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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Oct 1940, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1940 THE fiBITORINlf; POINT OF VIEW in ~~i~!;i~:;:.!i;~!r~::f!~b~s•k as ~ ; bar yl)o practl&jd in to~m<l- blm fair, courteoua, al-yo c""'iderate, , and one who . handed down juc!P.>ento only ofter caiiiful conaideratlon o~ tli'e•evideilce and sound interpretation of theolaw u he saw lt. To' many offenders 'Qail,8i the laws Of the land he haniled out -pt)riisbment temperi;l 'with mercy :·Many ' fii'St ""ff~nde111 left his eourt rlad of a "'" "' ! .,.~ .. • '.1>, "' ~~~1\ ,to ; l'ui"'! ~- : • ,-Jn the rialm lit rellrlon Judge RuddY -s 'a ·~unc.J! upholder of"the~ AD.)J.!:U ' !tiith, and in Ctiurclt Councils hi• advice wU•ffe.. cNently soUJiht; tn- m.temar circles he trUlY. , exemplified the fine pri'nciples of Masonic craftsmanship. • .... ' - .. t'- tWill Council Co ... ult On to· ~ (I ...,. Two-,Year Term! . ' ' '• ~,,, /10. ~~- ~..... ' ..: • 0. r f1 ' 1 .£' 1 l • When •the TafeJM!yera of the Town of ~tPY.. 11!1. fi,-:tlie, (.Qus earlY in January, : :1M~ to-t~1. i.I:own"€ouncil fC)r, th* year, '\11~, ab~ .Y'f rJyeit :the -~~unity, in \ ~~ it ;ia their riaht, 'to vote ,on the Pr:!>" · i;liMied' ~Y.ear · term, and $0UDcil should )iil"f ,~thhol_!l }t~frppl ,llleil. ~: , '•Tiie p~vincl&l JIOV~m~nt has deireed .tli&t'!after Jan1l&l'y' .tot, 1941, municlpal • o.:.~ec:tloiis "in · dntiUio wllf be held at two- F.{ ~ .. -? ....... . 1 ,.11!11: lritervm1onJy,-for the,duiatlon of the , ~. j xeept ,_ i~r, ~.1'1le~ ~municipalities. 'bi 1lilte of the elector., provide' for annual 5 • eteetion•~ This riiea011 -t hat Councils, re-- • tanuid' m ,1941 will c:Oft'tliiue m'~ice" un-·y· , , , • leu they voluntu'Uy pus a byl&w provicJ.; • ~;for a vote or:are ·compelled' to do so by ' ia1P!Ifl\Jon aiin'ed: by 'at least five per cent · pf' the I electors whose names appear on the ~lid voters' ·list. . ::;Tiie •Gazette and Chronicle is strongly of lliii ,opiiiiqn" that tlie ratepayers ahould lie lfiv'ID an . oppOrtunity to · say who ia to JrO"verii our municipal affairs nel<t and any ' ,, Jea!\ , Council should not he deterred by the comparatively small expense involved In bking a vote. And, if t)lis vote is t1> be : taken, 'a decision should he reached rilrht away, so that the ratepayers can get ~ know what It Ia all about. · · Rural And Urbafl A.,e.,menta Willie the queation of separatwn from the County of Onbr1o may ntver be eon- ' oidered I>Y the 'Town Councjl of Whitby, ~e figures obtained in a brief from the Town of Napanee, ani! referred to briefly In these column'a last week, furnish much food for thought not only for Whitby but for many other municipalities. : The Town of Napanee has for years been disaattslled w1th Ito assessment for bxa- tlon P\II'WSeS made by the United Counties of Le11nox and Addington, and has appeal- ed 011 several occasions to a Boord of Arbi- trators. ~eparahon from the county has alao been to the foh in that town with a population much the liBme as Whitby. The brief from the Town Clerk of Nap- anee, read to Whttby Council last Meet· lng, says that the town's btll of taxation, If separated from the county, would be $3,023 at the P.ri!sent rate of assessment, instead of $21·906, a difference of some $17,000, pa1d for the pnvile~re, the brief says, of belonging to the United Counbes. Then t~.re is the charge that all towns lre over • ,s.sessed in companson With rural ~ with the result that the urban places ' aN shouldering the heavy end of the tax- j'!JOD burden, backed up by some sbrtling nglltes comparing assessments on hand- sdme country homes, with all convemences, with husinesa places in the Town of Nap- ante. If the Town Council of Whttby wants to go into this brief we think that it will ,be an interesting study. • It is suggested by Nspanee that one remedy_ woul4 be the appointment of a ctlunty assessor, instead of each municipal- ity having ito own. The Act pennits coutltiel! to make such an appointment but it is not compulsory. The contention is that a county assessor would do a job which would be more satisfactory to all concerned. We wonder. The Town of Whitby, although not m re- cent ytars, has had to appeal its county a&lelsment, and more than once on the ft~r of the Council Chamber the late Reeve Jackson chatged that because Whitby wa:< the county town it was loaded up wtth as- st!88ment, while in some municipalities • (and Pickering. Reach and East Whitby were often quoted) the assessments were to say the least, far too low. · lt J s an interesting, as well as a conten· tiouo question, and one which requires the moat careful study, not only by the Town of'Whitby, but by other municipalities. It Is only fair to add here that the task of the special committee on equalization appoint- ed each year hy Cdunty Council is a. dif- ficult and unenviable one, and when mak- lnl' ita equalization has to depend entire- ly on figures furnished by the clerks or asseaaora of the various municipalities. These may be right or wrong, this commit- tee _hu no way of knowing. Church Anniversaries " This is the season of church anmver- sariea and it IS refreshing to note that despite the war which has furnished many new avenues of service the work of the church is not bemg forgotten. ~ 1t is ~ht that this should be so. fact, n~ver was the ministry of the ristian lllu!Cied more than it IS today. A psrusal of the may exchanges comin11 into our editorial sanctum weekly reveala the;f~ct that every;.b~re people are ~ a H11ewed interi!ilt in the church arid 'are comln11 to reali" more than ever i~~.n; •• oion and spiritual values. It 1s surety tip ·to the church to endeavor to extend ' its ' fufluence and to make its mtniaJ:ry more :helpful. We believe that all churches in Whitby are'doing this today. Let Ua B• More NeighboTly ' What about a little more att•ntion to the old neighborly spirit that once was so pre- valent? lsko the Cana.dian Statesman, Bowmanvilie, which adds: Somehow we think that this kind of spirit is what the whole world lacks• to-day. Time was when everybody knew his neighbors. If the .Jones family was in trouble, everybody in the block-yes; for two or three blocks around-would flock to their assis!4nce. The Jones family received all kinds of eon· tributions, from p1es and cakes to actual physical ~ssisb"Dce. There was plenty of leaning over the back fence m those days. Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Brown had long alko when hanjjinl' out the family wash. And on a summer evening, or a Sunday after- noon, the front verandah would be crowded, u neighbors made friendly calls. As for the young P!OPie, they did not have the meana of entertainment as do the youn11 people of to-dey, but we believe they were just as happy. Hurry, hurry, burry! TjJat seems to be ~he trouble with all of us to- day. We are too busy to be friendly With our neighbors, too busy to go to churclt on Sunday, too busy to do anything except sesk something thlit is JOIDII to bring ~r­ aonal gain And adults are Just aa bad as youhg people in thi~ respect. After all, what better personal gain could be asked than neil'hborly spir1t-seein11 how one can help the other fellow a httle more. Our service clubs are doing thetr best along th1s line, but all of us could follow suit. Let'• for11et our hurry-occasionally anyway- and develop a little more of the nei&hborly sp111t, for whiCh there 1s so much need to- day. Your nel~rhhor may seem cool when you speak to h1m the ftrst lime, maybe he may g1ve you the impression that he would prefer you to mind your own business and let hun alone. But aotnehow even the cold- est of neighbors turit out to be pretty decent ofttr a wliilt .llld not half as cold as they appeared. With bakin1 at home dis- appearing they mii not Hnd over pie or cake hut the chances &l'e theJ w11l show their neighborly spirit In some way. Let's be more neighborlt. It counts most in the long run.,. Conuiction I>i.allowed • Two ml!mtiers of the now tllegal J oho- vah's Witneakes, arrested near Beaverton on July 5, at 4.~ p.m. 'ilaylil'ht savmg time, charged with .an ofience arainst the De- fence of Canaila Rtitutations, and who were convicted in & mqiatrate'a court, appealed their conviction ud ~ the appeal, the tline element ent~>ID.tO the case in their favor. -~. ' ' The appeal was heard lii!fore H1s Honor Judge D. B. COleman ·at Wlutby recently when coun!ll!l far thl! "t*o men admitted they had baen ml!lil~cof the organization which by onjer-iit'&uncil had been made illepl at 5.00 o'clook 011 the da1 they were arreated at 4.30 p.m.; just half an hour previous. Tbia halt h.our .. , ed the men from fines or }ldll~lblj)mpr;sonment. The princlp&l witn .. In the oppeal pro- ceedinga was R. ~elle, prmctple clerk of thf! IC!nt'.s prliiter'at Otbwa, "ho sated that eopiaa ot tht' Caiiadlan GazHte, con- bluing atpendm6iib to the Defence of Can- ada ReiUiatiOna maldii1 Jehovah's Wtt· neaak all Ul$1 ~tlon had not been pt.ced in' th• in&ila untU 5.00 pm, daylight aavillf tl1ne, JulY lo•wlli'1Ji WIIS half an hour after the tilll• th';illllt "*" ormted. It was ~~ ,blt!iit' court that an Or· der-ln-CciUDeil iD tliii we did not make lin orpniliatiOit nt~ bbt lt depended on pub· liclatiOII of tUt QHir ~Iii tile offictal Canada Guette, an4 tutliv thil pllblicalton could not he clal:/n4id to ~ve ' t&l<en place until such ~perti W aetu&lly~n placed In the mai~. I It was at that point lu!ice Coleman made the colllfnebt: "All ~zation could be legal at 4.SQ &ltd •-•~- 1.30," and eoupJ. lid with tliat the Ulll~ent: "It is with the ~test re,nt ~~ t cliaallow a convic- tion agalnat th,ia unpa~tlc and illepl or- gani&atlon .. I have no Ojti'lll but to allow tlie appeal." . , ·1 1 .. -1 • • Compl•cency •ftll Common s.,. .. Not a little l•y ....-chtnl.l• !Ieard, here and there, oil the currently jiOpul~r text that Gariadiaa. don't ~~etm Ito 'mhze that they l!Jvf a war on thetr h.Ma. - It Ia ~of COO!rse, that fiw, are wearing .-.ckctoth hll ashes, but Ui11f1 probably due to ,a IIOmmon •en•• notl&d tllat lugujj. rity Oil ouf ~ woul\1 be we1001ne news hi Berlin. If we •n . .-.t down 1n a J!?nd lod1e of sorrow and ~led "Woe 1" elver the aerial bo10bardmant of EnJland, thia ~ountry in lfellpal, . aDd, gartiellltrly Wllitby, could be ~!IIi til weeplnJltYst~ 111114 hours. B11t it _lf0111iln't put one atotlii qf"the High AI!Jt of St. Paul's Cathedhl llaek in ito pro)IJr p., or even alrat~r~ten the swurd of •tchU'd til• Lton Hearttld · where the monum"'t atltl atands, u thia Ia written, batw,.n Waftqtinater .Ab!if7'• wreckecl eaat Ol\d and the wtndowt ... front of llrl· tain'a kouat of J-orda. But ~Wgla1 our hearta JFPDI, htacls COOl and \lands busy Wilt !f11 ' Goo!' a --' • -.!!'~ time, rMtore all that whicq.NW ruthle, .. n1111s has damaJ*d or doatroyfll • • Incident· ally, it is a far hardor Job for people u indtvi\luala or groupe to 1 jjciilllpllah, tho•e tltr18 tblnga than to throw fup 'their liands and cry "Alas!" ,. '" ' The bu~rbear of the caretilt·,holisewife, the exacllni" bus mess !lien uld iiiOff people wttli trained minda 11 care'-'PHe; ; With •orne people carelesoneas 11 a .liilllt, with othft'B it 11 a rarity, and t l(~il~ .o/ care can caus@ trouble, mcon venliile6 &bd 1 even llrtef In the complicated alilllhllclem lie in which we hvo today morl 2t1.e' J' ·D~ed if 1t11 are to ke~p out or tnluble and oven the clutchea of the '"" Fjlr lbi!Arlce- suppose you forret to carry 7pljr ~rial•tra· lion card and was askO<t bf t~t' jxl)ite to show lt. You would be •uliiect tO some embarras1ment, perhaps a line. TlieS. c&tdii were m~~~ out for ;, pil~. in import•nt w,r-llme purpose. 1 f There h•lo be•n only on6 ~vt~lon in Oshawa for failure to h"' e till 'te~b'!!lion card, but other Cities ha1 • ill!! ... venl in· stances and in one town half,j ~ji ii'!>Jile reported ·they had lost tlieli' : ~ 'and wanted to know what to do about it. It is the responsibility of the holders of the cards to retain them and carry them at all times. Lost through carelessness they might be picked up and improperly used by fifth columnists. Seems to us they are about as important as a passport and should be so regarded. Canadtan offtctals are as tolerant as possi- ble but people over 16 should have learned some degree of carefulness. If they haven't then 1! is JUSt too bad if they are brought before the authorthes to answer for their carelessness. $100 for a Headline (Canadian Vet.eran) This publication adheres to what may perhaps be considered an old-!asluoned. belief-that Is, that • headlines" are meant to convey a truthful sum- man of the story which follows them lt does not believe that "scare headlines' deslgn~d only tor the purpose of attracting st.reet-comer sales and often distorting the actual facts have any place In the make-up of a reputable Canadian publica- tion It cannot agree with the pohcy of "sl~ • jolil'nals, llvmg on filth and scandal, which capl- talu:e incidents- and headline them for the sake of attracting cheap and nast:y attenhon Yet there is one headline br imming with scandal, which The Canadian Veteran will publish 1! and whe'l the occasion demands "!11at Une will be published when for the first tlme It is ')1roved that the Red Cross bas o!flclally sold for its own benefit, and m a deceitful menner anv of that large supply of stores and materials given to it for the use of those whom it exists to serve Unfortunately the poisoned arrows of rumour are again being shot into the all" Not once. but on a number of occasions in recent months we have been told that the Red erm.s is sellln~ socks etc which have been chen to it tc ~ rllstribut f'(f tf) men on service Invariably as in the r-ars past. 1'le have end~avourEd to traee the rumouro: to their souree-to eo:tabllo:h the truth of t~ story Invarlablv, again we ha.ve failed Pinned down the narrator of such tales wm every time lead hls story back throuch a wlndin~t mue of "I h~ards.. or somet.hlnl{ of that sort Ye~~~' he wm tell you his wife m~t a wom'ln who had a cousin whose brother-In-law's aunt heard some <'lle sav that c:omebody s else's bov BUJ etc ete ad nauseam Never. Jn all our Investigations have we bten able ta find a glimmer of truth in the nunbJing stories nf this chantr:ter - and that R:OPs for th!! Great aWr when smlilar stories we~ prevAlent-too We da nat belle\e fhqf the Rf' rt Cross is a 100 per O"nt nt'rfe-;:t Ol"rn nlr.Mlon N,.1ther 15 anv otb!!t concern which J-. S'lbject to the frA!Jties or human ntthtrr e10ldenc-:d throul!'h lhoEe wfln work fnr lt. Everv bank-even r.hnrch-everv ~ h!"~l~!utle fi.rm- eYerv socleh·-ha-. its Puda:;; or lh. 5lacker But we do t-elleve th At for the many years or lb ~:dstenc:"" the Red Cros.o: h'l.S AS a aoclety Adrnlnlstertd its ttfrairs honfls tlv and In the highest .sen"ie or trust~ o:hlp We bel'e'e tha~ thr. world wlthonl. it. \<:OU]ft l-e a much wert:"' plv:-e thA..n l.t 1.s todi\'V We believe that thE> "Um t.ot.al of il-5 aecomoli:o~hmenl"' In P"9ce and ~~r con:;utntes one of the ~~~teo:t contributions to human welfar-e thAt the world ht: !! ever known Our faith mav be shnttered - bnl on the producUon of r'cflnlte and tncontrovertibl- proQf thl.t the Red Cro!s, as nn or2'<~nlzation 15 rulltv or malfeasance-that tt has. sold 8!1 a commercla\ O!l[PIOi7.atton the lf(lods entnl."ited to it - In oider that thcose who Il~d ml~ht ~ cared for-we wm pa.y the man or woman wl•o l:rm~ the ortfdnal atorv tn Ui\ th,. Mtm of ona h1mo:lred dolJIU'1I nttn rolrur back to the subiect of headJines we will publJc:li the storv with A frr>n! tiBV'" hearlllne that will tell the world or the destruttion or a great prlnclplf' .., In other wo~ our present answer to anony. mouse IPtt ... rs to malicious recihHs is • Put up or: abut up .. And to thos-o who are guil t:\: of spreadlnR false and S!:nrrllous rumours we sa y lhie That thev art Jwt as gulltv or sabot!,'«' of destruction of thl!' national omrate and Haith as anv "Plfth Columnist • Well-meaning & $ they may be they are a~lsttng nobcdy but the enemv They are harming their owp. counttJ-and sta bblnt in the • back those who depend upon the Red Cress for assistance "hen Jt. Is vltally needed J Editorial Notes t That autumn touch is in tlie atr. ___ , Wtth Japan ailie<l \\lth the Axts po\\ers, Japanese goo<ls "Ill be taboo this Chnst- mas and all the time. There ma:\r be some who haven't an eye for beauty, but 11 would not be surpriSing if they appreciated a handsome income. Annies on the march throughout On- tariO, such as took place durmg the past week, may convmce a lot of mdtfferent people that this country IS engaged 10 war. Christmas parcels for overseas should be mailed Mrly 10 November, post office ad. vices say. Do )our Chnstmas shopping early. It costs sixpence to watch an air raid from We"!bley stadiUm Brttam's' lar~est football gtlound. Cheap enough; but of course th~re is no regular schedule Do you believe that there is upon the whole earth one man so depraved as never to have allowed hts heart to yield to the temptab on of domg well ?-Rousseau Wttlun twenty-three hours of receiVing an ap.peal for 20,000 blankets from London, headquarters of the Canadia11 Red Ctosa at Montteal had the blankets on their way overseas Every Canadian dollar g1ven to this ~ orthy institution helps to ease dis· tress In the Motherland. • Downtown You go direct to downtown in every town • enroute when you tro.vel by ' motor coach . MRS. G. DREW DUNDAS ST 1------------~~~ Know In The End All Will. Be WeD, Declares Princess Londoc, Oct 15-JI'ourteen·)tar~ old Prince!s mlza.belb sa.ld iD h1r first broadcast. Sunday that Brtta.l.n s chlldrtn at home are full of cheer .. fumeas and couraBe " "\Ve know, every oce or ua, Ulat in the end all wm 1M! well," said the Kl.ng's elder daURhter on the Brit- ish Broadcutlng Corporation'• chil~ dren'a hour 'And when peaoe com~." Ul~ Prlncesa added, "remelllber It will be for us children of today to ma.kr the world of tomorrow a better and happier place " The addrtsa, WUna tour mtauteJ. was heard throughout the world "I feel that. I am speaklnt to friends and companions who haV'!' shand with my &lster and mys~l:' many a happy chlldren•a hour, ' the Princess iul.ld "~omands of ,Jdu ln this country h&\e had to 1iave your homes and tie &ep&rated lrott: }Out fathen; a.n.d mother.& "My Elster, Marp.ret Rose, and I feel so much for you, u we know from experience what It means to be away from thost! we love DiOJt of aU 'To you llvlnl ln. new surround~ lnas. we aeod a m.._.ee of trua sympathy, and at the &&Qle time 1Ft would Uke to thank the t.l"'..d piOiile who have Welcomed you to tbelr home-8 1n the country "The Kt.n.t and Queen llatlned 'n the .tame-• room, Ella. beth apoke U1 clear, contldent t.onea Radio offl~ clals eommended her Jack of "mikf. fright' Be!ore Princess EUabelb. con- cluded the broadca.st with "GOOd~ night and good luck to you all." she had her little ~ter, who waa be- side her at the microphone, say,. 'Goodnight, cblldren" The b~lr presumpUve to lbe Throne, Princess EUI&betb lpol;f also to those who "have tranlltd thousands or miles to find ~a war- time home, and t. klnal7 .meoate ln C&Mda, Auatralla. New Zeal.aM. south Mrlca and the United Statts of America" 'I am sure that you. tob, ate oft~n thinking of the Old. CounWf," 3ht aald to the voyqen "'I Btrir you won't forget UL "'t Ia Ju.t JM:.. t::a\111 we are not fornt.tlnl 70U tl*t I want, on behalf of all the clrlJdieln at home, to aend you obr laft' lllia. beJL wbhel!. to you an:t to )'OUr ldtU:l h01t& u wen .. • t can lnlthlully ..,. to yotJ oii that we chUdre.n -.t Jicme an 1u11 ot dleerfUlneEa abd. C()urqe, We an t.Qlnt to do all We can to help our pUanL I&Uora, zbkllen and &It- men, and 1re art trJtnr, tdp, lb bear our OYn snare .t( tbe d&apt and udneu of war / · • "'Wt tnow, evtr]' oat ot UB,;~ tha~ tn the end all trW be wen. tor OOd will care for ua t.ad. tin ua l'lct.c:lrY and peace, and When Ptlce «Gin rtmember It WUl 'be for ua. the tlm. dra of today, to lbt.t• lilit wCJtUJ of tomorrow • botlH' alld ' tu.P!Iill: place • World Registration of Cars Totals 45,207,000 WaahJ.ngton, Oct 11-Woitd rt· glstraUon of motor vebiclea -~ a new record 111 193t, when U,.QI'I,IOO were counted, aecordln~ to pqblJu.. tlcn of AutomobUe llanufaeturer AssoclaUon Tllla ftaure repteaecta a lain of ' per cent. over 19!8 or the world totaL • per cent were realstered In the United Stt.tes. a total of 30,115,1)11 'Ibe country next. h1Jhe&t 1n reJlati'aUon was the UnJttd ltlnadom, 'trlth 2,428 680 Three othM" eountrtea bad PU!enger can, busea, truckl and diesel units numbering t.bove \he million mark Then wen ~ct. ;t,398,SOO , Omnany, 1.161,300; and canada, U20,02t Arreatlna Hu m.stt LI.Un American countn havlnt; hlahest reglab'aUon of motor vehl .. clea In lhl was Araentb\a, with 273 ,500 Brull wu neond wl~ 181,000 Mexico realsterttf 101,.,0, UrUguay 47,11111, Chilo, '~.tl5, Oil-• 278'lt, Vene.zuela, 11,63i; eoioaiblt, 18,58t, Peru, 13,0H: GHURGHES LAUNGH UNITED APPEAl To Aid EIII'Ope&n Million uiea Deprived of Sup- port By War Toron~ Ont , Oct 1&--()n Bun~ day Ocl<>ber 2'1 the Oono41an Ohun:hea wUJ launeh a united ap· peal for rundl to relieve Lbe over- seu m..l.asto.na or mt.ny European Churchft now eut off rilai au aup. port from t.hclr holhe bUei It Ia .. tlniOtod, lhot f,ooo mla- slonarte~ of European Churches have been deprived. of aupport '111e Int.emat10011 ¥Wl~at)' Oounc:U which ortictall.Y rfopi'eeent.a the Pqr~ !trn N!Won Boorila oDd 8oclttl,. of all ~rnm.uniona, Ia the qepe.7 tbtouih whlch the Ohurcbei Are aeeklrl& to akS thtllt orphaOkl mla· Ill OM Jilore than tee l1\llsktl& Btnt&ln ... eel by the EuftlPMn chutches ue thn•tened with extlneUon owlnlf ta the Wt.r Sb\ee m01t of tbeae maln- taln , br have maJptalned h~etlt.ala, leper t\~etl. urphanalfe! athoc:ia, cllnlca and ~la.r tnaUtuUona1 It ll clear th,.t thalr tloalnl m\lllt ltl a maJor eat.utrophe rdr thoubJuta ot lnnOCfJlt people, and, for the ••• BROOKLIN , (G. IlL WliKe, Corr.) -.-Oct. If.-The follow)!tg !eliot IU.s been rOcelve<l by the Rod ~~S;oclety· "A~ this time I wish to 'tboni: tile Brootlln Red c...., f~ tile ~ wblcb I received ~-lrftk.. l a~ate it. very mueh aDld I am lUre :It wUl come tn real ba.Dd.J in the cold ' days to come B\11&. Qrmhton" Work was contlnuecl on retua:tt _..,to ·~ the Ret! crooa aewlng c1ialla tb1a net and some ot ihe draMa CcJa:lpleted. An urpnt eall Jl MD~ out for 1 tnlttera to mate to <bJ!dren'a puDover sweaters (size 4>. ~ JW! m~ tte oecured from l\lrs ~-~ 1\lo hoPOd • number wm ~ ill hell! with lbb .... t . PrOm yj llf~va; blta of ~orn Ibis wee• :&In lkr.rd.. and l4n Pengelly sen\ ln . IOYm ·mlltens which lhey hood flnllhtt<l. Tile knitting C011$1sled or ihirtHn .,oJra of socU, live .carves &J¥1 tlirte nra:Wa. Jlr· and lira. Wallace Hod.alns CIC' Tolic*lto apmt the wee:k-enct. with ~.It. -pmn and l\4rs. -pson Mr. an« Kra 0 .Middleton o! ~ hrmls apen~ SUnday witn Mr on4 ll4rll. 1L RouU.,. t Kr. and Mta Arthur Rowan or Y-etvertOD were with Mr. and Mn; "W; Ja.cbon for the hoUday • The Woman's lllsaiOD&l'J' Sod.ety ..W mee& on Wednesday, Oct l:J, *the home ol Nn:. RatcWfe Mrs W. Ac_at Itt In cbarie of lhe pro--· , ...,~en<Ss ol J4iss M1ldred McDuff lea, our millds and our squ1a and p forth 1n th1a splrlt to redeem the 1 Wloet . ..,d; troubled world t.nd make It the Kingdom of Ood. In the el'flnbia: Rev P. L Jull took his theme from Psalm 107 and ezpWned. Ul1s as a ~erles of plcturea Wl.th splrlfual toeactng ~ A very happy evenina wu ~nt on Wednesday at the home of ili'i I Coot, when friends p.ibered to present her dit.nghtei' Y~. l{ith :.. shower ot l>uuWU\ alfts. prior 19 her marrtaae which tuea pW;e lbb week Not only was the bride bonor- ed. but the groom a& weU. Mr. Oiltar Bell, formerly of Stayner, Ont.. bu.,t now the popular Barber of Bi'ootllh. "-"'"'- Seven.l large ba.St.ets o1 bqutlful g:lfts were preseuted and Oscar I.D a very pleutnr manner ezprmsed tbelr appreciation 'lbe ear~ ~ of the evening wa:s one ot unique eni tertatnment wlth LucW.e M'eNee ~ master of ceremmiles. broa~ from the local butler shop, ataiiOD BUNK a. ~ of hWDOI"'US numbers A wecldlnl 1t:U 'the ou~• .st.andlng number, with the brtde, Mary Cook, the groom,. Rutl! J~ the bridesmaid, Keast Webber. the mlnlater, M>s MeN~ and wit> Joe Garbutt glvJ.nc the bride aWJQ~:~ The barber shop quai1ette IO&n& a number. This was made :up or Rutl;l Jull, Roy Onni.ston, Keast Webber and LutlUe McNee wltb. another by the barber shop chorus &lrls • .Jun;, vte and Kargaret Batle;y. MJrJ:: Jones and Mary Lynde pve tbe In~ !'>tfwnental selections and Ill'& Boyes gave a reading Mr. George &:ott spent 'l'h&IJ.b- givlng Day at b1s llcme near Orangeville THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONIQE, S"OUTH ONTARIO Plow~ng Match 'l'b be held on lh~ farm., of WILMOT WALKER and F. JOHNSON Lots 12 aJid 13 In 'the l'OUl'th Concwum of REACH TOWNBBIP. halt mUe south of MANCHESTER, on No. '1·12 Hlgbway. oa. 1 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24 .... App~ to 11r »ank Crosier B R 4 Port Pen7 Pboa• lUI r t, POrt Perry, ncf\ laW \b&n Octonef":n.xt, ror t.eam. LUNCH PROVIDED BANQUET AT NIGHT MYRTLE STATIO.N tvtng the C.PA aectlon foreman • LeAslcle Jet., spent SUDd&J with liS h.mlly Mr.s McEwan and son, LyudeD ~f Metcalf Ont., spent a few da.YI a.::L "Ret. with Mr. aDd llr:s John Jrant and family. Mr Bill Martin, of Broo'tlh\ eaU .. ).1 on former nelgti.bOn m SuDday Mr Rus.sel Lunne:v, who IS lt&- tloned. at Montieth, t.rr:lved home ~n Saturday on turloqh lor twO weeb Mr and .U:ra Oliver Thompeon 1nd John, of Torooto, called on r~!ath~ on SuDda:y: 1\Uss Ruby Mann, of Toronto: ... !l.lld Mrs. Thomphon, O:f 06hawa. were Sunday auests of Mn i'ra.nel.s BrliP Mr and Mrs Hynes, or Toronto, visited on Sunday with t.l\,elr mil. over w Zorah spent. 'nlanbglving With Toronto friends "'lte YOUI_lg People's Union are l•old.lng a meeUnr on Prlda,y ue- ~ .., tt.b1S week Mrs J Boyer chester over the: week-e~ci.&I>d• ""'-.1 W Perldn was with 1 heir summer cottage Ion. . resident t.re llmJt.ed The license. for p re.sidect entiUe..s him to shoot three cock bl.rds on ' each of the day• O~lftd. at her hc:me on Tilunc:lat e~ toi hpnor her prior to her ~ on Monday llrs.. Alfred Wilsoti u PrPtaaor c:mducted ft. ~~ which came toi order at the IIGW!d of • belL The children will> ~ and hl.l:r·bowa and. the uaull1 diew!D& rum nclled on<1 aiDtl .their- l'h•- .. ern... cQD.slsted of a chorus .. School Days" Ml'i. 8. llodd rod tile llcboo1 papel" wlifeh portn,ied. many intimate ~pba coacerniJlc tile bride ;aDd~ Kta.: B~ p.ve a read- q, KrL B. Artaey 51.111, LUcWe VcNet: a nad!DI. and Mrl.. Heron - Oil a iiao.ttst. MD.dred. Menutf .u ~ted wltb. a diploma o! .p;.j\talktli whlcb when unrolled - read by the prof~ and w.a.r, .u fOUOwa;:-·we have pthered. here tblo e.a.ln&' to ahow our •Pprecia- UGD of One who has done much ..o ..... ote a COIIIDlWIIt:y spirit ln· lbls Nr Oswald 00SC0)'11e, of TOronto. has been with his mother, lin. :z. Gaaeo}'Ilfl for the put week , Nra Louie ea..ldr IU.s renled rooms In her ~ Ash bam Tbe nan-resident tleenses ran be obtained either for one or two days 111.~ ~ulrlng a two..day Ueenae mu~t hunt on eUher October 25 or H aDd thOISe requirln1 a one-dav must hun.t on N jytmbef' A. non~reslrlent Is allowed cock blrda per day - · B7 )'OUr- ond co- ~t:y In 1\dfiWDi - demands ..,...Jo • ._,,..,, •~ lhe nrloua local lfthta. wbkh com.prb:e every d~t.y 11.'\Dill> ~ -~W>!- .. t!>b 'l!D'I..Jl&ll ~t a-a~ tor oUier~ tp tollaw. What wm be our lOu wW lie anotber'a p1D. lor althoUih ~ of our ,ocJet1a Will be the ~ tor 19\11' aotoa. another towu 'IIIII 1!0 emicbld bJ your presence Wo-.-wlob ""' i '- ond tu.ppy ¥': :rour ...,.. home-and hope that ~ lh- tblntl ttu.t are tile ben :Ia. rue m.&J ccme your way. To ex- Jiftlll'thue thoulhta more conc:rete:- lJ'! WI ult J11t1 to llCC8P~ Ibis alft, ao ft 111&1 mare a comer :ln. your ~ SIIDed ·~ commun- 11t7.'" • Nlldre4 made a m.oe.t pclowl re~ piJ•md ;Rev, P. t. JuU .clded hil ""*" • of ~ wlabea. A l>uuWu!_ 'Walnut d.:-ncoo. wu presented b:r lib-' S. ROcld. ' Jlr. lUll! lira. Lulher Goodmoll of ~· 1Pfnt "nwlts&lvlnl wtt01 Mr. and ·Kn. T .' CJOocluwl. .,~'Ibe Sk}Diiii' lamllJ' celebrated Mr. t. StlnDV'I blrtl>day at lhe a.ome ol Mr. on4 >ln. L.- on ~Do.y. , Mr. Loi'De ltlyell apent the weet- ollld ,wltll bla ponDta Mr and >Irs :J(oorlaJ KinD: , ' Mba Balm .Jacbcm wu with her ...._ lli'l A. RoWan at Yelverton Miss Emmerson,. of S.B. Ko 8, spent the hoUday at her heme 1il Nestle ton. Mrs Phippen of Barnl& and MY and Mrs 0 Brown of ToroDto. were week.end auests with Mr. and Kra W.Oroxall. lllr. - l\4rs. CIU.rlea Elliott ol Bobcaygoon ... with thtlr d&uah• ter, l\4rs Alfred Wllaoo. l\4rs RaJ Down.,. and dauahter. Virginia are spendlna the week with their aunt3, Klssea Addie and Elate VIpond st.. Thomaa' Anallcan Church ._, beautiful with autumn bloOma 0: t:in!'_t<.d:--~~ chryaant.hemuma and. lema I ' palms, on 'l'blnbatvl!>i' DIJ, the wed.dlna of Gordon J:eo, .oa. of ll4rll. E&o. ond tile .tal<! John _., ot PeterbOro, and ~ I8COiid daughter or Mnr JltDuff and tbe late Alez llcDulf of Brooklin. 'lbe bride wea.r1n1 a rown. ot don wool sheer, with PreDc:b. leatb.er hat and acceuortea ID. 'nd.Jort' ell- 1 :!:'!"'"• .tered. the chweh on the arm. of hh brother, Thornton MeDutt, u tb.l! stralna of LOhensm>'a Weddld& llareb came f'rom. the beauW'u! Hammond orpn 'W'htch wU ~ed. by Nr Robin Nlebobon of Wltltby. Her corsaae wu ot orcbldl. 8be wU attended by Mn. W. Wo.ddell of Owen Souod. who wen ~• IOWD ot -lerl>erry wool lheer witll tu.~ 1lovea, ahoea and baa In the aame .shade. Her coraaae was of ~ eU!fe roaea. Tbe lf'OOIIl w., ~ port.ecl by Jlr Taylol' Pnntlln of Alb!n Colleae. BeUevWe. "lbe cer. ... t•ametL . mooy waa perfonnecl bJ' ReT: MJ ~c. Clourh at hl&h 110011. Jlr. Jl<li -... Duff actt'd as uaber. PollowlD& u..i church cerem.oD1 a and dinner took place at the AU Ali+ 8eubQrO. when ~~~! 1 lUella were present. ,; · mother wore a aown velvet. with velvet hat l&it ,..t. sU..t. velvet wtt.h laqe bat and. a llr aDd Mn W Ormiston. ani! .sage of sweelheart ro:ses. Kr diqhttr Sh.lriQ, and Mr &. Gu· lira E&o left, rollOWiq the~d..li:U:ler, ~.·all ol Ed& ley, were" with Kr.s. for their new home ln Deeeronlo, J:, .~t~~< the week-end. where xr. J:ao Ia 011 tiU. Blali >ln. ~ 'ot TOronto Ylttlted lut Sahooi atalf. ~ "'"' Nn JL Rlcbardaon, •~ l\4rs. Squlrea of Plelierlna' Ia .nul "210 .ateps Irm" '- , ,:tauahter, Mrs. T lt:lvelt • Tbii W~'l AIIOclaUon held tt.a Yr and Yra cec.u Joat1 ~~th-ll>b: •"11!>1 011 TUes- tomlly of Moun~ ZIOD are witll da:J !I a n17 1arp attendance J A J Jon~s ~. ~ ,'Jli>l\ ~lereatlna and helpful • Reporla ' of WhUI>J> Tcnmabl~ ~ Mn.. • SOnley, pr.ldent.. councu meettna at BrootUD a~ ~betic! tile .meetlnl with the ot this '·-· -:.. •""-'• · or-,._ ' Ro"•biO a p Ill's. 011 pop "ODe -e • -.,er , .. ,. ..,. "" rou • Brootlln ft1enda , and ·f~ ac• w. Pttlih ~ ci>UP for tile pro- q .. ln- .,.. -. a. - 9 "rb~ >dm>tloiW ..mce Mulholland, • c~auahter -· ~ow tlclid .Ill >ln.. Netnnon Whitt Donlel Holliday, .. loll~<-tlm<o. -~~! lb tllo UWne :n>7 Jtlnadom dent of lhla •IUI.Ie ~·-" ~l aelect1ona on the wlth n!lftt ot the • ~ ....., at- by Nn Roy Mulholland •t the ~~ In ,. ,"!lolln IIOio wllh Nlaa on sunday, ~ J- plilylna the pano r.c- Mulholland, »eA1 J .~""" .. ~~~~ JacUon ~ thl!l and aon, John,1 ...,.11(111 ~1tlnc brDII> u her the communlt:r Ia e>liD>IIOr :"Ooopo Yo '!'l>onkful Pao- A meetlnr of pte, come .. WW~ Bcboea .. was Lodae was held when the ~ !..plan Jqot~' pW)o lelecUOn oUlcera were elect.ed lf ~ -~. AUoD Jones - "P' lhc Theron RlveU: v . G, I ~D\x\.r -y; T\;Iman'OW." Prom Ja~n; Rec Sec~ir;~~~ -1\il ~ lu toble >Irs Aruey , Pin sec ~ .lohnlljtD and >ln. N~ ~er, Sro N -'Wh:lt.e 1 pourid. tea. 'lbe Bunda) Bro Scott, ~.....,. 1fU brlabl will> cbolce R s s. Bro ~~1\Upn -. Bro Winston r ~ 'Of 'l'blnb&11tlnc were Nur!ay Roblnaoa: -.Iucted ~ the unlled Church on Hunter' Chap • Bro ~ willi ' 1!0• Jlr. Howle ot lbrokl tluabiarton U pte~er for tbe IIIOI'Illl\c ~ olill!lo• P L. JuU !D ~ol!orle ot U.. , "'"nina \Jemce ~ ~~~· -rendered by ~,clullr Will:> Nn Bodllna ot To- !WIO ~~ •I tile mornln& aer· j~ot;, ;t1jo "'-""' dlacoune .... ~oa tbe tt~ "'I wW live 'Ibet- ~'._IUIII , T)>ou 11111111 keep lhe ~~c'e4, do&lt ;wltll mon'l dealre a1 ' 111\<ll,iao 'to nP<OOil fl'&lll.ude. We MAKE,r~ANS FOR PHEASAN'f'HUNT IN[WHITBY TwP Game -Wanlena - ToWI!,Ihip Cleark To baueLic- The Garno PrelerVI COmmittee of Whitby TOwnahlp, met, Jn the COuncil RoOm oa. 'l'hul'ldai nen.lill to lay l)laD.II for the Pbruant buD&, In the 'roWIUblp or Wtil'by on Oct- ober 25 and 21 and November lat. 'nJe l'ldOUI pme , wll"d.eD$ wePII •PPQinl«< oncl tqe clerlt of lho 'l'ownal!lp 'lfO• •qll!orloed to .. u the Jteenae whlilb may be obtained 1 a\ the ToJr!1ab!J> !!flloo, BrookiJ!' 'l1>e llcenae 10/ 0Q ~· Immediately The..,. DeDart.m:ent ot Oame ~d Pl.ahe.rMs releuecl OYer 200 pllii• l!&p.t.s In t.b.e Township of ,Whitby ear~ iD. tbe nJ;IUII.er. Alio. the llleltllitt: laomld tlla~ tho llc- SOUTII ONTARIO PLOWING MATCH OCTOBER '>A~ru t Super V•lue )(. atel with TnMformer Cot Super PetfOI'IDUCe, Now on DIIPJayl BRANDON RADIO SALES 'a SERVICE ll4 a.;.... St: North WHITRY Phone 820 avallable to' botb rtlldct aDd DOG~ 'L-----------•

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