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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Nov 1940, p. 5

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' ~~~~~======================~------~T~H~E~\~~H~~IT~B~Y~G~A~ZE~TT~E~A~N~D~C~H~R~O~N~I~C~LE~,~W~E~D~N~ES~D~A~Y~,~N~O~V~E~M~B~E~R~6~,~1~?4~0~~~~;~~~==~----~~~iHU1~!Vnn~~ Sykes tvu~n'lorial Wing of the Oshawa General Hospital GHAMRER FAVORS KIN·SALE . (Mrs. ~ Booker, Con.) a~ 8:15 daylight saving· tlnle. Pro- KINSALE. NOT. t.-Tbere wlll be gram by all local Went, with nver no church service here oa. Sunday 200 taking part. You will want to next. Nov. 10. Anniversary serviCE'S be on h~d for enterta1nnu-.nt &ltd wm be held a.t the G:eenwQOd ap- to help the fine work being carried polntment. Speaker at the 11 a.m.: on by the Whitby War Effor'- servioe will be Rev. Blck. of White- Committee. vale,· at the 7:30 p.m. servlce. Rev. The Women's tnstJ.tut.e. held their Jull of Brooklln. Special music will October meeting at the borne of be rendered at both. services. Mrs. C. Ledgett. Mr& W. Brown, the urs. G. "¥· Baa of Woodbridge, presl~ent, presided. The meeting )Irs. A. SIDlthera and. Mrs. Rabl: openM with the Ode, follo~ by de&u ,of .~ Mich., and Pte. M:or- the Lord's Prayer and acrlpture ·pn Mark ol Nlqara, were all re- reading. Roll call, "A Book: I liave cent ·'Ylsitors with llr: and Mrs. W. Recently Enjoyed," w~ fully re- . ·Mark. sponded to. Rev. R. W. McVey nve · very quteUy an Inter~ talk on EdueaUon. only a few minor several Items of bu.slness were dis· The chlldren posed or abd tbe meeUng closed , u two with the National Anthem. Hoste.s.s for them. on and daughter .serted a dainty tea.. at t.be school, Next meeting will be held at the G. Stephen, ar· home of ~ W. T. Steovemon. The the chlldren, also them·e will be ••canadian IndWlt· Mrs. R. U. Mowbray 1s &pending a i;:Er,3~~~~~ of the v&Jious rle.s." few days with her sister, Mrs. R.. Badly ln Toronto. . Sunday visitors Iru:luded Mr. aDd Mrs. Han•ey Comp_ton and. children, Toronto and !4r:s.. Compton Sr., Asb~ burn. with Mr. and Mrs. J. Stell, Hr. and Mrs. N. LedgeU and Miss Peru. Oshawa, Mr. Prank Ledget:, Donald Ledgett and Mba lla.lbum of ToronLo witb. Cba.s. and Mrs. Udg- ett, Mr. and Mrs. Woi. Kt!!nned.y o~ Toronto, Misses Helen Roblruon and· Mary Found, Pieterlng, with Mr. and Mrs. P. Lennon, M1ss Muriel Bell with her mother, Mrs. W. Bell Sr., and Mrs. Pa.tterson and Miss Jean Pl.tterson with R. u. Mowbray and famlly. Jlr. and Mrs. Gt!!orre Tripp are moving to Pickering this week. The best wishes of the eooimunUy ao wtt.h tneul to their new home: Durlng the month of Oct.bbe'r our local Red Cross unit .!ient 3 qUilt&, 1 S~~'dQy School Lesson apostlu: Slmm, whom He also caDed Peter, aDd Andrew, hia bro- ther: James ~ John. Phillip and Bartholomew, ll at t h e w · a n d Tbcaias, James and 'S1moD, Jud.u, brother of James. and Judas ~ aflenmd lbe tnliDr. . With tbeee . men Be came down to •the : and Wa.W Ell(! Tnables Do you rullze that all the t:roil- .bles or th1s very unhappy world wou1d be over tr men ll'fed llfe as Chrtst ~? If. lnltead of hating our enemies. we tried. to under- stand their dtrflculUn, and to help them. if we ~ed. for them Instead ot cura1nc them? "Be ye therefore mercUul, , as your Pather also 1s mercifUl •'Judge not. and ye shall not be Ju~ condemn not. and ye ah&U not be condemned, foqive and ye be forsfven." HaUDc the deeds of wickedness. but not' hatlnc' the doers thereof. lan't that one of the barde:!t thinK~ to do? Jesus' parable helps us to see how hatlng hinders w from helpipa'. "Can the bllnd lead the blind? ShaD they not both f&ll In thfl ditch? "And why behold eat. thou the mote ln thy brother's eye but per- celvest not the beam tbat 1a tn thlne own eye? . .. "ftrat cast the btam out of thine own eye, and then shall thou see clearly to puD out the mote that Is tn thy b~ ther's eye." . . i The ·$200,000 addition to the Oshawa Cenenol Hospi~l which will be known as the Sykes Memorial Wing, ia shown here as -sketch.ed by the archi- t4:c.t, Harold j. Smith. of Toronto. The contract for construction of the new wing was l~t last week by the Board to Bathe and McLellan,.O.hawa contrac- tors and work has started on erecting the new building. "{his sketch gives a h~nt view of the addition which will face on Alma Stre'et and will be added turtle-neck sweater. 1 sleeveless sweater, 3 pairs seamen's sox. 2 pair army sox, 1 body belt and 1 scarf, to the Brooklin Branch. INQUSTRY ROllS REA~H I !lhiUII :fOR·· NEW precedented levels in the last year has been marked by a conslderble change wUhln manufacturing Itself. The proportlon of workers produc- ing durable g09ds bas risen from 398 per 1,000 to 4-43. "nlere has been an lncrt!!e.Se of 32.9 per cent In employees producing durable goods, cOmpand with a 9.3 per ceot in- crease ln those produclng non-dur- able goods. Employment pins between Sept. 1 ami Oct. 1 Ulls year were wl.de- tpread both &Dd ln- dustiially. Pro- dneu ;rf§[~~i~~~fl ~of 45,175 in Mo:othl ~~e GoOci. Work~ l~~~ otioiwed' .. . :· .: ~32-~~J!~C. .· _· _· _._. ' . . ottawa., N07. ~Wanlme demand! on · cinecUan blctust:ry, whlt:h have .....oM . mionutact.urlDc .. ·- le"tels in recent mouths, 11"14 reflect· ed yesterda.y _in a aubst&nUal rLse tD employment tt.gureS , as reported at OcL 1. ·. On tbat date, a record number of 1,335,'105 ,.,..... ...... emplOl'l!d In IDdumy, aoco:dlng .to llourOs rr.m 12,30< !Inns roporllna .. thO Domln- 10Q Buteau ol. StatbtieS, t.he bureau said. 'lbls wu an lnc:reue of 3.5 cent or 45,115 workers over The Oct. 1 f1gure ls 20 per cent a.bove that of the u.me date a year ago. The lncraae tn ~t'30nne1 dur- tn.c the year is estimated at 125,000 men and women, or whom 58,000 wer-e absotbed ln the lroil a.nd ateel tndustrl~s. How these ftgures compare wUh lnd\15trial employmfm ·In the .u.me stage or the first Gist. War. experts ht:re are unable to -.y, o'dnce the ~ent system of comprehensive statlsUcs l.\ a dfr.elopment slnce that war. However, tt Ia esUm.ated. war manutacturen now are at about the same .!it&ae u they were tn the third yeard or th la.st war. It. also ls esUm.ated tha.t lt munitions n :- penditures continue at tht! .same n.te, Canada wt1l have spent u much on war materials tn eitbteen montru: t.hls tlme u !!be did ln all oflthe ftr..t Grat War. Few Wap-Eamen Joblea The total number of wqe-~mers in AugUSt was estlma.ted at 2,910,000 at whom 2.709,000 were employed, lea.vlng 201,000 wage-earners unem- ployed. Tbls compares with 238,000 such unemployed In July and 332,000 ln August, 19:W. Here "wace·earn- ers" U used to indicate persons who have held jo:;Js, The number Of UD· employed is exaggerat-ed by the number of · t!!nllst.ed wage-earnU\ who were without Jobs when ther ·~,,. t1N at the western end of the present building. At the extreme right of this sketch, a section of the present buih;ling is shown. The new wing -:xtends back about 195 feet from the entr:mce, with a one-storey kitchen anr.ex at the rear ;ncluded in this dimension. The main building extends somewhat to the rear of the present hospital building. It is expected to complete the new addition during next year. WIDER PAVEMENT AT DEATH HOLlOW Attributes Deaths to Nar. row Road-Object. to Proposed Signboards Attributing de&tll.!. or thr~ per~ sons in the past six months to th~ narrol'.·ness ot Highv;ay No. 2 • .and restricting curbing at Happy Hollow, betl'.·een oshawa and Courtlce, ·the Oshawa Chamber of commerce has asked the Ontario Government to remove the curbing and widen the pal'ement at the point · described. Action was taken in this matter at the week-end meeting of the Board of Directors of the Oshawa Chamber ·or Commerce following a. report of the committee on com~ munltY Services. , A resolution l\-as also adopted. for transmission to the City Council at U.s meeUr:g tonight . In regard to the proposed erection of large sign- boards at Athol and Simcoe sout.h. The resolution, w h 1 c b l'.'M unanimously adopted by the dir- ectors. c.,poses erection or si£U- boards in rront of U1e propert:-• re- cenUy purchased by the Dominion or canada as a site for the Pl'O- pcsed new Oshawa Federa.l building. "Be it resolved:' the Chamber or commen;e's attitude was ll.'ord~d. "that th~ City councll be informed that the Chamber of Comme..ce feels such a pennit ought not be granted.. on the grounds tha.t Jill· boards erected in such a loca tJ.on ll."Ould be found highly objectionable In tile business are& or that part of the city." SJTS $i:.:,.t'J'O,OOO,GOO ... ~ .. ._ WHOSE MONEY !§. it ? Let 6eh one of m take the Golden Text u our rule ot llfe and try to live up to U .. As ye would that men should do to you, do also to them llkew:lse.• enlisted. - The r13e ol rnanuracLunn. to un- ,_ .... ,. _____ .... _ .. ,._ ... __ WHAT m~ney? Why-the money in the baoks! The money care- fully pur away by you and your neighbours in savmgs accounts. The money you could have spent today but wanted ro keep safely against some future need. The businessman's money for use in his normal operations~ There are more than 4,846,000 bank deposit accounts, savings and current. Within these two classes the great majority of deposits are small or of moderate amount. (f, Bur 'you'd be wrong if you assumed from this, that the rest of the deposits are owned by the few! Quite the contrary! The railways, for instance, have deposits in the chartered hanks- and that indirectly includes the whole population of the Dominion. The trade unio~ have deposits. Millions of policy-holders share in the ownership of insurance companies' deposits. (LAm! don't overlook the deposits of wheat pools; farm co~operatives; churches; .municipalities and municipal hydro commissions, school districts; school childr~n's penny bank savings deposited with the chartered banks; and commercial and mining corpora· tions with very wide lists of shareholders, large and small, all over Canada. Truly, money on deposit in Canada's chartered banks is owned, ;, faa, br. you and your fellow-Canadians. On & Sabbath day, Juu. and Hia diacl· plu went throuch a illleld of 1ra1n and ~e disciple• picked the rratn and. rub-o blnc It tn thdr hands. th•¥ ate th• . . ~el&. 4 . "~ - Certain Pharileu came to Him and uked Him why he did that which wu lmtawful on the Sabbath, but Juta told them that David, hunpy, ate the ahew bread tn the temple. Another Sabbath Juus, tuchinr ln the synacocue. healed a man'• withered ~nd. The ?harileea again rebuked H.m. "Ia lt lawful on tile Sabbath to 4o cood or evU !" Jcsu.t uked them. ----~~~) By A.,... J. 11-'- [ ln war, ~s in peace, Canada's C"Sa:rttrtd Banks maintain, uninter~ rupted, their useful services - safeguarding depositors' funds; fadlitatin'g the nation's business - looking forward to peace with freedom .. the only sure basis of enduring prosperil')'. ( ] THE CHARTERED BANKS OF CANADA for Sale I For Rent FOR sAiJI'..-"NEW EXIDE BAT·~ FOR RENT-TWO GARAGRS FOR teries". we b l!ve the battery to suit rent. Apply Martin's Bakery, Whit- the purse and purpose. L'!!t us teEt ] by. your bg.ttery on our mojern oatt-ery I ---------~--­ tester. Easy tenns. .John's Place FOR RENT-HOUSE FOR RENT, Dun jas and King Streets I five rooms w1th garden and garage. FOR SALE _ NEW AND USED Port Whitb].•. Apply t.o Allan Me- tire.~. We carrY a. complete line or Leod, 912 Green street. good used tires, pricE"d to ~uit your .- pocket-book. "Dunlon For Quallt.v" Farma For Sale Johns Place, Dundas and lttng streets. FOR SALE - MODERN BUNGA- low. central location. A real bur "Advertizer" 08.2ette and ChroniCle. FOR SALE - V!IOHT ROOMED brick house. all c.-mventences, bot water heating, ce:ltr~tlly located on Brock Street Soutl' For parUcular.s. write "ADVERTISER", Whltb} Gazette and ChroniCle. LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEON Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually 1n stock:. You nre invited to \'lew tne ;:;- at BRADLEYS FURNITURE STORE, 140 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa FOR SALE-FINDLAY QUEBEC Heater. medium size, good condl· tion. Price $'7.00. Apply telephone 535, Whitby. FOR SALE-:t BED, SPRING mat-tress and springs, complete. nearly new. Telephone '788, Whitby. ARTICLES FOR SALE - OIL burner and oil tank.'!, cr.alrs, dress~ er~. tables, screens, congolf:'um rugs. Apartmeztt for rent, c!1ild1-en wel- comed. Sunnynook, Whitby. Phone 350, Whitby, or G:urette and Chronicle. FOR SALE--Three year old Dur· ham milking cow ror sale. Apply 224 Hickory street, Whltb:;. FOR SALE-YOUNG PIGS FOR sale, seven weeks old. alsO a quant· tty o! on!ons. Apply E . Bea.Cle, Ash- Ontario. MALE HELP WANTED- TWO men to help with extra. Christmas rush in local dlsbiet. Good pay. Il sen1ce satisfactory, permanent. em- ployment can be guaranteed. Apply giving full pa.rt:lculars1 to Box .SG, Whlbby Guotte and Chronicle. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER-13th:.. Auction aale of 20 cows, Holste1na:. Ayieshlres, Durhams and Jerseys, tresb and due to freshen, the prop~ erty of Joseph Roulston, lot 8, con. Reach Towmhlp, one and a half N.W. Myrtle Station. Thef.e also be ofrered for sale 15 yearl- and two year 1:\ld Heifers and : 11 fat ntgs, ab.:>ut 150 lbs., t each, 3 sows due S\')()n, Ten Ewes. ' Term:!. cash. Sale at 1.30 o'clock. . Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. UNDERTAKING W. C. TOWN FARMS FOR SALE-150 ACRES, brick house, bank barn, tlver, buSh. Suitable for dairy and potatoes. Ten mUes from Toronto. R. Ho Richmond, 57 Queen Street West. ~· 91 '25 evenings. MORTGAGE SALE OP 200 ACRES, clay loam, Darl1ng1 on Township Two complete sets c£ buil.:!lngs: (1) brick hoU£e, basemerit barn, cement stabling; <2) .l!lt.one howe and base- ment bam, springs in (:asture ; can be bought seDe.rately if desired. 200 ACRES OF CLAY LOAM. splendid brick house, with large bank barn. creek: 1n oastu~. Re· duet'd to $11,000. Tf'.rnls. North of Whitby. 100 ACREs, PICKkRINO TOWN- ship. good bam, broom, frame howe, only $4 .500. Very e::tsy term£. 100 ACRES AT BROOKLIN FIRST time offered for sale, good build· lngs and soU. can be bought equip- ped, sickness fo~ sale. C. H. French. 13 Ontaric. St., Oshawa. or phone 966, WhJt,by. FARM FUR SALE - 100 ACRE Dairy Farm, on lot 35, con. 2, Pick- E"rlng TownEhip, belonging to the estate or the late Wm. J. Petty Good bUlld.lngs, hydro throughout. abundance of water. Immediate pos- session 1! desired. Apply to Gordon Petty, R.R. 2, Pickering, Ont. Nov. 6·13 FOR SALE - 63 ACRE F .o\RM. '!'own Line south, Whitby, Good buildings. .Apply Gazette an 11 Chronicle, WhitbY. Wl.nted To Rent W. J. HARE. B.A. ' P'anenl . Director. and . Embalmer Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Ambulance Sentee SucceMOr to A. G. Browning, lt.a ~De n~ - Whlth:t I )rtlee: 110 BROCK STREET N. . A. G. MARLOW FrsltRAL SERVICE. AMRULMIC& PhOne 138 Broa 8&. Sowtb MEAGBER'S FUNERAL HOME 117 Kina SL Eut, Osbawa B. J. Btrowcer, F. J . Meacber Funeral Dl~tor. Manapr PHONE 907 MURRAY A. ROBINSON Ambu.laDce Senlce Funeral Dlreetor and Farnttare Dealer. Phone No. It Brooklln, 0.\.. VETERINARIAN DR. A. S. BLACK Veterinarian & Suraeon BROOKLIN ONTAlUO TELEPHONE IZ DR.G.R.BOOTH Accredited Veterinary La.ri:e and Small Antmal Surpi'J Peraona1 Attenthn to All Calli SU Kln1 S\.. West. Oabawa Telephone 917, Oabaw• MEDICAL DR. R. T. MacLAREN Pb,Jdelan and Sarpaa Comer Marl' and Groek tiU.. WbltbJ PHONE Jl7 DR. FREDERICK A. CUDDY PHYSICJ.aN PiiONB 71! Cotntr b yron and Celbome Ita. MONUMENTS N, W . ST.\FFORD Dealer In Imported aad (}anad•a• Gn.Dltes. ..,n& toJa.u work al mode"'&e Pf'lotl. Phobe &Q: WlliU.> retepbone: 391 WbltbJ R. DONALD RUDDY Bantater. SoUeltor, NotaQ Pablla Oftlee at the Court Route, rormutJ Deeapkd bJ A. E. Cbrtattan. Mone1 to Loaa l'b•no sst Wbllby DUNCAN B. MciNTYRE Barrister, SaUeltor, Nolar7 Orttoe: Brock St. Soatb PboDe 106 WbltDy GORDON F. OSBORNE DbLrtct M•naaer Empire Life lnaurance Co. lt9el'}'thiDJ ID Ute IDiiun.Doe 200 BJ"'D St. N. Wbitb7 CEMETERIES GROVESIDE CEMETERY BING : 2505 Ottlce. T. CREER, Caretaker. TAXIS Cenlral Taxi Service DON. J, BRYANT Phone 364 for Day aDd Niabt Service PHONJI set, WHlTBI' THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND . WEDNE.SDA Y, NOVEMBER 6, I STORE FOR RJ!:N'l'. NEAR FOUR Corners. Whitby. Reasona:lle WIU alter to suit. Apply Box 571 Whit.b}'. FOR RENT--<>Nll: t.ARGI!: UN- furnished. room suitable for llght housekeeping. Apply 104. Mary stree~ east, Whitby· .. -:~. FOR RENT - tJNFURN1SHEU rooms; also Quebec Heater ror sale. Apply 116 Pine street, Whitby. Agent. Wanted AOENTS WANTED - MALE OR female- NINETY CENTS AN HOUR for 'IWO $t.no aalea or FAMILEX PRODUCTS, selUDif as ensJly as BREAD AND BOTI'ERI Your earnings 1n accOrdance with the amount or ume and efrort you put into your wort.! Apply for FREE ca~lorue &nd .,arttr.ulara. G. St. George, 5'70 St. Olement. Street, Montresl. Notice COUNTY OF ONTA&IO BALE OF LAND FOR TAXES To Wit: BY VIRTUE 01" A W ARRAN'I Issued by the Warden or the County of Ontario, bearlns date the nme- teenth day of Auauat. 1940, the sale of lands in arrears af tu:ea in the CoWlty or Ontario wm be held at t-he Court Houee, Whitby, at tht! hour or two o'clock In the after• noon on the Twelfth day of Decem· ber. t94Q; unleM 'he taxes and cor;ts are sooner paid. Not1ee ll hereby given thllt the llat of lands !or sale is being published in Tbe Ontario Ga.zet.t.e 1n the lssue of September 7. 1940. Copies or the said list may be bad at my office. Treasurer's ornce, Whitby, tbls 17th day of September, tHO. E. A. McKAY, Treasurer, County of Ontario. <Sept. 18-0ct 111 Weight of Oshawa Transport Tru~k , .. ••she's been hit so often since the automobiles came· tha_t the jut couldn't t~i it any mor~" said . Exeter, who hopped from bed early last Saturday when thio 50-year-old bridge near his home collapsed under the. of a Charlton Motor Transport Truck, of Oahawa. Em.Ot Loomis, driver of the truck, of Parkhill, said the bridge had a lump at the north end. "The truck went up in t),e air WheD we• lltruc.k it and came banging down," be said~ "I the left !!&ide going out from under and swung to the right juat u evel')'thina began to fa)]. The tractor hooked around, traile'r shot by, the steel beama buckled and twisted and n.ddenly everything stopped with twitted steel all around the truck.." The driver stepped out of the cab unhurt as did a passenger, <;.. . A. Rin~ of Vancouver. on week-end leave from the H.CA.F. station at Treriton. Residents said the bridge, within E.zeter'a town limit.. had not been in normal shaPe since a flood lifted it two years ago. onus shoulder& .., .... "lilootrlcol ·-r IS eooplDc more ' unlftiaal . Ull 8ftl7 CI&J," 'Junk Cam ; •i.eu'Tha. pugn . . . ··- Half of Qbject for J>ur- chue Of AmbulaDc'e · Concluded. ..ID. tnd.ustl'J' ODtl of •. ID early'C&Dadlm electrlca1 plants," c:hlef ·UII!I ·b ri>r control. ~;=~ 1,]~ ezp1aJ.ntd the ,lecturer,: traclnl . tbe heat. ·speec~, moUon ••• dlftlQ~~meDt of can•d1aJJ . electncal eYer)'th1Dc 1n fact. .. • , .. equJ.pmeD.t ·~ and oraanh:atlon -·.,....,....---'-....., ~~ ~~ ~lh~ ~ U·BOI;J ruh'AJN who ~a WP~J'-'>alble ·ror suah ll tlllf I denlopmeu.t •. l'1rlt men· must rtnd · ~ - · u.e. .891oat!flc !&WI l!ld C:OU.ct In· ·HELPED flllll1t.IIOb ·- ttioim, 10 thi.t· more ·. ' ~ Men the Jnftnta,a lor en- rtnoen oan 'late lbe result and ply thi!DI In ouCb t "ny' that ClDbouad. · .. . ; . I Told 1'bem 1:1!! Was for 'Fa~ &Del Gan - ~."Lift" ·. ·. ,, . . Order, Y.a1r , STORM' SASH • j .: ' lOW:·:. •I .~l ' ~ ;otb!>al~ c:;_v~i\ , ~:) · . lmt.llation . ~ ' · .. ' ;·· :. \ ~ . ADil" DON',T FORCET th•i We h~ve' ~ .. ' ,' c.~;:,~ wood ~. !'i! Walli -~ rilooil<lloii, ·~-'iatl t.it I iw Trim. .. i, F.~ :L· Beecroft ~-617 . ~:

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