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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Nov 1940, p. 3

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PAGE FOUR-~ / '!'HE WHITBY C:AZE'ITE AND CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1940 -TRIOTIC,· SOCIAL ancl COMMUNITY ACTIVlTIES Social ~nd Personal a arant o! named a com- mittee of Mrn. s. P. Murdoch, con- vener, Mrs. H. H. Goode and Mra. G. M. Goodfellow. bera wiah to tnank. the citizena for thtl reneroua reeponae. , PROIIIISING SOLOIST WITH WHITBY I.O.D.E. Announcements Wbea ldladt 'I"IIJl JOD.o or f01I 'flalt frtellds at • dklallca; lf 1011 ant ea.t:erla.Ulet or II 70D eatutaiu, n&e GueUo aDd. Cbl'on!ele. wru II• -pte&ied '&o .. neord .uae'- fatl lll tbe "'Sodal aad , PersOD.a).. eolWIUlo Pl .... teiepiaone 713, or, af\tr bou.rl, .... + + + :Hockey meeting will be held on Thursday evening, November '7th. at 8 o'olock., at n.ylor's Arena. All those interested ln Int-ermediate .Hockey please be on ·hand. One of Whitby's youthful aololata )'-:-:---:-----:--:-::-"'--------------··-.;_'f in the mak.tnr. already dllpl&Ylnl M:emberl are remlncled. to attend church have collected over &00 coat IU!IS!:RVE FRIDAY, .NOVEMBER 22nd. for Wh!tby Htah School Commencement. Further particu- lars later. fine talent. is Stuart Roblin., son of armJattee aentce Jn tbe town haniel'll, money from which w11J. go Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Roblin, • atu- on SUnday, November 10; at to the war fund. rvERinoDY'S GOING TO TBE erand patriotic- concert in Whitby Town lbJl.. 'nle6day evening, No. vembu 12, a.t 8:15, under the aus~ plces of Whitby War Effort com. mittee Publicity and Morale De- partment, Program of high orde.r by local talent. See particulars elaowbere in th1a l&!ue. Adults, 25o. cblldre.n, 15c. Oet your tick- dent at the HJgh School. Stuart waa p.m. and alact be at the eeno- beard. at the concert lut week L-------------------~1 + + + Mrs. John Vlcltel,- ldt last week The Alumnae Association, of tbe whic.h followed the chicken aupper 011 Monday, NO'II'ember 11, at 1n the tTDJ.ted. ChlU'Ch. a.m.. when . wrea.tbl will be Lettera or t.haDb have been n- eelvecl from C.Q.M.B. Brown, H. D. Bowie)', Slli- and Staff Sorseant oaVid J. Thomoa ol Ontario Roll· ment for dpretta ancl helmetzs 11ven to them when on leave re- i to spend two weeD with her bus- Ontario HQSJ:IItal held a ~asquerade band tn Winnipeg. Dance, Jn ~he Concert Hall, on Pri- + + + ' day evening last. Owing to the Mrs. H. Coffey, of Granton, On- weather conditions the attendance . tarto, was JD. town for a fl!t"'I' .daya was not as large as in. foimer years. ·. this week, on busine&S. The costumes were very pretty and + + + varied and all ·those whO braved the Mr. W1lUam NlCholson.. hu pur· wet night had a very delightful chased the property of Mrs. C. Sel· eVening. + + + don. on Byron Btnet south. M:fS15 Martha Vlpond who hu been + + + tn the Hospital in Hamllton, for the Dr. IIDd :M!r3. 8. R. Montgomery of past year has fully recovered and. re~ ;] ·f:c•c.f,!; !::' 'ftre in. town on TUeadaY turned to her home in Brooklin lut ~~ . call1nC op. friend& Dr. Montgomery week. Her many Whithy triendJ will al8o attended the Rotary Club lun· be pleased to h~ of her recovery, di.ICID. a.nd to see her &bout again. • + + + The YOl.ml' People'& Soeiety of the United Churah baa planned. tn- terestiiig meetings every Mond&y evening at eight · o'Clock tn the Sunday oobool room. -~ tnter- • ,:mg progranu are being prepor<d and all YO\mg people of the ch~ are invited, also those who have no church home. IIELPINO lllt.ITIIIB WAB VICTIMS' l'tJND BOYAL CANADIAN Am FORcE Are 1n need of men between age of IS to tO, 18 wtreteu and eleetrf.· !. cal Dieehanloa, thoae havtns ibe A donation of .$25.00 from tbe WhitbY Better Bu.,l.IUISS Aaoelatton for the Brlt16h Wiu' V1ctlms' FUnd waa forw~ by \he Gazette an4 Chronicle Saturday to tbe Toronto Evening Telegram. SubserlpU""" for t.hl.s urgent and ver:v worthY cauSe are aUD befng reeelved at the Gazette and Chronicle ottioe. Miss Helen Lawrenee, 'd&U(hter ot Rev. Samuel Lawrence. haa sent aloDI a:I.OO. tnowledp ot the CO!Utzuetion of mOdem Radio recelvins aeb1 fault !lndlng, ete. Knowledce ol Code not euea.Ual. Aero ~~~~ M:echan.lc.. ThOle with • thoi'OUih lmowledrt "' tb• mOdem ru enalne, and· aheet: metal warken u (Airframe mtchantca metal) eoou. Apply to R.C.A.P. Reerultlna' Ct'Dtre, 297 Bay St., Tor· onto. - COMEDY TREAT - MEGLIN KIDDIES IN CINDERELLA'S FELLA" .MONDAY • TUESDAY • WEDNESDAY~ Lut c-11'-l· Show at 8 :50. TIMOI:' MQNDA.Y AT 2 O'CLOcK , ALSO AN ADDED \'l'a A acD"'1 . ...,..,,....a.r _ ...... ,_ ... A:Wa.W-1 JUNI STOIIIY DUNCAN RENALDO MARY Ul ·SMnH uww· awardedo~ prise ~"!!~ ol tho J'ocull)o who at&lecl the ctrcu.L , The pl'O£tUUDO, In acldll!on to the lf&nd. march, 1Dc1Ud.ed. two .well necuWd an4 e.:eed.IDIIY hUIDOI'OUI p1&JI by meml!m ..r the dramallo clul, UDder the capable dtrect;loD, of ll1u lbrjono B1IL 'lbe !trot - "l'Uite=OUH," bJ S(ai'J Katbr.l!nl Reely," In which tbe\itu4tDta lnl put wert: Btal Gord.OD, Porm.an, Marl)1n RaDkia, and "'"--" cla GreeDJpOn. , The aecond wu •-n.e White Phantom," b1 WUbur Braun," and thll waa atapd bf Helen Mitchell. Nancy Porbea, Audre, Stokea, Eatb- lilen Ol)'tln, YvSJnne BaUUe, Betty Porman, and Ruth Sm.lth. Other Items on the pJ'Oiramme were a. plano duo, Edsar Elgn's "Pomp and Clrcumatance." by Miss Ruth Loehead and Ml&!l Jean Me· Kentie, member-a of the Faculty, and a. novelty dance, "Honea! Horae.sl Crazy over HoraN!" whleh won popuJar approval, thoae tatlnl ORDER YOUR TICKETS NOW at ' tbe Boz Offioe for tbo WILD WFST RODEO olorrinc GENE AUTRY. at the COLISEUM, TOR9NTO, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, MTURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 15, 16. Net Proc«<!o to llritlah Air Raid Victims Fund. part includinl Betty Meintoeh, R.oaalle Holllnl. atuden.t.a, and Mrs. Adams and Mr.1. Hayes, teachen. And to add to tbe vlliety and en- joyment ot the evenlnll' . menlbera ot the !acUity staged & ciroua, clever and humot"ow , and indicative ol ln IDOIIlOlT of - Wbo !ell the Great -war, 1914-1918. cently. . .· eta .from any member of the Com· mltitee, the Guetto and Ohroniele I.O.DZ. e&lend&ra are on hand, offlee or the t.own clert.•1 office. tb.tH are ornament&! .a well aa potzloUo wltb aoqlnp ol oolebnr.ted ORDERS TAKEN l'OR CHRIST- men far eacb. month and DlOit ap- mu Cates, Shortbread fllld. Fan· proprl.ate M the ooe for tbe month C7 Oakea. Hattie Pringle, phone of J&ll....,., - !rom tbe - i70, Whitby. A meetlni'· of tbe eap-. ior & Poppy Day caD.VUI ~ be held at the bome of liN. OoJemen, un- der the convenerab.ip of M1aa M. Ruddy on W-eodoy, Nomnber 8 at: 2:30 p.m. ol H1a K&Jeot.y ltlnc George, These -------------- .. _n may be obtr.lned by IU!IS!:RVll! TRI1: DATE, FRIDAY, pbOIWJ.I ¥n. B&!Wt, or &rQ' of the Dec«nber 8th, for the St. An- meznbera. drew'a Y. W. Group Tea, at the home ot Mra. Donald Wilson. Tbe followil:la" donattona are ack- Watch for fUrther particulars. DOWledpd. with t.b&nkl: 1 quilt, JU!MB!MBP'R, BT. ANDREWS trcm Kill It; WJ'iiht:: obamolsette Churt:h Concert, Prlday, Novem~ The I.O.D.ll:, Brownto Pack hll4 a most suooeas:tu1 "Butet · l:JQ"" • 050 bo3keta won oollected. Arrt oae •tlll be.liq buket:a pleue ADd them to tbe \Guide ~ m Her.rd bu1ldlPg on w--,. a!lemoon. loin. D. B . Col- 011• tertalned tbo Brcnm!io otter the bubta wer. counted. tor le&ther vest: llrL J. Anderson. ber :Dt..h, in the a. s. Hall, with p&reel of leether; lin. W. McNeiL KiU Mal'JOlY Watters a.nd other <10 lbt. leather for mine ~per1 t&lent: to be followed by a social jerkllil, Mr. Herbert SheU. Oeh~ hour. l"wther notice later. awar, Kl'l. J.,...m ltlnc ll>aned • JU&CII!ne !or the •ntnc room; 1 ,._.. ll1locl by Mrs. c. A. Bey- -. It Ia aal4 of """'"' lr:nlltlng, Remember tbo LO.D.ll:. Otrl weavlna', · oplnnlng tbot tb.,- &II Guide ·oompaDJ and. plMI ord.VI a:ymbOUie women'a abWty to create. tor ·• .-roua ouppJ7 ot -.., out or a !-....., llbe for tbetr "Cootie DQ"', November .a prOd.u.ct lhapelY and her own. 18 (Saturday). At the mcment there 1a ao much need far warm aarmenta. wm '11le choir boya of All 81Jnta• t:hOH h&Yinl 'WOOl out for any 11Lest We Forget" TOWN OF WHITBY PROCLAMATION Fourth Tlie FOURTH TAXES will be due oa RE 15th, 1940. There wiD 110 for paymenL Tboee who haw DOt pair! the . fint, aecond and third, inat.l-ta may do· 10 now by payinl3% JMQ~i!ty, n-111uat.., paid before the fourth inata._. wiD .. accepted. PAl' NOW AVOID 3% PENALTY ctf,A.RGE B. JDLBNA IQCIIABDBON, · Tu Colleoitr, or thn.e pleaae make Bn et- to complete their work and turn it: in. - , ABERNETHY-MENZIES The marriage took place at 405 At.b.ol street, Whitby, on Saturday evenlna', November 2nd, or Thellllll Anne M:enztea, Oampbellford, On- tario, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Frank Memles, to Willlam Arthur Abernethy, ·owa.wa.. son or Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Abernethy. Rev. Arthur W. Sanderson otftela.ted. The happy couple left on a wedding Utp to Eastern Ontario. Tiley will reside m CIABBNCB B. BUBNHA.M The death ot CIIU'ence Hurd Bumha.m, of Buffalo, N .Y., aon of the late JUdae Zaechaews Burnham and Helena Warren Burnham, or Whlt.by and 06hawa, oceurred at Gal1on, OhiO, on s ·mda.y, October 28. The rem.alna were broua:ht to Luke Bur1al Co., Parlors Oshawa, on TUelday and the fUIIeral was held. trom St. Gresory3 R. C. Chureh on Wedn6Sda.y la.st at 8 o'clock A.M., with Interment 1n oemetMy, tollowina- a !Wl~ service at the parlora at 2 p.m on Bund•:r att.er11oon . The late Yr. Burnham was on h is way to Plorida {or the win.te r from MANTEL RADIO SETS! All The Newest Makes ! from S17 .95 to S37 .95 WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF 1941 BAITERY SETS Phil~o, Rogen, Phonola, Vi~tor, all ~omplete with the new Economy Tube, for Whitby and district buyers. . A DEPOSIT WILL HOLD FOR CHRISTMAS BRANDON RADIO SALES BRUCE GLENDENNING, Prop. . 114 Brock North Phone 620 loaa Oran.re Sl-os. 21 and Gr.JDtfrui& ,lar C TOMATO JVICE A&P PEACHES '""t'!:'LI• .. TOMATOES A&P FANCY 3 %::' 25: 2'~23· 2 %::' 25· 2•~:;:; .,c PORK &..BEANS CLARK'S KETCHUP .CLARK'S 2~23c MOTHER PARKER'S TEA YELLOW LABEL ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAGS lHb. 32c Pkl'. \lk~· 3Jc ••• 19c Pk.r. SPECIAL OFFER! Ivory Soap 1 lge. Coke 9c Extra Cake Sc Both for' 14• IDGR QU~L.JT'I A&P MEATS Prime Rib BOAST lb. Z3c BLADE ROAST lb.IBc Short Rib BOAST lb.l9c Veai_Roasl Boneless lb.l7c LAMB LEGS lb. 25c Shoulders r::::..,";':.· lb.17 c' Pork Bulls Fresh ·lb. 22c i:!.llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllt:: <011111111111111111111111111111111111111111: - -- -= == = = = = = § A&P BREAD § § A&P COFFEE § = su u--.. == = : aed or UU~ee4 : : VJIOI"1)lll A: Wla.,. . : ~ . Ana P .. e White ~ ~ BOKAR \;!!· 39c ~ - -- -; Whole Wheal E E 5 5 Cru:ked Wheat : 5 Mlh1 II III.U.ow i ~ ~ ~ 8 O'CLOCK li!!: 35c ~ = 2 15 == = S ::;::: C S i Bleb " run Bodttd 5 - Lo&l'tl - - - § § § RED CIRCLE ~i!!· 31 , § - -- -ii 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111W ~ 111111111111111111111111111111111111111o=:' Fruits and Vegetable• Ontario No. 1 Mcintosh Recll APPLES GRAPEFRUIT Brussel Sprouls TOMATOES TURNIPS M&nbMHiest Extra L&rae Ontario Grown f'trm, RJpe DaUJI Seletted Ontulo Grown .No. , 1 W&Ztd ~'\:: 37c 2 for J5c Z ~~ 23c • lb. J7c zlbs. 5c much time devoted to lt..!J prepar&- 1'"--. tlon. Butft.lo, when he wa.a taken Ul.sud~ 'L-------~~---.................... ...;;.,..1 • THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6,1940 PATRIOTIC, SOCIAL and. COMM·UNtTY· Ad INITIAL RINGS Sturdy rings for the modem man. to S16.00 Bassett's · wanav Phone 671 RED CROSS ACTIVITIES MERCANTILE .DIPI. STORE Tlauraday, Friday ·and Saturday Of Tlaia Week- ~ ~~~~ !~~ ........... .. .... :. 37c Do Not Foq-t We Hue RUBBERS at a New~Price. IBEX 1214 B~KETS ........ ....... .. .... .. .......... ...... ... ............ Wmte TURKisH TOWELUNG ~7· c D" - ..... .,. tulll1· ...... """' ... ,.. lllllr U 11U11B TO IU '11118 I-DAY SI'BCIALI c-~_.-how JOU _,. 1et a Camera for 15<:. ·M•rcaiatiJeDapLSt•n ' ..... Whitby toUNGit DEBATES POSSIBLE EffE(;f NEW APARTMENTS NEW MILESTONE IS REAGHED BY AU SAINTS' ceonUnued from Pace 1) n : 10tb, Victor Ooobon, Oeha111a: 11th, Llewellyn Richard5on, Alb- burn ; l:lth, Nell McCar,l, Whitby. Senlor s -J.:;t, Roy Onnl6ton, Brooklln; 2nd, Campbell Hamer, Myrtle St.a.Uon: 3rd, John Howden, Oolumbua: olth, ' Bruce Lockle, 6th, Fred Ohri:sUe, Port Perry; 6t.h, Harvey Blackburn, Ux- bridge: 'lt.h, HUsh Teefy, Plckerlr&l; Bth, Robert B&tty, Brooklln; 8th, II ·ChuiOI Hamer, llyrt1e StaUon. · Fanus Co-OperaU... Durlnf Lhe cky ten cl..usea of Uve st.oclt twere judged. by the contest- ant& These cluses were provided by llve stoCk breeders, as follows: :a R. McLI.\IIhllD, Oaha.wa., two classes ot OJ,yde&d&J.es; 1 class of Holstein cowa, 1· class of Sout.hdo1m lambs" and 1 cla.&a ot Y0rbblre IOW!I, ' • w. 'A. Dryden, Brooklfu, two c1.u1ea of ah.arl.horns. · Death Farms, Oshawa, one c1aaa of jJuftolk ewes and 1 claaa ol mal-.. tet bot!o. . · J . 0. Fera:uson, Brooklin, one· cla.sa J. .................................................. ,~~r~. ' ' Be Br~ve! Be Bright! Be British! LET'S ALL GO ! There'll Be Music, Pageantry, Color and C:comedy DO(;fOR IS FINED $fiOOFOR IU£6Al. SALE or···

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