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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Feb 1941, p. 3

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' ' THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1941 TRIOTIC, SOCIAL and COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES AIR-CONDITIONED AIL SHOWS DA YUGHT SAVING TIME - ' THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Two ShoW. at 7.30 arid 9:30. Saturday Maline~ at 1.30. . - . 1111 ' . · · PIIIICII 111111 llaciiU R RAY ·MORISON· DEKKER Clllrt 1ltlilll • ..._ Sc~Mt•t • Dlcl r .. IIIIIIIJ ... • .,._..._ ...... .,. ,_.._ Dncted ll't SAM WOOD COMEDY TREAT Edgar Kennedy .in "A Trailer Tragedy" i; MOtiJ)AY -,TUESDAY • WEDNF.SDA "l · · Lut. Complet• Show at a.so. '"MY ' -- Said th£: Stork in Terror Social and Personal W1le• trte••• na, ,.,.. • ,... ria& btf'.ada •• a ....._ct: If Y- .... eatt'f1ala~ w if ,.. eattnata. rhe Guen. IUt4 Clanalde wW k pleut'd to record tbe l&t& bl tbe "Soclal ud Penoaal" eolama. Please tekpboH 711. •· alttt b.oan. OlL His Honor Judae Coleman ano Mrs. Coleman are attending a re~ ception being given by Hls Honor the Lieutenant-Governor and · Mr&. Matthews following the opentn1 t.he Ontario LeiJislature today. + + + Cpl. Alex &ott, R.C.A.F., son of Mr. John Scott, Whitby, recently returned to Canada, due to lllness and is at preftnt stationed at Rodr- cliffe, Ontario. r.a.St week he ·paid a nrm. v1s1t to his wife at Ham- Dton and his rather at Whitby. + + + William XapusanMt, A.C. :1, of the R.C.A.F., spent the -wHk-end with h1s parent:!; and al.ste"r. He hu bH-n in trab:rlni: for the paat three .rnont.hs in Quebec City and b now ,tatloned at SL 'Ibomu. + + + Miss Marion Green, Re1.N., had the m.tstortune to fall on the ley walk whUe on her way to take ot a patient &ad received severe head 1njurie3 whlch bu ne- ees.sltated her remaln.ln1 1n bed for several day.s. Her J'r1en.ds will be Bl&d to know that .she Is able to be about again. + + + MERCANTII.E DEPI". STORE WHITBY Durina- st<><:k t.kin&' we find many odds and ends to be cleared up. Many of tbe1e will interest you. ·Come in and look them over tbia week. CHILD'S WOOL SNOW SVITS 2. 3L4LJ<eJ, Z,OI CLM.RING AT CHILD'S WOOL SNOW sv•Ts ol alii! s. Ret: J.U CLEARING AT 2.19 3.19 LADIES' DRESSES SKIRTS, .JACKETS THE PRICE WILL SELL THESE IF WE HAVE YOUR SIZE. '~WATCH FOR THIS AD. NEXT WEEK" Thursday, Friday aud Saturday 20tb, 21st, 22nd. 20 BOYS' OVERCOATS Siza 26 to 30. The Price Will Be Cut Square in Two. Announcement& GET YOUR TICKETS NOW FOR All Saints Minstrels, Thursday, February 20th, and Friday, Pebru- 2lst, at Whitby Town Hall. Admission 25 ct>nU;. COMING-YOUNG MEN'S FEL- lowship Bridge and Dance, ln atd of Red Cross, Whitby Hlgh School, February -28th. MRS. HERB WILSON'S GROUP holding a pancake supper in St. Andrew's Church Swulay school on >:ruesday, Feb. 25, from 5:30. Admission, adults 25c, chUdren 15c. An invitation ls extended to all to attend. A OltOKINOLE SOCIAL WILL BE held at the Ba.ptlst Sunday .school on Wednesday, Feb. 26 at 7:30 p.m., under the ausptees · of the Men's Club. Admission lSc. THURSDAY NIGHT WO..L BE one cent night at. Taylor's Arena. Single admission 25c or 2 for 26c. SKATING SATURDAY AFTER- noon at 2 p.m. at Taylor's Arena, Whitby. iLucky number prizes will be given. Admission, adults 15c; children lOc. . Mr. Robert · Thompson, Byron street north, has the sympathy of hia many town frlenda in the death ':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ ot hb sister the Jate Mary Jean . Thompson, widow of tlle late Nel- .-------------,, OBSERVE ASH WEDNESDAY All members of t.he -Chmch or England are reminded that next Wednesday, FebrUary 26, Is Ash Wednesday, which marks the be- ginning of the six weeks of Lent. HI& Grace t.he Archbishop of To- ronto and Primate of all Canada has called tor a real day or fast- Ing, lntereesslon and repentance. The Archb.ls:hop v-·rltes: "I write to suggest that .Ash Wednesday <this · year) be observed throughout the Church in Canada a.s a special WHITBY LEGION ACTIVITIES son Mitchell, formerly ot Seagnve, who P&s&e-d. away on Safti.rday at her home, 211 Withrow avenue, To- ronto. The ftmeral took place on Tuesday. Both Mr. and Mrs. Thompson are quite m at thelr '------------- and were uDable to the funeral. + + + Obituary day of Penitence, Intercession and MAURICE B. CONNOR Fa.stlng, in view of the terr~ble is- Many friends from Whltb.V and sues v;hlch have to be faced within outside places paid their last tri- a short time by Britain and the bute to the late Maurice Basil Con- Empire. It would seem to me that nor, when hls funeral service wa.s Ash Wednesday, from Its very chai- held at Town's FUneral Home on MEANT. FO IFE ••• The Parish Guild of All Saint£' Churcll held a Valentine te& and .sal~ of home ~ 211 the Parish Hall on Prlcloy at- lu~ The table dacoratiOD!J •ere .,.ery pretty, carried out tn keepltlr wUh V&len· Une Day. The home baklnJ: table oontaJnect many lfOOd thlnp WhiCh were eagerJy Purchased durlnc the afternoon. Many came .tu. for tea illl ;!:~~!~tho~ afternoon aitbough the Thursday last. The service was con- acter, is a suitable Day to can upon ducted bY the Rev. David Marshall our Clergy and people 'To cry for m}nfster.of St. Andrew's Presbyter- mercy and help' to the" Ood who Inn Church. Whltt>y. assisted by the hears all sincere prayer." Services Rev. John Lindsay, a former pastor. will be held at All Saints' on Ash who delivered a very touching tu-:- Wednesday conunencing with a neral address eontainlng a m~ssage celebration or the Holy Communion of romfort to the berea\'ed, also a at 10 a.m. ln the chapel. There will flttln1 reference t-o the fine charac- also be a service at 8 o'clock in ter of the deceased. L:tter, · Inter- the chapel for tntereesslon and ln- ment took pia~ In Lakeview Ceme- at which some reels or tery at KirkfJeld. Twenty-eight movies wm be shown lllustratlve of floral . tributes bore ~llent but elo- the work or the Church in Japan WEDDINCS TULINE-HEPWORTD A quiet wedding took place In Toront.o, on Saturday, February 8th, when OvJendolen Margaret. eldes:. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hepworth, of Whitby, be~ame the bride of Norm.in EP.ward :ruJ.ine, youngest son of Mrs. Tullne, Qf To- ronto. The bride given In marrfage by her father, v.-ore a becoming gown of Queen'.e blue crepe with matching hat R.lld navy blue acces- sories. She wor(! a corsage ~ of p!.nk roses. Miss Mamie Lamont, Schrie- ber, Ont., attendtd the bride, wear- ing a dusty pink v:ool dress, match- ing hat and brown uce~ories and wearing a corsage of pink. roses. Frank: Tullne attended his brother. A reception WdS held at t.he home of the groom whh just the immed- iate famlUes l'l'fsent. The happy coUple will make t.htir home in To- ronto. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH 1\lEN'S On Monday last, S t. John's Men's Association of Port Whitby invited the men or the parish to a .supper In the Sunday School Hall, presided over by Mr. Thomas Dean, presi- dent. There was a good attendance and a ll thoroughly enjoyed both the sup(ler and the address by the Rf'!v. Leslie Hunt, M.A., B.D., of St. PaUl's Church, Toronto, on "A Song In Your Heart" , a real message In these days of war. Mr. RObert E. Nichol~ son, always a friend of the Bay, \'ery kindly played for the commu- nity songs. BY the kindness of the ladles or the parish, a. splendltl supper was served. Alter the toast to the King, Mr. Martin Gauldtmm proposed a toast to the Men's As- sociation to which the president re- plied. Mr. John Harkne~ proposed the Empire. responded t-o by Mr. William A. savage; and Mr. J . E. Ma.rll"l, the Church, answered by the rector. After the votes of thanks, a most enjoyable evening was brought to a close by the slni- tng of the National Anthem. 1\UNSTREL SHOW TIUS WEEK The A.Y.P.A. of All Saints' will hold their rlnal practice for the Minstrel Show at the Town Hall on Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m. The chorus are asked 1 to appear 1n costume. The show wUl be present- ed to the public on Thursda:y and Friday evenlngs, February 2G and 21, and all who want to have an evening of jollity and songs, old nnd new are invited to attend. Th.la Is the fifth annual minstrel . show that the A.Y.P.A. ha.ve presented. Girl Guide& Last Wedne;;;day•s meeting went off very well. Mr.;. Hobb3 wns again preseDt but Mrs. B1ck was unable to attend due to.) a .slight illness. We are prolp'essing qUietly and we are sure that. there wlll be many new secCJJ.d-class Ouidel by next enrollment. Thb Wednesday ·we want all Guides out in full unlform. at seveil o'clock sharp. -<Contributed.> Marriage PRICE~CORRELL - At Whitby, on Saturday, Feb. 15, by Re.v. 0 G. Park, Mary AJice, daughter ot M:r. and Mrs. W. J. Correll, Whitby, Ontario, to Mr. Matthew Abbott Price, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Price, Whitby, Ontario. !I weather no doubt ll:ept from attendtn1. ' +. t + Mr. E. ft. J~on, o! Toront.o, a former mi!Dlbe:r ot tbe Mundjr. Ooodlellow atatt wu 1n town. Gil 'l'U:t!ld8J' ud cal.ltd o:a. many ot b.1s okl f'l1enda. .He W&J aecc.ripank.d by The r~r meeting· of the Whit- by branch of !-he Canadian Legion will be held ln the club rooms [>ll Wednesday, Feb. 19, at 8 o'clock There are ronny important matters to bP d18Cw;sed and a full attend- ance of the members 1s requested by the Presldem. The membershiP campaign which h&.& been in pro- gress Ull'ougho!.lt the province ha.s produced some ~plendld results aud the Whitby branch Is undertaking aome meuures tn increase the mem- bership ln the t.::.wn. New member- sh.lp enquiries will be welcomed from any ex~:s.!lvlce men of any or t.be warS o~~ Emplre. "n1e caD' an t.eBion quent testimony t-o the very high and China. The full program of 1 ~========================:=~ esteem In whkh Mr. cnnnor was the following Wednesday ~Lenten 11 kn~w hJm. . I servlc,. wU1 be announced later. lualy IOftl of tho fltlhH .. leglans, roarin1·-lft glory to adventur•• with •• ,... dlh and • blondol Jil(dArtl DIX """""'MORRIS 4t!iU.BAL1 TO II OLD CONCERT I March 7th by Lhe Publjclty and · Board or E<lucation hns granted I Morale Commltlee of the Whi~by the we ot the High S =hool As- War Effort Orgnnlzatlon. The art- ICmbly Hull for a pa triot ic t·ont·ert ~ l.~ ts will be Miss Thoma ~ln e A r • ~ ­ ~ u high ufdtr to be held on olo of Pickering, und her COUIJJauy. • .... ~ .... _,... .... vices Ini::., · t. .' boc:iy or ~~~~,,~ which Is engJged In war work on·'l "*a.s stricken his shop on Brock NEW APARTMENTS Mr. Nebm, Of Toronto. " • + • Pl7in&' OffJc!!r J. B. Roberti, R.C.A.P:, and P':'Uk Shelton,, ot Qle OA.~., GutlPh. wen reCeat Yl&l.torz at tbe heme of Kr. and Mnl. P. Roberta, Byron street north. • • • The- death occurred 1.n Peterboro, CX1 Moncla)', Peb .. IT, ot Ill'. JohD BaTeJoct. Eastwood, belOftd · hW· band of Gec:qie Puton &nd 100 ol the late Dr. w. o. and Mn. r.ut-- Wood, WhJU,y, '!'he tunenl aertice .will be held in SL Andrew'• church, on Wtdnnd.ay, ~. 11, .at 2:30. Dr. Eut.-.ood lpft\t .bst. boy- hood da7• 1n Wl:ttby and wlU be ,.remembered by many ot h1s.oL1. as~ ~tea who will rerret to hesr of his pu.slna. + + + Pte. John Thew ot Whlt.by, now 1n Bnaland, ln a lett~r to Mrs. 0eoi'Ie 'I'r:lpp,, with whom. he made his home prtor to enllsUna Writes· "Pleue extend my sincere th&n.b to the Whltby War Effort Com~ tnlttee for the box which I recelved at Chrl.stmu, and ao much enjoy· ed." + + + . behalf. of the V\!teran body Is mak- 101' great strides with the ~ edue&· ttonal and re:::eatlonal progrim. which was Instituted shortly after the war began. The personal ' &l!r· vice officers ln. the varlOm C&IDPI and at Toronto and other arei.L cltl~ have b~n kept extrem~ busy a.ssl.sUng t.'le aervlnl' .soldiers with their problems and their woilt hu proved of if'Cat &S61sta.nc.e tO the men and t-heir officers. This work ha.a placed. the Legion in the fOI'efront of the Auxiliary servlce3 and their contrtbuUon to the na• Uonal need hu been 1reatly. appre- ciated. VALENTINE TEA A St. Valenttne · tea under the auspice• of the Woman's .A.esoe!a· tton of tl}e Unit..t"d Church, was held on Tuesday la:!t in the school hall . Mrs. P. C. Brown and M.rs. H. Boy.s received the guest.!. Mrs. Prank Wells announce.:! the program which conaisted or pla"!\O solos-Miss Helen Quinn, vocal solos, J4ta. ,,~an, \'oe&l duet&-Ml'iB Betty~ Harden and Miss Ruth Salisbury, Tea was serv- ed by the .o;ocla.l committees under Mrs. !"red Drt~;:> er, Mra. w. Jmbon, Mrs. J. Ashby, Mra. V. Johnston and Mra. R. McCarl with Mrs. W. G. AuJUstua, Mu. W. McBride, Jrffs. W. J, Bird, Mrs. J. LUCM and !olrJ. A. B. Edwards •t the tea table&. Death a One of the out.standinr JOCial eveatl of the month will be the Bridge and Dance at the Whitby Hlah School on Prld"Y. ""'· :18. .sponsored by the Whitby Young Men'a l'ellow.sblp. All proceed• a~ beln1 donated to the Whitby Brauch of the Red eros.. The MITCHEL, Mary Jean Thompaon- patrom will be: :a.t:r. and Mra. 0 . On Saturday morning, Feb. 15, at k Goodfellow, Mr. and Ml':l. H. H. her home, )19 Withrow avenue, Goode, Mr. ·and Mn. P. c . Hatch Toronto, Mary Jean 'nlompaon. and Mr. and Mra. V. K.. Rowe. Mu- widow of late Nelson Mitchell sic for dancing wUl be provided by Uormerly ot Seasrave, Ont), Bernard n emey and hts orchest.ra, foster mother ot Rev , Herbert who are popular with the dancing Cobb of Tlllsonburg, Ont., and publ1c lhroua:hout the district. belo\'ed .sister of Robt Thomp· Those matinr up tables tor cards aon, of Whitby, Ont. are reQuested to notify Mrs. 0. M. Resting at the Trull Funeral Goodfellow conurnlnr tables. Home, 1111 Danforth avenue, To· + + • ronto, for service Tuesday, at 3 Mr. W. A. Holliday had the mi..s- p.m. Interment Pleasant Point whl1e serving & cus- FTRncfs J. Mcintyre 1s building tamer, death being due to a heart two new apartments on the lower attack. The ne"tl.'ll or hl.:5 sudden dr.- floor ot his bullding, fonnerly the ml.se caused genuine regret through- Royal Bank, south of the .........,t of~ out the TOwn. .-- The deceased was born In Bob~ flee. 'nle gUt shop, much smaller cageon, son of the late Charles than before, but. well equipped, wlll and Hannah Connor early setUer.s in the front. Mr. Mcintyre re- In the Township or Mariposa. He that the new apartments are was In his 56th year, and had he 1 ·•····•· rented, also that he has lived unttl sundny, February 23, many applleant.s. he and his v.•lfe. fhc fo:rmer Leno. ·King, would have celebrated their sllver wedding onniversary. Mr. Connor wns a. mercl1nnt tatlor, and for 1T Yf~Rrs c<~. rrll'!d on bwtness in K.Jrkf\cld. For the past 15 year~ he had 11\•ed in Whitby, building up a business through hrtrd work and skilled workman.~hlp, honestv. and ·lntegrtt.y. In religion, Mr. Connor was n member o! st. Andrew's Prts- byterlnn Church a nd hts chief hobby "t\" a:o~ sports of all kinds. He was a warm suoporter ot 1\ll local sport organ!z3tlons. Deceased lenves to mourn hl.s 1oM hb wlfr, two daughters. I sabel (Mrs. Russell Saunders) and Myr- Il!l, both or Whltb~·. and two bro~ then, Wlllbm of O.-.k Ridges nod John of L!tt.le Brltnln. The benrers nt his funcr~l were James, Chnrle!'!, Lc!'!lle and Hen- derson, all brothers-In-law, Leslie Saunder.~. a son-in~hw. and C9p- tl\ln Cecil Bonar, or Tweed. a for- mer Snh•atlon Army officer In Whitby and cl~e frirnd ot the famUy. Young Men's FeUowship Bridge &. Donee . In Aid of Red Cross BERNARD TIERNEY And His Banrt WHIT~Y HIGH SCHOOL On FRIDAY. FEB. 28th ADMISSION $1.00 couple SOc Single WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The February meetln1 or the Wo- men's Institute will be held 1n the aud.Jtorlum 'or the' library on Fri- day, February 21, at 3 p.m. It b 'loped there will be a large attend· ance, as this Is the first meeting for 1941, as owing to wl'!ather con- ditions the January meeting was held. A cordial lnvltntlon Is nil the ladles ot th~ town to attend. B:UlY PIGrURES WANTED: sz FOR EACH PICTURE PRINTED Send your baby'~ picture to The Detroit T1me.110! $2,000 In Cash Prizes! $500 First .Pr"l2le! A FULL PAGE of winning pictures every week In The Det.rolt Bunda}' Times, plus winning pictures dally in tlle dally Detroit Times. see thl! Sun- day's Detroit Times for latest pap of winning pictures, plus Interesting Bnby Picture Contest detaiJs and entry blank. GETI'ING THEM E4RLY London-<CP>-Brltl&h glrb, l4 nnd over. soon may have their own Women'.'! Junior Air Co~ to pre~ pare them for later ~ervice in the Women's Auxlllary Air Force. Birtha :LEWis-To Mr. and Mrs. Riohard Lewis of Plckerlna:, at o.ma wa General Ho.splta.l on February 6: a son. ---- Carda of Thank& fortune to &Up on the ice In fron t Cemetery, In the aprlna:. of hls home on Saturday afternoon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;~~~~~~~~~I and fracture a bone In ·hls rla:ht arm. Mr. Albert Severely and family, No. 4, Uxbridge, wish to ox- thanks to their nelrhbors and 1 ,.,.,,~ !or help and aympaUly ex- to them durlni their recent bereavement. CASTLE CRAPTt:R The CuUe Chapter Alumnae Auoelatlon, Ontario Ladles:' Ool· Jere. wtll meet at the coUet"e, on Monday afternoon, Peb. 24, at 3:U o'clock. Mlaa Nan Taylor wfll •peak on "Synt.hetsca In the World To· day.'" ln Memoriam Miss Margory G. Ruddy wishea to a nnounce PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO AT HOME SO I BYRON STREET SOUTH Miss Laura Sadler, Miss Violet Sadler and MM. Allan Jones, wl.sh to expresa their 6lneere apprecia~ lion to their neighbors and frlenda r~ the many acts of kindness shown U"lem during the lllneM and death of their father. the late William Sadler. -rn Iovine me:nory c! a dear wife App-ointment11 Made by Phoning 696 Mrs. M. B. Connor and family and mother, f:h' .. l Richardson , wh.l S de•l•e to exp-sa their heartfelt passed ....... or Miaa tockill sto re . "' • • ., away n ; ruary 20. 19ttl. thanks and a1)precial1on to the Peaceful be thy rest. dear mother. many kinds _,frlend.s who oUered It b sweet to br~nlhe thy name; Ulem comfort ~ and ~ace In their In li!e we love,1 you deuly, PORTRAITS OF MEN IN HIS MAJESTY'S r~cent. bereavemen t, particularly In death we do Ihe snme. SERVICE AT ~PE.CIAL RATES. Mr.:; . Arthur Dewey, Mrs. Vallee and ~:· 24c \i!.~· DOMESTIC SHORTENING z lbL PANCAKE FLOUR Aunl JemimaZ .... BLACK TEA Speclal Blen4 MAPLE SYRUP Old Colony ~t:Je 25c WORK-LEND SAVE SOUPS HEINZ 2 ':.-!:' 25c IETCm HEINz 2.,!:ws.; 35c BUY WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES PBms 7o-so·. ••. 7 c RAJSJNS BULK 2 lb. J7c NOW OLD , ~BEESE 1•. 23c A&P MILD CHEESE ... l8c BOKAR COFFEE l-Ib. Bo11 39c MATCHES '1.~!:· 3 :::. 22c TJSSOE SPRINGVALE 3 Ron, l4c LARD SUNNYFIELD 3 lb• 23c SODAS JERSEY CREAM \:.:';: 9c Ann Page POUND CAKE e 1\IARBI,.E e CHERRY e GOLDEN e SULTANA EACH 19c e SILVER e CIIOCOLATE ANN PAGE- .Plain • 5 ANGEL CAKE Ea 6 ' STEAKS or ROASTS Sirloin, Wlbl[, Cube (Steak Only), hee Rump (Rout Only) or Porterbou"~e lb. BONELESS ROUND STEAK o• ROAST I ROYAL BRAND TENDERIZED TOP QUALIT¥ RAMS BONELESS SMOKED WHOLE ., HAt.F PORK SROVJ.DERS Bonolou Smoked PORK SROVJ.DERS f•esh Shonklea 29c lb. :zs, lb.:ZJc lb. 16c: lb. :ZO PORK BV'I"I'S FRESH BLADE BOAST c lb. l8c SLICI-:D. RINDLESS DREAKt'AST SHORT m BOAST lb.l9c BACON lb. :Z9c BONELESS MILK nl) VEAI.FBOm lb.l7c Fruits and Vegetable& RDPW .. s On .. do SP1'• I·QS. •Jc ...... .... DOIDHUe Grad• •··'" • APP-.u.: 'i:.'lM~'ir. ~~~:~':~ if:~ ISc SPINACH FRESH, CURLY LEAF lb. 6c: CABBAGE IMORTED, FRESH, GREEN lb . ... GIUIPEI'RVIT M~:;\!!!.'!Jf.., ~O's 6 lor Uc ORANGES California Navels doL l9c CARROTS Ontario-Seleclod Quality 41bs. lc CAVLD"LOWER Snow Wh11o-Largo Heads :Z lor.JJ• LE'I'TUCE FRESH, CRISP, ICEBERG h .. d Jc . A&~ FQOD STORES E·:t" r l" (•mrm~· rcd by husband , J jJ!.~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;~~ ~-l~·u l i:i . Sbwurl. ·a.nd Jac~ou of tile dktUtllHe1·.s tLUd ->'>h. ! Sah·• Uou AruiL -, ~,. _____ .;...;;. _____ ;;;;;p;;;;;;:;;;;;;:::;:======J nr.<l.n<.duu.i()p .. ,l( .. .f}.~ } I , . ( , ,.,., Ill. OL/' L\ , ... ,., " ( I' f --. , .. THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY, 19, 1941' PATRIOTIC, SOCIAL and COMMUNITY ACTIV--- BOWMAN. ROWE ...... old .......... ....Uaace and Ual estate oiBce LetuP,. J'OU • quotatiou on your bUralary, autom~bile, .dwema&, fwnltare 01 atore ·inaurUee. :. Farm inauranq!: a opecialty. Fum llr ~ ad rial istate of Dll kinds Bowmaa a: Rowe;.Whitby Red Cross ACTIVITIES A Weekly Review of Work in Whitby, in Canada, and Abroad lr~ WHirBY CHURCHES THE miJnm CBUBCB Reswn.lng his aeries em the Pro- phets, the minJster"s t.beme in Whitby United Church nest Bun• day morning 'wiD be, "Isafab, the Prophet of Holiness." · On Sunday evening. the series aa "The Way of a Man with.. a .MaJ.d• will be contlnued. with the theme. "Courtship: An Adftnture In tilt• den tanding ... Please nobtl On SUnday even- Ing, ................ --- picture on.'"nle Life ol Paul." por- traying dramatic episodes in the llfe or the great apoetle, wUl be presented: 1n WhitbY united Church. BAPI'IST CBtJBCR Next SUnday the mornln8' though~ will be "'Whole-hearted Cbrl.!itian- Jty" and the evenlni' "Oovering Up Bins" w1ll be dlseussed, at the Bap.. tlst Church. · Sunday 5Chool at 10 &.m. Mm'a Cllj) on Wedne&day at 7.10 pm. Prayer meetln,g: 011 'l'hurzday at 7.30 p.m. On MODday. at ' p.m. lllsa1cD Band wm meet and at 1 p.m., B.YP.U. wlD be he1d. The choir wm han a 8bort prac- tice altor tho .-..moe. On Thursday, the 20th, the Wom- en's Auxl.l.lar:r wm hold its monthly bualnesa and de.ottonal meettng at the tee0r7, at I p."m. The Junior W .A. w1ll ~t at 4. p.m. on ii:ODday for a 1i'OI't: meet- Ing, On Aoll Wedncodal', tho Xlh In· stant. the fliU dU of Lent, there wUJ. be nrvtces at I p.m. in the Sunday School Ball, tbe fat of a aeries of mid-week Lenten .aervices wbleh w111 be held on Fr1da.Ja 1n the followintJ weeks of the Lenten season. ALL S&INTS" CIIUBCB Nezt SUnday, QuinQ.uaceslma SUn- day, at AB Sa1nts' Church tbere wt11 be a eelebratton ol the HolJ CommUDioo. at S a.m. and momtnr prayer and sermon at 11 a.m. Tbe A.Y~.A. moo.th'-Y aenice "t'.iJl be held at 'J p.m. and all the 70U118 . . people are iDflted to attend. PoDaw· Ina the el'U11nc aenice there wm be a lhowlD&' of aome mO'flnc pic- turea ol ~· and J'apan ln the parbh hall to wbJch .U who ~ In- terested are mOlt eord1alJy tn"rited. EXPLUNB 'l'BII: APOIITU:'S This: is the bqiDnb:l&" of a aeries of cum movtnc pictures which ww be shown durlnc LeD~ mustratlve ot At. st. Andrew'& PrelbJtertan the wi41l wor;r; of tbe Church Church on St.IDda1', Rev. David throughout the world. The SUnday M&nhall, the pastor, completed. & SChool 1ri11 m'!l!t at I:ID p.m. VIs- series ot aermon.s on --rbe Apoltle'a lton wUl be mo.<~t welcome at these Creed," blo text belnir. "I Bellon meotmp. ~ ....... ,..,.....,. ....... ,.,....,. ..... ,.,.,... ....... ,..,..,... ....... ,.,....,. ...... ,..,..,... ...... ,... ............ A 1 In the r<ourrect1oo or tbo Deod an<1 ,.,_ ~-"--- the Life Everlastlnl.• "'be entire The l'tll1ll&r mon,_., ~ The Red Croe w1ahea to thank all size 10 needles, knit tn rib ot k2 p2: series has helped to clarify the meet1na ol the ttfternoon branch of #looe wllo pa.rt1clpated. in the recent for 1% inches. fundamental bdlt!! ol the Chrisu..D Ule W .A. wW be held on 'n>ursdOL>: Operetta "Oh Dodor," and thereby Make anot.h~r leg on the same faith, and gnat lnaplraUon hal been at S p.m. Tbe members are cootrlbuted. web a splendid &um. of way. to be on l1and to approve the bust-gained. mone'f to be turned into Red Cross Gusset-cast ou 18 ats. on No. I _ __ ness presented. .upplles for the !lghtlng forces. Tlili DC!of!dles. Knit til l a. .square is form- ST. JOHN'S. PORT w.au-..-..: --- Jncluded Mra. Vernon Rowe, Mrs ed. Cast off. On SUnday next. Qu.1nquqellma ST. ANDUW'B ·amaco. CU1ford Brown, the at&ff and atud- Sew up .seams and sew 1n gusset. Sf!rvlces will ~. DlOl'lllnc and nm.- 10:10 a.m.'.-. SUnday 8choal. enta of the Blah Behool. &Dd all Crot.chet a chair cord and run 1ng prayer at 11 a.m. and T p.m., ll:SG a.m..-Dfvine warahlp. otbers asslatlna'. Tbe entertainment through eyelets. M:ay be flnlsbed respectively, wU.b lntercessl.on fGr 'l:OO p.m.-E'RDlac ....,01. pYC much pleasure and. t.b.e aupport with tassels. · the war. JIODdaJ, ' 1UI'J '"gton Band. liven Red. CJ'oa "Wtlrk 1.!1 much ILP- Brldre Tables for Feb11W'7 ZBth The Beaver Boya' Bible C1us wUl llonda)", I D.m.-Young People, predated. Is your brid:~e table made up ror meet alter the mornlll&' sen1oe IDd Soclet.J meeUn1- Spetaker, J'. H . Or- DoaaU.U •f Ule Wedr: the Fellowship Club Dance and the Sunday School and other Bible miston. SUbject: -rbe Sdertee of The fcllowlnl" donationa are ante- Bridge at the High School on Feb-lr0_1..,.. ___ •_t_•_p_.m_. ________ n. __ •_nk_1_"_•_··---------, fully acknowledged: baby jacket ruary :18th? Everyooe must tum out from Mn. W . .Btmn, Port PhJtby; to make th.fs event a big financi&l don&tion of money from M1s& Y:. s\icce.ss. There are going to be hllle Macdonnell; 2 baby jacket.a, ~ pain sums ot money nF.eded thls year to of bootees. 2 bonnets and I vests back up our forces with Red Cross PORT WHITBY from MW H. P:rinale and Mn. E. "M. supplles. The Young Men's Fellow· I L----------------~-----:------....1 Bl"ovm. ; donation ol $1.00 from Mr. ship Club de.;;erves your support. PORT WHITBY, l'!b. 11 - ftn. Ul and we wbh lilm. & .speedy re- McNaughton from sale a!; High Tables .may be reported to Mrs. 0 . Norman Golclrin&, Qf Creemore, covery. School Workroom; qullt t.op and M. Goodfellow, S58. formerly of Port Whitby. wu at h1l Kr. AIMrt GUl, ot tbe Ontario lining tram Mri. P. Popon; S pain Quilt Raffle a\ Workroom home, 1750 DUfferlD. St.r'eet. la.st tal ,___.. --~ Mreri of llrla' pyJama.s. ~ pa1n of 60Cb 'I1cket.s are going well for t.J;Je week. HO&pl. a-u, ltliO .DlYW&. and maldnc of e cit& d.lapen by AI- handsome qull~ pleoed by 1\lra. L. Pred Carter, of UJc. R.C.K.V.R.. South. Port Wh1Ut)", ' baa been m · ·IBpad.s ,.,...l"qr; 2. baiiQ',...""Mt&.~ lftcntham of Port Whitby. · can Jn ·at SGD ot Mr. and KrL John ~. aDd ... are JJ1e!ued to ~ec-..u.~·J!»', KIM L. PellOw; donaUon o! money · the Workroom and secure J'Ou:' arrived at hill bome, 130 PIM 8treet. is weU qa1n. from a friend; c!ona.tton · of money ticket this mom-h. Ticket are 10 Port Whitby, on llcDday, l'ebnlal7 Kra. Don ll1lJer baa lllOftCI to from M.l.ss B. Dudley; donaUon ol cts. each or 3 for 25 ets. 8th. Fred bu. etabteen dQa leave PlOD.ey from ll1al Dunwood.llll; dona• Bed croa GlYes Field K.ltebena and it b a great pJeuuioe tor him Duffertn Binet; and II l'OOIDI · in lira. :R.obeJi: tion of m.cmey frcm lira. M. D. Thirty-six <::ompletely equipped to be b&cll:. in Port Whitby Dll!lltlnl Downin&; donaUon at money tram field kJtchen.s for En&llsh towns and old friends .. aln. He expecta to Part Whitby; 2 pa1ra of aoeta from · vlllages suffering from bomblng wUl leave for Halllu oa SundaJ, the Kra. C. Hatch; 1 pair of lOCka from be provided by the canadian Red 33rd of Pemuary. bouoe. Mn. Ml1ler'a huobcnd Ia ID BnaJ.a.Dcl 1n 1be canectran .Aetl.ft ---Jlll.s. 14. Kclntosh; 1 chlld'a acar1 CrOM Society, Dl. F'red w. Routfey, Spr. B. E. Brouse, of Pett&wawa, trcm the U'n1ted. Church. national commtssioner, ha.s an- s:pent Ute weelt~end with Kr. and The WQIDeD'a AuxlUary will hold E\'elliDc A~~ nounced. Mnl. John carter, 120 Plrst. 8tre!t, "'be layettes be1DI mad.e b1 the Honey for the vehlclei, oosUng Port Wb1tby. their meeUn1 oo. 'l1:nuad..,- evenJDI'. l'<bruary 20th. In lho euziday Behool Hall Bven.Ina Auxiliary are .most attrac:~ $3,100 each wUl be forwarded to the The seet.ton men ot thLs d1atrlct tlve a.od include many handsome Brlt.iah Home Offloe Fin Brigade eommen.ced wort this week 011 Ule new railroad nlt.ch whtcb S. be1nJ dooat.ed arttclet. Two of tbe moat division in England, where they bullt to the Pkkerinl Ammunttlm needed contrtbatlona are ~y·a wUl be built. The neet will provide Plant. The Mea'• .AIIOClaUGD at a John'a Chun:b. hclfl. an ._ m- Ine In lho -.;, - lloll lui lllol>d"Y .......... woollen jacteta and aoatera. Dlree· three kitchens tor each of the 12 Interceaslori" servkle:s fO!' the war tlan.s tor the latter are found below relief" area.s lnt.:J which Great Brit~ .............. ,~-UDe and prove most acceptable addltlonB aln ls dlvlded. nre held each weeltwd.aJ exeept Bit- to the standard articles. The fol· The purchase funds h .. \o-e already urday at the Rect.ory. at 10.00 a.m. lowtn& list la the coo.t.enta of a lay- been swelled by contributions from The- Brock Street School puplll ett.e now rady for sbJpm.ent from ,everal canadian organlaations, ln· had thelr anD.ual Valentine put;.r the Workroom: eluding the Women's Institute of -on Riday afternoon. -~ ~ --· .... bom qull•i W••--.---wlsb. her a l;lledJ' IWOOiiij. Choir practD .... heJdl.alter tbt SundQ_.,._..,_ last. 1 blanll:.et. 11 di~, I K(IWDS, I Ontario, the Women's J&:uaic&l Club Pte. Jaek. cWataon, IOD ol llf. aDd bnona, 1 ,.~.s, 2: Jackets, 2 bonnet.:l, of Toronto, and the Junior Red Mrs. Harry Wabon, Brock Street 1 pairs ol bootees, 11 safety pins, erosa of Canad1. South. ls now With the rectment in We are lpleuect to report tbat Mrs. Jolepb wu.m. .. Dufferl:n St:rett. hu fUllr i6WtWed fran. her n:cen.t. Wntu. Wash cloUI, ~p and linen, 1 pair Knitted "'Neetb for tbe ForcM Ottawa. of mltu!, 1 pair ol aoall:.era, 1 moth.- The most requl.red arUcles Ln the We are I01TJ' to learn that Kr. er's nJghtcown. knitting department are atW tw()4 Wllllam Harden, Dufferln Strat.. II A nUIDbor.n-~ Whl--Donatioaa of any ot these t.rtlclea way mitts, black turUe-neck sweat~ •m be alJPleCit.ted and the follow- en for the tank corp_,, seamen·~ 1nc are the dlreoUona for ao&Urs: socb and comforte: tor' the Wc::men'.e lhterlals-2 bi.lla of .whlte beehive AuxlUarie.110. Th£re Is tremendous ' ply wool. demand right now for all these 1 pair of No. I needles. .supplies. 1 pair at No. 1 needlea. PrlsoD~I'I or War Pareell Ca.st on 10 ar... on No. 1 needles. These parcels are belDg packed Jtirlt tn r1b of ~ p2 for 1 ~ Inches.. regularly by the Red Cross at Chor~ Next row, JtJx 1rOOl around needle, ley Part. In three weeks 28,000 food 11:3 t~Uter, 11:2. ~t from x to parcels ftre 3hlpped to prlsonen In end o.t I""W'. wort in ribblnl' for Germany. Here tt. a lilit of the con- 11.4 ' lnchet. Then knit sa rows lD tents of & pa.rcel a.s packed under prte:r attteh <knlt each row>. With the aupervbion ot Dr. P. P'. T1sdall, THiS YEAR YIJU,TIIII. SH/IUI,II James Sawdon & . Sons 244 BROCK ST. SOUTH PHONE524 . ID.- eah&ws- OQ · BI.Wrdl.j aflmw Canadian nutr1Uon u:pert.. 'l'bb .t.o see the~·~ raid. food CODialna ¥nO calories, wh1eb Kr. WWiam. stetder, ot o.A.O .. 1s suftid.ent amount for a wbOle Guelpla. ll*lt. U:ie • I d Witb. bSI 'iftdl:. panola, Kr. aDd MIL - IIWf· 18 OL ot wholo m111t .,.-r ler, Durtortn · stzoet, P1>R WhiUJir, 16 oo. ol butter JilL B. Pldloll, - 1c IIW.. with t oa. ol cheese Mr. l.bd. llrL ~ ~ 12 oz. of corne.:J. beef Brock IKree& &oQUJ.. liM· bleD flulle 10 OL of J)Ol'k luncheon me. W. Kri-I'UDaD. Sa ...U Down tn tbll 8 os. of aabnon dJ.'strlct and ber m&ltl' tdeDde wDJ 4 01. aardJDes or tlppera be llad .to kDow tb&t lbl Ia .aa;tf better. 1 01. ot drled. apples a ... or dried pnmso The ~ Whl- .. _ - • 01. ot - -- "" Kr. aDd,. JilL Erne~t 01"••,.•· · •• were· .....,. 18 oa. of jam ,. 01. ot pllot bloculll rled lui -..,.--. -..., a oo. ot ealllla cllocolato lOth, •IIIIo Wbl..., UDI•t-c~nu<h. We wte pl-...cl &o NOIIlw Prime 1 oa. of aalt and pepper lllnl.&ter wtmt.oa OhurcbW.. pte- " 01. of tea ture with a Brtt.on'a Creec:l bekm One .wall call:.e ot IOI.P II also tt. that Wu malled. to ua Ja.t weet inchlded. and ~ return postcard. Ja from t.be Olmmerc1al Life AastJr-o put in e"Yei'J' pa.reel. 'l'l'1la card 11 ance OomP&llJ of C&nada. signed by tbe prisoners reeell1DJ the For Uwi baeflt ·ot 1.!17 ol the parcel and returned. &o the Canadian Port Whllbf people who may not Reel crop. ha"' reoel•!'d · lbla picture ond Letter al ftaab creed, we are 11ad. 1o publlata a Bri- The foll01ilna' 1& a Qplcallett.er of ton'a creed. wrtUen. by Prime MID· thanb for a Red Crou food pa.reel later Wln.akm CburchW: ..t.. BdtaD'a received by Pllgln-Ueutenant. A. Z. Cned We aha1J. 10 m to tbe end Penrell.r or I.slln&loll, "bo enlllled , • • We ohall ~IIQ -· Wo with the R.A.P. and wu taken prts. ahall -flrht on the -• and ocea.DIL oners. Be 11&1'1, "I IIUppooe JOU ...,.. We ohall llrbl with ll'Oirlnc ,ooatl• very aurprlled lo heaii wu mllllnl denco an<l rn>wlne ·~ In U.. and no doubt pkued to rind J waa air • , . we aball defend our II· only & priaooer of war. I C&IDII lan4. Whatner the COlt II1Q' be , •• down on lho nl&hl or lhe Ulh Uld We lhall ~I OD lho -; we untu the 11th tept moYIDa 1>7 roa4 lhall·~t ""' tho IIDrll,. pGUDCll; and lnln untu I reached lhla plr.co. "" ohall lllbt In tho tlalds and "You needn't worry about m"f •trtets .Pfi 1n ·the hUla • • • W• comfort. Of coune. I have mlJ' aball 1lfl'hr 1\l!Tender, and even U. what 5 came down b)' pt.hehute in, Wb1cb I dO Dot fw & moment be- bul .,. ......, quito well red. Uw>b lloYe, lhll lslaDd ~ ._ pari ol It to the Red Orca. We .. t UlecQer-. b lubjupt«<, abd atvnn,. thea cJ u.o d ....... _ ... bad our II:I:Dplre &emu the ....., armed man vvy ra u, an - ......, and ruaMocl by the Brttlab J'leet. t.h1n&' b the Lack of clothes and clp. will CaJ'17 on the •tzuaale unW. ln -::::. ::_be-~~ lDlW I ret mv Ood.'a IOOr1 tune, the new workl. tn ..-- cll Ill ltnmrth and -• .. 11 By ..... limo, 1'11&hl.-Lieulenont rorlh ' lo lho reocUe - llbOra- P<nael13 hu reo~ved not on1J tood or the O!d • , , Brl- wiD tl&bt but also clot.lung frtllll the Red &l\ft ~~ or tyrany for yeara ana. bros:s. ~ u ~· &lo~ . . . . . . Phooes:~- 328 - '. 329 . . AGG ·aBOS.9 Agg Broa. score again! We have been appointed exclusive agents for ISilrcfl~ye :.·l~~'!l~~ Foods, comiating of Fruita, Vegetablea and Fish. Now you can get this famo~ F ooda at Agg Broa. Come in and get a folder and let us explain :~e many advantages these foods. L ClllusftES PBE1111111 SODU Z-llt. ..,_ 38c en=• a llanlullaUow BISC:VI.,S •l9e fRE,SH enol CRISP . sQBE · aG.Q~ · ·POBB• ·BSDS • LARGE I. . illlll(i nNS ·· . yc SWEET CAPQ·IA;L c:l~ :z.:z.. low 25c . ·- IIAUIDIY SO·I ·P· - ,. . . .ta .. g;. C.D.L. . . . . ·l'lllft a•n•lf BuJ•.tza · · AYUIEB' liiSB STEW IIU'J: QUALft'l' ~1.7.: CANADA DB!' 2 1 ·Q~ DUI EIIWSI WU I Will'S WML IPPLIEI . .. '!::; LZ5 ::\9 8c. YES!- . ALL OUB-:8E£F IS , ~ . liOYEB~IIT· IISPECTEif BEFORE AND AFrER KILLING I'OB ·GOOD MEAT.' .......... '1' c:vr- A'I' 1'1111: BIGII'I' PBICZ- II" I AGG BROS. . . ~ . NEW :POTATOES PABSmS NEW URROTS-CABBAGE-RIANI IPIIACI - ·ii:DP IIIIS - IIDIIU BAPuB-PiiOPHRI- c:vBD - . ·: !;t ~ SBOJIEIDIG··· . . ' :z. ·~zs,. • • '·

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