teams"inalntained a fast pace Uir'OIIilrhllUt · and a crowd of 2,000 tbrlll:! · a-plenty. Superb JI'OII.4~Eina:mg by bOth' Herb MorUmer and Mel Carey In the . feat~· ibe contest. contributed much clever ¢fmblna.tlon Pla.Y· . Jlln~,ch. Miii, Davidson and KinG m·· tlie bunt tor Dukes. only eleven players 1q unl- m,,._M,gAildrew, StUi.rt, McQuade heads up hockey · .only goal of the openln& minutes ' weut to Brl&hts scrlmmaae just ~t the 13- . mark. Stirling netted the a J,iay with McQuade and'hJIJil. Md Carey was btUllant :p&n.; posts apd wardtd ,ca;!lblim from··the Toi-011to club .: minute when MUJ'l'&JJ TS Looks Like H~t _Season In Sr. O.H.A. Il eo~.rly - ~ames in the Ontario Hockey. A.•.sociatlon's senior series lnd!cate 2DYth\ng or the shape or thlnrs ~ come, this wlnte; snould see · some rousing ·battles In the seven-team circuit. There wa.s lltUe fireworks as To· roilto Marlboros and Nlarara FalL~ Brights played a 1-1 tie at N!arara Falls but two misconduct penalties and banishment of a coach featur· ed rough, hard-hlttmr cuntest at Port Colbome In which tlie Sailors trounced Oshawa GM·Men, 7·2. Coacll Tracy · Shaw of Oshawa1 returning to the- league after a br!ct absence, was ordered . fttJm the bench In (be second period aft~r he .had Ulrlled wltb Referee Bert lllccatfery. Sl'.aw had gone tJn the lee protestlni a penalty .should be awarded a.fter Thompson of Osba- wa was hurt In a collision with Swanson of Port Colbome. Maundrell of Osh1wa wa.s given a . match misconduct penalty after a prolonged arrurnen; with the ret- ere,. iu the first period and Fink· hem!!' of Port ·.::olborne wa.S hand- ed a lillsconduct for arguing with McCaffery. -~ Runlona wa.:; outs~an<1mg for Port Colbon'le as he tallied twice. ' Other SaJ.Ior .scorers were COn- cessi, Hepworth, Leitch, Thompson aDd swamori. Cooper and Covert counted -tOr Osli!lwa Nia~' Pall~' tie . lifted Brights to the leAIUe leader~hlp wtth three ~bl, one· r..tore than Port Col· bOnle, detested by Brights Satur.~ day. Stirling iCOred for Niagara ~ and . Malr for Marlhol'Oll SO, far only four teaiiUI haVP .seen actlm. HamUton aces to St. Cath· ~lis tonight tor the opening game for both teams. London, shlttfnc to ~he O.H.A. from the Mlchlp.n-olitarlo clrc.Jit, wUJ play their fmt ·game Wf'dne."<!ay when they come to Tor.>!lto to tackle Marlboros. KowciDak Set. ·Pace ~··sycb.e). . wm. Opene .. Bucky Hirris Reaignf'd . BY,. Wu~gton· &naton ' --- WuhlngtoJi,. Nov. 5. - stanley (Buc:ky) Barris ataned a ne'll' one- year- contract .yestuday . to m&nare the Senators for 19U, terminating reports that be might scceed Oscar Vltt as pl'ot or Cleveland Indians. DOUG MARSH TRIUI\IPHS . IN ·BOUT AT 'i'iEW YORK New York, Nov. ~.-Doutr. Marsh. 143, .M~treal, ~~eored an lmpre..<Sivr- vlctory over .Mayon PadJo. 148!:,, ~hUadelphla, In a hard-fought six· round semi-final boxing bout at the Royal :Windt!ir Pala~ here lasl ~~~~h~. Tl-tt: WHll BY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE. WEDNF.SDA Y, NOVEMBER 6, 1 :::140 He Wins-Se~ Shell-Filling lnd~slr-y At Pickering. Will Use Eastern Ontario Power FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT . Who was on Tues!tay ntumed to the White· House- as . President of th~ United States by a sweeplnr majority over his oppone!.lt. · . Plant Which Will Be Known as Allied War S u p p I i e s Corporation ·. ·Will Require 4,000 Em· ployees PLAN TO OPERATE PLANT NEXT YEAR Link to Eastern Orit'mo v Power System Seen as Benefitting Oshawa and ·Entire District-To Take 6,000 Horsepower The gigantic war industry which will be established south and east of Pickering this winter w!l! re- ceive Its power su;>ply from the Eastern Ontario hydro syst'!m. At- torney-General G. D. Conant has &dvlsed Mayor J . c. Anderson, K.C .• of Oshawa. The lr.dustry will require ·about 6.000 hor,epower. Hon. Mr. Conant ad,·lses. · Announcement from Toronto to- . • reveals that about 4,00l' em- GENERAL MOTORS. ANNOUNCE will bl' hired by t.hp com-year. Tht firm will be • · ·· ' the Allied War Supplies THREE SERIES OF OLDS . CAR q~anufacturingwhe~pe~~tl~~~m:;ce: · ·" . Shell-filling f,lant. TO MOTORING PUBLIC TODAY, ~~ei~t~~~u~f~~ ~; fl~ll~:ran~8~t~= +---------------------------------- with fuses at this plant, 'Vhlch will be one of the ;argert of Its Important and Proven Me- the widened rear tread of 61\2 In· kind. In the British Empire. ches, 2\r. Inches wider than on the Source of Employees chanical lmpro;venients 19(() models, provides greater width T. Holmes Bart.ley. Industrial I · ted • th 1· .941 In the rear seats - an lmportan\ Commlo;slon general manager pre-ncorpora . m e comfort factor. dieted that the Tor'>nto area would Mod Dis I 0 be used as the source of supply els on p ay at . n- Matchlnr the exterior beauty of when the 4.000 employees hired. tario Motor Sales ~:5~~7 ~~r t~:rl~~~~r the Construction of the plant this win· ter. he added , would al~o rlraw luxury and convenience .down to on the Toronto building LONGER AND WIDER last detail. A particularly handsome trades and general labor. O'hawa . · new Instrument . panel 1s featured Whitby and dl~trict w!ll also be- this year. Instrument dials are sources for the labnr sup!)IY Wing-Type Fenders, Con- symmetrically grouped and are Allied war Su!)plles Corporation • Board readily visible from the driver's IS a Canadian Government-owned accrue through construction work which · will have to be done on thP present lines to carry t.!l., extra load required at Plcke1ing The lm .. proved faclll Ue~: will assure Osha wa of more dependable ,;ervlce The Indirect benefit will come frum the Eastern Ontario .system as a whole. a.s the addlUon of a tJiock ol 6,000 ho~sepower or more which ma:v be used 24 ho·.:rs per rtay wm create an Improved power factor which will make for system econnmii'S which In the long ~11n may result In lower rates. Hon. Mr. COnant's Jetter to His Wor:;hlp, Mayor J. C. Anderson. on the power factor, was as follows ; "Your Worship: "On Wednesday, tbe 30th Instant. you dlscusse-j with me the desire of the City of Oshawa thct power for the new plant at Pickering De tak· en rrom the Eastern Ontario Svs- tem which Includes the City· of Oshawa. "Realizing !bat it would be ad· vantageous to Ol:hawa and other municipalities In the Eastern On· tarlo System to have the power so taken, I have dLsc~sed the matter with the Assistant Chief Engineer Of the Hydro-Electric Power Com· mission of Ontario and am now advised thllt . the power will be taken from the Eastern Ontario System. "I might add tha:. the As~lst.ant Chief Engineer tnrorms me- that about 6,000 h.P. would be required . "Yours Vllry respe-ctfully, "(G. D. CONANT), "Attomey-Ger.eral." ONTARIO GOUNTY FARM BOYS TEST SKILL AT O.A.C. Compete in Calf, Swine, Potato and Grain Competitions cealed RUIU1IDif S, seat, while heavy horizon::tal:~~ch~rom;:;e:J~~ and Its shell-fllllnr plant Luxurioua lnterion With bars encase the radl.o ex:pected to cost bPtween $5.000,- ' Throughout, hardwarj! and $8,000.000. Five teams of two boys each, rep· New Instrument Panel the use of chro~e and that the shell-filling plant resenting the Ontario County Beef F N ()Ids plastic. Three options In upholstery be linked to the E:JStern on- Calf, Dairy Calf, Swine, Potato and ~lures ew . • materiel are offered,' while the new ,tarlo hydro sYStem was greeted Grain Clubs, competed in the Inter- type of spring constr.iictlon In the ·With enthusiasm by George Shreve Club Competitions at the Ontario Offerina the widest variety In Its seats assures the mUlmum ·manager of the 0~-hawa Public Agricultural College on Oct. 25th. 43 years of consistent progress Old- fort. r. · Utilities Commission, who sees thP. One hundred and sixty-six teams mobile for 1941 1s Introducing to the Horsepower In~ move as one- which "NIII benefit from all parts or the province were Canadian motoring public · three The horseppwer of. the and the entire Eastern On- entered In the competition which offers the choice of the six·CYiin- der Specfal Series has be.en stepJ)IIjl~ ll :tarlo hydro dlstrlbut.lon <:vstem. was the largest ever held. der Special Series: In th~ next up from 95' to 100; while the lmprne Power Facllltlts In the Beef Calf Club project C1S I I \oJON'f POP I*= -5U~t'RtSEO WHEN 1-\E fiNDS UPSTA\RS AS WARM. ,AS PQWNSTAIRS - '-\E QOESt-iT KOOW WJ; I-tA{) -rt-\E' HOUSE (t'SULATEO WIT~ RED TOP NOOL 1H\S MOR~t~G -~\·· . .. ., YESl •• AND HEiU BE PLEASED. TOO. WHEN HE fiNDS HOW MUCH HE SAVES ON FU£1 BILLS WITH RED TOP Insulating WOOL Sold bv Kingston Road Lumber and Coal Ltd. Stop 30 Klnrston Road - Searboro Phone HOward 2300 - Scarboro 314 - Pl~erl~ 74 Evenlnrs. Whitby 961 N42 County team, composed of Fred I 1\IYSORE LOSES DOUBLY Christie, of Port Perry, and Ivan I --- Rennie, of Blackwater, stood sec· 1 Mysore, India - CCP). - ~ath ond. In the Potato Club project 1 of the Yuvaraja of Mysore early <30 teams .competing> Neil Favms. 1 this year has been followed by the of Uxbridge, and Ronald Rtse- d~alll or Sri Krlshnaaja Wadlyar brough, of Uxbrldg.e, stood 7th. In t.he Dairy Calf Club project <38 teams competing) Ted Croxall and Wilmott Croxall, both of Uxbr1dge. stood 11th. In the Swine Club pro- ject Ontario County team, com- posed of Harold Harrison. of Ux· bridge, and, Frank Honey of Sea- grave, were 14th. The Ontario County G!'llln Club wa.s represented by James Best and Allen Feasby, of Standford. AWARD FOB COURAGE ·Lowestoft, England - CCP>. Raymond WooDard, Invalid for 3% years, has been awarded the Com- well decoration-the Boy Scouts' V.C.-for courage and cheerfulness during -his Illness. He Is continuing studies in architecture. Bahadur. maharaj& of the ·province since he v.•as 10. SOFT FOB JOHN PEELS "------ Eksdalc, England.-<CP)-D2:pk~ ed bunting packs in West Cllll'lber· land cannot k~ep down IncreaSing fox packs and men armed with shotguns joined hounds In a hunt. .: .· ~ Series of autGmoblle~. cylinder, with' l10 'horsepower direct benefit to Oshawa wlll clubs competing> the · Ontario In the low price field, Oldsmobile .sJgned to provlde· n'ashJna all··J'olunll ·11 ,,,:-:.::-_";;.;.:;).. ~-----·-------:-----------------------------.......:------.,...---:-~~) bracket the she-cylinder Dynamic performance. Cruiser. and In the next field an : ChOJce of Ten Cua ,· elght-cyllnder Custom Cruiser :ser- The · ali-cylinder Special. . les. All these lines are officially an- offers a 2-door touring sediit; a .. ._ nounced today by General Motors door touring seilan arid ' a ' Club Products of Canada Limited . . A C!)Upe. The· Dynamic crulaer ~ model of each series Is od ·· dlspla,v lncl at-the ontario Motor sales;.. as Kin.. . u:c;tes_ a, f-door ·sedan . and · club ~ " sedan . . The eight-cylinder custom Street east. Cruisers" are 6tfered In 4~door tour- Particular altentlon agiln at- trig sed~. convertible coupe, leon- taches tl) the sensational .:nd ex- vertlble · phaeton and club · cOUpe. elusive Hydramatlc drive that ellm- All the convertible coupes are !nates clutch. clutch peda• ' anrl equipped wl~l;l . automatic toila. whlch gearshift. Tl:lls year. this feature Is can be r"ised. and lowered by ·presa- optlonal on the entire ,J'fil!! of lng a button. Thla year. a choice Oldsmobile cars In all ~.,.... ._. c.f eight solid colors and t'll'o two- Important and provenffuechanlc· tone combinations Ia offered ' by al Improvements of reCel\t,, ·years mercia! we. h>1xe been refined and lncorpdrated along with scores of mw ac.Jvance- ments In the new 1941 ,models. In· spectlon reveals Increased rcoml- ness. greater comfort and Ule. ~trlk- FINE FEATHERS RAISE ~UMPUS tng beauty of th~ sweeping. con· --- tours. The long. low archlnf! sweep New York, Nov. 1-CCP).-Alner- rrom windshield to rear . bumper lean women have to take care· what suggest~ speer!. P.race and ,dl<pllty. feathers they wear on ~ hats, Front End Redesl~'ecl ' ' · It they want to avoid troulile. The ~nure front and des)!Ul ~ The plumage on fall headgear, rendered more effective and at- the American bald eaale aod the tractive by the me of .h~avler Audubo Society protector" of ~lrd chrome bars and grille work. while n • sparkling metal speed line~ carry life, are all mixed up In the ICI'ap. bact along the fenders and 'foll!'W: ' This 1s how It startedt the body mouldlnr at the :une _or one evenlnr In the fall of '39 a the door handles. Stalnles• · ~!!tel pretty, blue-eyed ' Ne. Yorker open- !lko sparkles round the "'lndows ,ed tbe box containing' Mr · smart nnd accentuates anoth~r f~ature~ pew hat, speared with a l>l!tmtlfulll the concealed running boards, Only lonr feather-dark and motUed at when the car doors are open are the tip, white at tiie ·base. She put. these new runnln~ boa~ds vL~Ible, It O!J ca~ully and sh.owed It to her I the bottom of th~ doors curving husbaJld, ·expecting applause. That dov.'ll and out In a IO'a~eful sweep w.aan't what she act. 1 • to hide them. Not onlv Is thl~ rea- ·Her husband, Richard H. Pough, 1 ture deslcmed to f~cllltate nnd member, of the AUdllbon Society; , exit. but tm added advantage Is start, toot one horrltJed look and I that these board~ are covered when said "That 1 Its Jill: 1 f • the rfoors are closed and conse- 00 e a~ eag_ e ea ouenUv will not collect snow or Ice. th~Piease take It off. careful attention hu been· given at ,he was thlnklna of was n'sn to the deslsm or the bumoe!"' not the way his wife's b&t looked. v.•hlch , are now an lnterrAI part of but or the pitched battle th!! Audu- the car streamlined into thn cul'Ves bon Boclet.v had wagect at the turn of tbe ' bodv 11nd renders.· While or the century aralnsl . tlllln!f non- p{ovldlng th"' maximum pr~tectlon game birds. &R"aln~t traffic mlshans; the!e It was a battle that resulted In a bumper~ als" creatr an immP.dlate tariff on lmoorted wUd 1 blrt1 plum- lmnr.esslon of sturdlnes.~ 11nd se- a~e for millinery and & Clock or curltr. . state laws orotectln~ w.ld bl~ds . · · IJ~ndln~ Into the borfy llke the Battle Renew~ folded wings of a bird . the . new The battle died down after that front. fend·~rs. known as the "wlnR- because such fancy pi ge vlr- tvne." represent an lmnort.Rnt con- tually dlul)peared trom women'R trlbutlon to the slate!" a\1-ronnd )lats. Now Mrs. Pough's fe ther has ~oor•ranre or th., n~w Old•m.oblle•. sterted It all over ag~n . tor thf'V have lost all ~cmblance or The society has st&rtl!d cam. separate unit s. pallm urging women to a their Lnn![er and Wider miiJiners fnr assurance tb rea - The roominess or th• new c ~rs thers they buy are within th law. b more lh•n an Impression. ·a·co•·d· These are the barnyard feath trs- lnR' to englnl!'!rs. who nnl'lt out tile t coque. turkey, PIR"eon. guinea tl.en, the r>~w m1del• ar" rleflr>ltely Jar. ostrich and the like. I Th• Soecla.l Fieri,..~ has b~•n IncreAsed b)· a full . six lnr",., In ovcr-~11 Iensrth, beln<r now 204 In- ches. whll~ the wheelbAse h'fs been ext..nd,d to 119 Inches. 'Ilie . Dyn - • mlc Cntlser has been bro\igh t up t~,. Custom CruJsrr. with 1\Jl .. over- ~11 le!l!lth of 211 Inches. The : Cus- tn equal the 125 Inch wheelbasP. or tom Crul~r now hp.s an ·ictverall length of 213 Inches. On all ·models ' EX·PROS. NOW CO\CHING Calgary, Nov. 5 - 'L'wo , form National Hock~y •..ea~<ue will coach teerr.s In' the Calgary Garrison LeP. gu~ thl~ winter Cor- ooral Tony Savare. formerly of Montreal Canadien!. wUI be ployln~ coach of the No. 2 Wireless School, and Lieut. S t~w Adlims \\'Ill coach No. 4 Plltrol Company . ,·. l)oa'l buy this- it's NOT adveltised ! It's a doubtful product. It b~~rs no trade name. It might be any one of the many things you buy or use every day. A refrigerator, perhaps ... or a radio ... nail polish ... chewing gum ... kitchen soap. But the promoter knows ita claims couldn't stand the . intense scrutiny of the Canadian buying public. he prefers to dispose of it as an unbranded article. why you won:t find his advertisement here. And so That'a How different from the other advertisers in this news~ paper! Proudly they tell you of their latest product or service. Eagerly they announce special values, tmprove- ments, new features. These manufacturers and merchants have confidence m what they offer. They realize that while advertising may make. the first sale- it's the qualify and value of the product that makes the second, third and fourth. And that's what they're after! It's worth whil~. reading the ·advertisements! You can believe in them I