italian ol'igln who haYe been nt.•.uraUzed prior to Sept I , 1922. In event Ln applicant b turned down, he may nppeal the orncer's declsto~\ to Commissioner W. .H St.rlnser . Among- Toronto district officers 'w-ho are nuthorlzed to issue permits nre: Aetlng Chief Oeorge S . Outh· rle, Toronto, Yc!k County Chief Oeorse Stuart: Chief Gordon Pr~­ scr, Forest Hill; Chief John McCon- nell, Etoblcoke Township: Ohler Tom Draycott. Scarboro TownshJp; Chlet J5-nest-Olds, East York Town~ ship;- Cl)ter . s . Belford, Toronto Township; Chief Robert Alexander, York TOwnship, an"- Chief Roy Rlseborough, Norlh York Township, Pro\'Jncla l Constable W. H. Clark Js AMJ.ined as pennlt Issuer In Ontario stressing the worship period at each The s~cretary's minutes should Mission Band meeting. be more than Just a. record of Numerous other examples of pub· at the next meeting. Meanwhlle, a Uc endorsat.lon of the Legion's un· census will be taken by the can·a- dertaking have been rep:uted to the dian-Newfoundland _Edue&tton 1.3- Mis:s Pytrom was In cha.rge of the e\ent.s, but an interesting report Mission Circle discussion, based on thnt cakhes the spirit of the meet- the Handbook. M~~ionary educa- lng. tors have the largest Job in the The Wedne.!day period wns spent world. 'I11e lamps are, one by one, in dls::usslng dutles or various of- being extln8:uished• tn Europe, but tlcer:s, ways and mecn~ of ral'>ing they have been lighted In India and funds ror the bales to be sent to Africa. We need make no apology mission hospitals and Indian re- fo!' our interest !::. mJ.s.o.!oll!, &he ~enes Systematic g1vmg was stress- said. ed and other wa~:s suggested lnclud .. 0ttawa headquarters . of the organ· sociatlon of all t!'alned vocational I S<hc>Ol; IzaUon. The cash donations made guidL':lce personnel which might be ~::::~:~~~:~:=~~ t.o:.·e exclusive of the generous sup- I available to assist t he men. . :11 Suggestions were :u.aa-:!e regarding ed tr..Ues of coppers and cent a meal the dl.rectlon of p:-aye!' thought,· offerings. e.g. listing subjects !or ~bleb we should pray and use them as a rn ~ the discussion or p(Ogrammes guide. It was revealed that one circle has During the dlscusslcn of the du- led girl dra.,. · thi: name of a coun- ti~ of the officers It was suggested,. .try bY lot a!:'d then base a pro6 tha t the president should mak-e op~ ~amme around that theme. : ;J ' \ •:t· J' .. The Sunday SChool Lesson port belng made by scores of citizens Mr. Robert England, -M.C.., M.A., by way or assistance in furnishing overseas direetor of edueaUon for canteen and recreation huts. sup· the Canadian "Legion War Service~. plying books and magazines and who recentlY returned to Canada other materials. ::.orter spending seven months with In addition, a. large body or men the C.A.SP. overseas, addressed the md women are senlng Wlthout pay delegates on his , experiences tit' Eng- on local committees and ruany well land. He polbted. out that, in tbe known educationists are nssisting opinion of the COrps Commanaer, the Legion's education branch In Lieut.-Gerieral ' A. G. L. McNaugh- voluntary capaeltles. ton, educaU:On facUlties for the troops abroad will' have to be in- Lertons Supenll!lors ror 2nd~Dlvlslon creased during the winter months &".3 The 2nd Division o! the Canad1an a means oi stimulating morale dur- Actlve Service Force will be ser~cd 1ng the blackout and enhancln8 Uie' by four oversew supervisors of the rullitary efficiency of the men. Mr. Canadian Legion War Services, it England urged tha.t the DomlnJ.on Is announced by Lleut.-Col. D. E. Govemment should pureb.ase a Macintyre" D.S.O., M.C., · "tenera.l shortwave r&!'1io station without manager of the Legion organization. lay 1n order to keep canad'•ns s1 NEWMAN CAMPBELL li-e all going to be swept The new Legion overseas officers overseas In touch with the hoiUe- (The International Uniform Les· fad. largely have gorie. But 1s are Oscar Fleming, Windsor, Ont., land, and. for the purpose Of cOun- .son on the aboye topic tor Sept. 8 not :;o Truth and j~tlce wlll piE-- Ut;vyer. untU recentl~ superrlso; ter-acticg Nazi. propaganda. lS P.!alms 67. 96 and 98, the Golden \•all In the end. Brute force eannot for the Legion at Camp Borden; A. Deputy Mlnlstets presen~· a~ the Text being P.salm 34 .3, "0 m.agnUy win eventually. The Lord reigneth Nelson McMurdo, or Kamloops, B c • meeting were:-Dr. B. H. Bti-~~;~~~~~~~~ Jehovah with me, and let us exalt nnd shall Judge the people right- Major C. S. Merrett, of Edmonton, tish Columble; Dr. O. His name together.") eous.ly. We mus~ have faith and It Alberta. and G. C. McElhlney,· of Alberta; Dr. J. H . ;~~;=~~ r~~~~~~~~~~~~;c~o~m~e~atbo~u~~~~~~~~~~~~~TTu~~ro~.~N~.s.~, ~AU~~ar;~·;,~~~~~~f~t~b~e "GOD BE. -bless us; and His . "Let thf:' heavens rejoice, and shine upon us.'• l3 begbmlng..or the earth be glad: let the sea roar, 'C.L.W.S. will ba Psalm 67, which Ls the first part 'of and the tulncss thereof. entertainment our l~son today. It continues: "Let the field be Joyful. and all and other facilities designed to "That Thy way may be knoWn tJULt l.s therein: then shall an the the morale and.·flghtlng upon earth, Thy saving healtil trees of the wood rejoice." or t.he ·.alen under arins. among all nations." In the 98th Psalm we ,.are told ' Four Lii!Od'supervisofs b&.ve been we nee::l. God's mercy and His to "make a Joyful no~e unto the In' England -with the 1st: Canadlau ble_-=slng to make us happy In this Lord." Dl\lslon since last Deeeia1ber; enc life. we do not always do what 1s "Sin[l' unto the T.ord with thP. Is m Iceland and one tn Newfound- rJ.ght an-:1 so we need His mercy. h&rp: with the harp, and Ula voice la.nd. . . _ Hl.s blessln!; is neeessary to our or the psalm. .Provl,nclal Depuiy M1D,I.s{ers Meei spiritual health, and even to our "With trump:!l!f and sound of ' . Lik~n,¥auCatlon . Otf1Cers physical well-being, becaute comet make a Joyful nol.!e before Deputy mlnlst~rs O! efiUcation o! times It Is our own fault that we the Lord, the King." all the provinces In Cr.onada, to-- become Ill. Right thinking and In this psalm It Is said that the gether l'>ith the superintendent of right living ma.y not always .save Hebrew word "trumpet" Is used for education for the Newfoundland us from sickness, but they have an the only time In the book of Go\:ernment, met wlth the exeeuttve immerue fnfluence over us-mo~ psalm~. Trumpets were usually used of the canadian and Newfoundland than we realize. (lnly by the prle:sts. e.speelally 1n ~ducatlon Association and the Cur· The rest of ~alm 67 1s a song of the early perlods of Jewish hl.!t.ory. rlculum Committee of tbe .Cana.dlan pral.t;e to our Maker. "Let an the Later they seem to have been used alro bY the Levites and even by the Legion Educr.t..ional Services 1n people praL!e Thee, 0 God; let all KID t 1 t k t sld b the }:leople praise Thee. people, also corn~ts. also ment.iQned. gs on as wee o con er pro - •- In t.hh psalm. They were usf'd prln~ arising from the Le~'on's J)lau "0 n::t the natloru be s:Iad and ld d 1 sing for joy: for Thou shalt judge clpally at the proclamation and prov lng correspon ence n· the people .righteously, and go~m coronation of klng9. structlon In public, hlgh school and the nations upon e-.rtb ." It ts thought that these psalms technical $UbJect.s for men In the were written later than the time or services. Psalms 98 and 98 continue the David, but. 'V.'e have not suUiclent The first problem dealt with was :song of praise, both commencing · data ror determining ju.st when how the various provincial corres ~ "0 ~lng unto the Lord • new song." thtY were written. They were used, pondence departments could help Psalm 96 declares HLs glory among !or the mo:st part. tn Ule choral the Legion tn ho.ndllug the , ma.t'tcl· the heathen, His wonden; among 1 all people. singing In the temp e. of registering the troops and record- "Por the LOrd Is to be feared Many people In the world today ing the work done. Second, the are fearful of what b ta cOme. We basis on which credit should b~ among all gods." All other gods cannot know what Is In store for given to soldiers tor different types that are worshipped are Idols, the us. We ean. ho"?.oever, keep our of work ~ .. 1d how to ensure that, psalmist declares "But tbe Lord h made the heavenS." minds open to trut : we can prac· 1 whell a man returned to clvilian lire, tis" thO~'! virtues which !eem so he would be given credit Jn any "0 worship the Lord In the beaU· !~eking In every part of the world. province In canada or Newfound~ ty of hollness: fear before Him all we c3 n b!t loving, kind to ·al l, doing land for studies taken. the earth. what we can to allevia,.te suffering The meeting went on record with "Say before tlle heathen that the and· to treat a.ll men as brothers. a .suggestion that the university Lord relgneth: the world a~o sha ll And for our geod, a.n-:1 that or a be establl:;hed thnt it shall not be < fferin rld let us I conference be asked to give favour~ moved: He shall Judge the people Lu g wo .. able consldert.t:Jon to allowing ser- righleously." "Sing unto the Lord a new song. \•Ice men, who have completed :study L~t U.'i put bEhind our hlltreds and work under the ausp1ce.s of the Faltb Needed strifes, and ha\'e faith that a.s lt C.L.W.S. to attempt university wor!t In the turmoil of the present has been in the past, right -wUl ' • }\'Orld. when nation make-s war on triumph and the wicked !hall be without fulfUUng all the regula- nation and no one seems sa fe, we put. do~'D. For "Jeho\'ah cometh to Uons ordinarily Imposed on younger are lncUned. to think that the judge the earth: He will Judge the and ~ess experienced stu,dent§_,_ truths in which we used to belle\'e "'orld with riKh teou!>ness, and the I The question of rehabUltatlon Df -kindness, mercy, Justice, honor- peoples wtth Hi.s truth." ~rvice men WheJ.l the :war Is O'er Defence. Dlstlngulshed educatloiibts .sent, 1n addition· to Mi. En;gtand. were:-Dr. E. A. Corbett, "director of the Ca.nr..o.iian As.">oela.Uon for Ad"lt Education, Torontc; Dr. J. E. ~b- Tbt pilrritp~ to '0 maaaiiY J-- :..~ ~ '"'~~ .. -· i• . ~ .. · .. ·ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESsON :a, Allreol J. ··-~, • . • ' Inviting Othera to Wo.rahip God Let all the people pralae Thee, 0 let alllbe people pralso Th .. : ud aod lh&U . .bl .. ""' . ·-~-For Day and -Niah.t Servlet raou H4. WIIITIIr county. ~ be mercltul f.o us, 'and ~eas us, abd- r-uee lUa rae. to ahine upon "" " au .~ .. ~ • ! . Sin ~ ... the Lord with p.e harp: with \he ··-··· ~ud the voice of a. ~~ ~- ~ ~·-~ _...,_ , .. I ~ · . . ·-"- ~. ' !

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